Page 46 of Dark to Mortal Eyes

  Freakin’ thing has to be worth a fortune!

  Dated March 1960, a fragile paper rested in the bottom of the bag. She’d read it hurriedly on her first visit, but this time she felt no pressure. She savored each word:

  Precious grandchild,

  This egg is a symbol of new life and of grand designs that await. With it comes all the love I’ll never be present to share. Don’t do as I’ve done, allowing petty pursuits to escalate into monstrous evils. Rather, give of yourself to kith and kin. Exemplify the riches of an uncluttered life. Forgive me for this game I’ve involved you in, and remember … to the winner go the spoils! Indeed, I hope you prevail.

  Love, Grandpa Addison

  Josee tucked the treasure back into the bag, locked the box, and left the vault.

  In the past few weeks, her eyes had seen many things, both beautiful and fierce. It would take time to digest it all. She would have decisions to make and, eventually, secrets to unveil. For now, she’d take each day as it came, one step at a time.

  Okay, Lord, I’m gonna need some help here. I’m ready to listen.

  The answer was simple … Walk on.


  Dudley Delffs and Don Pape (editor and publisher)

  for grace and support, for taking a chance on this book and making it so much better, for coming up with a title after my brain had turned to mush.

  Jan Dennis (literary agent)

  for finding me in a haystack and further sharpening me …

  You made it happen.

  The team at WaterBrook Press (those behind the scenes)

  for the cool cover art, marketing, and lots of hard work … You’re incredible.

  Carolyn Rose (wife)

  for sacrifices at every turn and for deepest kisses on the roughest days …

  You’re music to my ears.

  Cassie Rose and Jackie Renee (daughters)

  for laughter and hugs, for sharing a room

  so that Dad could have a place to write.

  Linda Wilson (mother)

  for loving, teaching, nurturing, and for removing this kid’s correction

  ribbon so that he would actually finish something.

  Mark Wilson (father)

  for unending belief, love, loans, and a computer to complete the task …

  Of course, you deserve a ton of credit too, DeeDee.

  Shaun and Jade Wilson (brother and wife), Heidi and Matt Messner

  (sister and husband), Mike and Debbie Monaghan (parents-in-law)

  for enduring ears, munchies, baby-sitting, computer advice,

  and tons of love.

  Sharyn McCrumb, Jefferson Scott, Ted Dekker,

  Robert Whitlow, and David Ryan Long (award-winning novelists)

  for well-placed kicks, encouragement, and editorial comments …

  Jeff, the Sobe’s on me.

  Jacquie Manning, Patricia Miller, Sean Savacool, Matthew Guise,

  Barbara Guise, Linda Frizzell, Marissa Dowell, Sandra Houmes,

  Lyle Edwards, Jim and Nancy Jordan, Sherry Shippentower (advance readers)

  for comments, chuckles, and the encouragement to continue …

  Jacquie, Patty, and Sean, your books are next.

  Espresso Yourself customers (you know who you are)

  for the business, moral support, and caffeine-enhanced friendships.

  The Moodys’ Home Group, the Youngs’ Kinship Group, Vaughn and Laurie Forbes, Luci Stolle (spiritual partners, seen and unseen)

  for prayers and belief that this book would sit on shelves

  around the country …

  Vaughn and Laurie, thanks for helping me over that final hump.

  Mike and Carol Korgan CEC (Heceta Head Lighthouse Bed & Breakfast)

  for fantastic food, lodging, and a late-night tour of the lighthouse.

  Nashville Public Library Staff (Hermitage and Donelson Branches)

  for great fiction, research facilities, and an office away from home.

  Corp. Larry Larson (Junction City Police Department)

  for patience, advice, and no share of the blame.

  Gary Horner (Benton-Lane Winery)

  for great Pinot Noir and help with the details.

  U2, Evanescence, Linkin Park, Switchfoot, King’s X,

  Audioslave, Collective Soul, and P.O.D. (modern rock bands)

  for shaking the walls while posing questions and/or answers

  in meaningful ways.

  Vinny’s Pizza (Nashville’s most incredible pizzeria)

  for keeping this starving artist’s family alive

  with large doses of the good stuff …

  Lantz and H. J., keep Music City rockin’.

  Readers everywhere (that means you)

  for sharing a few hours with the characters in this novel …

  May you, too, walk on with renewed vision!

  I welcome your feedback at my Web site or e-mail address:

  [email protected]



  Eric Wilson, Dark to Mortal Eyes



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