When the old man was gone, Mr. Travers turned to his wife, and his eyes were shining. «We've always wanted to do it! Let's!»

  «Do what?» she said.

  «Move out here, snap decision, why not? Why? We've promised ourselves every year: get away from the noise, the confusion, so the kids'd have a place to play. And . .

  «Good grief» the wife cried.

  The old man moved inside the store, coughing. «Ridiculous.» She lowered her voice. «We've got the apartment paid up, you've got a fine job, the kids have school with friends, I belong to some fine clubs. And we've just spent a bundle redecorating. We-«

  «Listen,» he said, as if she were really listening. « None of that's important. Out here, we can breathe. Back in town, hell, you complain …»

  «Just to have something to complain about.»

  «Your clubs can't be that important.»

  «It's not clubs, it's friends!»

  «How many would care if we dropped dead tomorrow?» he said. «If I got hit in that traffic, how many thousand cars would run over me before one stopped to see if I was a man or dog left in the road?»

  «Your job . . .» she started to say.

  «My God, ten years ago we said, in two more years we'll have enough money to quit and write my novel! But each year we've said next year! and next year and next year!»

  «We've had fun, haven't we?»

  «Sure! Subways are fun, buses are fun, martinis and drunken friends are fun. Advertising? Yeah! But I've used all the fun there is! I want to write about what I've seen now, and there's no better place than this. Look at that house over there! Can't you just see me in the front window banging the hell out of my typewriter?»

  «Stop hyperventilating!»

  «Hyperventilate? God, I'd jump for joy to quit. I've gone as far as I can go. Come on, Cecelia, let's get back some of the spunk in our marriage, take a chance!»

  «The children

  «We'd love it here!» said the son.

  «I think,» said the daughter.

  «I'm not getting any younger,» said Clarence Travers.

  «Nor am I,» she said, touching his arm. «But we can't play hopscotch now. When the children leave, yes, we'll think about it.»

  «Children, hopscotch, my God, I'll take my typewriter to the grave!»

  «It won't be long. We-«

  The shop door squealed open again and whether the old man had been standing in the screen shadow for the last minute, there was no telling. It did not show in his face. He stepped out with four lukewarm bottles of Orange Crush in his rust-spotted hands.

  «Here you are,» he said.

  Clarence and Cecelia Travers turned to stare at him as if he were a stranger come out to bring them drinks. They smiled and took the bottles.

  The four of them stood drinking the soda pop in the warm sunlight. The summer wind blew through the grottoes of trees in the old, shady town. It was like being in a great green church, a cathedral, the trees so high that the people and cottages were lost far down below. All night long you would imagine those trees rustling Their leaves like an ocean on an unending shore. God, thought Clarence Travers, you could really sleep here, the sleep of the dead and the peace-fill-of-heart.

  He finished his drink and his wife half finished hers and gave it to the children to argue over, inch by compared inch. The old man stood silent, embarrassed by the thing he may have stirred up among them.

  «Well, if you're ever out this way, drop in,» he said. Clarence Travers reached for his wallet.

  «No, no!» said the old man. «It's on the house.»

  «Thank you, thank you very much.»

  «A pleasure.»

  They climbed back into their car.

  «If you want to get to the freeway,» said the old man, peering through the front window into the cooked-upholstery smell of the car, «just take your old dirt road back. Don't rush, or you'll break an axle.»

  Clarence Travers looked straight ahead at the radiator fixture on the car front and started the motor.

  «Good-bye,» said the old man.

  «Good-bye,» the children yelled, and waved. The car moved away through the town.

  «Did you hear what the old man said?» asked the wife.


  «Did you hear him say which way to the freeway?»

  «I heard.»

  He drove through the cool, shady town, staring at the porches and the windows with the colored glass fringing them. If you looked from the inside of those windows out, people had different-colored faces for each pane you looked through. They were Chinese if you looked through one, Indian through another, pink, green, violet, burgundy, wine, chartreuse, the candy colors, the lemon-lime cool colors, the water colors of the windows looking out on lawns and trees and this car slowly driving past.

  «Yes, I heard him,» said Clarence Travers.

  They left the town behind and took the dirt road to the freeway. They waited their chance, saw an interval between floods of cars hurtling by, swerved out into the stream, and, at fifty miles an hour, were soon hurtling toward the city.

  «That's better,» said Cecelia Travers brightly. She did not look over at her husband. «Now I know where we are.»

  Billboards flashed by; a mortuary, a pie crust, a cereal, a garage, a hotel. A hotel in the tar pits of the city, where one day is the pitiless glare of the noon sun, thought Mr. Travers, all of the great Erector-set buildings, like prehistoric dinosaurs, will sink down into the bubbling tar-lava and be encased, bone by bone, for future civilizations. And in the stomachs of the electric lizards, inside the iron dinosaurs, the probing scientists of A.D. One Million will find the little ivory bones, the thinly articulated skeletons of advertising executives and clubwomen and children. Mr. Travers felt his eyes flinch, watering. And the scientists will say, so this is what the iron cities fed on, is it? and give the bones a kick. So this is what kept the iron stomachs full, eh? Poor things, they never had a chance. Probably kept by the iron monsters who needed them in order to survive, who needed them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Aphids, in a way, aphids, kept in a great metal cage.

  «Look, Daddy, look, look, before it's too late!»

  The children pointed, yelling. Cecelia Travers did not look. Only the children saw it.

  The old highway, two hundred yards away, at their left, sprang back into sight for an instant, wandered aimlessly through field, meadow, and stream, gentle and cool and quiet.

  Mr. Travers swung his head sharply to see, but in that instant it was gone. Billboards, trees, hills rushed it away. A thousand cars, honking, shrieking, shouldered them, and bore Clarence and Cecelia Travers and their captive children stunned and silent down the concourse, onward ever onward into a city that had not seen them leave and did not look to see them return

  «Let's see if this car will do sixty or sixty-five,» said Clarence Travers.

  It could and did.

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  Ray Bradbury, Quicker Than the Eye

  (Series: # )




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