“And the rational one here is?” Davis asked.

  “While cavemen were just learning to farm with stone tools and live in crude villages, there existed a people who built seaworthy vessels and charted the globe with precision. They seemed to understand their purpose and tried to teach us things. They came in peace. Never once is there any mention of aggression or hostility. But their messages became lost over time, especially as modern humankind began to consider itself the pinnacle of intellectual achievement.” Scofield cast Davis a stern look. “Our arrogance will be our downfall.”

  “Foolishness,” Davis said, “can have the same effect.”

  Scofield seemed ready for that rebuke. “All over this planet these ancient people left messages either as artifacts, maps, or manuscripts. These messages are neither clear nor direct, granted, but they are a form of communication, one that says, Yours is not the first civilization, nor the cultures you consider to be your roots the true beginning. Thousands of years ago we knew what you have only recently discovered. We traveled all across your young world, when ice fields blanketed the north and southern seas were still navigable. We left maps of the places we visited. We left knowledge of your world and the cosmos, of mathematics, science, and philosophy. Some of the races we visited retained that knowledge, which has helped you build your world. Remember us. ”

  Davis did not seem impressed. “What does this have to do with Operation Highjump and Raymond Dyals?”

  “A great deal. But again, that’s classified. Believe me, I wish it wasn’t. But that I cannot change. I gave my word and I’ve kept it all these years. Now, since you both think I’m nuts—which, by the way, is my opinion of you—I’m


  Scofield stood. But before he walked away, he hesitated.

  “One thought you might consider. A exhaustive study was done a decade ago at Cambridge University, by a team of world-renowned scholars. Their conclusion? Less than ten percent of the records from antiquity have survived till now.

  Ninety percent of ancient knowledge is gone. So how do we know if anything is truly nonsense?”



  1:10 PM

  RAMSEY STROLLED THECAPITOLMALL, HEADED FOR THE SPOTwhere, yesterday, he’d met Senator Aatos

  Kane’s aide. The same young man stood in the same wool overcoat, shuffling his feet from the cold. Today Ramsey had made him wait forty-five minutes.

  “Okay, Admiral. I get the point. You win,” the aide said as he approached. “Make me sweat it out.”

  He knotted his brow in dismay. “It’s not a contest.”

  “Right. I jammed it up your ass last time, you stuck it up my boss’ ass afterward, now we’re all kissin’ cousins. It is a game, Admiral, and you won.”

  He removed a small plastic device, the size of a television remote control, and switched it on. “Forgive me.”

  The unit quickly confirmed that no listening devices were present. Hovey was on the far side of the Mall monitoring to make sure no parabolic devices were in use. But Ramsey doubted that would be a problem. This minion worked for a pro who understood that you had to give in order to receive.

  “Talk to me,” he said.

  “The senator spoke to the president this morning. He told him what he wanted. The president inquired as to our interest and the senator said he admired you.”

  One aspect of Diane McCoy’s solo performance was now confirmed. He stood, hands in his coat pockets, and listened for more.

  “The president had some reservations. He said you’re not a staff favorite. His White House people had other names in mind. But the senator knew what the president wanted.”

  He was curious about that. “Tell me.”

  “There’s about to be a vacancy on the Supreme Court. A resignation. The justice wants to give the current

  administration the pick. Daniels has a name in mind and wants us to shepherd it through Senate confirmation.”


  “We chair the Judiciary Committee. The nominee is a good one, so no problem. We can make it happen.” The aide sounded proud to be part of the home team.

  “Did the president have any serious problems with me?”

  The aide allowed himself a grin, then a chuckle. “What do you want? A friggin’ engraved invitation? Presidents don’t like to be told what to do, nor do they like to be asked favors. They like to be the one who asks. Daniels, though, seemed receptive to the whole thing. He doesn’t think the Joint Chiefs is worth a crap anyway.”

  “Lucky for us he only has less than three years left in office.”

  “I don’t know how lucky that makes us. Daniels is a proven dealer. He knows how to give and take. We’ve had no problems dealing with him, and he’s popular as hell.”

  “The devil you know as opposed to the one you don’t?”

  “Something like that.”

  He needed to extract what he could from this source. He had to know who else, if anyone, was aiding Diane McCoy in her surprising crusade.

  “We’re interested in when you’ll move on the governor of South Carolina,” the aide said.

  “The day after I move into my new office at the Pentagon.”

  “And what if you can’t deliver the governor?”

  “Then I’ll just destroy your boss.” He allowed an almost sexual enjoyment to sweep into his eyes. “We’ll do this my way. Clear?”

  “And what is your way?”

  “First off, I want to know exactly what you’re doing to make my appointment happen. Every detail, and not just what you want to tell me.

  If my patience is tried, then I think I’ll take your suggestion from last time, retire, and watch all of your careers dissolve to nothing.”

  The aide held up his hands in mock surrender. “Slow down, Admiral. I didn’t come here to fight. I came to brief you.”

  “Then brief me, you little piece of crap.”

  The aide accepted the rebuke with a shrug. “Daniels is on board. He says it’ll be done. Kane can deliver the votes on the Judiciary Committee. Daniels knows that. Your announcement will come tomorrow.”

  “Before Sylvian’s funeral?”

  The aide nodded. “No need to wait.”

  He agreed. But there was still Diane McCoy. “Any objection lodged from the Office of the National Security Adviser?”

  “Daniels didn’t mention it. But why would he?”

  “Don’t you think we need to know if staffers plan to sabotage what we’re doing?”

  The aide threw him a wistful smile. “That shouldn’t be a problem. Once Daniels is on board, that’s it. He can handle his people. What’s the problem, Admiral? You got enemies over there?”

  No. Merely a complication. But he was beginning to realize its limited extent. “Tell the senator that I appreciate his efforts and to stay in touch.”

  “Am I dismissed?”

  His silence signaled yes.

  The aide seemed glad the conversation was over and departed.

  Ramsey walked over and sat on the same bench he’d warmed earlier. Hovey waited five minutes, then approached, sat beside him, and said, “Area is clean. Nobody was listening.”

  “We’re fine with Kane. It’s McCoy. She’s doing this on her own.”

  “Maybe she thinks getting you is her ticket to greater and better.”

  Time to find out how bad his aide wanted greater and better. “She may have to be eliminated. Just like Wilkerson.”

  Hovey’s silence was more explicit than words.

  “Do we have much on her?” Ramsey asked the captain.

  “Quite a bit, but she’s relatively boring. Lives alone, no relationships, workaholic. Co-workers like her, but she’s not one that everybody wants to sit next to at state dinners. She probably using this as a way to up her worth.”

  Made sense.

  Hovey’s cell phone rang, dulled through his wool coat. The call was short and ended quickly. “More problems.”

  He waited.

  “Diane McCoy just tried to access the warehouse at Fort Lee.”

  MALONE ENTERED THE CHURCH, HENN ANDCHRISTL AHEADof him. Isabel had descended from the choir

  and stood with Dorothea and Werner.

  He decided to stop the charade and came up behind Henn, jamming the gun into the man’s neck and relieving him of his weapon.

  He then stepped back and aimed the barrel at Isabel. “Tell your butler to stay cool.”

  “And what would you do, Herr Malone, if I refused? Shoot me?”

  He lowered the gun. “No need. This was all a dog-and-pony show. Those four had to die. Though clearly none of them realized it. You didn’t want me talking to them.”

  “What makes you so sure?” Isabel asked.

  “I pay attention.”

  “All right. I knew they would be here, and they did think us allies.” “Then they’re bigger fools than I am.”

  “Maybe not them, but certainly the man who sent them. Can we dispense with the theatrics—on both our parts—and talk?”

  “I’m listening.”

  “I know who’s trying to kill you,” Isabel said. “But I need your help.”

  He caught the first rumors of nighttime outside the bare window frames from air turning colder by the second.

  He also caught the drift of her words. “One for the other?”

  “I apologize for the deception, but it seemed the only way to attract your cooperation.”

  “You should have just asked.”

  “I tried that at Reichshoffen. I thought this might work better.”

  “Which could have gotten me killed.”

  “Come now, Herr Malone, I have much more confidence in your abilities than you seem to.”

  He’d had enough. “I’m going back to the hotel.”

  He started to leave.

  “I know where Dietz was headed,” Isabel said. “Where your father was taking him in Antarctica.”

  Screw her.

  “Somewhere in this church is what Dietz was missing. What he went there to find.”

  His vehemence subsided into hunger. “I’m going to eat dinner.” He kept walking. “I’m willing to listen while I eat, but if it isn’t damn good information, I’m gone.”

  “I assure you, Herr Malone, it’s more than good.”




  They were still sitting in the alcove. Outside, a glorious afternoon illuminated distant winter forests. To their left, toward the southeast, she caught a glimpse of the main château a mile or so away, perched high on its own promontory.

  “Scofield’s an ass,” Davis said. “He thinks Ramsey cares that he’s kept his mouth shut all these years.”

  “We don’t know what Ramsey cares about.”

  “Somebody is going to kill Scofield.”

  She wasn’t so sure. “And what do you propose we do about it?”

  “Stick close to him.”

  “We could take him into custody.”

  “And lose our bait.”

  “If you’re right, is that fair to him?”

  “He thinks we’re idiots.”

  She didn’t like Douglas Scofield, either, but that shouldn’t factor into their decisions. There was one other thing, though. “You realize, we still have no proof of anything.”

  Davis checked the clock across the lobby. “I have to make a call.”

  He left his chair and approached the windows, nestling into a floral sofa ten feet away, facing away, toward outside. She watched him. He was both troubled and complex. Interesting to know, though, like her, he struggled with emotions.

  And he didn’t like to talk about them, either.

  Davis motioned for her to come closer.

  She walked over and sat beside him.

  “He wants to talk to you again.”

  She cradled the cell phone to her ear, knowing exactly who was on the other end.

  “Stephanie,” President Daniels said, “this is growing complex. Ramsey has maneuvered Aatos Kane. The good senator wants me to bestow the Joint Chiefs position on Ramsey. There’s no way in hell that’s going to happen, but I didn’t let Kane know that. I once heard an old Indian proverb. If you live in the river, then you should make friends with the crocodiles. Apparently, Ramsey is practicing that truism.”

  “Or it may be the other way around.”

  “Which is what really makes this complex. Those two haven’t joined forces voluntarily. Something’s happened. I can kick the can down the street for a few days, but we need to make progress on your end. How’s my boy?”


  Daniels chuckled. “Now you see what I have to put up with from you. Tough to keep a leash on things?”

  “You could say that.”

  “Teddy Roosevelt said it best. ‘Do what you can with what you have, where you are.’ Stay with this.”

  “I don’t think I have much choice, do I?”

  “No, but here’s a tidbit. The Berlin station chief for naval intelligence, a captain named Sterling Wilkerson, was found dead in Munich.”

  “Which you believe is not coincidental.”

  “Crap, no. Ramsey is working something here and over there. I can’t prove it, but I feel it. What about Malone?”

  “Haven’t heard from him.”

  “Tell me straight up. Do you think this professor is in danger?”

  “I don’t know. But I think we ought to hang around till tomorrow, to be sure.”

  “Here’s something I didn’t tell Edwin. I need a poker face.”

  She smiled. “Okay.”

  “I have my doubts about Diane McCoy. I learned a long time ago to pay attention to my enemies ’cause they’re the first to learn your mistakes. I’ve been watching her. Edwin knows that. What he doesn’t know is that she left the building today and drove into Virginia. Right now she’s at Fort Lee, inspecting a warehouse the army leases to naval intelligence. I checked. Ramsey was there himself yesterday.”

  Something she already knew, thanks to her staff.

  Davis motioned that he was going to get something to drink from a hospitality table near the hearth and with gestures asked if she wanted anything. She shook her head.

  “He’s gone,” she said into the phone. “I assume you’re telling me this for a reason.”

  “It seems Diane has made friends with the crocodiles, too, but I’m worried she’s going to get eaten.”

  “Couldn’t happen to a nicer person.”

  “I do believe you have a mean streak.”

  “I have a realist streak.”

  “Stephanie, you sound worried.”

  “As much as I may object, I have a feeling our man is here.”

  “You want help?” Daniels asked.

  “I do, but Edwin doesn’t.”

  “Since when do you listen to him?”

  “This is his show. He’s on a mission.”

  “Love is hell, but don’t let it be his downfall. I need him.”

  SMITH WAS ENJOYING THE PIANO MUSIC AND A CRACKLING FIREin the hearth. Lunch had been great. The

  salad and appetizer were both superb and the soup was delicious, but the fresh lamb with seasonal vegetables had been the best by far.

  He’d come upstairs after the man and woman approached Scofield and whisked him away from his meal. He hadn’t

  been able to hear what was said downstairs or here. He wondered, were these the same two from last night? Hard to say.

  For the past few hours Scofield had been approached by one person after another. In fact, the whole conference seemed a lovefest geared toward him. The professor was listed as one of the event’s original organizers. He was the keynote speaker tomorrow night. He was also conducting a candlelight tour through the main mansion this evening. Tomorrow morning was what the brochure called Scofield’s Hog Wild Adventure. Three hours of boar hunting with bow and

p; arrow, in a nearby forest, led by the professor himself. The woman at the registration desk had said the early-morning jaunt was popular, and about thirty folks went along each year. Two more people interested in Dr. Douglas Scofield was not necessarily cause for alarm. So Smith quelled his paranoia and did not allow it to get the best of him. He didn’t want to admit it, but he was shaken from last night.