Page 18 of Witness Seduction

  Caleb’s eyes became cloudy. “You took a big risk, Marley. You could have gotten yourself killed.”

  “I knew you would protect me,” she murmured. “I knew you would save me.”

  He opened his mouth to respond, but someone called his name. Agent D’Amato, a tall man with shaggy red hair, stalked toward them. “Agent Ford, we’re taking the perp to lock-up. Stevens said you’d want to head up the interrogation.”

  Caleb didn’t even glance at the other man. “You take care of it, D’Amato. I’m staying here.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  As the other agent walked toward the cruiser by the curb, Marley shot Caleb an inquiring look. “Shouldn’t you go with them? You’ve been working this case for months. Don’t you want to be there to see it come to a close?”

  He shook his head. “I’m not leaving you. D’Amato and AJ can take care of Grier. I need to take care of you.”

  “I told you, I’m fine. I—” She halted. “But I do want to see Dad and Sam.”

  He reached out for her arm, stopping her. “Wait. I…I wanted to tell you something.”

  He bent forward a little, and she experienced a spark of concern, but when he met her eyes again, she realized the pain he was feeling had nothing to do with the fact that he’d been shot. “I thought he was going to kill you,” Caleb whispered.

  “But he didn’t. I don’t even have a scratch, Caleb. I promise you.”

  “I…” He released a breath with obvious effort. “I watched him hold that gun to your head, and I knew that…that if he pulled the trigger, I’d die right along with you.”

  Her heart did a little flip. “Caleb…”

  “Please, I have to say this.” He swallowed. “I know this isn’t the time to ask for your forgiveness, or to figure out the future, but I need to say this.”

  Tears pricked at her eyelids. She tried to speak, but he pressed his fingers to her lips. “I love you,” he said thickly.

  All around them, things were still bustling. The cruisers were speeding away, sirens flashing. Several residents gathered on their front porches and lawns, whispering as they stared at the scene across the street. But Marley was oblivious to the activity. She couldn’t look away from Caleb.

  “I didn’t think it could ever happen to me, I was always too shut off from people, but I fell in love with you.” His voice cracked. “You made me see that there’s more to life than just work. That I don’t need to control my emotions all the time.”

  Marley was stunned. It was impossible to breathe, let alone speak.

  At her lack of response, Caleb barreled on. “I’m sorry I lied to you. But I do love you, Marley, and I want to be with you.”

  She stood rooted in place, so overcome with joy she was unable to say a word.

  Caleb’s broad shoulders sagged. “Sorry, I guess this isn’t the time to unload all this on you. I know you want to see your family.” He let out a breath. “Okay, go do that. I guess I’ll go to the station and we can talk later.”

  He started to walk away. His normally smooth strides were ungainly, as if walking in a straight line took too much effort.

  She stood there, dumbfounded, then cleared her throat and shook her head, regaining her senses. “What the heck are you doing? Come back here,” she called after him.

  He froze, then looked over his shoulder, revealing his unbelievably gorgeous profile. Slowly, he turned to face her. A few yards separated them, but despite the distance, Marley could swear she heard his heart pounding.

  “You’re angry,” he said with a sigh, bridging the distance between them.

  She shot him a no-kidding look. “You were going to leave just like that?”

  “You didn’t say anything. I figured…you might need space or something.”

  The awkwardness of his voice made her laugh. God, he could be totally clueless sometimes. She thought of the way he’d launched himself in front of her when Patrick pulled the trigger. How he’d chosen to stay behind with her instead of going to the station to process the criminal he’d been hunting for months. He’d been so confident, so determined to protect her. And now he was standing here, back to his gruff, serious self, missing every last signal she sent in his direction.

  “I didn’t say anything because your words made me all emotional, you idiot.”

  The corner of his mouth lifted in a hopeful smile. “So you don’t want me to go?”

  “Of course I don’t want you to go.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked, searching her face.

  She nodded. Her throat went tight again, but she managed to say the most important thing. “I love you.”

  “You love me,” he echoed in amazement.

  “Yes.” She drew in a breath and decided to do something crazy—trust him again. “I’m willing to work on the whole trust-and-forgiveness thing…if you’re willing to stay.”

  Caleb touched her cheek so gently she felt like crying again, this time with joy. “I’m not going anywhere.” He smiled ruefully. “Scratch that. I will need to go to Virginia to be debriefed about the case, but when I’m there, I’ll request an immediate transfer to the west coast.” He stroked her lips with his thumb. “And if they deny my request, I’ll quit.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. “Are you serious?”

  “You’re more important to me than a job,” he said.

  Marley stood on her tiptoes and brushed her lips over his. Smiling, she pulled away. “I have one more condition for taking you back.”

  He grinned. “I knew this was too easy. Okay, lay it on me.”

  “You have to promise never to videotape me again.”

  A glimmer of guilt filled his eyes. He opened his mouth, but she raised her hand, adding, “At least ask me first, will you?”

  The guilt faded into amusement. His smile consumed his entire face as he drew her into his arms and bent close to her ear. “There will never be another video tape of you again, sweetheart. Unless you want it.” His voice grew husky as he murmured, “And if you do, let’s make sure you’re naked next time. I really like it when you’re naked.”

  Laughing, Marley wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned in for one of Caleb’s warm, toe-curling kisses. As their lips met, her heart sang with delight and forgiveness and trust.

  And most importantly, love.


  Eight months later

  “SO WHAT DO YOU THINK?” Marley asked, holding up the two paint swatches so Caleb could give his opinion.

  He frowned. “They’re both green.”

  “Actually, this one is Serene Forest and this one is Leafy Splendor.”

  “They’re green.”

  Marley sighed. Okay, it was official. When it came to paint advice, Caleb was terrible. From now on, she’d just ask her dad or brother for input.

  “I’m picking Leafy Splendor,” she said. “If you don’t like it, tough.”

  Caleb looked beyond relieved. “You know, it amazes me that it took you this long to figure out I don’t know anything about picking colors. Put a hammer or paintbrush in my hand and tell me what to do, and I’m fine, but colors? That’s your job, sweetheart.”

  “I’m just trying to let you in on the decision-making process. That’s what engaged couples do, you know.” She held up her left hand and wiggled her ring finger. The diamond engagement ring sparkled under the kitchen light.

  Caleb’s mouth curved in a crooked smile, not so rare these days. He always seemed to be smiling when they were together. “I still can’t get enough of hearing that word. Engaged.”

  The wonder in his eyes made her smile, too. She knew exactly what he meant. She couldn’t stop looking down at the ring, just to make sure she hadn’t imagined its presence.

  The past eight months with Caleb had been the best of her life. She still couldn’t believe all the changes he’d made for her. Leaving the DEA, taking the detective job with the San Diego Police Department. Ironically, his partner was none other than Miguel Hernandez, but
Marley had begun warming up to the man who’d formerly treated her like a criminal. Hernandez had apologized numerous times for his behavior, though she’d barely thought about any of that for months now.

  She’d have to think about it again soon, however. Patrick’s trial started next month, and she’d been called as a witness. With all the charges her ex faced, she doubted her testimony even mattered. Murder, trafficking, attempted kidnapping, attempted murder. The prosecutor had assured Marley that Patrick would be in jail for the rest of his life, a notion that pleased her immensely.

  But she didn’t dwell on Patrick much anymore. What she and Caleb had was better than anything she could have imagined. Love, trust, laughter… Even her brother admitted the two of them made a scarily perfect match. It didn’t hurt that Caleb had helped Sam and Marley’s dad finish a huge construction job the other month. Nothing to kick-start some male bonding like renovating a house.

  Caleb grabbed the Leafy Splendor paint swatch from the counter and sighed. “So, Color World?”

  She was about to nod, but then she met his eyes, and the familiar expression on his face made her laugh.

  “Don’t give me the sex look,” she said, wagging her finger. “One of these days you’re just going to have to suck it up and buy some paint with me.”

  “One of these days,” he agreed. He let the paint swatch drop from his hand and moved his fingers to her mouth, stroking her lips as his blue eyes smoldered with heat. “But today? No, I think we can find something more interesting to do.”

  She tilted her head. “Prove it.”

  With a grin, Caleb removed every scrap of clothing from her body.

  And proved to her that there were, indeed, much more important things than paint.

  ISBN: 978-1-4592-1204-6


  Copyright © 2011 by Leeanne Kenedy

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  Elle Kennedy, Witness Seduction



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