The air was thick with a nervous energy to match the growing fog that was quickly enclosing around Willy’s creaking boat.
“So, are ye’ gonna t.t.tell me where we are goin’, or do I have to g.g.guess?” the old seaman asked in a gruff voice.
“The Isle of Shadow,” Gaost said simply.
Willy let out a long whistle and shook his head slowly.
“You do know where that is, correct?” Logan asked.
“O, I know w.w.where it is all right,” the old man answered with a somewhat puzzled look on his face.
“I get the feeling that you have something more to tell us Willy,” Rose said in a kind voice. “You will take us there won’t you?”
“I got no problem takin’ you there lassie,” he answered Rose. “It’s j,just that I took someone else there just a couple days ago, A really strange red-eyed man that gave me the creeps.”
Gaost’s shoulders slumped and he sighed in dismay before answering, “That was my mortal enemy, Bane.”
“Well brother, we didn’t really expect Belial to just let us walk in and take the staff without a fight did we?” Logan said.
“This is true,” the Cleric answered, “But I will have enough trouble just trying to keep the taints at bay. Having to fight the dark disciple will make it that much harder.”
Willy had a rather worried look on his face when he spoke again to Gaost. “I ain’t goin’ to be a part of any fighting.”
Rose could tell by the old man’s body language that he was frightened not only from the prospect of danger, but his encounter with Bane had left him slightly scarred too. She reached out and gently touched his boney old shoulder and spoke to him softly, “Willy, we mean you no harm at all. I am sure that Gaost will keep us all safe.”
“There is no need for you to leave the boat friend,” Logan spoke to ease the man as well. “We will pay you quite well if you would wait for our return though.”
“I only promise to get you there knight,” Willy answered firmly. “After that, you are on your own.”
Rose still had her hand on the frightened man’s shoulder, and could feel the tension coursing through his weary frame. Muttering a quick and quiet prayer for the man, the holy healing work of Ya took over her actions. Rose was careful again not to take any of this pain into her own mind, but rather gave it all up to her loving Father. Willy gave a slight shudder, as if shaking off a sudden chill, and in moments, he smiled back at the loving priestess.
“Thank you deary,” he said in a much calmer voice. Turning his attention back to sailing, he said simply, “We should be there in an hour or so.”
No response was given or needed, as the followers of Ya became lost in their own thoughts.