With Gray’s help, Suzy was soon changed into a comfortable, lilac, silk baby-doll gown that ended above her knees. Gray stepped back and studied her, saying wryly, “Couldn’t be a granny gown, right?”

  As Suzy leaned against the corner of the vanity for support, she smiled up at him and said, “Besides today’s sweats, have I ever given you a reason to think I’d own or wear something with the word granny in it?”

  With a laugh, Gray said, “No, you certainly haven’t. Let’s get finished up in here so you can watch your game.”

  “Sure, that sounds good.” The only game I have any interest in right now is rounding third base with you, tight buns. Suzy did her best to hide all the naughty thoughts racing through her mind as she brushed her teeth, and Gray took a washcloth and gently wiped her face. If he doesn’t take me in the bedroom and kiss me now, I’m going to suck his bottom lip between mine before he can sit that washcloth down.

  Gray reached down to pick her up, and even though she protested, he insisted on carrying her to the bedroom where he deposited her gently on the bed. He’d turned the covers back and had a mountain of pillows propped up for her. He sat down on the edge of the bed beside her, reaching out a hand to stroke the line of her jaw before finally moving to her lips. His thumb rubbed gently back and forth as his eyes locked with hers as if waiting for her to pull away. Suzy reached up and put her hand over his, telling him better than words how much she wanted his touch.

  Gray leaned over, never breaking eye contact, and gently pressed his lips to hers. Suzy felt her heart skip as wave of heat threatened to incinerate her. Gray nipped lightly at her bottom lip, seeking entrance into the moist heat within. With a moan, Suzy opened her mouth to his, and shivered at the first contact of her tongue sliding against his. Gray laid siege to every corner of her mouth, as if discovering a treasure he’d long been denied. At that moment, Suzy wanted nothing more than to pull him fully against her, and wrap her legs around him. Heat pooled between her thighs, and desire ripped through her. She’d never known this burning desire, bordering on frenzy, to join her body with another. Gray released her mouth, and was slowly trailing a line of kisses down her neck as his big hand came up to palm her breast through the thin silk of her gown.

  The feel of Gray’s hand on her breast was driving her insane. She reached up for Gray to bring them into closer contact and gasped as pain ripped through her. He jerked back as if scalded. “Oh God, baby, I hurt you, didn’t I? I’m so sorry.” His face was flushed, and his eyes were wild as he looked down at her trying to locate the source of her pain.

  Suzy’s heart broke at the obvious guilt on his face. She took his hand in hers softly saying, “It’s not your fault Gray. I was so um…excited that I twisted the wrong way trying to get closer to you.” Looking him directly in the eye, she added, “I don’t regret it, though. It was well worth the pain to feel your mouth on mine and your hand against me.” She pulled his hand to her breast so he could feel the hard peak of her nipple leaving him no doubt that she spoke the truth.

  Gray brushed a soft kiss against her mouth, leaving his hand on her breast another moment before removing it. He went to the kitchen to get a glass of water and her medication and soon returned to her side. Despite her protests, he finally got her to take a pill and settled her back onto her pillows.

  “Hey, how about putting the game on now. I’ll curse like a sailor, argue over all the officiating calls and ignore you for hours, how does that sound?”

  With a smile, Gray asked, “Isn’t that supposed to be my line?”

  “I believe in equality, slick, get used it to.”

  Gray turned on the television and found the game for her. He walked over to his own suitcase and removed some fresh clothing. “Do you think you will be ok for a few minutes while I take a very cold shower?”

  Suzy smiled at the rueful expression on his face. Her gaze automatically dropped to the crotch of his jeans, and her eyes went wide. There was no hiding the outline of his arousal, and Suzy had to fight the urge to moan. “Um…yeah, you do seem to have a big problem there.” Wiggling her eyebrows, she continued, “I’d love to help you with that; I was a girl scout you know. I learned how to use a big stick to make fire.”

  Gray threw his head back and laughed until tears came to his eyes. This little slip of a woman continued to surprise him. She’d looked so small and fragile just moments ago, and now she sat in the bed with mischief dancing in her eyes, and she practically glowed. She was trying to take the guilt away that she knew he’d felt at her pain. “That’s great to know baby, but my stick already catches fire every time you’re near.” With one last look, Gray walked to the bathroom and left the door cracked to hear her if she needed him.

  Chapter Nine

  Gray stood in the shower, gritting his teeth as the icy jets of water blasted his over-heated skin. He hadn’t been kidding about the cold shower; he was so consumed with need for Suzy that he’d barely been able to leave the room. The reality of feeling her against him had been much more than any of his fantasies. Her tongue had tasted of pure honey as it hesitantly sought his, twirling around him as if finding a long-lost lover. His palm still tingled from the feel of her firm, breast straining against it. If not for her cry of pain, he wasn’t sure when or if he’d have been able to get control of himself. He’d always known there were hidden depths within her, he just had no idea how hot they burned.

  After toweling off, Gray looked through the suitcases that Nick had dropped for him earlier. Normally, he slept in either boxers or nothing at all, but tonight that would be dangerous. He was grateful that he kept a pair of lounge pants to wear around the house in the evenings. He pulled them and a t-shirt on. He toweled his hair enough to get by without digging through some suitcases for a dryer.

  Reluctantly, he pulled his cell-phone from the front of the toiletries bag where he’d stored it earlier. He had turned the ringer off, afraid that Reva would go on one of her mad calling sprees. Sure enough, there was a string of missed calls from a number he recognized as hers. He had to talk to Nick tomorrow to see if he’d found out anything. He was so tired of dealing with the whole mess. His life was finally going just as he’d hoped, and Reva could send it all crashing down. He could handle her messing with his life, maybe he even deserved it. He’d not allow her to cause Suzy any more pain. Reva would find out just how ruthless he could be if she threatened someone he loved.

  Gray packed his phone away and went back into the bedroom. Suzy’s eyes were bare slits as she struggled to hold them open. She plainly wanted to watch her game, but sleep was doing its best to claim her. He walked over to the bedside and smoothed the hair off her brow. “Baby, why don’t you let me turn this off so you can get some sleep?”

  With a tired smile, she touched his arm and said, “Mmm, ok. I’m so sleepy.”

  Gray reached for the remote and clicked the television off. He’d thought he would sleep on the couch, so he’d be close enough to help Suzy if she needed him during the night. As he was walking away from the bed, Suzy’s whispered, “Gray, please stay with me.”

  He walked back to the bedside and said, “Baby, I am. I’m going to be right over there on the couch.”

  “No, Gray, sleep in the bed with me. “ With one last tired smile, she teased, “I promise not to feel you up during the night.”

  He knew this was going to be equal parts torture and bliss, but he was helpless to stop the anticipation of sleeping next to Suzy all night. He walked around and climbed in the other side of the bed. He wished he could pull her onto her side and snuggle, but settled instead for lying close to her and enfolding her hand in his.

  Suzy woke him one time during the night for a bathroom trip, and soon they were both back in bed soundly sleeping.


  The sun gleaming through the windows woke Suzy early the next morning. Her first realization upon waking was all the aches and pains in her body; the second was the male arm draped possessively over her stomach. She
turned her head and studied Gray as he slept beside of her. Just looking at him took her breath away. If a man could be called beautiful, he most certainly was. Even the shadow of stubble on his face just made him more handsome. His kiss last night had completely blown her away. Her reaction to him was something she’d never come close to feeling with Jeff. Gray had started a slow-burn inside her the moment his lips met hers. If not for her damn injuries, there is no way she’d have stopped. She ached from frustration afterwards just as he had.

  Things seemed to be getting more intense with Gray. Part of her welcomed it, as if they had both known it was always destined to happen. The other part of her was still fighting the desire to run. Had she learned nothing from Jeff? Hadn’t she told herself when he broke her heart and ground it under his heel like dirt that she’d never be put in that position again? Now, here she was lying in the bed with Gray, and Jeff was barely a distant memory. In another month, she’d probably be saying, ‘Jeff who?’ Gray seemed to care about her, hell he seemed to love her. Jeff, although considerate, had never acted as if she were the center of his world the way Gray seemed to. Jeff had often claimed to be too busy to go out to dinner or shopping, while Gray, even though he was a rich, powerful man, had dropped everything in his life to take care of her. Jeff would have never done that.

  She had feelings for Gray; she’d known that for some time. Actually, she’d been denying that for some time. It wasn’t just because he was handsome, although his hard, trim body was enough to make her toes curl; it was the man. He teased her, he pampered her, he cared for her, and he seemed to know what she needed when she needed it. With a sigh, Suzy continued to study Gray. Yep, you still only have one hope left girl, you better hope the main course is nowhere near as good as the appetizer. If it is, you’re finished, game over.


  Gray slowly opened his eyes and allowed yesterday’s events to surface. His arm was asleep and as he flexed it to get the circulation going, he felt the warm body underneath it. He became aware of two things at once: first he was sleeping beside Suzy and second, his morning wood was doing its best to drain every last drop of blood from his body and pool it there. Maybe he could sneak out of bed and get control of his body before Suzy woke up to see yet another tent in his pants. One more crack from her about making fire with a big stick would probably be his complete undoing.

  Just as he was preparing to slide silently from the bed, a small hand settled across his arm, rubbing slowly. Gray sucked in a breath and fired raced through his body. He decided that modesty wasn’t going to get him anywhere. Rolling over on his back, he reached over and stopped Suzy’s hand as it started up his arm. “I wouldn’t start anything you can’t finish, sweetheart, because as you can see, I’m already a loaded gun this morning, and you’re my trigger.”

  As Suzy followed the direction of his gaze, she could feel her face flush. Wow, if the size of that tent was any indication, her last hope that he was less than perfect was over. Gray was impressive in every area of his life apparently. Come on, how much pain could hot, sweaty sex with a broken ankle cause? No pain, no gain, right?

  Gray slid a hand to her thigh, gently caressing it as he asked, “You look better today, how are you feeling this morning?”

  When he touched her like that, she was unable to feel anything but pleasure and desire. “Bet…Better, as long as I don’t move too much.”

  With an indulgent smile, Gray said, “If you’re a good girl, I’ll help you shower today. Beth is bringing by some things, including a shower seat, so we can get you bathed. Not that you need it or anything,” he smirked. “I’ll also call the hospital and find out when your hard cast will be put on. The doctor said you would have more mobility when you got the cast and the walking boot. Nick is coming over today as well to go over a few things from the office. I guess I should get dressed. Are you ready for your ride to the bathroom?”

  With a dramatic groan, Suzy said, “Oh yes, please. I’ll never take going to the bathroom for granted again.”

  Gray slid out of bed and was thankful for baggy lounge pants. They didn’t provide complete cover, but it kept things R-rated at least. He walked over and picked Suzy up, enjoying the feel of her warm body in his arms. He resisted the urge to kiss her until he’d at least brushed his teeth. He deposited her near the toilet with her assurance that she could take it from there. He left the door slightly ajar so that he could hear her if needed. Within a few moments, he heard the water in the sink running. Opening the bathroom door, he scowled at her. “How might I ask, did you make it all the way to the sink?”

  Obviously pleased with herself, Suzy said, “I hopped.”

  With an exasperated sigh, he said, “Suzanna, are you trying to kill yourself? You knew I was right outside the door. Didn’t it hurt to jar yourself like that?”

  “Well, kind of, but I can’t depend on you for everything, Gray. I need crutches or one of those cool Jazzy Chairs. You don’t happen to have their 800 number handy do you?”

  Gray walked over to the double sinks and grabbed his own toothbrush, careful to keep an eye on Suzy in case she started to slip. When they were both finished, Gray picked her up again and returned to the bedroom. “I’ll find us some clothing in a moment, but first things first. “Good morning, baby.” He lowered his head, fastening his lips onto hers.

  Suzy sighed in pleasure at the first touch of his tongue against her teeth. She parted them for him, and he slid inside. The cool taste of mint from his toothpaste invaded her mouth, and Suzy thought she’d never tasted anything so good. No corner of her mouth was left unexplored as Gray’s tongue ravaged her. She reached up and buried her hand in the springy softness of his dark hair, teasing his scalp with a scrape of her fingernails.

  Suzy felt a shudder run through his body as he pulled his mouth from hers. He laid his forehead against hers, breathing deeply. “That’s why I kissed you standing up; I knew I couldn’t let it go too far in this position. If we were sitting or lying, I’d have my hands all over and inside that beautiful body right now, and you’re not well enough for that yet.”

  “Oh Gray, I…”

  Suddenly, an amused voice boomed out in the room, stopping Suzy in mid-sentence. “Hi, boys and girls, what’s going on here today?”

  Almost dropping Suzy in his haste, Gray spun around and glared at his brother. “Don’t you know how to knock?” he snapped.

  Unruffled by the tone of his brother’s voice, Nick smiled, and said, “I did brother, dear, but for some reason, you guys didn’t hear me. Now I know why, it looks like you’re both in bad shape. Suzy couldn’t help it, she knew she should be embarrassed, but she burst out laughing. “This would be Nickolas, I presume?”

  Eyes so much like Grays twinkled back at her. The resemblance didn’t stop there. The Merimon brothers both had the same dark hair and athletic build. Nick wore his hair a bit longer than Gray, and it was obvious who was the serious one and who was the prankster.

  Nickolas started into the room, extending his hand. “Call me Nick, and I must say, it’s nice to finally see, ur, meet you Suzy.” Gray didn’t miss the quick sweep of his brother’s eyes as he took in the length of leg exposed by Suzy’s short gown.

  Gray clenched his jaw and all but yelled, “Out, now!”

  With one last smirk in their direction, Nick dropped his hand and strolled out, saying he’d go make some coffee. Gray quickly sat her on the edge of the bed, taking a deep breath. “Sorry about that. My brother doesn’t have an ounce of class. Sadly, you’re stuck with him. He’s crude and rude, but he’s family.”

  With a smile, Suzy said, “Nick seems great; he has my same off-beat sense of humor. Although, I’d have preferred he saw a little less of my naked butt than he probably just did in this short gown. Maybe we should dress before he comes back.”