Chapter 6
Bright sunlight on his face woke Liam the next morning. Pulling the blanket over his head he rolled over. He tried to drift back to sleep, but heard a faint mumbling coming from down the stairs. He tried to ignore it but the voices pulled him back from his dreams. He couldn't hear what they were saying and it irritated him that it was keeping him awake. Who is down there he wondered, and he uncovered his head to listen. The voices droned on. Then sweet laughter like ringing bells pulled him fully awake. They were back.
Liam jumped into his robe and pounded down the stairs. Four faces turned toward him as he burst through the door.
Mica raised his glass, “I hear we have another door to install.”
Willow rose and gave him a quick hug. “News of your success has preceded you,” she said.
Liam felt his face redden and Hodekin had to choke back a laugh as the Doormaster gave him a stern look. Liam hastened to change the subject. “Ah...when did you get back?”
“We slipped through the front door while you were guarding your pillow,” Mica said.
“Easy to make a quiet entry when you have me to open the door for you,” Hodekin mumbled.
“Come sit, lad. You're just in time to hear what your friends have discovered.”
Liam took a seat and looked expectantly at Willow. With a quick glance to Mica, she began.
“There's not much to tell. The woods were free of even the stench of goblins. Three days into the journey we met a contingent of the king's guard who were patrolling the woods. We left the vial with them and returned.”
“So now we just wait?” Liam asked.
“If the court discovers anything important, they will contact me,” Willow said.
“Oh no, that simply will not do. With three of you here to coddle me I'll be drowned in well meant kindness,” said the Doormaster. “Besides, Liam needs to travel first to Peat Town to install a door and then on to Highland Town. It seems to me he could use some company, and I could use some rest.”
The three companions looked at each other, each thinking the same thing. What about the Doormaster's safety?
The Doormaster frowned at the trio. “Stop fretting over me like a flock of mother hens. Hodekin will be here to attend to any need I might have. Mica, you can secure the same donkey and cart you used last time. Willow, you're in charge of overseeing provisions. Hodekin will help you.” The kobold smiled and shrugged. “Liam, you will test the doors and put the shop to rights before leaving.” Liam pushed back his chair and started to stand.
The Doormaster waved him back into his seat. “It's settled then. If none of you drag your feet, the procession can leave by noon and I will have my peace.” He turned and left, his cane clicking on the floor as he made his way down the hall.
“It would seem we have no choice,” Willow said.
The boys nodded. Three hours later the cart was loaded and they were waving goodbye to Hodekin and the Doormaster.