Uncle John and the girls, after consulting together, decided to stop atthe Hollywood studio and pick up Flo and Mrs. Montrose.

  "It would be a shame to visit that lovely yacht without them," saidPatsy; "and we were all invited, you know."

  "Yes, invited by a host who is unavoidably detained elsewhere," addedUncle John.

  "Still, that yacht is very exclusive," his niece stated, "and I'm sure weare the first Americans to step foot on its decks."

  They were all in a brighter mood since the interview at the jail, andafter a hurried lunch at the hotel, during which Maud related to theothers the morning's occurrences, they boarded the big Merrickseven-passenger automobile and drove to Santa Monica Bay. Louise couldn'tleave the baby, who was cutting teeth, but Arthur and Beth joined theparty and on arrival at the beach Uncle John had no difficulty insecuring a launch to take them out to the _Arabella_.

  "They won't let you aboard, though," declared the boatman. "A goodmany have tried it, an' come back disjointed. There's something queerabout that craft; but the gov'ment don't seem worried, so I guess itain't a pirate."

  The beauty of the yacht grew on them as they approached it. It waspainted a pure white in every part and on the stern was the one word:_Arabella_, but no name of the port from which she hailed. The ladder washoisted and fastened to an upper rail, but as they drew up to the smoothsides a close-cropped bullet-head projected from the bulwarks and a gruffvoice demanded:

  "Well, what's wanted?"

  "We want to see Captain Carg," called Arthur, in reply.

  The head wagged sidewise.

  "No one allowed aboard," said the man.

  "Here's a letter to the captain, from Mr. Jones," said Maud,exhibiting it.

  The word seemed magical. Immediately the head disappeared and an instantlater the boarding ladder began to descend. But the man, a sub-officerdressed in a neat uniform of white and gold, came quickly down the stepsand held out his hand for the letter.

  "Beg pardon," said he, touching his cap to the ladies, "but the rules arevery strict aboard the _Arabella_. Will you please wait until I've takenthis to the captain? Thank you!"

  Then he ran lightly up the steps and they remained seated in the launchuntil he returned.

  "The captain begs you to come aboard," he then said, speaking veryrespectfully but with a face that betrayed his wonder at the order of hissuperior. Then he escorted them up the side to the deck, which wasmarvelously neat and attractive. Some half a dozen sailors lounged hereand there and these stared as wonderingly at the invasion of strangers asthe subaltern had done. But their guide did not pause longer than to seethat they had all reached the deck safely, when he led them into aspacious cabin.

  Here they faced Captain Carg, whom Patsy afterward declared was thetallest, thinnest, chilliest man she had ever encountered. His hair wasgrizzled and hung low on his neck; his chin was very long and ended in apoint; his nose was broad, with sensitive nostrils that marked everybreath he drew. As for his eyes, which instantly attracted attention,they were brown and gentle as a girl's but had that retrospectiveexpression that suggests far-away thoughts or an utter lack of interestin one's surroundings. They never looked at but through one. The effectof Carg's eyes was distinctly disconcerting.

  The commander of the _Arabella_ bowed with much dignity as his guestsentered and with a sweep of his long arm he muttered in distant tones:"Pray be seated." They obeyed. The cabin was luxuriously furnished andthere was no lack of comfortable chairs.

  Somehow, despite the courteous words and attitude of Captain Carg, therewas something about him that repelled confidence. Already Maud and Patsywere wondering if such a man could be loyal and true.

  "My young master," he was saying, as he glanced at the letter he stillheld in his hand, "tells me that any questions you may ask I may answeras freely as I am permitted to."

  "What does that mean, sir?" Maud inquired, for the speech was quiteambiguous.

  "That I await your queries, Miss," with another perfunctory bow in herdirection.

  She hesitated, puzzled how to proceed.

  "Mr. Jones is in a little trouble," she finally began. "He has beenmistaken for some other man and--they have put him in jail until he canbe examined by the federal judge of this district."

  The captain's face exhibited no expression whatever. Even the eyesfailed to express surprise at her startling news. He faced his visitorswithout emotion.

  "At the examination," Maud went on, "it will be necessary for him toprove he is from Sangoa."

  No reply. The captain sat like a statue.

  "He must also prove that certain pearls found in his possession camefrom Sangoa."

  Still no reply. Maud began to falter and fidget. Beth was amused.Patsy was fast growing indignant. Flo had a queer expression on herpretty face that denoted mischief to such an extent that it alarmedher Aunt Jane.

  "I'm afraid," said Maud, "that unless you come to your master'sassistance, Captain Carg, he will be sent to Austria, a prisoner chargedwith a serious crime."

  She meant this assertion to be very impressive, but it did not seem toaffect the man in the least. She sighed, and Flo, with a giggle, broke anawkward pause.

  "Well, why don't you get busy. Maud?" she asked.

  "I--in what way, Flo?" asked her sister, catching at the suggestionimplied.

  "Captain Carg would make a splendid motion picture actor," declared theyounger Miss Stanton, audaciously. "He sticks close to his cues, you see,and won't move till he gets one. He will answer your questions; yes, hehas said he would; but you may prattle until doomsday without effect, sofar as he is concerned, unless you finish your speech with aninterrogation point."

  Mrs. Montrose gave a gasp of dismay, while Maud flushed painfully. Thecaptain, however, allowed a gleam of admiration to soften his grimfeatures as he stared fixedly at saucy Flo. Patsy marked this fleetingchange of expression at once and said hastily:

  "I think. Maud, dear, the captain is waiting to be questioned."

  At this he cast a grateful look in Miss Doyle's direction and bowed toher. Maud began to appreciate the peculiar situation and marshalled herquestions in orderly array.

  "Tell me, please, where _is_ Sangoa?" she began.

  "In the South Seas, Miss."

  "Will you give me the latitude and longitude?"

  "I cannot."

  "Oh, you mean that you _will_ not?"

  "I have been commanded to forget the latitude and longitude of Sangoa."

  "But this is folly!" she exclaimed, much annoyed. "Such absurd reticencemay be fatal to Mr. Jones' interests."

  He made no reply to this and after reflection she tried again.

  "What is the nearest land to Sangoa?"

  "Toerdal," said he.

  "What is that, an island?"


  "Is it on the maps? Is it charted?"

  "No, Miss."

  She silenced Flo's aggravating giggle with a frown.

  "Tell me, sir," she continued, "what is the nearest land to Sangoa thatis known to the world?"

  He smiled faintly as he replied: "I cannot tell."

  Uncle John had grown very uneasy by this time and he decided he ought toattempt to assist Maud. So, addressing Captain Carg, he said in apositive tone:

  "We quite understand, sir, that it has been the policy of the owners ofSangoa to guard all knowledge of the island's whereabouts from theoutside world, as well as the fact that its pearl fisheries are veryrich. We understand that an influx of treasure-seekers would embarrassthe Sangoans. But we are close friends of young Mr. Jones and have nodesire to usurp his island kingdom or seize his pearls. Our only anxietyis to free him from an unjust suspicion. A foolish man named Le Drieuxaccuses Jones of stealing a choice collection of pearls from a lady inAustria and fleeing with them to America. He has a photograph of the realcriminal, taken abroad, which curiously resembles your young master."

  Here the ca
ptain turned a quick look upon the speaker and for the firsttime his eyes lost their dull expression. But he made no remark and UncleJohn continued:

  "This man Le Drieux found several choice pearls in the possession of Mr.Jones, which he claims are a part of the stolen collection. Hence heobtained your master's arrest. Jones says he brought the pearls fromSangoa, his home, where they were found. No one here knows anything ofSangoa, so they regard his story with suspicion. Now, sir, we believethat through you we can prove he has told the truth, and so secure hisrelease. Here is the important question: Will you help us?"

  "Willingly, sir," replied the captain.

  "Are you forbidden to tell us where Sangoa is, or anything aboutthe island?"

  "Yes, sir; I am forbidden to do that, under any circumstances," was theready answer.

  "Have you been to Sangoa since you landed Mr. Jones in San Francisco,some fifteen months ago?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "And did you bring back with you, on this trip, any pearls?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "Have you already disposed of them?"

  "No, sir."

  "Why not?"

  "I am awaiting orders from my master."

  "Has he been aboard since you anchored here?"

  "No, sir."

  "What were your instructions?"

  "To anchor on this coast and await his coming."

  "Well," said Mr. Merrick, reflectively, "I believe you can prove our casewithout telling the location of Sangoa. An exhibition of the pearls youhave brought ought to convince any reasonable judge. Are there many ofthem in this lot?"

  "Not so many as usual, sir."

  "Are they very choice ones?"

  "Not so choice as usual, sir."

  Uncle John was greatly disappointed, but Maud exclaimed eagerly:

  "Let us see them, please!"

  That was not a question, but the captain rose at once, bowed and left thecabin. It was some ten minutes before he returned, followed by two menwho bore between them a heavy bronze chest which they placed upon thecabin floor. Then they left the room and the captain took a key from hispocket and unlocked a secret panel in the wainscoting of the cabin. Asmall compartment was disclosed, in which hung another key on an ironhook. He removed this and with it unlocked the chest, drawing-from itsrecesses several trays which he deposited upon the table. These trayswere lined and padded with white velvet and when the covers were removed,the girls, who had crowded around the table, uttered cries ofastonishment and delight.

  "They may not be as numerous or as choice 'as usual,'" murmuredMrs. Montrose, "but they are the most amazing lot of pearls I haveever beheld."

  "And did all these come from Sangoa?" Maud asked the captain.

  "They represent two months' fishing on the coast of our island," hereplied; "but not the best two months of the year. The weather was bad;there were many storms."

  "Why, the pearls that Ajo gave us were insignificant when compared withthese!" cried Beth. "This collection must be worth an enormous sum.Uncle John."

  Uncle John merely nodded. He had been thinking, as he studied the pearls,and now turned to Captain Carg.

  "Will you come ashore and testify before the judge in behalf ofyour master?"

  "Yes, if he asks me to do so."

  "And will you bring these pearls with you?"

  "If my master orders it."

  "Very good. We will have him send you instructions."

  The captain bowed, after which he turned to the table and began replacingthe trays in the chest. Then he locked it, again hung the key in thesecret aperture and closed the panel. A whistle summoned the two seamen,who bore away the chest, accompanied by the captain in person.

  When they were left alone, Maud said anxiously:

  "Is there anything more we can do here?"

  "I think not," replied Mr. Merrick.

  "Then let us get back. I want to complete my evidence at once, for no oneknows when the judge will summon Ajo for examination."

  They thanked the captain when he rejoined them, but he remained as silentand undemonstrative as ever, so they took their departure without furtherceremony and returned to the shore.