* * * * *
As with everything, the doing took longer than the telling. It was the better part of two days before the wheel could be found. Time passed slowly for Liam. There wasn't much for anyone to do but wait. Willow did what little cleaning she could and Mica looked after Smoky's needs.
Liam's task was to gather firewood. The box was still half full, but he was bored. Mica and Willow sat on the floor leaning against the far wall talking in soft voices. Liam stood up and stretched. “Guess I'll go find some more wood.”
Mica nodded absently. Willow looked up and gave him a quick smile.
A wave of crisp air cleared his head. Quickly he shut the door behind him. It didn't take too long to pile up a sizable stack of wood by the door. He wandered around for a bit, but wasn't ready to go back in. Mica and Willow were great friends, but he was beginning to feel like a third shoe.
He found a large pine tree that blocked the wind. Its branches sheltered the ground where years of pine needles made a soft cushion. Sitting down he leaned his head back against the trunk and closed his eyes. I'll just sit here for a few minutes he thought, and give Mica and Willow some time alone.
He wished he were in the castle sharing secrets with Belinda. He shoved his cold hands deeper into his pockets and his fingers closed around the shell. A smile spread over his face. Placing the shell to his ear he whistled softly. He waited tensely. Several seconds passed while he held his breath.
“Liam?” Her soft voice melted his loneliness.
He forgot about the snow as her voice wrapped around him like a warm blanket.
Belinda laughed and said, “It’s so nice to talk to you after being surrounded by this pack of pretentious ninnies that fill the castle.”
Liam blushed at the compliment, happy that Belinda could not see him. “Are they really that bad? I would have thought everyone at court would be educated and refined.”
Belinda burst into a fit of giggles. “If only they were. Just today Basil the Duke’s son stopped me on the street to tell me how clever my new hat looked.”
Liam tried to sound nonchalant. “I’m sure you could make any hat pretty.”
She scoffed. “This one was old and the ribbons were faded. The annoying court dandy didn’t even bother to look at my hat. It was just an excuse to detain me.”
“Did he ruin your morning?” he asked.
“No, but his day took a bad turn. A delivery cart came by and splashed mud all over his shiny new ridding boots.”
Liam laughed out loud.
“The puffin was so indignant he chased the cart up the street. When he found it was supplies for Alabaster, he had to apologize to the driver for delaying the delivery.”
Liam was still laughing when they were interrupted.
“Are you lost, hero?” Mica called from the porch.
“That's Mica calling. They probably think I've been attacked by a Woolly Bear. I better get back.”
She laughed. “Go take good care of your friends.”