Sentry Duty

  The spring term wore slowly on. March winds came and went, taking thesweet violets with them, but leaving golden Lent lilies and a wealth ofprimroses as a legacy to April. The larch forest above Porth Powys was atangle of green tassels, the hedgerows were starry with blackthorn, andthe _Pyrus japonica_ over the dining-room windows was a mass of rosyblossom. Spring was always a delightful season at The Woodlands; withthe longer days came rambles and greater freedom. Popular opinion ranhigh in extolling country life, and any girl who ventured to prefer townpleasures found herself entirely in the minority.

  Rona had several invitations for the Easter holidays, one from Mrs.Stanton among the number; but Miss Bowes, thinking it better for Ulythto have a rest from her room-mate's presence, decided in favour ofWinnie Fowler. Ulyth could not help feeling a sense of relief that thematter was thus settled. Rona was very little trouble to hernow--indeed, she rather liked her company; but she would be glad to haveher mother to herself for the few short weeks.

  "I wouldn't for the world have tried to stop her coming, Motherkins,"she wrote home; "but Miss Bowes said most emphatically that she must goto the Fowlers. I'm sure they'll give her a good time, and--well, Iadmit it will be a rest to me. Just at present I don't want to shareyou. Now you know the whole of your horrid daughter! Lizzie asked me ifI would spend part of the holidays with her, but I managed to make anexcuse. I felt I couldn't spare a single precious day away from you. Ihave so much to talk about and tell you. Am I greedy? But what's the useof having one's own lovely mother if she isn't just one's ownestsometimes? I tell you things I wouldn't tell anyone else on earth. Idon't think all the girls feel quite the same; but then their motherscan't possibly be like mine! She's the one in a thousand! I'm sitting uplate in my bedroom to write this, and I shall have to report myself toMiss Lodge to-morrow; but I felt I must write."

  After the Easter holidays everybody returned to The Woodlands preparedto make the most of the coming term. With the longer evenings more timewas allowed out-of-doors, and the glade by the stream became a kind ofsummer parlour. Those girls who had some slight skill in carpentryconstructed rustic benches and tables from the boughs blown down by lastautumn's storms, and those who preferred nature untouched by art hadtheir favourite seats in snug corners among the bushes or on the stonesby the water-side. With the first burst of warm weather bathing wasallowed, and every morning detachments of figures in mackintoshes andtennis-shoes might be seen wending their way towards the large pool toindulge in the exhilarating delight of a dip in clear, flowing water,followed by a brisk run round the glade. These pre-breakfast expeditionswere immensely appreciated; the girls willingly got up earlier for thepurpose, and anyone who manifested a disposition to remain in bed wasdenounced as a "slacker".

  One day, towards the end of May, when some of the members of V B weresitting with their fancywork on the short grass under an oak-tree, AddieKnighton came from the house and joined them. There was beamingsatisfaction in Addie's twinkling grey eyes; she rubbed her handsostentatiously, and chuckled audibly.

  "What's to do, Addie, old girl? You're looking very smug," said Lizzie.

  "Aha! Wouldn't you like to know? What'll you give me if I tell you now?"

  "Never buy pigs in pokes. It mayn't be important at all," volunteeredMerle.

  "Oh, indeed! Isn't it? Just wait till you hear."

  "It's nothing but one of your sells," yawned Gertrude Oliver, moving soas to rest her back more comfortably against Ulyth.

  "Mrs. Arnold doesn't generally spring sells upon us."

  Ulyth jumped up so suddenly that Gertrude collapsed with a squeal ofprotest.

  "Mrs. Arnold here and I never knew! Where is she?"

  "Don't excite yourself. She's gone by now. She only stayed ten minutes,to see Miss Bowes, but it was ten minutes to some purpose. Do you knowwhat she's actually proposed?"

  Addie's listeners were as eager now as they had been languid before.

  "Go ahead, can't you?" urged Lizzie.

  "Well, the whole school's to go camping for three days."

  This indeed was news!




  "Scrumptious!" burst in a chorus from the elated four.

  "Details, please," added Ulyth. "When and where, and how, and why?"

  "Is it a Camp-fire business?" asked Lizzie.

  "Of course it is or Mrs. Arnold wouldn't be getting it up. It's happenedthis way. The Llangarmon and Elwyn Bay detachments of Boy Scouts are tocamp at Llyn Gwynedd for ten days early in June. Mr. Arnold has thearranging of it all. And Mrs. Arnold suggested that the tents might justas easily be hired a few days sooner, and we could use them before theboys came. It's such a splendid opportunity. It would be too expensiveto have everything sent down on purpose just for us, but when they'rethere we can hire the camp for very little extra. It's the carriage anderecting that cost so much. Miss Bowes, I believe, hummed and ha-ed alittle, but Teddie just tumbled to the idea and persuaded the Rainbowto clinch it."

  "Good old Teddie! I believe it's the tragedy of her life that she can'tlive altogether in the open air. She adores Red Cross Work."

  "The teachers are all to come to camp; they're as excited as you pleaseabout it. It was Miss Lodge who told me that Mrs. Arnold was here, and Irushed down the drive and caught her just for a second."

  This indeed was an event in the annals of the school. Never since theCamp-fire League was started had its members found any opportunity ofsampling life under canvas. They had practised a little camp cookerydown by the stream, but their experiments had not gone much farther thanfrying eggs and bacon or roasting potatoes in hot ashes, and they wereyearning to try their hands at gipsies' stews and gallipot soups. WithMrs. Arnold for leader they expected a three days' elysium. Even MissTeddington, they knew, would rise to the occasion and play trumps. LlynGwynedd was a small lonely lake about six miles away, in the heart ofthe mountains beyond Penllwyd and Glyder Garmon. It was reached from TheWoodlands by a track across the moors, but it communicated by high roadwith Capelcefn station, so that tents, camp-furniture, and provisionscould be sent up by a motor-lorry. The ground was hired from a localfarmer, who undertook to supply milk, butter, and eggs to the best ofhis ability, and to bring meat and fresh vegetables from Capelcefn asrequired. To cater for a whole school up in the wilds is a task fromwhich many Principals would shrink, and Miss Bowes might be forgiven ifshe had at first demurred at the suggestion. But, with Mr. Arnold'spractical experience to help her, she gave her orders and embarked (notwithout a few tremors) upon the proceeding.

  "If the mountain air makes you so hungry you eat up two days' provisionsin one, it means you'll have to fast on the third day," she assured thegirls. "I'm sending up what I hope will be sufficient. It's likevictualling a regiment. Of course we shan't go at all if it's wet."

  Mr. Arnold, who very kindly volunteered to see that the camp wasproperly set up and in thorough working order before the school tookpossession, superintended the erection of the tents and reported thatall was in apple-pie condition and only waiting for its battalion. On2nd June, therefore, a very jolly procession started off from TheWoodlands. In navy skirts and sports coats, tricolor ties, straw hats,and decorated with numerous badges and small flags, the girls felt likea regiment of female Territorials. Each carried her kit on her back in ahome-made knapsack containing her few personal necessities, and knife,spoon, fork, and enamelled tin mug. A band of tin whistles and mouthorgans led the way, playing a valiant attempt at "Caller Herrin'". Theteachers also were prepared for business. Miss Teddington, who had doneclimbs in Switzerland, came in orthodox costume with nailed boots and ajaunty Tyrolean hat with a piece of edelweiss stuck in the front. MissLodge wore a full-length leather coat and felt hat in which she lookedready to defy a waterspout or a tornado. Miss Moseley, who owned to anever-present terror of bulls, grasped an iron-spiked walking-stick, andMiss Davis had a First Aid wallet slung across h
er back. In the girls'opinion Miss Bowes shirked abominably. Instead of venturing on thesix-mile walk she had caught the morning train to Capelcefn, and wasgoing to hire a car at the Royal Hotel and drive up to the lake with theprovisions. Mrs. Arnold, who, with her husband, had taken rooms at thefarm for a few days, was already on the spot, and would be ready toreceive the travellers when they arrived.

  On the whole it was a glorious morning, though a few ill-omened cloudslingered like a night-cap round Penllwyd. Larks were singing, cuckooscalling, bluebells made the woods seem a reflection of the sky, and thegorse was ablaze on the common. The walk was collar-work at first, up,up, up, climbing a steep track between loose-built, fern-covered walls,taking a short cut over the slope that formed the spur of Cwm Dinas, andscaling the rocky little precipice of Maenceirion. Some who had startedat a great rate and with much enthusiasm began to slacken speed, and torealize the wisdom of Miss Teddington's advice and try the slow-going,steady pace she had learned from Swiss guides.

  "You can't keep it up if you begin with such a spurt," she assured them."Alpine climbing has to be like the tortoise--slow and sure."

  Once on the plateau beyond Cwm Dinas progress was easier. It was stilluphill, but the slope was gentler. They were on the open moors now,following a path, little more than a sheep track, that led under thecrag of Glyder Garmon. Except for an occasional tiny whitewashed farmthey were far from human habitations, and the only signs of life werethe small agile Welsh sheep, the half-wild ponies that grazed on theseuplands during the summer months, and a pair of carrion crows thatwheeled away, croaking hoarsely at the sight of intruders. On and onover what seemed an interminable reach of coarse grass andwhinberry-bushes, jumping tiny brooks, and skirting round sometimes toavoid bogs, for much of the ground was spongy, and though its surface ofsphagnum moss looked inviting, it was treacherous in the extreme. Atlast they had rounded the corner of Glyder Garmon, and there, far awayto the right, like a sheet of silver, Llyn Gwynedd lay gleaming in thedistance.

  The sight of their destination, even though it was two miles away,cheered up those weaker spirits that were beginning to lag, especiallyas something white on the south side, when examined through MissTeddington's field-glasses, proved to be the tents. Three-quarters of anhour's brisk walking brought them to the lake, and in ten minutes morethey were announcing their approach to the camp in a succession of wildhoorays.

  Mr. and Mrs. Arnold were waiting to do the honours, and, parading intheir very best style, the League marched in and took possession.

  By the time they had been two hours at Llyn Gwynedd all the girls feltlike old, well-seasoned campers. Mrs. Arnold was no novice, and at onceassumed her post as leader and captain in command. Miss Bowes, MissTeddington, and the other teachers were assigned tents of honour, andevery member of the League was placed on definite duty. Some were cooks,some water-carriers, some scullions, and some sentries, according totheir qualifications and the rank they held in the League.

  The field hired for the camping-ground had been carefully chosen. It wason the far side of the lake, away from the road, sheltered on the northand east by mountain ridges, and with a shelving beach of fine silverysand where the waves lapped in gentle little ripples. A narrow brook,leaping from the heights above, passed through the centre and gave aquite uncontaminated water supply. All around rose peaks which had notbeen visible at The Woodlands, the rough, splintered crest of CraigMawr, the smoother summit of Pencastell, and the almost inaccessibleprecipice of Carnedd Powys. It was glorious to sit by the lake and feelthat they were not obliged to return to school before dark, but couldstay and watch the sun set behind Pencastell and the gloaming creepquietly on. Of course everybody wanted to explore the immediatevicinity, and little bands, each in charge of a Torch-bearer, wereallowed to skirt round the lake within sight of the camp. Each girl hadher League whistle, and knew the signals which meant "Meal-time","Danger", and "Return instantly to camp". These had been rehearsed inthe glade at The Woodlands, and formed part of the examination of everycandidate.

  Ulyth, as a Torch-bearer, was able to head a party, and started off inquest of bog myrtle along the bank, returning with great armfuls of thedelicious-smelling aromatic shrub to cast into the fire during theevening "stunt".

  The gathering of the League that night was a memorable occasion. Theceremonies were observed with strictest formality, and as visitors werepresent a special welcome song was sung in their honour. The scene wasimmensely picturesque and romantic: the red sun setting between CraigMawr and Pencastell threw a last glow on the lake, the blazing firelighted up the camp and the rows of eager faces, and behind all was thebackground of the eternal hills.

  Rona, having successfully passed through her probation, was admitted asa Wood-gatherer and awarded the white badge of service. Several youngergirls also received initiation into membership. With the Leagueceremonial, songs, stories, and cocoa-making, the evening passed veryswiftly away. At nine o'clock everybody was expected to turn in. A nightunder canvas was a new experience. The stretcher-beds and the cleanblankets looked inviting. Strict military discipline was observed in thecamp, and sentries were told off on duty. In as perfect order as aregiment the girls went to their tents. Ulyth was sharing quarters withAddie, Lizzie, and Gertrude. She tucked herself up in her blankets, asshe had been taught at camp drill, and then lay quietly for a long,long time, watching the patch of sky through the tent door.

  She seemed only to have been asleep for about an hour, when the patroltouched her on the shoulder. Instantly she sprang up, broad awake.

  "Relieve sentry at west guard," was the order, and the patrol passed on.

  It was too dark to see her watch, but Ulyth knew it must be nearly oneo'clock. She hastily donned the warm garments ordered to be worn bysentries, and hurried away to relieve Helen Cooper. Her post was at thewest end of the camp, where the field merged into a rushy swamp beforeit rose into the hill that led towards the farm.

  "The password is 'Louvain'," said Helen, retiring, not at all sorry toseek the comfort of her bed. "One leg of the camp-stool is most rickety,so I warn you not to lean too hard on it. Good night."

  Left alone, Ulyth sat down with extreme caution on the deficientcamp-stool and surveyed the situation. There were clouds across a waningmoon, and it was fairly dark. She could see the outlines of the tents inblack masses behind her; in front the field lay dim and shadowy, with amist creeping from the water. Up above, to her right, against an indigosky, the Great Bear was standing almost on its head, with its tail inthe air. One of the tests of a Torch-bearer was a knowledge of thestars, and Ulyth had learnt how to tell the time by the position of thisparticular constellation. She made a rapid calculation now, reckoningfrom the day of the month, and was glad to find it came out correctly.Cassiopeia's white arms were hidden by the mountains, but the Milky Wayshimmered in the east, and overhead Arcturus blazed as he had done inthe days when the patriarch Job recorded his brilliance. To the extremenorth a patch of light lay behind Penllwyd, where the sun, at thisseason hardly dipping far out of sight, worked his course round to theeast again. How quiet it was! The silence was almost oppressive. Thegentle lap of the tiny waves on the lake was not equal to the rush ofthe stream at The Woodlands. Not even a night-bird called. The camp wasabsolutely still and slumbering.

  Ulyth rose and paced about for a while. It was too cold to sit stilllong. She must only use the camp-stool when she needed a rest.

  "Sentries ought to be allowed chocolates," she murmured, "or hotpeppermints, just to keep up their spirits. Ugh! How weird and eerie itall is! There isn't a sound anywhere. It's not an enlivening performanceto keep watch, I must say."

  She stopped, suddenly on the alert. What was that noise in the darknessto her left? She distinctly heard a rustle among the gorse-bushes, andthought something moved in the deep shadow.

  "Halt! Who goes there?" she challenged.

  There was no reply, but the rustle sounded again, this time nearer tothe camp. She listened with every sense strained to
the uttermost.Something or someone was slinking in from the field and creepingcautiously towards the tents; of that she was nearly certain. Wild ideasof thieving tramps flooded her brain. A louder sound confirmed hersuspicions. She could hear it quite distinctly in the direction of thekitchen. Her duty was plain. She blew her whistle promptly; it wasanswered by those of the three other sentries, from the north, east, andsouth quarters, and immediately torches began to flash, and voices toask the cause of alarm. The guard was roused, and began an instant tourof inspection.

  "Something crept past me, straight towards the centre of the camp,"Ulyth reported.

  The lights flashed away in the direction of the kitchen. The girls wereon their mettle, and meant business. Whoever the intruder was, he shouldbe run to earth and made to give an account of himself. They feltperfectly capable of taking him prisoner and binding his hands behindhim with a rope. Indeed, they thought they should hugely enjoy doing so,particularly if he turned out to be a burglar. Numbers give courage, anda very martial spirit was in the air.

  "If he's hiding in one of the tents we'll drag him out by the legs!"proclaimed Marjorie Earnshaw fiercely.

  Everybody was sure it must be a "he". The news spread through the camplike lightning, and it was even rumoured that he wore a coat andtop-boots. Miss Teddington herself had emerged, and was waving a lanternas a searchlight.

  "This way," blustered Marjorie, heading for the kitchen quarter. "Thesneaking cur! We'll have him!"

  "Why aren't we allowed bayonets?" lamented Ruth White.

  "Oh, I hear a noise! There's something there really," urged KathleenSimpson, with a most unsoldierly squeal. "Oh, I say! Here he comes!"

  There was a sudden scratch and scramble, and from out the larder rusheda dark object on four legs, with a white something in its mouth. Helenmade a valiant dash at it, but it dodged her, and flew like the windaway between the tents and off somewhere over the fields in thedirection of the farm. The guard with one accord burst out laughing.

  "A thieving Welsh sheep-dog raiding the larder!" exclaimed Catherine.

  "It's stolen a whole leg of mutton, the brute!" wailed Doris, whobelonged to the Commissariat Department. "I didn't think it could havereached that. It must have jumped high. It doesn't deserve its prize."

  "No wonder it wouldn't answer when I challenged it," observed Ulyth.

  "Well, I'm glad it's no worse than a dog," said Miss Teddington. "Wemust take steps to-morrow to make the larder safer, or we shall betroubled again."

  "We'll place a guard over it," replied Catherine promptly. "JessieMorrison, you are on sentry duty at once to watch the larder. MaggieOrton will relieve you at three."