Page 23 of Mr. Hollywood

  “Whatever.” I couldn’t help looking him up and down again, taking in his sharp military costume. “You make that uniform look so good.”

  “Only the best for Captain Jase Dean,” he grinned and tossed a wink in Dustin’s direction. “What did you think, son?”

  Son. Dad. I loved hearing those terms on Zane and Dustin’s lips. It warmed my heart to no end and made my life seem so perfect. It was like living on top of the world and I was pretty sure no one could ever knock me from that perch.

  “It’s awesome! I like Captain Drudge’s costume too.”

  “Would you like to meet the guy playing Captain Drudge? His real name is Miles Rodney and he’s a great actor, not to mention a nice guy.”

  Dustin wrinkled his nose. “He doesn’t seem very nice to me.”

  “Trust me, kid. It’s all an act. He’s one of the kindest people you’ll meet. Come on.” Pulling the gloves off that went with his costume, he tucked them into his pocket and held his hand out to Dustin. “Would you like to come with us, babe?”

  Babe. That was another one I loved hearing.

  I shook my head. “No. You go ahead. I don’t want to interrupt anything.”

  He laughed. “You aren’t. Come with us. I want everyone to meet you.” He held out his other hand. “Miles is over by the food table. Want something to eat?”

  “Sure.” I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t been eyeing the buffet since we arrived. It looked delicious.

  Moving through the studio lot, I couldn’t believe all the action going on. People had no idea what kind of time and patience went in to setting up and perfecting even a few simple seconds of scene. It was intense. There were so many lights, and cameras, as well as miniature railroad tracks for cameramen to ride along as they were shooting a scene.

  Add in people for makeup, people for hair, the costume department, director, executives of all variety, reporters with press passes, writers, show runners, couriers, personal assistants . . . the list went on and on. It was completely fascinating.

  “Miles,” Zane called out as we approached. “I want you to meet my family.”

  “Hey, McCartney family,” Miles replied with a friendly grin, and his words gave me a second of pause. No one had ever called Dustin or me a McCartney before. Even though it wasn’t accurate, it still pleased me. I loved the way it sounded.

  “This is my girlfriend, Aubrey Hart, and our son, Dustin.”

  Miles smiled widely and leaned forward extending his hand. “Pleasure to meet you finally, Aubrey.”

  “Finally?” I asked, as I shook it.

  Releasing my hand, he gestured to Zane. “This guy tells anyone who will listen about you. I think there are random people passing by on the street that know all about you.”

  Glancing at Zane I grinned. “Is this true?”

  “Maybe, though I’m not nearly as bad as he’s making it out to be.”

  “Yes, he is,” Miles disagreed with a chuckle. He turned his attention to Dustin and held his hand out to him as well. “He talks a lot about you, too, little man.”

  Dustin shook is hand. “You look like the guy from Tinyville—the one who plays Poppy.”

  “That’s me, for sure. Did you like Tinyville?”

  “It’s one of my faves!” Dustin exclaimed. “How’d they make your ears look uneven? They look normal.”

  Miles glanced up at us. “Can I steal him for a bit? I actually have some of those ears hanging on a plaque in my trailer. Do you mind if I show him?”

  “Not at all,” I replied, pleased that he would take the time to interact with Dustin in this manner.

  “We’ll grab a few things to eat here and meet you both over that way,” Zane added. “I figured we could eat lunch in my trailer. You’re welcome to join us.”

  “Thanks. I’d love to,” he replied with a grin glancing between us. “It’ll give me a chance to get to know the fam. Come on, kiddo.”

  We both watched as they walked away, Dustin talking animatedly with Miles as they disappeared off the set and around the corner.

  “He seems really nice, just like you said.” Picking up a plate, I began putting some food on it. “Want to share a plate with me? You can get whatever you’d like. I’m making this one for Dustin.”

  “I think I’d like you naked and served on a platter for lunch.”

  I shook my head and rolled my eyes. “I wondered how long it would take.”

  Laughing he grabbed a plate and began adding food to it. “It’s your own fault. If you weren’t so good I wouldn’t need it so much.”

  “Says the man known as the biggest playboy of Hollywood.”

  “Says the man formally known as the biggest playboy in Hollywood. I’m completely reformed now—a one-woman man, that’s what I am. And I love it!” I was pretty sure everyone could hear him. It wasn’t like he was trying to keep any of this to himself.

  “You got enough food there?” I asked, staring at the heaping plate.

  “Hey, now. Part of this is for you. Besides, I’ve been in a lot of training for this film. I need a lot to eat.”

  “Excuses, excuses,” I muttered, shaking my head and he bumped his hip against me as he passed, almost sending me sprawling into the table.

  “What the hell?” I asked, trying to send him a glaring look. It wasn’t landing. He was laughing too hard.

  “Babe, if you wanted me to do you over the table again, all you had to do was ask.”

  Blushing furiously, I glanced around, but no one seemed to have heard. “You’re gonna get it,” I threatened.

  “God, I hope so,” he replied wickedly.

  Rolling my eyes, I walked past him around the corner in the direction that Miles and Dustin had gone, even though I had no idea where I was going.

  “Would you like some directions?” Zane asked, coming alongside me.

  “Like I’d trust anything you’d tell me. I’d end up walking into some room where they’re filming porn or something.”

  Laughing loudly, he shook his head. “They don’t ever film porn here. Golden Gate Studios is family owned.”

  “Oh. Well, good. I mean, not that I have anything against porn—though I’m pretty sure I’ve never really watched any.”

  “You aren’t missing much. The real thing is a lot more fun.”

  “Z McCartney as I live and breathe,” a new voice broke in.

  Immediately, I turned toward the sultry sound, knowing exactly whom it belonged to. It was a voice I’d loathed and had even been jealous of for years.

  Lauren Cassidy was as beautiful as ever, maybe even more so in person. She seemed every inch the star she was, looking glamorous in a gorgeous red gown. She had to be here on the lot filming.

  “Lauren,” Zane said, moving a bit closer to me and placing his hand on the small of my back. “This is Aubrey Hart.”

  “So you’re the new girl—or the old girl, if the tabloids are to be believed.” Practically sneering at me, she gave me the once over. “Be careful with this one.” She pointed to Zane. “He likes to fuck men on the side.”

  Anger boiled through me. “That’s a lie and you know it. If you’d have been any kind of girlfriend to him it should’ve been you he was in bed with.” I hadn’t realized how much I blamed her for what had happened to him. “Where were you all night when this was happening? Passed out? Drunk? Fucking someone else?”

  “Aubrey, it’s all right,” Zane said, attempting to guide me past her. “It doesn’t matter anymore. She can’t say or do anything that will hurt me either. If she says anything to anyone, she’ll lose everything she has.”

  “Need a girl to fight your battles for you now, Z?” Giving him a haughty glance, she placed a hand on her perfect hip, and I wondered how much liposuction she had every year to keep it looking that way. “It’s sad how far you’ve fallen—from the top of Hollywood to some filthy farm boy with a kid.”

  Zane remained remarkably cool. “I guess it depends on your perception. Frankly, I think I moved u
p the ladder, from Hollywood to absolute Heaven. Let’s go, Aubrey. Talking to Lauren is always a waste of good breath.”

  “It was Jax Devereaux,” Lauren said loudly.

  “What?” Zane turned back to stare at her.

  “Your plaything there asked me who I was with that night. It was Jax Devereaux—you know, the biggest rock star on the planet?”

  Zane’s features clouded, his normally bright blue eyes appearing stormy as his jaw flexed. “He wasn’t the biggest rock star on the planet back then. Either way, he must’ve been slumming that night if he slept with you.”

  Guiding me, he steered me away again.

  “I was good enough for you,” she hollered after us.

  Glancing over his shoulder, he shook his head. “You were never good enough for me. You were just something to pass the time while I dreamed about what I really wanted.” He glanced at me. “And that was always Aubrey.”

  “You’re a prick,” she yelled at him as we continued on our way.

  “Learned how to be one from you, remember?”

  “FUCK YOU, Z MCCARTNEY!” Her words reverberated off the buildings, she screamed so loudly.

  “No thanks.” Draping his arm around my shoulder he steered me around the next corner and out of sight. “I’m sorry about that. Really. I had no idea she was on the lot today.”

  “It’s all right. I’m just glad Dustin wasn’t here.” That was putting it mildly. In fact, this little scene was causing me to have second thoughts about all this. I didn’t want him around people like that.

  “Yeah. She’s a piece of work. No doubt about it.”

  Dustin and I had been staying at Zane’s house, in an effort to keep the paparazzi away from both us, and my parents. Zane wasn’t around very much though, since his shooting schedule was pretty busy now, thanks to the delay rehab had caused. The studio was doing its best to keep things clipping along at as fast a pace as possible. A lot of his time was spent at Sunnybrook Haven, too, as he continued his therapy.

  As far as our relationship though, we were just taking things one day at a time. We both felt it was important for Dustin to be the center of attention, and if he was awake, we spent most of our time with him. I didn’t want him feeling like Zane had stolen me from him.

  Nothing could really progress one way or another until Zane was free of the contract he was currently under. Dustin was also still in school during the week, so for now, we were just easing into a new lifestyle and getting to know one another.

  Zane had been flourishing in rehab. Once he’d committed, he’d done it heart and soul. His meeting with Andy had been a big turning point for him. I’d seen lots of changes in his demeanor over the last week. He seemed lighter . . . happier. Once he told me what had happened with Andy, even I wanted to meet the guy. It sounded like they’d both been through a lot. While I was sad they’d had to go through that, I was happy they both seemed to be finding peace.

  But now I was worried again. Granted, not everyone in Hollywood was a bitch like Lauren, but according to some of the stories Zane had told me about people, the ones that were, could make life miserable. I could handle bitches—or crappy people of any gender—but I didn’t want my son exposed to petty people like that.

  “Hey. You’re awful quiet.” He glanced behind us. “Are you upset?”

  “A little, but mostly because she was rude to you.”

  “So what else is bothering you?”

  I sighed and shook my head. “Nothing really. I just don’t like fake people.”

  “Forget about her. Let’s just enjoy our lunch and have fun with our son. I don’t want anything to ruin our day.”

  Smiling, I attempted to shove my negative feelings aside. “You’re right. We’ve been looking forward to this day for ages.”

  “I’m looking forward to tonight, too.” Grinning, his hand slipped lower, grabbing my butt.

  “Keep your grubby hands to yourself,” I replied with a laugh.

  “Can’t. I’m leaving to go on location to Paris tomorrow, remember? I need to sex it up so I have something to last me while I’m away.”

  “I wish we could go with you, but I don’t dare pull Dustin out of school for that many days.”

  “We can hire him a tutor. Kids go to school on set all the time. I’m happy to find someone for him.”

  I shook my head. “No. Not right now. This is the end of the school year and I want him to live as normally as possible. I’m afraid all this will go to his head.”

  “Let him be excited, Aubrey. He’s getting to do something most kids will never get the opportunity to do. It’s probably pretty incredible for him.”

  “I know. And I get that. It’s why I agreed to him coming with you today. I just don’t want him to get a false impression of the world.”

  “I understand completely. If anything is bothering you, just tell me. I’ll do my best to see that he’s safe and living the life you want him to have.”

  “We want him to have,” I corrected. “We have to be on the same page.”

  “And we will be,” he replied placing a kiss on my head and I should’ve felt better—but I didn’t.

  “Z McCartney Son Missing! Nationwide Amber Alert Issued!”

  ~Glitz Magazine~

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Was that my phone ringing?

  Pausing, I held Zane’s shirt I’d been folding and listened. Sure enough there was a ringtone. Laying the shirt down, I hurried back to Zane’s bedroom to retrieve it. Glancing at the number, I recognized it as Dustin’s school. I answered it immediately.

  “Hello?” I wasn’t sure why, but a feeling of trepidation washed through me, and fear gripped my heart. Why would the school be calling in the middle of the day?

  “Hi, this is Julie Wood. I’m the principal for Highland Elementary. I’m trying to reach Aubrey Hart.”

  “This is Aubrey. Is Dustin all right?” I needed to know right now.

  “Well, actually, we can’t find him.”

  “What?” My heart sank and a tremor raced through me.

  “Apparently the kids were out to recess and a bunch of reporters showed up at the school and tried to talk to him through the fence. One of his classmates said he told them that he was supposed to run home if he ever saw any of those people.

  “The teachers on playground duty told the reporters they had to leave or the police would be called, but after they left the school Dustin was nowhere to be found.”

  A sob threatened to escape me, as my mind frantically fought to keep it together. “I did tell him once to run home, but I meant if he were playing outside the house, not to leave school.”

  Julie continued. “We’ve called the police department, as is our policy for a missing child, and they’re sending an officer to the school. I’m so sorry about this. Is there anyway you can check friends and neighbors maybe? Or do you have any idea where he might have gone?”

  “I’m assuming he would’ve gone home, but I’m not there. Let me call my parents. They live next door. I’ll also go drive the route to school and see if I can find him.”

  “So do we have your permission to officially declare him missing? We have certain protocols to follow in that case. We already have the school on lockdown.”

  “Yes, please. Let me know if you get any more information. I’m heading out the door right now.” Slipping my feet into my shoes as we spoke, I grabbed my purse and keys, and headed toward the private elevator.

  “We will, for sure. Please do the same for us. Again, I’m so sorry this has happened.”

  “Just help me find my son. That’s all that matters.”

  “We will. Good luck on your end.” Hearing the concern and worry in her voice scared me even more.

  “Thank you.” Ending the call, I stepped into the elevator, immediately dialing my mother. She answered on the second ring.

  “Hey there. How are you today?” she asked, cheerfully.

  “Mom, have you see
n Dustin today?” I blurted out, my voice shaking.

  “No. What’s wrong?” Instantly, the tone of her voice changed.

  “The school called. They said a bunch of reporters showed up trying to talk to him and now they can’t find him.”

  “Did they call the police?”

  “Yes, they said an officer was on the way. When we had all those reporters around the house before, I told him to run home if anyone ever tried to bother him. I think—I hope—that’s what’s happening.”

  “I’ll get in my car right now and drive the route to the school from here. I’ll also check the neighbors and ask if they’ve seen him recently.”

  “All right. I can’t imagine that he’d try to come here. It’s a twenty-minute drive to the school from here. Of course, if he used his Metro pass he could get here, but I don’t think he’d have any clue what route to take.” This wasn’t helping my panic levels. I couldn’t lose my son. He was my world! The repressed sob escaped and tears swam before my eyes as I stepped off the elevator.

  “We’ll find him, Aubrey. If we have to tear apart this city to do it, we will. Brent! Get the car keys! Dustin’s missing!” she shouted to my dad.

  “Thanks, Mom. I gotta go because I need to drive. Please call me if you find him.”

  “When we find him. Be positive.”

  “I’m trying. I need to call Zane, but he’s on a plane to Paris right now, so I can’t reach him. I should call Penelope, though. Once the media gets hold of this, it’s gonna spread like wildfire.”

  “That’s a good idea, actually,” my mom replied. “Penelope may have access to additional resources. I’d call her right now and let her know what’s going on.”

  “Okay, I will. Love you.”

  “Love you too, sweetie. Your dad and I are heading out the door right now. Call if you need us.”

  “All right.” Hanging up, I dialed Penelope’s personal cell number.

  “Aubrey?” she answered. “Is everything all right?”

  Sadly, it seemed as if I never called Penelope unless we needed her help with something. Now I needed her help more than ever. “No. Reporters showed up at Dustin’s school today and now he’s missing. The school is on lockdown and the police are on their way, but they can’t find him.”