Page 14 of Burning Up Flint

  The gate in the wall automatically opened as the transport vehicle approached. Cyborg City came into view, showing Mira dark blue buildings that were all uniform—same height, color, and shape. The streets were perfect, as if someone had taken the time to exactly measure everything. There was no litter, making it the cleanest place she’d ever seen.

  Cyborgs walked from one building to another, mostly wearing loose blue clothing like jumpsuits, while fewer of them wore black pants with different-colored shirts. She saw some women and she couldn’t help but stare. The cyborg women were tall, well-muscled, with athletic proportions. She didn’t see a single white-skinned person like her. She saw cyborgs in all shades of gray, from a very light, almost dolphin-blue shade to a color much darker than Flint. A few were almost charcoal gray.

  When the transport stopped in front of a building, the ramp automatically slid out. Flint leaned down, gripped his bag and nodded at Mira. “Stick close to me.”

  Flint didn’t even have to tell her that. Mira was afraid. She was the only human she could see. She saw heads turning, some cyborgs halted, giving their full attention to Mira. She even noticed some of them were coming out of buildings to stare openly at her as she reached the top of the ramp. Flint braced his legs halfway down, reaching back to offer his hand to Mira.

  “Ignore them,” he said softly. “Some of them haven’t seen a real human woman before. We have a few elderly human females who left Earth when we did, sympathizers, but they stay inside for the most part. They are just curious about you.”

  He helped her down the steep ramp but released her hand at the bottom. He turned on his heel, heading for the nearest building. Mira glanced around nervously, seeing that there had to be a hundred cyborgs staring at her and it looked like more were walking their way to get a better look at her. She almost ran behind Flint, not wanting to let more than a few feet get between them. She was betting, with human/cyborg history, that humans probably weren’t real popular in the cyborg world.

  A male dressed in a black uniform nodded at Flint as they entered the building. When he saw Mira he lunged into her path, getting between Flint and Mira. She gasped, jerking to a halt to avoid slamming into the huge, muscular cyborg. He scared the shit out of her. His eyes were black to match his hair and his skin was startling in contrast—a light blue-tinted gray. He looked furious as he glared down at her.

  “What are you doing?”

  Flint was there all of the sudden, moving around the man, shoving the other cyborg away from Mira as Flint gripped her arm. He jerked her farther back, stepping in front of her to block her body from the cyborg in black.

  “She’s human!” The cyborg sounded furious. “You can’t bring one of them in here.”

  “She’s my property. Are you blind to her markings? She goes where I go.” Flint snarled the words. “Is your training so inept that a little thing like her is something you consider a threat? I’ll protect you from her, guard.”

  The two cyborgs glared at each other as Mira’s fear mounted. The guard seemed to hate her and she was shocked that he considered her a threat. She swallowed hard before finding her voice. She was terrified Flint and the other cyborg were going to come to blows over her and she wanted to avoid that.

  “I’m just a sales representative from Firmaline.”

  The guard moved a little so he could see her better. A slow frown formed on the man’s lips. “Firmaline? Is that the Earth company that sells beauty products to females to keep them from aging?”

  She nodded. “We call them health enhancers. We sell a lot of products to men too. They aren’t just for enhancing looks. They literally slow the aging process.”

  The guard actually chuckled and his black gaze slid to Flint. “You enslaved a beauty consultant?”

  “I’m a sales representative, not a beauty consultant.” Mira was irritated.

  Flint sighed. “May we pass now? She’s not a threat.”

  The guard nodded. “Proceed. I can’t wait for Arrion to meet her. Did you bring her as a present to Arrion?”

  “No.” Flint sounded pissed. “Don’t purposely aggravate me. You can see from her markings that she’s mine and no gift.”

  “That’s a shame.” The guard chuckled. “I would have escorted you to Arrion’s office myself, just to see the reaction of being gifted with a beauty consultant, if you had grown tired of owning a human.”

  Flint looked annoyed. “Follow me, Mirasia Carver.”

  She had noticed that Flint addressed her by her full name when other cyborgs were around. She followed him into a lift. When the doors swished shut Mira realized that Flint still looked furious as he shot her a grim look.

  “I apologize. Are you all right?”

  “I can’t believe he thought I was dangerous.”

  A grin split Flint’s lips. “It was amusing. You’re not secretly a trained human assassin, are you, Mira?”

  “If I were, I would have kicked mutant pirate ass when they boarded the pod.”

  His smile instantly died, looking pissed off in a heartbeat, making Mira want to kick herself for reminding him that she’d run away from him. She swallowed as the lift stopped. Flint didn’t look at her as he stepped out of the small space so she just followed him closely. She saw glass doors leading into a large office with a male cyborg in a blue jumpsuit sitting behind a desk. The cyborg looked up and nodded at Flint as they walked into the room.

  “You’re back,” the cyborg grinned. “How was deep space?”

  “It is the same as always.” Flint chuckled as he spoke. “How are you, Zare?”

  “Good. I’m the same as before. Arrion is waiting for you.” The man’s focus slid to Mira. “You brought a souvenir back?”

  “This is Mirasia Carver.”

  Zare frowned at her. “She’s human.”

  “She is.” Flint sighed. “I won’t keep Arrion waiting.”

  Flint moved forward with Mira on his heels. He’d told her to stick close so she followed him to a room with an open door. As Flint walked inside, Mira got a look at the large private office with a terrific view out the large windows along one wall. She could see the edge of the city and the woods. In the distance an ocean was visible. It was barely in view but there. They had to be on a high floor in the building to get such a scenic view.

  A female cyborg walked out of a side door. Mira turned her attention to the woman, noticing immediately that her skin was almost the same light shade as Flint’s. She had white hair, big blue eyes that were startling in their light color, with long white eyelashes that surrounded those compelling eyes. The woman wore a tight black shirt that revealed cleavage and she wore a black leather miniskirt with high-heeled shoes. The woman’s legs were muscular and well shaped. She was a gorgeous Amazon of a cyborg woman.

  “Flint,” the woman almost purred. “You’re back.” She closed the distance in a few long-legged steps to throw her arms around Flint, hugging him hard. “I’ve missed you.”

  Flint tensed, hesitating before giving the woman a hug by gripping her hips. He let her hold him for a few seconds before releasing her to step back, almost forcing the woman to let him go. They were almost the same height. The woman had to be six-foot-two in low heels. Mira’s jealous streak roared to life. Were Flint and the woman lovers? Ex-lovers? The cyborg woman looked as if she were sexually interested in Flint, making Mira instantly dislike her. She didn’t like feeling the green monster that gripped her.

  “This assignment was too damn long.” The woman sat on the edge of her desk and spread her thighs a few inches apart, her ass barely touching the piece of furniture. She crossed her arms under her breasts, which pushed up her cleavage dangerously high, to the rim of her shirt, exposing a healthy amount of cleavage. “I’ve really missed you. Have you considered my unit offer?”

  Flint looked irritated. “Arrion, I considered it but I decided I have to refuse your offer.”

  Shock showed on the woman’s face. “What?” She let her arms drop to her s
ides as she pushed away from the desk, standing again. “I was so sure you’d agree that I’ve had the paperwork drawn up and Darbis has given his consent. I also contacted Roth and he said he didn’t care who I picked to close our unit since he is gone so much that whoever I bring into our bond won’t affect him.”

  “You know my feelings on the matter.” Flint’s voice had gone cold.

  “Yes but I’m perfect for you, Flint. Roth is gone so much that he’s only on the planet for a week here and there. You and Darbis can easily avoid each other with mission scheduling so you would have me alone plenty of months in the year.”

  “I understand and I’m grateful for the offer but I have to refuse.” Flint’s voice took on a harder edge. “That’s my decision. No thank you.”

  “Who else is going to agree to a unit offer with you? You’re gone too much. I can’t think of one female who wants that. You’ll never get another offer this perfect again. You know it and I know it. You can’t refuse me, Flint. I won’t allow it.”

  Flint took a deep breath. “I have another option and I’m taking it. I am reporting in today to my supervisor as my job requires me to do and I have sent you full reports. The salvages were a success. I will report for duty on my assigned date. I also will be sending you a request for family unit quarters aboard the Star upon my return to duty. I will need more room to accommodate a family unit because I fully intend to need it. As detailed in my contract, you are given notice so you can have the Star’s quarters enlarged for those purposes.”

  “You can’t be serious.”

  The woman looked shocked as she looked away from Flint, finally noticing Mira standing in the doorway. The woman jumped, startled, and then frowned.

  Mira saw the woman’s eyes narrow she could almost see the woman’s brain working. The female cyborg had that look of calculation in her eyes as she visually inspected Mira and then stared openly at the branding marks on Mira’s exposed shoulders. Rage showed on the woman’s features as she moved closer, glaring at the tattoo. She walked slowly around Mira but kept a few feet of distance between their bodies.

  “You branded a human slave? When the hell did you buy one?” Arrion’s voice shook with fury.

  Flint sighed. “I didn’t buy her. I took her off a shuttle we stopped for salvage. It was an easy target that happened to come within radar. If you read my reports when I transmitted them to you then you would know this already.”

  Arrion spun, glaring at Flint. “You’re up to something. You don’t own slaves. You abhor that I own three. You think it’s cruel.”

  Shock hit Mira as her eyes flew to Flint. If he didn’t believe in slavery then why had he kidnapped her off the ship to make her one? Flint glanced at Mira, met her stunned gaze, and then his eyes narrowed on Arrion.

  “You own slaves to work for you without payment. That isn’t why I branded her.”

  The woman walked to Flint, glaring at him. Mira saw the woman pale as she gasped. Her head jerked in Mira’s direction to stare at her. Arrion definitely looked stunned. Her head snapped back to Flint.

  “You can’t be serious. A human? A slave? Property?” The woman snorted. “They won’t allow it. If you think you’re being smart to avoid the laws then you are wrong.”

  Flint straightened his shoulders, his expression stoic. “I checked it out and it’s legal. They will allow it with a human.” He slowly gave the woman a cold smile. “I win. I am getting exactly what I want and I want her.”

  The woman softly cursed, spun around and almost stumbled away from Flint. She walked around her desk to drop heavily into her seat. She still looked at Flint with shock.

  “You can’t do this, Flint. What kind of result could come of it? Have you thought about it? Look at her. She’s not good material. What I’m offering you is the best deal you’re ever going to get. Don’t do this. I won’t give you another chance if you don’t drop this crazy plan of yours immediately.”

  “I won’t need another chance. I’ve come here, I’ve done my duty, and now I’m eager to get home. It’s been too damn long since I saw it.”

  Flint turned his back on the woman. “Let’s go, Mira.”

  He had called her by name without being formal. The woman cyborg looked pissed. Flint walked for the door and Mira was more than ready to go. She was pretty damn sure Flint had slept with Arrion. She definitely had the look of a woman who had just lost her favorite lover. The idea of Flint with the beautiful cyborg woman hurt, but Flint had chosen Mira, which soothed some of the jealousy that still resided in her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Flint?” Arrion shouted.

  Flint froze at the threshold of the door. He turned his head to shoot Arrion a cold look. “What?”

  “Did you tell your little slave there that you’re using her? That she’s just a way for you to circumvent the law you despise?” Arrion glared at Mira. “Did he tell you why he stole you from your shuttle?”

  Mira looked at Flint. He turned fully, his bag hitting the floor, as he glared at Arrion. “I didn’t think you’d be so bitter. Are you done? Give your kind unit offer to someone else. I’m sure there are plenty of males who will love to take you up on it.”

  The cyborg woman seethed, glaring at Flint, and then met Mira’s eyes. “On Garden, cyborg males outnumber the females five to one. A lot of our males work off planet, as Flint does, for months of the year. It is law on Garden that every cyborg female take three males into a family unit contact. We schedule our time carefully so that one of the males is always with the female. I offered Flint a unit with me and my two males but Flint isn’t a team player. Rather than share a woman he is fucking, he decided to grab you.”

  Mira was taken aback. They had three husbands? She cringed at the thought. Handling one man would be tough enough.

  “I offered him plenty of alone time. One of my unit partners is an ambassador who travels space extensively. My second unit partner has the same job Flint has only on a different ship.” She glared at Flint. “You could have plenty of alone time with me. Rethink this.”

  “I thought long and hard about your offer, Arrion. I’m flattered, but as I stated, that is not the kind of family unit I want.”

  “You’re a cyborg. It’s your duty to breed.”

  A muscle in Flint’s jaw jumped. He was obviously angry again. “I’m aware of that and fully intend to comply.”

  A look of horror hit Arrion’s face. Her eyes flew to Mira. “With her? With a human? She’s short and fragile. You can’t possibly breed a child with that.”

  Flint reached down to lift his bag again. “That’s the plan.”

  Arrion moved quickly to launch her body at Flint. She gripped his arm, moving closer, to go almost nose to nose with him. Only a few inches in height separated them. “Reconsider. I’m ready to breed. I’m going to prepare my body for ovulation. I will give you the first opportunity with me. You can prepare your body when I do. We’d have a strong child together.”

  Flint clenched his jaw as he jerked his arm out of her hold. “My decision is made. I will see you when my downtime is over and I’m ready to report back to duty.”

  Mira was pushed out of the office by Flint’s strong hand gripping her elbow. He led her away. Behind them a door slammed shut. The sound of glass breaking was distinctive. It seemed Arrion was having a fit of temper. Zare was standing in Flint’s path blocking his way, alarm clearly written on his face.

  “I heard. You’re brave to deny her.” He spoke softly.

  “I don’t want that type of family unit.”

  Zare nodded. “Nor do I, but what options do we have?”

  “Her.” Flint gestured to Mira.

  Zare looked down at Mira and frowned. “Humans hate us.”

  Flint tilted his head slightly. He was staring at Zare and didn’t look away. “Do you hate me, Mira?”

  “No,” she said softly. “You know I don’t.”

  Zare frowned at Mira. “Humans hate us. They want every one of us destroyed

  Mira looked up at the tall cyborg. “I don’t. A lot of my generation doesn’t. We are horrified at what was done to cyborgs on Earth. To try to kill and abuse someone for being different is wrong and just evil.”

  Shifting his attention to Flint, Zare sighed. “What about breeding compatibility? Arrion had a point. Your female is small boned and fragile.”

  “I spoke to the Star’s medic. You’ve met Doc. He did a little research for me. The Star was a human vessel and the ship was fully banked with Earth information and medical files. We were created to have dominant genes. Any children we share will inherit my genes. Doc believes there will be fewer genetic defects with our children because a union with a human will bring healthier results than a set of cyborgs breeding.”

  “Damn. I bet no one on Garden wants that information known. Otherwise we’d be inflowing human females into our society. She’s still property status though, even if you get permission to form a family unit with her. Humans will probably always remain property.”

  Flint shrugged. “It matters not. She’s protected either way. As a citizen or as my property no one can harm her or remove her from me. It actually has advantages. Cyborg females must be shared because of their limitedness. As my property, Mira is mine alone. If another male were to try to touch her it would be in my right to kill him for trying to take what I own.”

  Zare had a thoughtful expression on his face. “You should leave before Arrion stops sulking. She had her mind set on you being the third and final of her family unit and you know she holds grudges.”

  Flint nodded, turning his attention on Mira. “Let’s go. Now we are going home.”

  Mira followed him back to the lift while her mind worked. Flint’s world was messed up. Flint was a possessive man, she’d learned that, and property or not she’d seen it in the way he’d protected her from the other men on the Star. The idea of having to share a woman with two other men had probably not been his ideal plan.