In one of our previous works we proved by documentary evidencethat, since the declaration of its independence, that is to say, inabout forty years, Mexico has reached its two hundred and thirtiethrevolution which gives an average of about five revolutions a year. Inour opinion, this is very decent for a country which, if it pleased,regard being had to the retrograde measures adopted by the government,would have been justified in having at least one a month.

  The causes of these revolutions are and must be ever the same ina country where the sabre rules without control, and which counts_twenty-four_ thousand officers for an army of twenty thousandmen. These officers, very ignorant generally, and very ambitiousindividually, incapable of executing the slightest manoeuvre, orcommanding the most simple movement, find in the general disorderchances of promotion which they would not otherwise have, and manyMexican generals have attained their elevated rank without having oncebeen present at a battle, or even seen any other fire than that ofthe cigarettes they constantly have in their mouths. The real truthis, they have skilfully pronounced themselves; each _pronunciamiento_has gained them a step, sometimes two, and with pronunciamiento afterpronunciamiento, they have acquired the general's scarf, that is to say,the probability, with the aid of luck, of being in their turn proclaimedPresident of the Republic, which is the dream of all of them, and theconstant object of their efforts.

  We have said that the travellers had scarce time to conceal themselvesin the bar, ere several knocks on the door warned the landlord that themysterious guests he expected were beginning to arrive.

  No Lusacho was a fat little man, with constantly rolling gray eyes, acunning look, and a prominent stomach--the true type of the MexicanRanchero, who is more eager for gain than two Jews, and very ready whencircumstances demand it, that is to say, when his own interests areconcerned, to make a bargain with his conscience. He assured himself bya glance that all was in order in the room, and that there was nothingto cause the presence of strangers to be suspected, and then walked tothe door; but, before opening, with the probable intention of displayinghis zeal, he thought it advisable to challenge the arrivals.

  "?Quien vive?" he asked.

  "Gente de paz!" a rough voice answered; "open in the Fiend's name, ifyou do not wish us to break in your door."

  No Lusacho doubtless recognized the voice, for the somewhat brusqueresponse appeared to him sufficient, and he immediately prepared to drawback the bolts.

  The door was hardly ajar ere several men burst into the inn, thrustingeach other aside in their haste, as if afraid of being followed. Thesemen were seven or eight in number; and it was easy to see they wereofficers, in spite of the precaution of some among them who had put oncivilian attire.

  They laughed and jested loudly, which proved that, if they wereconspirators, or, at least, if they were brought to this ill-famed denby any illicit object, that object, whatever it might be, did not spoiltheir gaiety or appear to them of sufficient importance to renderthem unwontedly serious.

  They seated themselves at a table, and the landlord, who had doubtlesslong been acquainted with their habits, placed before them a bottle ofCatalonian refino and a jug of pulque, which they straightway beganswallowing while rolling their cigarettes.

  The door of the rancho had been left ajar by the landlord, who probablythought it unnecessary to close it; the officers succeeded each otherwith great rapidity, and their number soon became so great, that theroom, though very spacious, was completely filled. The newcomersfollowed the example of those who had preceded them; they seatedthemselves at a table, and began drinking and smoking, not appearing totrouble themselves about the earlier comers, to whom they merely bowedas they entered.

  As for No Lusacho, he continually prowled round the tables, watchingeverything with a corner of his eyes, and being careful not to serve theslightest article without receiving immediate payment. At length one ofthe officers rose, and, after rapping his glass on the table severaltimes to attract attention, he asked--

  "Is Don Sirven here?"

  "Yes, senor," a young man of twenty at the most answered as he rose. Hiseffeminate features were already worn by precocious debauchery.

  "Assure yourself that no person is absent."

  The young man bowed, and began walking from one table to the other,exchanging two or three words in a low voice with each of the visitors.When Don Sirven had gone round the room, he went to the person who hadaddressed him, and said with a respectful bow--

  "Senor coronel, the meeting is complete, and only one person is absent;but as he did not tell us certainly whether he would do us the honour ofbeing present tonight, I----"

  "That will do, alferez," the colonel interrupted him; "remain outsidethe house, carefully watch the environs, and let no one approach withoutchallenging him, but if you know who arrives, introduce him immediately.You have heard me, so execute my orders punctually; you understand theimportance of passive obedience for yourself."

  "You can trust to me, coronel," the young man answered; and, afterbowing to his superior officer, he left the room and closed the doorbehind him.

  The officers, then, without getting up, turned round on the benches, andthus found themselves face to face with the colonel, who had stationedhimself in the middle of the room. The latter waited a few minutes tillperfect silence was established, and then, after bowing to the audience,he spoke as follows;--

  "Let me, in the first place, thank you, caballeros, for the punctualitywith which you have responded to the meeting I had the honour ofarranging with you. I am delighted at the confidence it has pleased youto display in me, and, believe me, I shall show myself worthy of it; forit proves to me once again that you are really devoted to the interestsof our country, and that it may freely reckon on you in the hour ofdanger."

  This first portion of the colonel's speech was drowned in applause,as was only fitting. This colonel was a man of about forty years ofage, of herculean stature, and looking more like a butcher than anhonest soldier. His cunning looks did not at all inspire confidence,and every step in his profession had been the reward of an act oftreachery. He was a most valuable man in a conspiracy on this account,for being so old a hand at pronunciamientos, people knew that he was tooclever to join a losing cause; hence, he inspired his accomplices withunlimited confidence. After allowing time for the enthusiasm to calm, hecontinued--

  "I am pleased, senores, not at this applause, but at the devotion you soconstantly display for the public welfare. You understand as well as Ido that we can no longer bow our necks beneath the despotic governmentthat tyrannizes over us. The man who at this moment holds our destiniesin his hands has shown himself unworthy of the mandate we confided tohim; by failing in his duties towards us, he has liberated us from theoath of obedience we took to him. Human patience has its limits, and thehour will soon strike for the man who has deceived us to be overthrown."

  The colonel had made a start, and would probably have continued hisplausible speech for a long time in an emphatic voice, had not one ofhis audience, evidently wearied of finding nothing positive or clear inthis flood of sounding words, suddenly interrupted him--

  "That is all very fine, colonel," he said, "_Rayo de Dios!_ we are allaware that we are gentlemen devoted, body and soul, to our country; butdevotion must be paid for, _cuerpo de Cristo!_ What shall we get by allthis after all? We have not assembled here to compliment each other;but, on the contrary, to come to a definite understanding. So pray cometo the point at once."

  The colonel was at first slightly embarrassed by this warm apostrophe;but he recovered himself at once, and turned with a smile to hisinterrupter--

  "I was coming to it, my dear captain, at the very moment when you cutacross my speech."

  "Oh, that is different," the captain answered; "pray suppose that I hadnot spoken, and explain the affair in a couple of words."

  "In the first place," the colonel went on, "I have news for you which Ifeel assured you wil
l heartily welcome. This is the last time we shallmeet."

  "Very good," said the practical captain, encouraged by the winks of hiscompanions, "let us hear first what the reward is."

  The colonel saw that he could no longer dally with the matter, for allhis hearers openly took part with their comrade, and murmurs of evilaugury were beginning to be audible. At the moment when he resolved totell all he knew, the door of the inn was opened, and a man wrappedin a large cloak quickly entered the room, preceded by the Alferez DonSirven, who shouted in a loud voice--

  "The general. Caballeros, the general."

  At this announcement silence was re-established as if by enchantment.The person called the general stopped in the middle of the room, lookedaround him, and then took off his hat, let his cloak fall from hisshoulders, and appeared in the full-dress uniform of a general officer.

  "Long live General Guerrero!" the officers shouted, as they roseenthusiastically.

  "Thanks, gentlemen, thanks," the general responded with numerous bows."This warm feeling fills me with delight; but pray be silent, that wemay properly settle the matter which has brought us here; moments areprecious, and, in spite of the precautions we have taken, our presenceat this inn may have been denounced."

  All collected round the general with a movement of interest easy tounderstand. The latter continued--

  "I will come at once to facts," he said, "without entering into idlespeculations, which would cause us to waste valuable time. In a word,then, what is it we want? To overthrow the present government, andestablish another more in conformity with our opinions and, above all,our interests."

  "Yes, yes," the officers exclaimed.

  "In that case we are conspiring against the established authority,and are rebels in the eyes of the law," the general continued coollyand distinctly; "as such, we stake our heads, and must not attemptany self-deception on this point. If our attempt fails, we shall bepitilessly shot by the victor; but we shall not fail," he hastilyadded, on noticing the impression these ill-omened words produced onhis hearers; "we shall not fail, because we are resolutely playing aterrible game, and each of us knows that his fortune depends on winningthe game. From the alferez up to the brigadier-general each knows thatsuccess will gain him two steps of promotion, and such a stake issufficient to determine the least resolute to be staunch when the momentarrives to begin the struggle."

  "Yes, yes," the captain whose observations had, previous to thegeneral's arrival, so greatly embarrassed the colonel, said, "all thatis very fine. Jumping up two steps is a most agreeable thing; but wewere promised something else in your name, excellency."

  The general smiled.

  "You are right, captain," he remarked; "and I intend to keep allpromises made in my name--but not, as you might reasonably suppose, whenour glorious enterprise has succeeded. If I waited till then, you mightfear lest I should seek pretexts and excuses to evade their performance."

  "When then, pray?" the captain asked, curiously.

  "At once, senores," the general exclaimed, in a loud voice, and,addressing the whole company, "I wish to prove to you that my confidencein you is entire, and that I put faith in the word you pledged to me."

  Joy, astonishment, incredulity, perhaps, so paralyzed his hearers, thatthey were unable to utter a syllable. The general examined them for amoment, and then, turning away with a mocking smile, he walked to thefront door, which he opened. The officers eagerly watched his movements,with panting chests, and the general, after looking out, coughed twice.

  "Here I am, excellency," a voice said, issuing from the fog.

  "Bring in the bags," Don Sebastian ordered, and then quietly returned tothe middle of the room.

  Almost immediately after a man entered, bearing a heavy leathersaddlebag. It was Carnero, the capataz. At a signal from his master,he deposited his bundle and went out; but returned shortly after withanother bag, which he placed by the side of the first one. Then, afterbowing to his master, he withdrew, and the door closed upon him.

  The general opened the bags, and a flood of gold poured in a tricklingcascade on the table; the officers instinctively bent forward, and heldout their quivering hands.

  "Now, senores," the general said, still perfectly calm, as he carelesslyrested his arm on the pile of gold; "permit me to remind you of ouragreement; there are thirty-five of us at present, I believe?"

  "Yes, general, thirty-five," the captain replied, who seemed to haveappointed himself speaker in ordinary for self and partners.

  "Very good; these thirty-five caballeros are thus subdivided:--tenalferez, who will each receive twenty-five ounces of silver. Senor DonJaime Lupo," he said, turning to the colonel, "will you be kind enoughto hand twenty-five ounces to each of these gentlemen?"

  The alferez, or sub-lieutenants, broke through the ranks, and boldlycame up to receive the ounces, which the colonel delivered to each ofthem; then they fell back with a delight they did not attempt to conceal.

  "Now," the general continued, "twelve captains, to each of whom I wishyou to offer, on my behalf, Don Lupo, fifty ounces."

  The captains pocketed the money with no more ceremony than the alferezhad displayed.

  "We have ten tenientes, each of whom is to receive thirty-five ounces, Ibelieve?"

  The tenientes, or lieutenants, who had begun to frown on seeing thecaptains paid before them, received their money with a bow.

  "There now remain three colonels, each of whom has a claim to onehundred ounces," the general said; "be kind enough to pay them, my dearcolonel."

  The latter did not let the invitation be repeated twice. Still theentire pile of gold was not exhausted, and a considerable sum stillremained on the table. Don Sebastian Guerrero passed his hands severaltimes through the glittering metal, and at length thrust it from him.

  "Senores," he said, with an engaging smile, "about five hundred ouncesremain, which I do not know what to do with; may I ask you to dividethem among you, as subsistence money while awaiting the signal you areto receive from me."

  At this truly regal act of munificence, the enthusiasm attained itshighest pitch; the cries and protestations of devotion became frenzied.The general alone remained impassive, and looked coldly at the divisionmade by the colonel.

  "When all the gold had disappeared, and the effervescence was beginningto subside, Don Sebastian, who, like the Angel of Evil, had looked witha profoundly mocking smile at these men so utterly under the influenceof cupidity, slightly tapped the table, to request silence.

  "Senores," he said, "I have kept all my promises, and have acquired theright to count on you; we shall not meet again, but at a future day Iwill let you know my intentions. Still be ready to act at the firstsignal; in ten days is the anniversary festival of the Proclamation ofIndependence, and, if nothing deranges my plans, I shall probably choosethat day to try, with your assistance, to deliver the country from thetyrants who oppress it. However, I will be careful to have you warned.So now let us separate; the night is far advanced, and a longer stay atthis spot might compromise the sacred interests for which we have swornto die."

  He bowed to the conspirators, but, on reaching the door, turned roundagain.

  "Farewell, senores," he said, "be faithful to me."

  "We will die for you, general," Colonel Lupo answered, in the name ofall.

  The general gave a final bow and went out; almost immediately the hoofsof several horses could be heard echoing on the paved street.

  "As we have nothing more to do here, caballeros," the colonel said,"we had better separate without further delay; but do not forget thegeneral's parting recommendation."

  "Oh, no," the captain said, gleefully rattling the gold, with which hispockets were filled. "Don Sebastian Guerrero is too generous for us notto be faithful to him; besides, he appears to me at the present momentthe only man capable of saving our unhappy country from the abyss. Weare all too deeply attached to our country and too devoted to its realinterests, not to sacrifice ourselves for it, when circumstance
s demandit."

  The conspirators laughingly applauded this speech of the captain's, andafter exchanging courteous bows, they withdrew as they had come; that isto say, they left the inn one after the other, not to attract attention.They carefully wrapped themselves in their cloaks, and went off inparties of three and four, with their hands on their weapons, for fearof any unpleasant encounter.

  A quarter of an hour later, the room was empty, and the landlord boltedthe door for the night.

  "Well, senores," he asked the two strangers, who now left the hidingplace in which they had been crouching for upwards of two hours, "areyou satisfied?"

  "We could not be more so," replied the one who had been the sole speakerhitherto.

  "Yes, yes," the landlord continued, "three or four morepronunciamientos, and I believe I shall be able to retire on a decentcompetency."

  "That is what I wish you, No Lusacho, and, to begin, a thing promised isa thing done; here are your ten ounces."