Page 20 of Fated

  I stared at my mother’s helpless form. She was so vulnerable and delicately human. I wondered if Alexi had taken her against her will or bewitched her to get her here . Or maybe he had even lied and told her that I needed her, in which case she would have come willingly which made it all the worse. Her dark hair, just like mine, glistened in the light from the fire.

  My gaze shifted to my soul mate. He stood silently next to me, his muscles taut and poised for movement, but rendered useless by the strange spell. All the strength in the world was useless if your mind was captive. His liquid dark eyes stared straight ahead, completely oblivious to my agony.

  "No." I murmured. "I cannot."

  "I thought you might say that," Lachesis grinned. "Which means that you all shall die."

  A thought came to me. "You cannot kill them. It takes Zeus’ sword to kill an immortal.

  And you don’t have it."

  Annoyance flashed upon her face.

  "Correct. But we will find it. In the meantime, your precious friends and family will burn in this fire in torment until we find the sword and put them out of their misery. Your mortal mother, of course, can so easily die. Perhaps it would be more humane to choose her, Keeper.

  Her death will be quick. If you choose Cadmus, you can suffer together."

  "You would burn us alive until you find the sword?" I repeated in horror.

  "Now you’re catching on," Lachesis nodded. "There is one small thing though. One little thing. There is a box, a box containing murderous souls. We know that Ahmose took it for you.

  If you tell us where it is, we’ll let both Cadmus and your mother live. Only you need to die.

  What do you think about this bargain?"

  "I can’t give it to you ...." I murmured uncertainly.

  But even as I spoke, my eyes turned once again to Cadmus and my mother. I thought of Ares and Aphrodite ... their laughing faces from happier times. I thought of Cadmus’ chocolate eyes sparkling into mine as he grinned. And I knew, in the space of that one second, that I would gladly do it. I would give them exactly what they wanted and I would exchange my life for theirs.

  Thanks to the Fates, I had a couple thousand years of practice at dealing with sadness and tragedy. I could do this. I could put aside fear and sadness and do what I needed to do.

  "You have prepared me well for this day," I said to them calmly. "But tell me, how do I know that you will stand by your side of the bargain? How do I know that you will release everyone else?"

  "Harmonia, use your head," Clothos answered. "You will be alive in this pit until we find the sword. You will see us release everyone. You will be in agony, but you will be conscious.

  That is part of the fun."

  I thought on that for a moment.

  "Alright. We have a deal. I will give you the box on one condition. Let me say goodbye to them. Please. Restore them to their normal selves so that I can tell them goodbye. I have never knowingly done anything to offend you or against you. I have done all that you have asked for thousands of years. Please. Can’t you do this one thing for me?"

  I hated pleading with them. I hated it more than anything I had ever done. My hatred for them completely filled me up. But if I could just look into Cadmus’ eyes one more time and see the love that he held for me there ... it would be worth it. I could willingly step to my death.

  "Give us a moment," Lachesis demanded.

  She and the other two Fates convened in a huddle. I stood quietly, my gaze flitting from each suspended god and goddess to my mother and Cadmus. A moment later, the old hags turned

  "Fine," Lachesis answered simply. "Where is the box?"

  I slid my knapsack off of my back and pulled out the box. I handed it to her with shaking fingers. One of the ancient Keres started to say something, but at Lachesis’ glare, she closed her mouth and remained silent.

  Lachesis motioned to a group of nymphs hovering nearby in the trees and then gestured toward Cadmus and my mother.

  "Restrain them."

  The nymphs stepped forward reluctantly and did as she asked.

  "I would also like to say goodbye to Ares and Aphrodite," I demanded.

  Lachesis narrowed her eyes at me, but still gestured toward another nymph.

  "Get them down," she instructed. She turned back to me. "No tricks."

  I shook my head. "No. No tricks."

  I watched a couple of smaller nymphs shimmy spritely up the trees to the cocoons that my mother and father were restrained in. Pushing them, they swung the strange looking pods toward other servants waiting to catch them. Yet another servant released a pulley which lowered my parents safely to the ground.

  Within a few minutes, they were unwrapped and stood lifelessly next to Cadmus and my mother. My mother’s silvery eyes shone in the firelight, but they were as empty as everyone else’s. I sighed heavily. It was heartbreaking and I was helpless.

  Lachesis turned to them and walked from person to person, stopping to murmur something in each one’s ear. And one by one, the life returned to their eyes. As soon as they looked around and realized where they were, they began struggling hard against the nymphs restraining holds.

  But it was no use.

  "What is the meaning of this?" Ares roared. Cadmus sought my gaze and I watched as realization dawned on his handsome face.

  "Why are you here?" he asked me. "What is this?"

  "I’m here because I’m the only one who can save you," I murmured as I stepped to him. "I love you so much." I traced his face with my hand, lingering over his lips. His dark eyes were panicked.

  "Harmonia, I don’t know what you are thinking, but whatever it is, put it out of your mind."

  He desperately tried to hold my gaze, but I moved forward to Aphrodite and Ares. In their faces, I found such familiarity and comfort. Aphrodite was outraged, her lovely face practically shooting sparks.

  "You will wish you had never even existed," she spit toward the Fates. "Release us this instant."

  "Mother," I murmured. "You will be released soon. Please, protect Cadmus and see that my mother gets safely back home."

  Aphrodite stared at me anxiously. "Of course, I will. But where do you plan on being?

  You are always with me, right at my side. That should not change. I won’t have it!"

  "For once, mother, you aren’t going to have a choice."

  I kissed her lightly on the cheek and moved to Ares. He stood before me with a gaze like thunder. I vaguely remembered the time he had rescued me from Cleopatra’s golden barge.

  He had been wearing much the same expression at the time. I smiled at him, cupping his face.

  "I love you, father. Avenge this."

  He nodded. "I will avenge everything." I did not doubt him. Fury simmered in his eyes, turning them almost black. He was the only one of the Olympic gods who didn’t possess the strange silver eye color. I hugged him quickly and moved again.

  I stood in front of my mortal mother. She stared around us in bewilderment, unable to comprehend where we were or what was going on. I couldn’t blame her. It was so far beyond her reality that it was crazy. And as a mortal, she was immersed in the haze of this island much more quickly.

  "Mom, I want you to know that I love you, okay?"

  She nodded quietly. "And I love you. But what we are doing here? Am I dreaming?"

  I nodded, watching her eyes fill up with the bewilderment that this island induced.

  "Yes, you’re dreaming. Go back to sleep now. I’ll see you in the morning."

  With wide eyes, she murmured an agreement. I choked back my tears as I motioned to Lachesis and my mother’s face once again went slack and lifeless. She did not need to see what was coming. Her mortal mind would break from it.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ares and Cadmus still struggling against the restraining hold of the nymphs. I moved once again to Cadmus and kissed him softly.

  "Cadmus, I love you. Forever. Remember that." I felt a tear escape the corner of my eye and
slide hotly down my cheek.

  "Harmonia, don’t," he pleaded, his eyes full of pain. "Please, I’m begging you."

  I pressed one more kiss to his lips and then turned away from him while I still could.

  "Okay," I mumbled, taking a deep breath. "I’m ready."

  I ignored the frantic protests from my family and Cadmus as I stood numbly in front of the Moirae. I felt my bloodstone lying limp and silently against my chest like the cold lump of stone that it was. It couldn’t help me here. Nothing could.

  As I stood waiting for what seemed like an eternity, every feeling that I’d ever had, both goddess and mortal, flooded back to me with a vengeance. My lives flashed before my eyes-good memories and bad ones- and in that moment, none of the sadness mattered. Because no matter what life I led, no matter what sadness it contained, it was always outweighed by the joy and happiness that I found with my soul mate and my family. I had been very blessed.

  As I bowed my head, I felt a strange fog descend upon me and I realized with a start that it was the effects of Ogygia. It was beginning to steal my consciousness. Very soon, I would forget my purpose here.

  "Do it!" I hissed.

  "Do what?" Lachesis asked me in amusement. "It is for you to do, Keeper."

  I eyed the ledge of the pit. It was so close. Just two steps away. I took a shaking step.

  Then one more.

  I stood with my toes curled around the edge, ignoring the shouts and protests of the others as I felt the warmth of the fire heat my legs and my face. The orange flames were mesmerizing and I stared into them. Soon, I would be among them. And I wanted to do it while I was focused on the love that I felt while I could still remember it. Conjuring every peaceful feeling that I could, I drew upon my inner strength. Picturing Cadmus’ beautiful face, I lifted my foot.

  "Wait!" a voice hissed. Keeping my foot poised in mid-air, I turned my head slightly.

  A Keres had broken rank and moved forward.

  "Wait!" she repeated.

  "What are you doing?" Clothos demanded of her. But the old Keres ignored her, keeping her cloudy eyes fixed upon mine.

  "Harmonia, remember," she instructed. "Remember! It is made from feathers and flame."

  At the old hag’s words, as if someone had flipped a switch, a memory did form in my mind. A magnificent crimson bird with iridescent feathers and azure eyes. A bird that built a funeral pyre for itself and then lit it on fire...dying in its own flame. I could see it as clearly in my mind as if it stood in front of me. I glanced at my wrist. I had the mark and it was pulsing erratically right this moment.

  I was the Phoenix, the Chosen One.

  "Yesssss," she hissed. "You remember."

  I nodded and turned my head toward Cadmus. "I love you."

  And I stepped from the ledge.

  The heat swallowed me up, consuming my breath as I fell, but it didn’t burn me. Oranges and reds swirled together as the flames rushed past. Time seemed to stand still as I moved in slow motion and I was suddenly no longer plunging toward agony. A gush of cool air swirled around me and lifted me from the pit, throwing me up and backward. I landed in a sprawled heap on the ground, safely out of harm’s way.

  Looking up in amazement, I saw a Phoenix, magnificent and beautiful, rising from the ground. Every flame contained in the pit was now swirling into the massive bird as it flew upward with wings of fire. Its eyes were a brilliant and vivid blue and they were trained on me as it shrieked a deafening roar.

  I clapped my hands over my ears as it flew into the sky, circling above us as it lit up the night with its glory. I was astounded. This island didn’t permit magic. Yet the Phoenix appeared to be unconstrained by anything at all.

  And it had taken every lick of the fire with it. The pit was empty now and harmless. The Fates could no longer use innocent lives as leverage. Their threats were now empty. The nymphs realized it at the same moment that I did. They released my parents and Cadmus, while several others leaped into the trees to lower the captive gods.

  Cadmus rushed to me, scooping me into his strong arms. His gentle kiss was the last thing I felt before the fog of the island overtook me.

  Chapter Eighteen

  I opened my eyes and found Cadmus staring into mine.

  I startled and leaned up on my elbows, looking frantically around me. But there was no reason to panic. I was in bed, safe and sound.

  I was in Zeus’ palace and daylight was streaming through the open balcony doors. Sheer curtains fluttered in the wind, bringing with it the pungently floral scent of the Olympic breeze.

  I inhaled deeply, tasting the flowers on my tongue, as I tried to gain my bearings. I turned to Cadmus.

  "How did we get here?"

  He drew me into his arms, pulling me close, and I melted into his embrace. How could I help it? There was nowhere else I would rather be, no matter how we managed to get here. I inhaled his masculine scent, clinging to his strength like a drowning person to a life raft.

  After a few moments, he ended the kiss, although he didn’t loosen his hold on me.

  "If you ever do that to me again," he began with a stern look on his face, "I will beat you.

  Don’t look at me like that. I will hang you in the dungeons of this palace myself and I will beat you within an inch of your life."

  I stared at him dubiously, still stroking his arm.

  "Don’t doubt it," he added. "You almost gave me a heart attack. If you would’ve ...if you.."

  His jaw clenched as his voice trailed off and I stroked his face with trembling fingers.

  "I know," I murmured softly. "I love you, too."

  He nodded.

  "Where is everyone?" I asked. "How did we get here?"

  "Hecate," he answered. "Remember, she said we would need her three times. The third time was rescuing us from the island. She apparently sensed when the time was right and willed us back here."

  "And my mother? My mortal mother?" I clarified.

  He hesitated. "She’s on the island with Calypso."

  "What?" I jerked my head up. "Why would Hecate leave her there? We’ve got to go back and ..."

  Cadmus smoothly interrupted. "She left her there because she wasn’t sure what to do with her. It’s not safe for a mortal to linger in the Spiritlands for long and Hecate couldn’t send her to Pasadena, because your mother would wonder at your absence. Calypso’s island is safe for her. We are going to be busy for awhile. We have a sword to find."

  I had forgotten about the sword in all of the excitement of almost burning alive. I nodded slowly in understanding.

  I pictured my mother wandering through the paradise of Ogygia, and I sighed. There were worse places to keep her. I’d have to think more on this one.

  "And Aphrodite?" I asked anxiously.

  I’d barely gotten the words out of my mouth though, when Aphrodite herself barged into the bedchambers. She looked beautiful, as fresh as if she’d just come from a spa day. Her silvery eyes though, were crackling like lightning.

  "Harmonia!" she snapped as she dropped onto the bed at my side. "If you ever, and by ever, I mean at any time throughout the rest of eternity, decide to do something so foolish, I will personally ..."

  I cut her off by grabbing her in a big hug. She stopped talking as she hugged me back and I felt the wetness of her tears against my neck. As she pulled away, she wiped at them.

  "I love you, too," I told her quietly. She smiled.

  "I know." She paused to look at me. "Your father is very agitated with you, you know."

  "Really?" I studied her doubtfully. It seemed more in his nature to be proud of my cunning and courage. And I could see on her face that I was right, but I didn’t point it out. I simply let her nod.

  "Yes, Harmonia. He is fit to be tied. You should probably give him a while to cool down before you talk to him."

  Hmm. That meant I should probably give him awhile so that his proud accolades didn’t completely trash her story. In my good mood though, I felt generous. I?
??d go along with her story.

  "Alright. I’ll give him an hour or so before I seek him out," I agreed. She nodded, satisfied that her fibs were safe. I had to shake my