Page 29 of The World's Desire



  Pharaoh slept heavily in his place, for he was wearied with grief andtoil. But Meriamun passed into the chamber, and standing at the foot ofthe golden bed, lifted up her hands and by her art called visions downon Pharaoh, false dreams through the Ivory Gate. So Pharaoh dreamed, andthus his vision went:--

  He dreamed that he slept in his bed, and that the statue of Ptah, theCreator, descended from the pedestal by the temple gate and came tohim, towering over him like a giant. Then he dreamed that he awoke, andprostrating himself before the God, asked the meaning of his coming.Thereon the God spoke to him:--

  "Meneptah, my son, whom I love, hearken unto me. The Nine-bow barbariansoverrun the ancient land of Khem; nine nations march up against Khemand lay it waste. Hearken unto me, my son, and I will give thee victory.Awake, awake from sloth, and I will give thee victory. Thou shalt hewdown the Nine-bow barbarians as a countryman hews a rotting palm; theyshall fall, and thou shalt spoil them. But hearken unto me, my son, thoushalt not thyself go up against them. Low in thy dungeon there lies amighty chief, skilled in the warfare of the barbarians, a Wanderer whohath wandered far. Thou shalt release him from his bonds and set himover thy armies, and of the sin that he has sinned thou shalt take noheed. Awake, awake, Meneptah; with this bow which I give thee shalt thousmite the Nine-bow barbarians."

  Then Meriamun laid the bow of the Wanderer, even the black bow ofEurytus, on the bed beside Pharaoh, and passed thence to her ownchamber, and the deceitful dream too passed away.