“So did I,” I said.

  “What’s her name?”

  “Terra,” I responded. “Terra Wilson.”

  He paused and seemed to absorb the name for a moment. “See ya in the mornin’.”

  “I suppose so.”

  After he left I cleaned the kitchen, took out the trash, and prepared for bed. A few minutes into my attempt at falling asleep, something seemed out of place. I fumbled for my phone, pulled it from the nightstand, and typed Terra a text message.

  Thinking of you.

  Almost immediately, my phone beeped. I opened the message.

  I never stop thinking of you.

  I typed a response.

  Then I’m doing something right for once. Goodnight.

  Her reply was immediate.

  Yes, you sure are. Goodnight.

  I read her response, grinned, and reread it.

  And I fell asleep.

  Chapter Thirteen


  We were on our way out of my house, but hadn’t quite made it to the door. I slid my hand along my thigh and flipped my hair over my shoulder, striking my best seductive pose. “Over what?”

  “What do you mean?” Michael asked.

  “What do you mean? I asked you if you liked them. You said you preferred them. And, I’m asking. Over what?”

  His eyes dropped to my four-inch heels and slowly raised the length of my legs, stopping at my waist. I playfully twisted my hips to the side, making sure his decision was a well-thought-out one.

  A few seconds passed. “Everything. Over everything. Well, everything except the little black dress, I’m partial to it, but for other reasons.”

  Jeggings. They seemed ridiculous at first, but after a year or so of seeing everyone wear them, I broke down and bought a pair. Now, if I was in a mood to wear jeans, jeggings were my only option.

  “I’ve tossed my jeans, and this is all I’ve got now,” I said. “I like them.”

  “That makes two of us.”

  He said to dress comfortably, but I had no idea what his plans were. “So what are we going to do?”

  He walked toward me, slowly. Even his casual walk screamed confidence. “We were going to go to Worlds of Fun and ride the roller coaster. Now? I’m not sure, but we’re not doing that. At least not just yet.”

  The roller coaster sounded like fun. I hadn’t ridden one since I was a little girl. I felt like jumping up and down and clapping my hands, but I didn’t. “Why not?” I asked.

  He placed his hands around my waist, several inches above my jeans. When he touched me I tingled all over, and it didn’t seem to matter where he chose to touch me, or why. It just happened.

  “I decided to do something else,” he said.

  I’d already forgotten what we were talking about. When he spoke, the topic returned to my mind, but with his hands on me, it no longer mattered. I didn’t care about the roller coaster. Or anything, for that matter. Not even a little bit.

  I sighed. Not because I wanted to. Just because. It sounded like a fluttering breeze. “Never mind,” I murmured.

  His hands moved down my waist until his thumbs were beneath my jeans and resting in the depressions beside my hip bones. “I like touching you.”

  It tickled. I flinched. It seemed to fuel him to continue.

  My lips parted. “I...”

  The tips of his thumbs moved in small circles against the skin of my hips. He leaned toward me. His warm breath against my neck caused me to knock my knees together. Instantly, my pussy ached.

  I gazed along my entry hall and wondered at what point I turned to face the interior of my home, and not the door. We were so close to leaving when he began to admire me, and then everything stopped. We were so close. Mere feet from departure.

  I closed my eyes.

  His thumbs softly slid down along my hips, taking my perfect mixture of leggings and jeans with them. I remembered I wasn’t wearing panties, and grinned to myself at the thought of my choosing not to.

  My legs felt weak, and from the fear of falling alone, I kicked off my heels. In an instant, I was naked from the waist down. I opened my eyes.

  Michael was a magnificent man to look at. The perfect combination of innocent good looks and strikingly handsome features, coupled with my knowledge of his abilities, made watching him do anything a pleasure.

  He removed his shirt and tossed it beside my pants. His upper body resembled a wedge in shape—his broad chest tapering into his upper torso, and his washboard abs leading to the muscles at each flank that formed a perfect V shape just above the waist of his jeans.

  “Don’t move,” he whispered.

  I chewed on my quivering lip and waited.

  He shoved two fingers into me, forcing me to draw an unscheduled breath and close my eyes again. As he tickled my G-spot with the tips, a tingling sensation shook me to my core.

  With his chest against me, he nibbled on my earlobe, his breath sending chills up my arms and along my lower legs. I wanted him to take me. It seemed we were mentally, physically and sexually in tune with one another. I never seemed to wait long for him to fulfill my desires.

  His fingers continued to satisfy me until a ringing filled my ears. An orgasm soon escaped, feeling almost as if it ran along my skin, and not from deep within me. Startled, I opened my eyes.

  He stood before me with his cock in his hand. His cheek brushed against mine as he pulled his mouth from my ear. Our eyes met. I wanted to say something, but realized often with Michael I was incapable of saying a single word.

  My eyes fell to his cock-filled hand. “Give...”

  And he did just that. He pushed me into the door forcefully, but not violently. The thrusts that soon followed, however, were a different story. With my back against the wall and his hands cupped around my lower thighs, he held me suspended above the floor with my legs slightly bent.

  I felt slight pressure as he penetrated me, and gasped at the feeling of being completely filled with his entire length in one thrust. His hands moved up my thighs, eventually resting against the bottom of my ass. The tips of his fingers dug into my flesh, spreading me wider and stretching me to a state of arousal I had never known.

  His mouth encompassed mine. Our tongues intertwined. My subconscious drifted to a euphoric place, attempting to process the kiss, while my mind was all but required to focus on him fucking me.

  Each savage thrust lifted me up the wall and forced the breath from my lungs.

  Rhythmically, they continued, one after another.

  I dragged my fingernails along the muscles of his back. We were no longer human. We had become two wild animals mating out of instinctive desire. The sounds of fucking echoed throughout the hard surfaces of my home while the scent of our sex filled the air.

  I felt myself begin to contract around his shaft. I opened my eyes, desperately wanting to see his face as I reached climax. Painfully and purposefully the thrusts continued. The tip of his dick was hitting spots inside of me that I wasn’t aware existed.

  I cried out. His mouth muffled my screams until he leaned away and groaned himself. My shoulders slamming against the hollow door with each thrust acted as a reminder that he wasn’t quite finished. The sound of his groan intensified. His breath became choppy. His cock swelled.

  I cried out again.

  The mother of all orgasms was building within me.

  A toe curler.

  My feet ached. I could feel my nipples against the fabric of my bra.

  “I’m...going...to come...inside you...” he groaned.

  “Please, do,” I begged.

  One last thrust shoved me against the door. And. He. Exploded. His come shot through me like a surge of hot lava, sending my mind reeling for my own sexual release.
My body shuddered. My toes curled. I dug my fingernails into his shoulders and wailed like I was being delivered to my maker.

  Together, as it seemed we always did, we reached climax.

  With my back to the door, and my feet suspended above the floor, Michael and I became one.

  I wanted to hold him, hug him, kiss him and never let him go. At that moment, nothing mattered. Not my father, my heritage or my religious beliefs. Love has no boundaries, and at that instant, for the first time, I felt that whatever connection anyone on earth might have, we certainly had.

  I had no idea at the moment what it was that was different, but something was. Something within me clicked. A switch was flipped. Maybe a spot inside of me that his oh-so-perfect cock collided with sent the signal to my brain. All I knew was that it was different.

  And I felt differently.

  I gazed into his eyes. “Holy. Shit.”

  He looked content. His lips parted. His mouth curled into a smile.

  He shrugged.

  Maybe the same thing had happened to him that always seemed to happen to me. He seemed speechless.

  He pursed his lips and shook his head. A few seconds passed. He opened his mouth again, and chuckled. “You fucked me stupid.”

  I shrugged. “I fucked you stupid, and you fucked some sense into me.”

  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  You’re all that matters, and I think you may have fucked me until I fell in love with you.

  I knew how I felt, but I didn’t dare say a word.

  Not yet.

  “You’re amazing,” I breathed.

  He held my gaze. “I think...”

  He grinned and kissed my lips lightly.

  You think what?

  “You think what?” I asked.

  “I don’t know,” he said. “I need some time to think. Like I said. I’m pretty sure you did something to me.”

  I knew better.

  We did it to each other.

  Chapter Fourteen


  It was apparent Terra was successful with her shoe business, and I realized I couldn’t buy her anything that she didn’t probably already have. I could, however, offer her something no amount of money could never buy.


  She shoved her hand into the tub of buttery popcorn and turned toward me. “I haven’t been to a movie since I was a kid.”

  “I come all the time. I think it’s one of my few means of escape.”

  She finished chewing her popcorn and gave me a halfhearted scowl. “With who?”


  “You come alone?”

  “I have since I got back from the war, yeah.”

  “Why alone?”

  “Until I met you, who would I bring? Cap?”

  “I don’t know. I guess nobody. And when am I going to get to meet him?” She playfully forced her lower lip into a full pout. “You said you were going to introduce us.”

  “I will,” I said. “Soon.”

  She grinned and scooped another handful from the tub. “Okay.”

  While nibbling away, she spoke through her popcorn-filled hand. “I can’t wait for it to start.”

  Seeing her excited over something so simple as a movie was priceless. Watching a woman as proper and as refined as Terra eat popcorn like an overeager child was rewarding in a totally different way. Terra may have been wealthy and a member of a large family, but in the end, she was no different than I was.

  Whether we came from the house on the hill or the bowels of society, we were simply people. In basic training for the marines, the recruits were told to be color-blind. We were all, according to our instructors, varying shades of green.

  But we were all green.

  Living without preconceived notions was easy for me. I gave respect and expected to get it in return. If someone was disrespectful, I disliked them the same regardless of age, race, color or creed.

  The lights faded away and Terra snuggled to my side, one hand on my inner thigh and the other in and out of the tub of popcorn.

  Halfway through the previews, a man in front of us answered a telephone call. He sat directly in front of us, slumped in his chair, talking no differently than if he was in the comfort of his living room.

  People beside us and to my rear complained quietly about his rude behavior. He continued nonetheless. The screen went dark. I tapped him on the shoulder.

  “Just a minute,” he said.

  “I can’t believe he’s so rude,” Terra whispered as the screen illuminated.

  He turned and glared at her. I tapped his shoulder again. He spun around, cupped his hand over the mouthpiece of the phone, and sighed heavily.

  “I said I’ll be done in a fucking minute,” he said. “Tap me on the shoulder again, and I’ll drag your ass outside and whip it.”

  I glanced at Terra. Her mouth fell open.

  “Hold this.” I handed her the tub of popcorn.

  A quick glance around the front of the theater revealed an exit in both corners, each illuminated by an exit sign. Typically used as fire exits or in case of an emergency evacuation, the doors opened from the inside, but not from the outside. I stood, turned toward the people behind me, and offered a shoulder shrug as an advance apology for what was about to take place.

  Standing in the shallow aisle in front of my seat, I turned toward the screen and tapped him on the shoulder.

  He jumped up and spun around. As soon as he did, I struck him at the base of the neck with the bottom edge of my flattened hand, paralyzing him for an instant. He dropped his phone, but before he collapsed onto the floor, I caught him by his shirt and dragged him into the main aisle.

  Amidst the sounds of hands clapping, a few quiet cheers and a shrill whistle or two, I dragged him to the exit, opened the door with my shoulder and hip, and shoved him onto the asphalt of the dark parking lot. Confused, embarrassed, and scared, he stared back at me.

  “If you come back in here, I’ll drag your ass outside and whip it,” I said in a sarcastic tone.

  I took my seat at Terra’s side and reached for the popcorn. “What did I miss?” I whispered.

  “Shhh,” she said jokingly.

  Halfway through the movie, an action film, she pointed toward the screen and pressed her mouth to my ear. “Did you ever get shot at?”

  I responded in a soft whisper. “Yes.”

  “Did you get shot?”

  “Yes, I did. Twice.”

  She pulled away and narrowed her eyes. “Did you have to kill anybody? I mean at war?” she whispered.

  It was a question most weren’t willing to ask, and as many weren’t either prepared or very enthusiastic to answer.

  “Yes,” I said. “Several.”

  Her face went somber. “I’m sorry.”

  We quietly watched the rest of the movie, and both of us enjoyed it immensely. Afterward, while picking the popcorn up from the seats and preparing to leave, the couple seated behind us thanked me for removing the rude gentleman from the theater.

  “You a vet?” the man asked.

  I nodded. “Yes, sir. US Marines. Iraq and Afghanistan.”

  He glanced at his wife and grinned. “Told you, Sheri.”

  He shook my hand. “I told my wife. I said ‘that guy isn’t one to fuck with.’ I could see it when you walked in. You know how you can tell by how a guy carries himself? Well, I saw it in your walk, that’s for sure. And when that asshat started talking on the phone, I told her. I said ‘Sheri, he’s going to drag that son-of-a-bitch outside, you just watch,’ that’s what I told her. Didn’t I, Sheri?”

  She responded sheepishly. “He did.”

  “Then, when he said he was gonna drag you outside,
I just slumped down in my seat. I knew it was on like Donkey Kong. What the hell did you do to him, anyway?”

  “It was a knife hand strike.”

  He chuckled. “You dropped him like a bad habit. That’s what you did.”

  “I suppose so.”

  “Appreciate your service,” he said with a nod. “I’m Tracy, and this is my wife Sheri.”

  “Thank you. I’m Michael, and this is Terra.”

  “Hi,” Terra said.

  The lights came on. I glanced around the empty theater.

  “You look familiar,” he said to Terra. “I’ve seen you somewhere before.”

  “I doubt it,” she said.

  “Maybe your shoe store,” I said.

  She shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  “I think it’s TV. I’ve seen you on TV. You a celebrity? Like a newscaster or something?” he asked.

  “No,” she said, her voice conveying slight annoyance.

  “I swear. I’ve seen you somewhere.”

  “I don’t think so,” she said.

  He studied her for a moment, shaking his head lightly. “I’ll remember it as soon as you’re gone, that’s what I always do.”

  Terra reached for my hand. It seemed he was making her nervous with his claim of seeing her on television.

  “Well,” Tracy said, tilting his head toward the door. “They turned on the lights, so it looks like they’re tossing us out.”

  “Nice to meet you,” I said.

  “Likewise,” he responded.

  We followed them through the theater, and to the front door. Every few steps, he turned and glanced over his shoulder, obviously trying to recall where he knew Terra from. As we reached the door, I held it open for them to pass. After they went through, Terra followed.

  I walked through the vestibule and pushed the door open that led to the sidewalk. As soon as I stepped outside, I caught a glimpse of something out of my peripheral on my right-hand side. Naturally, I raised my right hand and turned toward the threat. As I turned, I swept Terra behind me with my left hand.

  In front of me with his hands raised and ready to fight, stood telephone boy.