There wasn’t much anyone could do for his life mate. He was full of nothing but fear for her, hate for the reason behind all of this, and desire to protect what was his. His need to make her well and safe was beyond his control. His heart hurt as he knew that her pain was great. He had all this power and yet he could not do a damned thing for his wife who looked as if she was wasting away.

  Angel was beyond reasoning; time was lost to her. She floated within her body, instinct wanting to run from all of this. She was barely able to hold on. Something told her it was nearly time for Kali.

  Sen pulled Aries away from his mate and reminded him of their jobs. Jobs Angel needed for them to do.

  Aries heard Angel’s cry of pain and rushed back in.

  “Find Michael…” was all she said.

  He hurried out and up top. He had no idea where Michael’s stupid ass was, but he wasn’t within his sight.

  Sen put an arm on Aries.


  “For what? Angel said to find him!”

  “He’s not meant to be saved. She knows this but refuses to believe it, hoping Michael will change his mind. I know he will not. He wants peace and will find it one way or another. I say let him be.”

  “Angel is in enough pain, doing this will cause her more. As her father, I would think you would understand that.” When he had learned of this he had been just as angry, but had given Sen the chance to explain, and just now realized that some things really were out of your control sometimes.

  “I do, but I also know that this is what is meant to be. You are god-like, use your powers and listen. Change has come, and we must let be what is meant to be. Come let us go back below. We have done what we can, and the storm has moved nearby. Angel can no longer control the weather and keep it at bay. I’m doing what I can, but even I cannot bend Kali’s will.”

  Aries followed the man back below ground sealing them all in. He heard Angel’s cries and nearly rushed back to her. Only Sen’s arm slowed him. Damn this man always stopping him.

  “Remember our jobs. Panic and chaos is about to break out. I have warned all the others, and they are ready at their arranged places.”

  Aries wrath fumed wildly for a few moments. Sen tightened his hold; a warning meant to not pacify but to remind who was the stronger. Until he left this world Sen would be unbeatable, except possibly by his own daughter.

  With a roar, Aries wrenched his arm free and did as he knew he must.

  Angel screamed for her friend Michael. He was standing on the high end of the island on a cliffs edge, staring at natures havoc in the distance. He was merely a moment from his decision. She couldn’t save him, and she refused to believe that. The pain didn’t keep her in the bed. It wasn’t the weakness. It wasn’t just the thought of her baby’s safety; it was more than all three combined. Her subconscious, instincts, and love for her people warred inside her.

  She screamed not only for the physical pain but for the emotional, as well.

  ‘Michael! No! Don’t leave me! I am so sorry I cannot be what you need me to be. I wish I could be the idea of what I am to you too. That the world wasn’t ending, and we could live normally… Come back to me and I will help you deal with all of this!’

  ‘No, Angel. You can’t help me. You never could. I see that now. I know you are the most powerful person here, and I hate that I am causing you pain. Aries words helped me to see the truth. I did as he asked and will stop hurting you. I love you Angel; I wish you, and your baby the best… goodbye…’ with that said he threw himself to the wind and fell hundreds of feet into the churning water and rocks below, nothing but a mutilated carcass thrashed about on the rocks by furious waves.

  “Noooooooo!” Angel screamed and tried to jump from the bed. Nanna, Raven, and a nurse attempted to hold her down without harming her. Nanna screamed for the guys. Angel was just too powerful. She threw Raven across the room and Bella to the floor. Nanna was only saved from brutality because of her age.

  ‘Angel! Stop, there is nothing you can do but make this harder on everyone including yourself. Let him go and think of what has to be done. I am so very sorry, so sorry,’ Sen sent to her.

  “Aries get to Angel now I have to stop the chaos here, whatever you do don’t let her get up. She’s about to go into full labor and has to start pushing soon!” Sen shouted to him moving quickly towards the crowd of panicky people. The others were attempting to control everything, but it looked like hell still.

  Aries ran towards her room knocking people out of his way.

  ‘Love, I am coming, lay down! Please calm down for the baby!’

  She was blocking him along with everyone else.

  When he got in the room, it was nearly as bad as outside. Lillian was screaming and pushing as well with the doctor next to her, coaching her. But all he had eyes for was his distraught mate who was standing and attempting to get past the women. He charged in and scooped Angel up pushing the others aside all in one movement. He held her to him as she beat at his back and tried to get back down. He only held her tight and tried not to think of how much it hurt him knowing how much she cared for the impotent mortal who continued to madden him, even after he knew he was now dead.

  “Let me go, please! I can save him… no… no…” I cried, giving up finally and falling back limp within his bruised arms. Sobbing heavily, she wanted to give up. It was too late…

  He felt another contraction grip her as her body became rigid, and he realized she was wet. He laid her back on the bed as Nanna came up and gently pushed him back, grateful for his interference this time.

  Angel was for all purposes dead to the world. She had pulled back into herself and was unaware of the others. She wanted to hide her soul in a dark, quiet place until the pain went away. To soul wander. But now was not the time and Nanna knew this, she had to start pushing.

  “Sen!” Nanna cried knowing he could hear her, even several rooms away.

  He was aware of Angel’s condition and already on the way. The vampires and were’s had gotten a semblance of order restored. He gently pushed Aries out of the room into Switch’s capable hands. He then stood near Angel’s head while Nanna ordered the nurse to start an I.V. to rehydrate while they set up to get ready for the baby.

  “Well?” Nanna asked Sen impatiently.

  “She’s gone. I will try to reach her, if I can’t and it seems her, or the baby is in danger start the C-section immediately. I’ll try and get her back.”

  Sen sat in an empty chair nearby and out of the way so he could leave his body and find Angel’s soul. He knew her retreat was not just from Michael’s suicide but from everything she had and was now going through. It was simply too much. He knew she was strong enough; she came from him. Angel did not think the same, though. He’d have to remind her and get her to see that the world and her people still needed her. Michael’s death had simply shocked her.

  He found her still within her body. She was crouched in a ball deeply within her mind. She appeared almost childlike trembling and crying.


  No answer. He longed to soothe her and heal the hole in her torn heart. If Michael’s death had done this, he knew Aries would do so much worse. He felt on some deep level that it wasn’t Michael’s death alone that had brought this about. It was fear that she would fail to save them all, anger at the injustice, sadness at the loss of her friend, and exhaustion from carrying such a huge burden. Between the emotional and physical pain, she was shutting down and hiding away from the world.

  “I haven’t been the father either of us has wanted, or in your case needed, but I’m here now and wish to help. I know this is too much for one person to handle, but you’re not just anyone, you are the reincarnation of a goddess, and a witch, and the daughter of a god. Call on your powers, your incarnation, or religion but don’t give up.”

  He felt she was listening but nothing else.

  He sat next to her and put a hand on her back. The environment she had given hersel
f looked like her bedroom above the shop she had owned. She was trying to pacify her pain. Something he understood greatly.

  He pulled his daughter to him and held her close. She did not know how much she meant to him. How proud he was of her. That thought made him pause.

  “Angel? I know I’m not the father of the year, but if it means anything I am sorry. I doubt you believe this, but I do love you. You’re an amazing creature. A very talented witch, a beautiful woman just like your mother, and stronger than anyone I know. You have stood against the world alone save for a few friends, and I know that even though you have fallen that you will stand again. I’m so proud of how you turned out. You are a fighter of evil and have come far in all your battles. But you are not done yet. There’ll be many battles before this war is over and you will win them all. There is not one person I know that is even half of what you are, because no one on earth is a half goddess except you.”

  Angel’s trembles were fading, and her sobs were farther apart.

  He continued hoping he had time. Outside their little world, Angel’s blood pressure was dropping fast and heart beat slowing. Nanna was doing all she could to give him time.

  “He was a good boy. Even I saw that. Like most guys, he didn’t think straight in the presence of females, but his heart was in the right place and he did all he could for the side of good. It isn’t easy losing a close friend; I know that well. Time will help, but never heal this pain. No matter how much it hurts, how deep the pain goes, I know you are strong enough to choose this or Kali would have never chosen you as her vessel and her human mother.”

  He was running out of time. Angel was still human enough that her body could give out like anyone else’s. He could not and would not lose her like he did her mother. He was not long for this world and would miss her greatly, but this was where she was needed and would stay, even if he had to give her everything he had, including his life force.

  “As much work as you have done there is more to be done, and you can’t let this all go to waste. You love your friends and family and hurt at the loss of one of them. If you do not get back to yourself, you will lose them all.”

  Angel looked at him then.

  “I know. It hurts so much. I wish I could have made Michael happy before he died… before he killed himself…” she said, gasping at the last part, holding her chest.

  She was suffering more from guilt at not being able to save him, and that made her feel like she would not be able to save all the others.

  “I saw in his mind. He wanted you, but he wanted your happiness and well-being more. He was willing to give you that, but unfortunately, he was not strong enough to watch you suffer. It broke his heart just as much as it has yours, and he would not want you to suffer like this. Give his passing… his death, meaning Angel. Let him go, it is time to save the world. Only you can do this. Not me, not Aries and the others… only you. You will lose more, much more, but no matter how great the loss you must succeed.

  “There are beings of unimaginable power that are just waiting to make your people either slaves or food. Without you, they will either die, or their lives, even Michael’s, will have been useless and lost for no reason. Aries needs you to do well. He’s hurting too, and without you will turn to the dark. Go back to him. Go back to all the others. There is a baby being brought into this world, two babies that will make this world a new and great place, and all the loss will have been worth it.”

  Sen could think of nothing else to say. If he could, he would fight this fight for her. He had begged, threatened, and tried to do just that. But whatever his destiny was it was not this.

  Angel nodded and stood.

  Sen felt Nanna’s fear, Angel’s heart was faltering. Her body was dying without the soul in place.

  He stood along with her and grabbed her as she fell. He was worried there was not enough time.

  “Thank you, Dad.”

  Angel’s form, the one she had created, died in his arms. He was confused. What had happened? Then he felt her soul leave the body in his arms and grow, she was not as scared anymore and had finally let Michael go. He just hoped that he had saved her. He let himself find his own body so that he could help Nanna save Angel’s.


  Angel had never felt pain like this before, pain so intense it burned with icy intent sweeping maddeningly through her body, incapacitating her. It took everything she had and then some to just stay conscious, much less do everything Nanna wanted her to do. She had learned quickly that screaming did absolutely no good and made the others worry more. She had just bit through her tongue causing Raven to panic. She was so weak she had no control over her powers.

  “Grab dat rag Raven and put de ice chips in it and Angel ye bite down. I know it hurts chile, think of de baby tho’.”

  Angel felt the metallic tasting liquid flow down her chin.

  Pushing was more than a job. It was a torture she must endure. Sen had forced Aries from the room.

  Black stars danced before her eyes as another contraction hit her.

  “Push! Push now! With everything ye are…”

  Angel slipped from consciousness causing Raven to run towards her head and start calling her name. She patted her cheeks and cried.

  “She can’t do this… It’s too much for her! We have to try something else. I will not lose my sister to this!” Raven screamed at Nanna causing the doctor to glance over.

  He gave the nurse directions to add something to Angel’s I.V. while he waited for Lillian’s baby who was having a little less trouble. Lillian screamed, got angry, and cried.

  Raven’s heart beat madly. She could not lose her. She was just as much a sister as her blood sister she had convinced to come live here.

  Angel fought the darkness. Something tried to pull her deeper, but she fought her way back. Finally, she could hear their fear stricken voices and saw brightness. Her eyes cracked open as another contraction hit.

  “Ye are almost dere, just a little more girl. Ye can do it. For Aries, for de baby, for de world…”

  Angel scrambled to sit up. Raven wrapped her arms around Angel’s shoulders and helped support her. She could hear things inside her tearing. Could her body last long enough to deliver the baby and finish the conversion?

  If Aries asked for more babies, she would beat him until he begged for forgiveness.

  Another contraction tore through her broken body causing a cry to escape her lips. This was too much… how could mortals do this? She was not entirely human and felt like the grim reaper stood too near for comfort. Dying was not an option for her, but she craved the respite anyways. If she couldn’t do this, how could Lillian?

  Out of nowhere the room began to shake causing things to fall and capsize. The lights flickered and nearly went out.

  Kali was close to being born into the human world. Angel felt it deep within her.

  She felt things break within her body, her back arched up off the table, and she screamed louder than ever before. There was no controlling the sounds coming from her now.

  “Sen!!!” Nanna cried. This was beyond her limited healing and small magic.

  He rushed in already aware that Angel was dying. Her hips were too narrow, and the baby couldn’t be stopped. He knew she had to be brought in this way. Angel had to die to become immortal. The conversion would be complete then. He knew she had to die but did not know much more than that, and the others were in full panic mode.

  Raven collapsed against a wall, fear gripping her. What could she do? She was a strong witch, but even she knew that this was meant to be. What if she did not return? She heard more bones breaking, and tears ran freely down her cheeks. Rage consumed her, and she poured it into her limited magic and sent it to Angel, adding her magic and her own life force. If it helped keep her alive, she would die for her. She gave everything she had and prayed to whatever higher being that Angel lived as she too lost consciousness. Raven slid down the wall as the last of her own magic left her and
entered Angel.

  Sen added his own but channeled it so that he kept enough to stay awake. He put his hands over Angel’s stomach. He sensed the baby within. Kali was desperate to be born, but was scared and regretted the pain she caused her human mother. She called to Sen for guidance. Kali was ignorant of this side of human childbirth.

  ‘Come child, it is time, the sooner you are here the sooner I can help your mother.’

  Sen held Angel’s life force to him. He felt her struggle to leave, but he held on. Her human body was dying, but her powers were growing. He felt it hum just beneath his fingers. There had to be enough time. He would not lose his daughter. He added a bit of his magic, his own immortality, hoping it would help. His master had told him she would survive, but the conversion would be worse than any death. Angel had to accept the pain along with everything else. It was the price of becoming whatever she was. It was the price of being Kali’s mother. Kali had suffered so greatly in all her years that it was just a part of her, what made her a goddess. All the pain she had consumed in all her years would be wrought when she came into this world.

  Aries felt Angel leave the mortal world, felt her die.

  He growled as he ran towards the room his mate was in. Switch and the others jumped forward and restrained him. Cross took a swing as did Arch. Aries roared and fought against his captors. He would go to her and give his life if that would save her. He had powers, and he would do whatever it took.

  Sen had tried to explain that the conversion would be hard and anything could happen, but he didn’t expect this.

  Angel felt something inside her. Something alive, it spoke to her.

  “I am sorry mother; I can give you peace but the pain is yours, can you… will you pay it for this world to be cleansed? To be made anew?”

  I knew that no matter how much it hurt, it would hurt more to lose everyone I loved. It hurt so much to know that billions of people were dying all around me, as I lay dying in a small bed. I could say it was not my fault, but I felt it was everybody’s fault the world had come to this. Through my pain would come life, and through my death.