Page 18 of Burning Up Flint

He smiled at her. “You want me to hit the floor?”

  “You’re bigger. If you landed on me I would not only get bruised from that damn floor but you’d crush me.”

  “I wouldn’t want that.”

  “Me neither.”

  They stared at each other. Flint suddenly narrowed his eyes. “I have a plan.”

  “Uh-oh. I don’t like that gleam in your eyes.”

  He tried to look innocent as he smiled at her but he failed miserably at it. “What gleam?”

  “The gleam I see in your eyes.” She watched him closely, grinning. “I’m seeing total naughtiness and mischief there, Flint. Don’t even deny it.”

  He laughed. “I was only thinking that I’ll replace the bed with the cot. I’ll tie you down like I did before and then you won’t be able to fall out of bed. I’ll be cuddled between your lovely thighs so I won’t fall off either. It’s a perfect solution.”

  She smiled. “Or I could tie your large body down so you don’t fall off and I’ll sleep on top of you. You’re big enough to be a mattress.”

  He laughed. “I doubt that me being tied down would be nearly as arousing as you being tied down.”

  She lifted up off Flint so she could take in the sight of his chest, his arms and shoulders. She studied him carefully. She was getting turned-on just imagining Flint tied up on a cot—bound, naked, so she could do anything to him.

  “You’d be surprised. I would touch you everywhere with my hands and my mouth.” She put her hand on his chest and lightly raked her fingernails over his nipple. “My fingernails all over your body like this. I’d get you so hard that you would beg me to make you come but I’d hold back. I’d take you to the edge and then tease you all over again until you wanted to break free from the restraints. I’d take you inside me then, Flint. I could ride you or I could take you with my mouth and it would all be up to me.”

  “Mira,” he almost growled her name.

  Her gaze lifted, locking with his. Flint’s cock hardened under her, letting her feel its firm presence as she spoke. “I’d make you come so damn hard you’d feel like your mind was blown.”

  Flint groaned. Mira gasped as he rolled them suddenly. He threw off the covers and abruptly climbed out of bed. In shock she saw him lean down to grab his clothes. She sat up, feeling confused and alarmed. Flint started to jerk his pants up his legs.

  “Flint? Did I say something wrong?”

  He turned to look at her. “Wrong?” A grin split his features as he gave her a sexy wink. “I’m going to get that damn cot. We won’t have any floor space in here but I don’t care if we can walk in our room. You dig out the ties. I have belts in the fourth drawer. I think we should take turns tying each other up to see what is more arousing.”

  Tossing off the covers, she laughed as she left the bed. As she passed Flint he grabbed her and lifted her off her feet to kiss her with enough passion to make her moan. He eased his lips from hers. Their gazes met and held.

  “I do love you, Mira.”

  “I love you too. You taking me off that shuttle was the best thing to ever happen to me. I know we’ve had our ups and downs but I am so happy to be yours, Flint.”

  “If you ever try to leave me again I’ll chase you down. I am never going to let you go. You belong to me and I belong to you. We’re one unit now.”

  Mira smiled. “Good. Now go grab that cot and I’ll get the belts.” Her feet gently touched the floor as Flint lowered her down and slowly released her. “I know you didn’t want to take this mission. I did tell you I was going to make it up to you.”

  He bypassed his boots to walk to the door. He turned as the door opened when he palmed the scanner. “Who gets tied down first?”

  She winked at him. “I got tied up last time. It’s your turn.”

  He nodded with a grin and then he was gone. Mira withdrew belts from his drawer to lay them neatly on the bed. She put on his shirt that he’d forgotten to wear. Right now he was down the hall collecting a cot, wearing just his pants.

  Mira chuckled at the thought of him running into any of his crew. The doors behind her opened and she turned. Flint was gripping the cot so it was standing up. It looked damn heavy and awkward to carry but he was a big, tough, strong cyborg. He easily brought it inside the small room, the doors shut behind him. Passion flared between them as their gazes met. Both of them grinned.

  * * * * *

  Down the corridor two cyborg males frowned. “Was that just the commander carrying a cot into his room? Do you think something happened to his bed?”

  The other cyborg shrugged. “That wasn’t as strange as the fact that he was mostly naked. He was without boots as well. It’s against policy to walk without footwear or a shirt anywhere on the Star. The commander is very strict about following policy.”

  A third cyborg stepped out of the lift with a tray of food and eyed the two men standing in the hallway. “What is going on?”

  “We just saw the commander carrying a cot into his quarters. He only wore pants and nothing else.”

  The third cyborg grinned. Iron laughed aloud at the two confused men. “Everything is as it should be. Trust me on this. I have a cot in my room too.”

  Both men frowned at Iron. One of them spoke. “Did something happen to your bed?”

  “No.” He winked. “It’s better to tie my human down on a cot when I do things to her to make her beg me to touch her.”

  With that said, Iron chuckled at their stunned expressions and walked away from the two cyborgs. He couldn’t wait to get to his room where his human was waiting, tied to his own cot, taking up all the excess space of his quarters.

  About the Author

  I’m a full time “in-house supervisor” (sounds much better than plain ol’ housewife), mother and writer. I’m addicted to caramel iced coffee, the occasional candy bar (or two) and trying to get at least five hours of sleep at night.

  I love to write all kinds of stories. I think the best part about writing is the fact that real life is always uncertain, always tossing things at us that we have no control over, but when your write, you can make sure there’s always a happy ending. I love that about writing. I love it when I sit down at my computer desk and put on my headphones to listen to loud music to block out the world around me, so I can create worlds in front of me.

  Laurann welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address on her author bio page at

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  Also by Laurann Dohner

  Cyborg Seduction 2: Kissing Steel

  Cyborg Seduction 3: Melting Iron

  Cyborg Seduction 4: Touching Ice

  Cyborg Seduction 5: Stealing Coal

  Cyborg Seduction 6: Redeeming Zorus

  Cyborg Seduction 7: Taunting Krell

  Mating Heat 1: Mate Set

  Mating Heat 2: His Purrfect Mate

  New Species 1: Fury

  New Species 2: Slade

  New Species 3: Valiant

  New Species 4: Justice

  New Species 5: Brawn

  Riding the Raines 1: Propositioning Mr. Raine

  Riding the Raines 2: Raine on Me

  Something Wicked This Way Comes, Volume 1 anthology

  Zorn Warriors 1: Ral’s Woman

  Zorn Warriors 2: Kidnapping Casey

  Zorn Warriors 3: Tempting Rever

  Zorn Warriors 4: Berrr’s Vow

  Print books by Laurann Dohner

  Cyborg Seduction 1: Burning Up Flint

  Cyborg Seduction 2: Kissing Steal

  Cyborg Seduction 3: Melting Iron

  New Species 1: Fury

  New Species 2: Slade

  Zorn Warriors 1 & 2: Loving Zorn

  Zorn Warriors 3: Tempting Rever

  Zorn Warriors 4: Berrr’s Vow

  Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple aw
ard-winning publisher Ellora’s Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC on the web at for an erotic reading experience that will leave you breathless.



  Laurann Dohner, Burning Up Flint



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