27 This was a pol taken by the Al ensbach Institute. New York Times, Jan. 21, 1988.


  28 This example is cited by Russel Hardin, "Contracts, Promises and Arms Control," Bul etin of Atomic Scientists (Oct. 1984). Hardin cal s the Kennedy unilateral initiative an example of

  "contract by convention," which he thinks is much preferable to endless negotiation.

  29 Walter Clemens, "US and USSR: An Agenda for a New Detente," Christian Science

  Monitor, Mar. 21, 1985.

  30 Sivard, World Military and Social Expenditures 1987-88, 22.

  31 Leonard Bernstein, "War Is Not Inevitable," Fel owship (Jan.-Feb. 1981).


  Document Outline

  OneIntroduction: American Ideology

  TwoMachiavellian Realism and U.S. Foreign Policy: Means and Ends

  ThreeViolence and Human Nature

  FourThe Use and Abuse of History

  FiveJust and Unjust War

  SixLaw and Justice

  SevenEconomic Justice: The American Class System

  EightFree Speech: Second Thoughts on the First Amendment

  NineRepresentative Government: The Black Experience

  TenCommunism and Anti-communism

  ElevenThe Ultimate Power



  Howard Zinn, Declarations of Independence: Cross-Examining American Ideology

  (Series: # )




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