Page 7 of Burning Up Flint

  “What about the ones I was wearing?”

  “I got rid of them.”

  She frowned as her gaze went to the clothes and then nodded. “Thank you.”

  “You are still agitated. Your heart rate is accelerated and you are flushed, implying you are angry and distressed. I thought you would have learned to control yourself while I was gone.”

  She looked down at his boots. “What happens if one of your damn cyborg buddies swears he won’t damage me? Are you going to barter with my body then?” Her gaze shot up to his and she glared at him.

  He blinked. “I hadn’t considered it.”

  “Consider this,” she ground out. “You have to sleep sometime, Flint. If you let someone else touch me I’ll kill you.”

  He frowned. “I said I would not share you. You’re being totally irrational. You got angry and unbalanced over the topic of me having sex with other women. I don’t follow the jump from that conversation to you threatening me harm if I let someone touch you.”

  “It wasn’t a jump. I thought you wouldn’t let another cyborg touch me because you felt possessive of me in a caring way that implied you would be bothered emotionally at the thought of another man touching me. That’s how I felt about you and the thought of you with other women. I thought you had the capacity to have those kinds of feelings. You put me in my place and set me straight now so I am perfectly aware that I’m just property.” She took a deep breath. “Don’t you have somewhere else to be? I think leaving me alone so I can find some control would be nice. I need a lot more time though.”

  Dark blue eyes regarded her, but he masked any emotions he had. “Do not ever threaten to kill me again, Mira. I don’t take threats well.”

  Pain stabbed at her. That was all he had to say on the matter? No denials of what she’d said, no clarifications that he had emotions for her. She’d secretly hoped he’d tell her that he did have some feelings for her. He didn’t.

  He watched her closely.

  “I have a raid to plan. We’re going to go after the Piera shuttle.”

  “What is that?”

  He sighed. “Are you always so full of questions?”


  He shifted his weight. “The Piera is a large shuttle that travels from the Vonder Station to Earth and back.”

  “Vonder is the scientific station that is in orbit over Arian Nine, right? I read something about them trying to plant the planet with enough vegetation to create adequate oxygen on the surface to sustain human life.”

  “That’s the one. From our reports, they are almost successful. They have a high volume of human females who work on Vonder and they rotate the crew monthly. Our reports state that Earth Government hires mainly human women for the station.”


  Irritation flashed in his eyes. “I’m not certain. My best guess is that females are smaller and use fewer supplies than their male counterparts. I don’t work for Earth Government and I do not know their reasons. I just know that when we have scanned their shuttles they are mostly carrying women. In fourteen hours we will intercept the shuttle. It’s a fast transport but it’s not heavily armed. I believe if we order them to let us board with the clear intention of not killing them or stealing the ship that they will not try to fight. The Rally is faster than the Star and maneuvers better so we’re taking it. It would be suicide for them to fight since the Rally is faster and is heavily armed.”

  Mira almost snorted. “You think that will work? The pilots on my shuttle thought you were pirates. That general tried to kill me, thinking he was saving me from pirates and that I’d be sold into the sex trade. Most women would want to die before they faced that kind of life.”

  “You didn’t die. You locked yourself away, to safety.”

  “If pirates had taken me I’d have earned them more money by returning me to Earth than they would have made selling me for my body in the sex trade.”

  “I will go to Control and be back in a few hours. One of the men will bring you food but don’t let him in the room. He’ll just open the door and hand you a tray. Are my instructions clear?”

  “Perfectly clear.”

  He nodded and left. Mira sat down, chewing on her lip as she thought. She could try to escape when her food arrived but it would be hard to fight her way past a cyborg. All the cyborg men were big and really strong, designed to be fighting machines. She shut her eyes. No. Her best bet would be to try to escape when some of the men weren’t on the ship as when Flint and his men went after the Piera shuttle. Flint had said they were going to use the Rally to capture the shuttle so that meant it would be away from the Star, giving her pod a real shot at escape.

  She nodded. That was the plan. When Flint and his cyborgs went after the Piera shuttle she’d go for one of the pods. It was the best shot at escaping and winning her freedom.

  Chapter Seven

  Later that night when Flint returned to his quarters, he nudged her but Mira pretended to be asleep. She heard Flint enter the room, heard the rustle of his clothing as he stripped to bare skin to climb into bed behind her. She almost jumped when his hot body curled against her back. Now he was trying to wake her and she had a really good guess as to what he wanted.

  “I know you are awake.” He sighed. “I want you.”

  She tensed. She knew he was always aware of her heart rate and breathing patterns. He knew she was awake. She scooted away from him until she was against the wall.

  “I don’t want you. Go find a pleasure worker since any woman will do.”

  He took a deep breath. “You are still angry. I have thought about our conversations and I understand why you are upset.”

  She carefully turned over in the small bed. The room was dark and she couldn’t see him but she knew he was inches from her. “Really? It doesn’t matter to you that I’m just property but it does to me, Flint. I’m not just something you own.”

  “I do own you though, Mira. You belong to me. You carry my brand on your body. You might not like that fact right now but it doesn’t make it any less true. Does it really matter to you why I won’t let another male touch you? I won’t barter your body. Isn’t that the important issue? The reason doesn’t really matter as long as you are content with the result.” He paused. “Lights, dim.”

  The lights in the room flickered on to a dim setting. Mira stared at Flint. He was lying on his side facing her with his hand propping up his head, his dark gaze locked on her, and he wasn’t covered by the blanket. He’d pushed it down on his side of the bed so there was no missing the sight of his erection straining toward her as she glanced down his muscled body. Seeing Flint naked always affected her and she hated it. A woman would have to be blind or not have a sexual hormone in her body to not feel turned-on at the sight of his wonderful body, she justified, trying to explain her instant attraction to him and her body’s immediate response.

  Her gaze lifted upward and she stared into his eyes. She could get lost in his dark blue eyes that reminded her of a stormy sky over the ocean. She’d seen that color once while on vacation in Florida Province when a hurricane had gathered before the weather buster shuttles had arrived to disperse the growing winds.

  “I want to be more than property to you. I want—”

  He cut her off. “I want you and you are my property. Stop dwelling on the title of things. Stop annoying me with your unfounded fears. I told you that I won’t let other males touch you and I told you that I am attached to you. It has to be enough. Roll on your back now, Mira. I want you. If you don’t want me any longer then tell me now but think before you say the words. I’m going to be picking up more women from that shuttle in nine hours. You said you don’t want me touching other women. If you don’t want my attention then I’ll have to seek out one of them to fill my needs. I won’t sleep next to you every sleep cycle while my body aches with need that you won’t fulfill. I will have to release myself on one of those women.”

  Shock hit her again. “You’re threaten
ing me? You’re saying that, if I don’t let you touch me, you’ll screw one of those other women?”

  His eyes narrowed. “Yes.”

  “You’re such a bastard. Go ahead. I don’t want you touching me ever again.” She sat up and tried to scoot down the bed to get away from him. “I’d rather sleep on the floor than be in a bed with you.”

  Flint grabbed her, yanking her flat on the bed, rolling on top of her. His body held her down while his legs pinned hers. His hands gripped her wrists, pinning them above her head. He looked furious as he glared at her.

  Fear hit Mira instantly. “You’re going to force me? What happened to you not wanting to hurt me?”

  He clenched his teeth. “I thought threatening you with touching another woman would get you to want me. I thought if I threatened to use another woman for pleasure that you would give yourself to me so there was no need for me to seek release from another. I don’t understand you, Mira. You frustrate me. I don’t want another woman. I want you. You are the one who makes me ache with need. You are the one who makes me hard.”

  The guy shocked her yet again. “So that was a meaningless threat?”

  “Yes.” His voice went cold. “I don’t want another woman. You belong to me and you are the one I want. I won’t force you, Mira. I won’t hurt you. I never want to cause you pain but you seem intent on causing me pain.”

  “How am I hurting you?”

  “I ache for you. My balls feel like I have a set of boulders in my sac and my shaft is throbbing like an injury. You do that to me. I truly hurt for you.” He took a deep breath. “Let me inside you. Say yes to me and I’ll make it damn good. I want to bury myself in you so deep and fast that we set the sheets on fire from the friction. I need you. Does that mean anything to your wounded pride? I need you.”

  She reacted to his words. She turned her wrists in his hands. He hesitated before releasing them. She reached up with both hands to cup his face. This was the last time she’d be with him. She was going to escape at the end of the sleep cycle. She pulled his face down and shut her eyes. Her mouth touched his as their lips brushed gently.

  “Take me, Flint.”

  He growled against her lips as he plunged his tongue into her mouth. His legs shifted, pushing hers apart so he could fit his hips into the cradle of her thighs. His kiss was frenzied. He rolled them both so she ended up sprawled on top of his large body, placing his hard cock against her ass. His big hands wrapped around her and cupped both sides of her ass. He used his firm hold on her to tug her lower down his body until his erection was between her thighs so he could rub against her slit with his rigid shaft. She was wet and the head of his cock rubbed against her clit.

  Mira broke the kiss and moaned, “Flint.”

  “Are you in pain from the branding?”

  She shook her head. “I only hurt for you to be inside me.”

  He rolled them again. They almost rolled off his bed but he caught them before they tumbled. “Wrap around me,” he ordered her, “and hold on tight.”

  She wrapped her legs around his waist, locking her ankles behind his back. Her arms wound around his neck. Flint pushed up from the bed, taking her with him. The guy was strong to do a literal push-up with her body clinging to his. He moved them to the center of the bed and eased them down. He entered Mira when her back gently touched the bed again.

  Mira threw her head back as Flint drove deep inside her. The sensation of the sudden entry was staggering and intense. The moan that tore from her didn’t even sound human. It is fitting, her mind whispered. She didn’t feel human. She reacted like an animal in desperate need as Flint used his strong body to plow in and out of her. He wasn’t gentle but he wasn’t brutal. He spread his thighs, pushing into her deeper, at a new angle, and he hit her G-spot with force and speed.

  Mira screamed his name as she came violently minutes later. Flint tensed as he snarled her name when he came, pumping into her in jerky short motions as his release poured into her body in heated spurts. He groaned her name again as the last jerk made him shake over her.

  “You’re mine,” he panted. “I will never let you go. Never.”

  She shut her eyes. Mira’s body, locked around his, started to relax, going limp. She let her legs unwrap from around him and she let go of his neck. She felt the loss as he withdrew to roll off her. He lay on his side facing her. She turned her head to meet his gaze. His face was relaxed as he smiled at her.

  “Lights out,” Flint ordered the room computer, making it go dark again. “We’ll work on getting along better,” Flint said softly. “Sleep well, Mira.”

  She rolled on her side, facing away from him. The sex was great between them but it wasn’t worth the cost of her pride or getting her heart broken. He was never going to return her feelings. The longer she stayed with him the more she’d grow to care for him. What would happen when he grew tired of her? Would he trade her off to someone then? She was just property after all. All boys got tired of their toys at some point, especially if there wasn’t a bond. It really hurt.

  She listened as his breathing changed, knowing he’d fallen asleep. She lay there unable to sleep. She finally turned and blindly reached for him. Her hands encountered hot bare skin. She inched forward and curled into his body, facing him. He woke for a moment when she nuzzled his chest with her cheek. He chuckled softly, a strong arm slid around her when he realized she was the source of what woke him. His breathing slowed again.

  She lay there for hours, enjoying him holding her. He didn’t move in his sleep. His breathing was slow and he didn’t snore. She drifted in and out of light sleep, awakening when the automated lights came on at the end of his programmed sleep cycle and something beeped in the room. Flint woke instantly, releasing her as he sat up. He smiled before climbing out of bed. The beeping stopped the second he was on his feet. The room computer knew he was awake so it shut off.

  Mira stayed in bed, watching him silently as he used the cleaning unit then got dressed. She wanted to memorize every inch of him. He gave her another smile.

  “I will be gone for a few hours. I’ll have Drakos bring you breakfast. Do not let him inside the room.”

  “You’ll be in Control?”

  He shook his head. “We’re going after the Piera. Vollus will have control of the Star while I command the Rally. I promised Iron a human of his own and he wants to look them over and choose one himself. I ordered this mission so I have to lead it.”

  A sense of worry hit her. “Are you going to be in danger?”

  He shook his head, chuckling. “No. The Rally is heavily shielded. The Piera is no match for it. This will be an easy raid so there is no reason for you to feel concern. I will be back in a few hours. Use the cleaning unit and dress in the clothing I had made for you. I don’t want Drakos to see you wearing only my shirt.” His eyes ran over her blanket-covered body. “You are too attractive.”

  She nodded and climbed out of bed, naked. Flint’s gaze flared, studying her body as she walked toward him. He tensed and his breathing increased slightly. She picked up those tiny reactions as she watched him. She walked right up to him and put her hands on his chest, went up on tiptoe, and gazed into his confused eyes.

  “I do not have time for sex right now but I will have plenty of time after I return.”

  She forced a smile. “I wanted a kiss goodbye.”

  One eyebrow arched but he wrapped his arms around her. He was wearing his gloves. The metal gently brushed her skin at her hip as his hands encircled her. He lowered his head. Mira shut her eyes and kissed him. He tried to just brush his lips against hers but she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, dragged him down and invaded his mouth with her tongue, deepening the kiss.

  Flint hardened against her stomach. Mira couldn’t miss the bulge that grew in the front of his pants as he kissed her back. He finally broke the kiss and lifted her away from him, using his strength to force her to release him. His eyes narrowed as he stared down at her, passion flaring in hi
s beautiful gaze, breathing hard.

  “If you thought kissing me goodbye like that was going to keep you in my thoughts while I am away from you then it will work. I will be counting the seconds until I can finish this.”

  “Be careful. I don’t want anything to happen to you.” She didn’t look away from his eyes. She wanted him to remember her words. “I care about you. I’m more than property, Flint. I just wish you could see that.”

  His mouth tensed, anger sparking in his eyes. “We’ll discuss this when I return.” He turned and walked toward the door.

  “Be careful,” she called after him as the door opened. “I really don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  He turned, his features still tense. “I heard you and Doc talking. My hearing is extremely good. If I die, the men will share you so I don’t blame you for being concerned for my safety.”

  “That’s not why I hope you return safely. I care about you.”

  He sighed and some of the tension left him. He watched her for long seconds. “I will be back in a few hours. I want you to get clean and dress.” The door shut quietly after he left.

  She showered quickly and put on the clothes Doc had manufactured for her. The pants were tight in the waist but the legs were a little baggy. The leather material was soft against her skin but the outside was tougher. The shirt surprised her. It was a long-sleeved, waist-to-neck shirt. The material remained across the tops of her shoulders, from collar to sleeves, but had been cut away to reveal her markings. She stared at the tattoos on her skin. The altered shirt displayed Flint’s symbols very clearly.

  The boots fit her as if they were made for her, which they had been. She’d missed seeing them the night before but had spotted them just inside the door after Flint left. She paced the room and finally heard the door alarm. She walked to the door and waited long seconds until it slid open.