Page 9 of Mr. Hollywood

  Smiling slightly, he glanced at the other two. “Aubrey was my girlfriend in high school. We dated for a year.”

  “Wow. You know each other. I thought you were just trying to hit on some poor girl when you asked to go to her facility,” the lawyer said.

  “Nope. I saw it as an opportunity to repair some old bridges. Something I haven’t been having much luck with it seems. But I’m hoping my luck will change.” His eyes never left me, their blue depths full of questions.

  I kept silent, having no clue what to say. All I could think of was how angry he was going to be when he found out what I was keeping from him.

  “Have you ever been to an event?” Penelope asked, thankfully changing the subject.

  I shook my head. “No. I’ve never done anything remotely like this. Most of my life has been spent going to school and working. There wasn’t really a whole lot of time for doing much else.” I sounded like the lamest person on earth, but there was no way I was mentioning Dustin to anyone right now. I didn’t care what people thought of me. As long as he was protected, that was all that mattered.

  Zane addressed Penelope. “I want her to be pampered, no expense spared—the best dresses by the hottest designers for her to choose from, and get her in with one of the big stylists if you can. I’ll pay whatever is needed.”

  “No! That’s way too much. Really. I can just run home and pull out a cocktail dress or something. Don’t worry about me. It’s not a big deal.” My palms were sweaty just imagining the kind of money he was talking about.

  The three of them laughed together as if I’d said something really funny.

  “Actually, it’s a very big deal,” Penelope said. “You’re going as the date of the most sought after celebrity in Hollywood. You can make or break this night for him depending on how you look on his arm. Everyone will be speculating about who you are, what designer you’re wearing, and who did your hair and makeup. You need to be stunning.”

  “She’s already stunning,” Zane muttered under his breath and heat flooded my cheeks. “It’s hard to improve on perfection.”

  “Planning to lay it on thick tonight, are you?” I arched an eyebrow, hating that his words pleased me so much.

  “Just calling it like I see it.” He seemed so confident and sure of himself. It was as if just being back in the limo had put him back into his Hollywood persona. Somehow he even seemed larger than life. Yet, he was still wearing the same t-shirt and jeans he had been earlier.

  “I already have a call into Dominic Florin. He’s pulling dresses for her as we speak. After the dress has been picked, we’re going to Chico’s for the hair and makeup,” Penelope said.

  Shock filled my system as I recognized the names of the people she mention, celebrities in their own right in the fashion world. I might not have the funds for all the designer labels, but it didn’t mean I didn’t know who they were. I often looked through magazines on my breaks at work. It was fun to see designer outfits and try to copy them with cheaper, more affordable items. Fashion was fun.

  “I . . . I don’t know what to say,” I stuttered out like an idiot. “Thank you.”

  “There’s no need for thanks,” Zane said. “We are the ones thanking you for helping to make this happen. It will save a lot of mess in the future.”

  “Well, then, I’m glad I could help.” Surprising myself, I realized I actually meant it.

  “I am, too. You have no idea how glad.”

  Hours later, I stood waiting at the door for the limo to come pick me up at Chico’s salon. I wasn’t going to lie. While today had been crazy, and full of some very exciting and intimidating experiences, I now felt like the prettiest princess in the world.

  My long, red, designer dress hugged my form perfectly and showed off plenty of cleavage. It was slit to mid thigh, and the hem of the dress dragged slightly on the floor behind me, as it was supposed to. The sexy designer shoes I was wearing, matched the silver clutch in my hand, and also the silver chandelier earrings I was wearing.

  My hair had been piled on top of my head after some warm honey highlights had been added, and my makeup made my eyes look huge, like they were going to pop out of my head. I’d never known my eyes could look like this.

  During all the pampering, Penelope had been filling me in on a list of do’s and don’ts. I was to be arm candy and not to speak unless spoken to. I’d memorized the names of all the designers whose products I was wearing, so I could answer if asked. And if anyone wanted to know who I was, I was just to say a friend of Z’s and do my best to turn the conversation back to him. And no matter what happened, I was never to use his real name. I was to call him Z.

  I was a little terrified, but excited at the same time.

  The car pulled up to the curb and Zane hopped out, looking very dashing in a smartly cut tuxedo. Instantly, my heart rate picked up. It was easy to see why everyone had fallen in love with him. He was extremely good looking, and oh so charming, too. Yep. I should know. I was the girl he’d charmed the pants off of. Sadly, I wasn’t the only one. That thought was like a knife twisting in my chest.

  The door opened and he stepped inside, stopping in his tracks as soon as he saw me. “Dear heaven above,” he said in a low voice as his eyes trailed over me from head to toe, before he glanced at Penelope. “You won’t have to worry about the press wanting to know anything about me. All they’re going to see is her.”

  Penelope grinned, seeming pleased. “If we are lucky . . .”

  Moving toward me, Zane—Z—offered me his arm. For some reason, he even seemed like his alter ego tonight. “You look incredible, Aubrey. I’ve never seen anyone more beautiful.”

  I blushed. “You’re just being nice.”

  “I’m being totally serious.” His eyes roamed over me again. “If I had my way, we wouldn’t be attending this event.” There was fire behind his words.

  Heat filled my face. I knew exactly what he was hinting toward. “What makes you think I’d let you take me anywhere?” I smiled slightly, taking his arm and he chuckled.

  “You’re letting me take you somewhere right now.” Leading me out, he paused and let the driver open the car door for us.

  “Only because you suckered me into it,” I replied, refusing to give into his charm, even though I wanted to. Despite my hurt feelings, he still made me feel everything I used to. I’d missed feeling beautiful in his arms.

  “Best thing I’ve ever done.” Ever the gentleman, he helped me slip inside, following behind me.

  “Where’s Penelope?” I asked, when the driver shut the door behind him.

  “She always rides up front to these things.”

  “Oh,” I said, feeling slightly uneasy. Zane and I were completely alone in the back of this car.

  “Are you nervous for tonight?” He stared briefly at my hands in my lap. “You’re shaking.”

  “I am.” There was no reason to hide the truth. It was obvious.

  “Don’t be. You look amazing, and I’ll make sure you’re never left alone. Just be you and enjoy yourself.”

  “I’m hoping no one will notice me because they want to see you.”

  Laughing heartily, he shook his head. “Let me know how that works out for you.”

  “The Red Carpet is Set and the Show is Ready to Roll. The Only Question is will Z McCartney Show Up?”

  ~Scoop It! Teen Magazine~

  Chapter Nine


  I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Part of it was because she was a vision of loveliness, and part of it was the fact that I couldn’t believe she was actually here with me.

  To be honest, I wasn’t expecting her to agree to this whole shenanigan. The fact that she’d said yes offered me some hope that maybe I could get her to warm up to me a little more. Not that she appeared too relaxed right now. In fact, she seemed downright skittish.

  Glancing at my watch, I knew we’d have a while in the car together, first going through traffic and then maneuvering through the limo mes
s at the Red Carpet outside the Kodak Theater. Besides, I always liked to arrive toward the end and make a grand entrance. For now, though, I had this beauty completely to myself and I intended to take complete advantage of it.

  “It feels good having you here,” I said truthfully. “It’s . . . right, somehow.”

  She smothered an uneasy grin. “You think so?”

  “I do. Of course, life was always better when you were around.” That wasn’t me schmoozing her, it was one hundred percent true.

  “I hardly think I compare to all this,” she said, waving her arm around us.

  “You’re right. You’re much better.” This time she couldn’t quite keep her pleasure at my comment from showing. Even though a slight smile appeared, it was her eyes that twinkled as she stared at me and I continued on, wanting to take advantage of that tiny crack she was showing in her armor. “I’m not just blowing smoke. I’ve really missed you, Aubrey.” It was a crime that I’d ever let her slip away. What the hell had I been thinking?

  Quietly she toyed with the small, sparkly clutch in her lap. “I’ve missed you, too,” she finally said, softly.

  “Then please, will you let me talk to you? I can’t help but feel like you’re determined to avoid me completely.” My breath caught, awaiting her answer.

  She let out an unladylike snort. “I’m here, aren’t I?”

  “Yes, but it would mean so much more if you actually wanted to be here.”

  Again there was a moment of silence before she spoke. “I do want to be here . . . well, not necessarily here. I’m anxious about tonight, but I like being with you, I mean.”

  That brought a smile to my lips and I did nothing to try and hide it. “Then try to relax. I’ll take care of you.”

  Something hardened in her features, telling me right away that had been the wrong thing to say. “It’s hard for me to trust you. You’ve given me your word before and then you went back on it. I may still want to be around you, but it doesn’t mean you’re good for me. There’s so much water under the bridge with us. I don’t know how to get past it.”

  Her words slammed into me like daggers straight to my core. It was obvious the wounds I’d left her with were deep. And even though I didn’t like remembering how badly I’d hurt her, it gave me hope that if our past still affected her this strongly, maybe there was some possibility for us.

  “So let’s not think about that and try to find some common ground again. Tell me some more about yourself.” I was desperate to steer her away from anger.

  “Like what?” Her hazel colored eyes held my attention, and I remembered how I used to get lost staring into them. Damn, she was so gorgeous.

  I went straight for what I really wanted to know. “Have there been . . . others in your life? Other men, I mean.” I braced myself for the answer. She was a catch and there was no way they were all dumb enough to pass on perfection. Just thinking about guys sniffing around her made my fists clench. Not that I could complain. I was the one who’d ditched her after all. I was a shit-faced motherfucker.

  “Not really.” She seemed hesitant to proceed. “After I decided to stay here, I spent all my time trying to secure a job and make ends meet to survive. Once my parents realized I wasn’t coming back home, they decided to sell the farm and move out here next to me. We actually own houses side by side now, in a very nice family oriented neighborhood.”

  “They sold the farm?” I couldn’t believe it. Brent and Daphne loved that farm more than anything.

  Instantly, I was back in Montana, wearing a pair of cowboy boots, jeans, and a t-shirt, stacking bags of feed in the Hart’s barn. I could even smell the straw of the hayloft and hear the sounds of the animals.

  It was funny how my memories always returned first to that day—the only day in my life I’d felt truly complete—the day I’d lain with Aubrey. I could still remember the way it felt to be inside her, to hear her moans fill the air as I made her come over and over again. After the barn, I’d followed her into the house. We’d showered together, and then gone into her room to get dressed. I’d taken her one more time, in her own bed, slowly worshipping her. I couldn’t get enough of her.

  It was funny, too. I’d always felt that once I took her, it would ease some of my need for her, but no. It was exactly the opposite. Each time only made me want her more.

  She was my true addiction. It didn’t matter how long I lived, I’d never be able to get enough of Aubrey Hart.

  We’d snuggled after that last time together, and I relished holding her naked body in my arms. Afterward, we showered together again, and then she came outside to help me catch up on the chores before her parents got home.

  They invited me for dinner that night and I said yes, even though I knew it would postpone my dad getting his dinner. I simply wanted to stare at Aubrey a while longer and think about all the incredible things we’d done together that day.

  Absently, I replied to conversation that her parents drew me in to, unable to keep my thoughts off the beauty sitting across the table from me.

  “I love your daughter,” I blurted out during a quiet moment, and Daphne laughed.

  “We’ve been wondering how long it would take you to admit it,” she said.

  “It’s about damn time,” Brent grumbled, flashing me an amused glance before taking another bite of his steak.

  “You knew?” I asked, surprised.

  “We aren’t blind, son. I’d wager you’ve been in love with her for a long, long time.”

  I had been. And looking back, I realized it was the reason my relationships before her had failed. I hadn’t really wanted any of those girls. I’d only wanted Aubrey, but I was afraid to pursue her. If she turned me down it would ruin everything we had between us. I couldn’t risk that. She was too precious to me.

  “I want to come back for her when I’m all settled in and know what’s going on. I want her to come live in LA with me.”

  Aubrey knew all of this already, of course. We’d been planning it ever since I’d won this contract. We’d never discussed it with her parents, though.

  “I think that sounds so romantic,” her mom said with a dreamy smile.

  Brent, however, seemed less enthusiastic. “She’s my little girl, Zane. I may love you like a son, but I’d sooner shoot you than look at you if you ever hurt my baby.”

  Grinning, I nodded, not the least bit worried. “I’d never hurt, Aubrey. She’s my world.” I stared across the table and she smiled at me, radiantly.

  “Then come talk to me when you get all settled. We will see about things then.”

  Nodding, I felt joy surge through me. We were both eighteen, so legally I knew they couldn’t stop us, but I still wanted their approval. Brent and Daphne had been like parents to me, when I didn’t have any. I wanted them to trust me. And when the time was right, I hoped they’d welcome me into their family for real—as their son-in-law.

  I couldn’t believe how everything I’d always wanted was falling into place. It was as if even the universe desired me to have my every wish. My life was perfect. My girl was perfect. Nothing could derail me now.

  How wrong I’d been. I didn’t know when I hugged them all goodbye, and whispered sweet words of comfort to my tear stained girl, that it would be the last time I saw any of them.

  I didn’t know I was trading in my Heaven for pure Hell. Had I known what was about to happen, I would’ve never been able to get in my truck and drive away.

  Yes, hindsight was everything. And I knew now I’d fucked up my life in the worst way possible. The problem was, I had no idea how to fix it. I wasn’t sure if it would ever be normal again.

  For the millionth time, my thoughts drifted back to how it felt to be with her, inside her, moving together. I’d never feel complete again if I couldn’t find my way back to her.

  “One Hour on the Red Carpet. Still No Sign of Mr. Hollywood.”

  ~Glitz Magazine Live From the Movie Buff Awards~

  Chapter Ten

sp; Z

  “Earth to Zane,” Aubrey’s voice called to me, pulling me out of my memories. “Where’d you go? You just kind of zoned out on me.”

  “Sorry.” I shook my head, as if doing so would remove the image of her naked body from my mind. There was no hope for that, though. I’d relived the memory too much, committing every part of her to memory. “Just thinking about my favorite times spent on that farm.”

  She blushed, and I knew she was aware of exactly what I was talking about.

  “I miss the farm,” I added, continuing on so she didn’t have to respond. “Your house was more home to me than my own. You know that, right?”

  She nodded. “I was sorry to hear about your dad. I would’ve come to the funeral, if you’d have had one.”

  “It was how he wanted it,” I replied, thinking of how cold it had seemed to have him cremated with no type of service. He’d been so unhappy in life after my mother died though, so I did my best to make his death exactly as he wanted, with no fanfare. His ashes had been mailed to me and were currently sitting in an urn in the top of my closet. I’d never found a place that seemed appropriate to spread them.

  “After he’d passed away, I had the farm put up for sale and hired someone to pack up the personal items left after the place sold. I was shooting on location in Venezuela at the time and couldn’t go to Montana for several weeks. A few meager belongings are all I have left of him.”

  “At least he’s at peace now.”

  “Yes, there is that.” I continued to stare at her, my thoughts drifting elsewhere. “I still think about that day. Do you?”

  To her credit, she didn’t look away, though she swallowed hard. “I’m pretty sure a day hasn’t gone by that I haven’t thought about it.” She knew exactly what I meant.

  Her reply pleased me to no end, but I had the odd feeling that she meant something different than I did. “I can’t believe someone hasn’t snatched you up. Guys are idiots.”