I also noticed Switch avoided Raven. I could sense he liked her, and thought it was bullshit the way Michael treated her, but there was nothing he could do about it. I agreed, but I too could do nothing for them. In some ways, I thought Raven, and Switch should be together. I didn’t want to meddle, but that thought stayed with me to the point I was setting them up to be around each other. I think Nanna noticed, but as she seemed to agree with me as she stayed out of it, as well.

  I invited Switch to our hut whenever possible.

  I was in my third month when I noticed Aries being silent with me, sometimes avoiding me.

  We had found that as long as neither of us left the island or went into the jungle we could withstand being apart. Beyond those boundaries, the pain was too much.

  Aries thoughts were shielded much of the time, but I caught glimpses from time to time, jealous ones. He also began giving Switch dirty looks and would snap at him. I decided one night after speaking to Switch it was time to confront Aries.

  “I need to finish some things, can we talk later?” He asked not looking at me.

  We hadn’t made love in weeks. The last time was around the time I noticed Michael and Raven’s problems.

  “They can wait. Most everything is ready. I think things will be fine for a moment.”

  He followed me to a tree where I pulled him down to the ground with me and into my arms.

  “I know your upset about something, and before you argue and say no or its nothing hear me out. I also know why. You, my gorgeous man, have been misinformed. Whatever you think you know or sense is wrong. I have been worried about my friend Raven. Her family will be here soon, and she isn’t happy. I don’t want that. If they think for a second she isn’t happy they might leave, or worse try to convince her too, as well. Michael isn’t in love with her, and I know someone who is. Raven likes him as well, but refuses to do anything about it. I had to make sure there was something there before I set them up together. I didn’t want to make things worse.”

  Aries seemed to be listening.

  “I wanted Switch and Raven to get to know one another. I sense something there. It will take time, and I need to figure out how to get Michael out of the way. She won't hurt him, and she thinks she still loves him. Can you bear with me a while longer?” I asked pouting.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize.”

  “I needed to see how Switch felt about this and bring them together. They are good for each other. He makes her smile. She lights his eyes up. If Michael sees this, it will just hurt him worse. It’s taking so much to keep up with some things. Don’t make things worse. I need your help here, please.”

  Aries turned to me and kissed me full on the lips. His hand went to my stomach and his eyes to mine.

  “Sometimes I feel as if she is just a regular baby, ours. Not some tiny goddess.”

  “She is. It took some time for me to feel that way, but I do. I hope we can instill a part of ourselves into her, but I feel it’s us that will change because of her.”

  More time went by, and my stomach got bigger. It was hard trying to set them up with the baby only months away. I had plans to make and a room to get ready.

  Nanna kept a close eye on me. She monitored what I ate, which became less and less. Her potions became a little bigger with time too. I had noticed I was stronger, and when Aries and I made love again I didn’t bruise. He seemed shocked, and I got more aggressive with him.

  He loved it, but it scared him too. I had to be easy so I didn’t hurt the baby.

  I only soul wandered once more before the baby was born; it was brief but calmed me a great deal. I couldn’t bring Aries in. That was something I’d have to try after Kali was born.

  Somewhere in my sixth month I started working at the nursery more, and less with the odd jobs. Switch took over some of the decision making for me. He’d become a great friend to me.

  I didn’t see him as some sexy, god-like rock star anymore. He was someone I laughed and joked with. Aries watched us for a while, but after some time saw it was just friendship. Switch may have talked to him, as well. I wanted to be close enough to Switch that I could be honest with him about Raven. I didn’t think it was time yet, though. The one time her ‘problem’ came up he just simply said he would do whatever he could to make her happy, as a friend. He blocked his thoughts extremely well.

  Michael and our relationship seemed to be going downhill until I pulled him aside one day.

  “I need to talk to you.”

  “Not a good time, Angel,” he said backing away.

  “Please. I need you.” I knew that it would get his attention.

  “Alright,” he said after a second, sighing and looking at the ground.

  I took him to a secluded spot near the jungle. Only one person had been hurt going in there; I didn’t want to be the next. I could probably hold my own, especially using my powers, but I didn’t want to take that chance.

  “I miss you,” I told him bluntly.

  “I hate to be the bad guy here, but you should have thought about that before you married him.”

  “I love him Michael. I wish you could accept that. You have always been a friend to me, but that’s not how you feel toward me is it?”

  He didn’t answer, but his thoughts were clear enough.

  “I'm so sorry that things turned out like this for you. I wish sometimes that there were two of me. Then I could make everyone happy. I’m not as special as everyone seems to think. I got chosen to be some heroine, and didn’t want it. Most of my decisions are made for me. Like Aries. He was chosen for me. I don’t know why, but I love him with all of my heart. Sometimes though, being with him is strange. I didn’t know him very well, and I’m still learning things today. His favorite color, what he likes and dislikes. I have known you for some time. I also know that we’d never make a good couple. We don’t like the same things, and we would always butt heads over my being in danger because you like protecting females. It’s hard for Aries but would be even harder for you.”

  Michael seemed to be hearing me. He didn’t seem happy about where he assumed the conversation was going.

  “I want you happy Michael. And you’re not happy. Have you ever wondered if maybe you and Raven just weren’t meant to be? I want you both to be happy Michael. I can’t make you happy, but someone else can. You have to figure that out. It’s not fair, not only for you, but her, as well. I can’t think of much else to say. I just wanted you to know I... don’t know... that I wish I could help...”

  I hugged him. He held me tight but kept it friendly. I hoped he would listen and figure out something. I didn’t know what else to do. I told him I needed to be somewhere and left him standing on the edge of the jungle.

  I tracked Aries down and told him about the conversation I had with Michael. He understood and said he hoped it was best. He’d have done the same in my shoes.

  I began to keep to myself after that. By my seventh month, I was almost useless, as I was too far along and things were slowing down a lot. Switch took over all of my jobs but the nursery and teaching magic, which I had nearly turned over to Nanna.

  Lady Kara and I had been meeting and chatting a lot lately. She told me what I wanted to know about my childhood. She eased some fears, and made me feel better about some memories.

  She tried to get me to choose the GOD. Part of me wanted to, but with everything going on I wasn't quite ready to believe. I mean where did Vampires fit into the bible? Where did I fit?

  She tried to answer these questions, saying man wrote the bible. Some things may not be exactly as HE meant them to be. For all we know, lunatics wrote part of it. What I was meant to get from it was that people needed faith in something, no matter how absurd it was.

  I could understand that.

  According to Nanna I was getting close. I was huge. She said I might not have to wait as long as mortal women who delivered mortal babies. Then again I was so tiny she wasn’t sure I could deliver her. I might have to hav
e a C-section. We had a professional doctor to step in if need be. Whatever the delivery detailed we couldn’t guess. I hadn’t heard Kali's voice in some time so I assumed I was doing things right. She was preparing to be born. Or thinking like a baby should. I missed her in some ways, but I figured it might be best if I was to think of her as MY baby and not my goddess.

  Aries had been working himself around the clock since we got here, so I figured he needed a night off. Most of the people who were to be here when it happened would be. One of the last groups would be arriving in two days, the largest yet. Things had fallen into a routine. Aries would visit me around midnight and sit with me. Sometimes we’d lie in bed together, but he would always leave before dawn. As I got bigger, sex had diminished. It had been one month since the last time.

  I didn’t plan on sex tonight, but I wanted us to spend more than an hour or two together, hopefully the whole night.

  When he came in, I undressed and wore only a t-shirt and panties. I had begun to walk funny and felt embarrassed as I climbed into bed. Aries eyebrows rose, but he followed me.

  “I wanted to spend some time together before all this hit. After Dooms Day, we might not get much alone time.” Someone had appropriately named the impending disaster.

  He nodded. We talked until I passed out. When I woke some hours later, he was still there.

  “Hi gorgeous,” I whispered to him, rubbing the sleep from my eyes and stretching.

  “Why do you call me that?” he asked.

  “Because you are gorgeous to me, silly,” I retorted, laughing.

  “So I should call you Beautiful beyond comparison?” he asked teasing.

  “It’s a mouthful, but if you want to...”

  He laughed and held me closer.

  I couldn’t believe he was actually mine, forever and always mine. I’d never grow tired of this man, or could stay very angry with him.

  We lay together until my stomach growled, around ten.


  We dressed, climbed the stairs, and saw Nanna still tending to the kitchen. I ate a late breakfast and drank my daily potion.

  By that point, Aries needed to leave me.

  I talked to Nanna about magic for some time before she had to leave, as well. I went back downstairs into Kali’s room. I had painted it, filled it with furniture and playthings, and personalized it. It had things I never did. She may have been a goddess, but she would have more than I did while she was young. Her soul was Kali. The body was Aries and mine. She would be a part of us.

  I wondered if she would be like other babies, like the ones in the nursery. Sometimes I wanted that, and sometimes I wanted a baby the way I figured she would be, more intelligent and well behaved. It would be a surprise that was for sure.

  I had painted and decorated her room like a magical forest, with fairies and animals painted in, which I considered appropriate with her being a goddess of nature. Stuffed animals were everywhere. The ceiling was painted like the night sky with glow in the dark stars painted on, to me a perfect room. There were no windows down here, but it would be fine. We wouldn’t spend much time here. When I had her, I would be busy fighting off the demons that would attack.

  Bella, Frank, the rest of the band, and various families would be coming soon. Some that thought they would only be visiting and others who were in on the secret. It would be hard keeping it, but I was so close and I could go into labor at any time. We decided not to cut it too close, sensing if anyone wasn’t here at that time they’d surely die.

  If I had to, I’d tell them the truth before they left. I wouldn’t stop anyone from leaving if that’s what he or she truly wished, but I’d do everything in my power to convince him or her or stall them. Such as pretend the plane or boat was unusable, or the phones were down.

  It was almost time for the next ship to dock, and I wanted to be there when it arrived. I knew Switch would be there as well to obtain information and direct them to their new homes. I wouldn’t be doing that job anymore. It would be passed on again shortly before I went into labor. The band and certain Lykan’s would become Kali's and my bodyguards. Switch and I were meeting later today to discuss this. I had Raven on my mind now that everything had settled down. I planned to ask her while at the docks.

  On my way, I ran into Sen; we were alone, and when he approached me Kali took over with no warning.

  “I have a job for you brother.”

  Sen obviously knew whom he was speaking to. What surprised me was that she called him brother.


  “Aries is approaching the point of change. He will be considered an old one shortly. I must make him stronger and give him his powers early. The others will progress naturally. Our master has told me that unless he is ready our plan will fail. He wants you to train him in the old ways. After I am born he will become an ancient like you, a half god. And he would be nearly impossible to defeat, except by Angel and myself. You have two weeks. Show him everything. He will later train the others. You are the last of your kind, and there will be no others. After he receives your powers, you may go wherever you desire. Our Master has told me to inform you that your wish was granted.”

  I gasped as I understood. I choked back a sob, hoping I was wrong.

  “Understood,” Sen replied, nodding.

  “Mother,” she whispered only to me.


  “The information you just heard is to be kept to yourself. I could have blocked your senses and not allowed you to know.”

  “Thank you for not doing so. Sen is your brother?” I asked. I also wondered how many times she had blocked me.

  “Half-brother, in your words. We were created together for this purpose, to prepare the way for the destruction of earth, and the rebuilding of mine. In my time, things will return to the way things were in Sen’s time. Father will need these powers in order to protect us.”

  I understood a little better now.

  Kali left; she would not speak with me again. She allowed me to hear only because she wanted me to know she would arrive in two weeks. My chest felt ragged and full of holes. Sobs escaped, and my legs buckled. Sen had me before I hit the ground. He had heard Kali and my conversation.

  “I’m sorry. I wish we had more time. We both knew it was coming. We’ll be ready; we have to be.”

  Sen would leave me, and the world would die.

  “I will always be with you. You know this. I have asked my Master if my spirit could wander for the rest of eternity. He granted my final wish. So I could be with my daughter, real daughter. I should have never left you, but I had no choice.” Sen bowed his head in shame.

  My tears of sorrow were joined by tears of fury. He had left me to endure the pain of my past alone. Let my mother die when he could have saved her. For this, I should have hated him.

  “I cannot change your past. I came when I did because I begged him to let me save you. He allowed this, only if I didn’t reveal who I was. I gave you everything I could so you could defend yourself against the world. It was all I could do, I swear. I was forbidden to interfere. You had to learn the wisdom of those years. I’d give anything to change it, Angel. Your mother never told me she was pregnant. Not until it was too late. My master sent me on a mission in that area just so you could be born. He knew I wanted a family. He gave me a mortal’s desire and need only so you could be born. Then he took them away. He didn’t expect me to love her, to go back and find you.”

  I stood up now with him holding me to him.

  “Is Sen your real name?”

  “Has been for many, many years. It’s what your mother called me.”

  “Were you ever going to tell me?”

  “After I was gone,” he whispered.

  I walked away from him then. It wasn’t fair to me. None of this was my fault. I was given everyone else’s burden and problems and told to fix them. I was to destroy the world, save what little people were left, and face armies upon armies of supernatural creatures
that would over run the world and some would try to kill or enslave us.

  Sen didn’t move. I was nearly to the docks when I saw Aries. He was approaching Sen and would wonder why he was just standing there. Would he tell him?

  The boat was just arriving. I could see Bella, her sister, and her brother-in-law.

  When I reached them Bella and quite a few of the others were surprised. The band seemed nervous. They knew there wasn’t much time left. Frank was even wary. I tried to smile, but inside I wasn’t feeling it. Cross sensed my despair and tried to hurry things along. Switch showed up about that time.

  “Are you alright?” Switch whispered in my ear, so no one human could hear.

  “I need a moment alone is all, to sort some info out.”

  “Gotcha,” he told me.

  “Angel, Raven needs you at the motel. She couldn’t make it down here,” Switch said aloud.

  “Thanks. Bella, Frank, I’ll catch up to you soon. There’s always something needing to be done,” I told everyone.

  Aries and Sen had just arrived as well, wondering why I had to leave.

  “I’ll go with you,” Aries said, curious about why I looked pale and pissed.

  “No I’m fine, stay here and help Switch. I need a moment, please.”

  Aries nodded but wasn’t happy. He looked at Sen who seemed to look withdrawn and distracted.

  I walked as quickly as I could uphill when I remembered I had not seen Michael’s parents. They had not arrived yet. Michael had not said anything to me, but now that there wasn’t much time I would have to ask him if he had heard from them yet. Raven’s family had come in weeks ago and had decided to stay. They still didn’t know why we had invited them, but were fitting right in, not missing a beat. Her sister, Lillian was head nurse at the clinic, while her husband, Thomas was the deputy.

  Seems Thomas had a secret he had kept from everyone. He was part of a government program. He was stationed in our little town to watch for any suspicious activity and report it immediately. It was long term, and he had met Lillian and married her. By the time, Raven had been born he had switched loyalties and was now Frank’s friend and main go to man for information. He kept the pretense of being a supervisor at a construction business. He had never even told Lillian. He knew everything we told Frank, our secret, and had cut off all contact with the government when they moved here. He was now AWOL, and a traitor under our protection.