Page 29 of Perfectly Obsessed

  “Yeah, have you seen him?” I ask.

  “He was in the Smoky last night, had to have my boy and his mate carry the tank home he was that drunk,” he informs us.

  Finally, a fucking break through.

  “Where did your boy take him?” Stan asks.

  “I don’t know, my boy took him while I waited in the pub.”

  “Do you have a phone? And a number for your boy?” I ask.

  He nods his head and quickly pulls it out of his jacket pocket.

  “Call him then,” I coax, when he sits there staring at us.

  He dials a number and we wait impatiently for him to end the call. He does well not to mention our names and puts his phone back in his pocket.

  “He’s staying in a bedsit on Yates Road. Honey House, 2A”

  I peel fifty notes out of my pocket and throw it on the table to say thank you. I would have paid much more than that but the fucker seems more than happy with fifty quid. Should keep him in drink for a good while.

  “I’ve stayed there a few times, I know where it is,” Stan tells me as we get back in the car.

  “Why have you stayed in a bedsit when you’ve had a flat around here for years?” I dare to ask.

  “I needed somewhere to go after I gave Lorna a key way too fucking early in our relationship.”

  “Oh man, Lorna doesn’t know she hasn’t been your only all these years, does she?” I laugh.

  “I still have my balls, don’t I,” he laughs with me, then more seriously, “When we got serious and she was having my kid, I didn’t cheat on her. It’s only been her since we made it official.”

  “Hey, I’m not going to judge you,” I chuckle.

  “What about you? Did you ever go with anyone else in the beginning when you first met Cam? You were back and forth for a while.”

  “Fuck no, she ruined me for all women. I couldn’t even think of going with another woman after her. You’re good now though, aren’t you?”

  His grunt doesn’t tell me anything.

  “Yeah, couldn’t be without her now. She gave me my daughter. I couldn’t ask for more.”

  I admit, I like hearing that. If they were to split up, Cam would still want to connect with Lorna and that would be hassles. I only trust her as long as she is with Stan, who I trust implicitly.

  We turn onto Yates road and slow down till we pull up outside Honey House. The road is quiet and we get out and open the boot. Digging around in the holdall, we prepared last night, we retrieve our balaclavas.

  Sliding it over my head brings many good memories back of the good ole days when I would wear this for different jobs. Once my face is hidden, I pull up my hood and fill my pockets with blades and a hammer. Stan does the same and passes over the last weapon we’ll use on him. A revolver.

  “Let’s get this over and done with.”

  Moving with agility and in silence, we let ourselves in the communal front door and take the stairs to the second floor.

  Standing either side of the door to 2A, I rap on the door a couple of times. After a minute of no answer, I knock again, harder.

  Again, no answer.

  Stan moves from the side and raises his booted foot and kicks the door near the lock. It takes two kicks for the lock to break and the frame to splinter away from the door.

  The room is empty. The bed sheets are thrown across the room and there is rubbish everywhere.

  “Looks like he left in a rush,” Stan growls, checking the tiny wardrobe in the corner. It’s completely empty, it doesn’t even have any hangers in it.

  “I would too if we were after me, he must have woken this morning remembering someone carried him back. If I were him, I’d move on in case someone blabbed my whereabouts.”

  I quickly scan the room again, checking to see if he left anything. He hasn’t.

  “Come on, let’s get out of here before the neighbours call the police.”

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  “Oh my days, my feet are killing me,” Lorna whines.

  “Could be worse, they could still be at home wanting to get out.”

  “True,” she sighs, picking up the menu.

  Sitting down to a late lunch after shopping for the last six hours, I have to be honest and admit my feet are aching too.

  I could’ve ate a while ago but spending way too much money was more appealing because it kept my mind off Drake and what he is doing.

  “Stan is going to hit the roof when he sees how much I’ve spent.”

  I look below our table and lose count of the bags, not to mention the ones on the stroller too, where Maddie is currently napping.

  “But then, it serves him right keeping me cooped up for days,” she carries on without needing any input from me.

  Maddie chooses this time to wake and immediately wants out. Lorna’s shoulders fall and a brief flicker of annoyance crosses her face. She dotes on her daughter but my best friend doesn’t deal with anyone, even her daughter, constantly needing her.

  “All I want to do is eat one meal without her trying to eat my food over whatever I give her.”

  “It’s okay, she can sit with me,” I offer.

  I really don’t mind. I settle her down on the chair next to me and let her play with the menus.

  “You’re really good with her.”

  “So are you,” I frown at her tone.

  “Stan wants another baby,” she blurts out and this is what her mood is really about.

  “What do you want?” I ask.

  “I’m happy with the way things are. Mads sleeps through the night now, I don’t know why he wants to start it all over again?”

  “It’s only natural to want to expand your family, Lor. You have a nice home, enough money to raise a larger family. I wouldn’t let the night feeds scare you off.”

  “What’s scaring you off? You’ve been with Drake for seven years and still no children.”

  I can’t help laugh, it’s all I manage.

  “Everything scares me right now.”

  Thankfully, she stops what she was about to say because she has to dig in her purse to answer her phone.

  “It’s Drake.”

  She hands it over and I press answer.

  “Hey, are you on your way?” I ask.

  “Yeah, whereabouts are you?”

  “In the food court on level three.”

  “I’ll see you in twenty minutes.”

  “See you then.”

  The call disconnects and I pass her phone back.

  “They’re on the way.”

  “Good, they can carry the bags,” she smiles.

  Chapter Forty


  I don’t find Cammie till I walk into the kitchen and hear her talking out the back. Her easy laugh filters through and when I go outside, she is curled up in one of the chairs sitting under a blanket.

  “I’ll speak to Drake and see what I can do,” she says to whoever is on the phone, unaware I am listening.

  “Okay, I’ll call you back soon.”

  She hangs up and sips from her mug before preparing to get up. I cough, clearing my throat and she nearly jumps in the air.

  “You scared the shit out of me,” she laughs, when she sees me leaning against the wall.

  “So I see,” I chuckle, “What do you need to speak to me about?” I ask, as she walks over to me and cuddles into my chest.

  “Do you know, I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you,” she smiles up at me.

  “I know,” I say, kissing the top of her head.

  “What are you going to speak to me about?” I ask again, not letting her distract me.

  “Marg needs company other than William. Apparently, he is getting under her feet and if she has to look at his face pitying her one more time she is going to dig her own eyeballs out herself.”

  Raising my eyebrows questioningly, I ask, “How did Marg tell you this?”

  She is still using her little notepad and pen to commu
nicate as far as I know.

  “She was writing it all down for William to tell me,” she giggles.

  I don’t give the guy enough credit. He must really love Marg and all her shit if he is willing to relay his annoyingness.

  “And by company, she wants you?” I assume.

  “Yes, I know you can’t be seen or anything, I can have Stan take me for a few hours.”

  “It’s fine, I’ll take you. Get dressed, I’ll call William myself.”

  Stan finds me outside sitting in the chair Cammie was in, I’m guessing he’s heard I’m going back to London judging by his face. He does not look too pleased.

  “Are you having a laugh? We still don’t have a fucking clue where Tommy is and I can’t go with you, I have to stay with Lorna and Maddie,” he growls.

  I’m touched by his concern for me but I am more than capable of looking out for myself, especially when I’ll have my wife with me.

  “Marg wants to spend some time with Cam, I won’t be going anywhere apart from Marg’s flat.” I assure him.

  “I don’t like this, mate.”

  “He hasn’t shown his face in over two weeks, we can’t stay cooped up here. I won’t hide from him. I’ll be with Cammie and keeping her safe and you’ll be with your family keeping them safe. If he shows his face, I’ll take him out.”

  He relents and looks out over his land.

  “You still got your piece?” he asks.

  “Always, you?”

  “Of course,” he grins.

  The drive today is slower due to the rain forcing everyone into their cars. Cammie is preoccupied and her silence is driving me crazy.

  “Tell me what’s going through your head, babe.”

  She jumps from the sound of my voice and smiles guiltily.

  “Every time I think we can have our own family, something comes up and reminds me how dangerous our lives are.”

  “Where’s this coming from? All this business with Tommy will be over soon, he’s going to get as bored as we are with this stand off and show his face. Nothing will be in our way after he’s gone,” I promise her.

  She turns the radio off that was playing quietly in the background and turns in her seat to look at me.

  “Give me your word that after you’ve dealt with Tommy you won’t take on any more jobs. You won’t put yourself in a situation that could result in prison or someone wanting revenge from you. I want to have a baby, Drake. I want to carry our child.”

  Glancing at her and back to the road, she looks earnest and desperate. If it weren’t for Tommy, she wouldn’t be asking of this from me now. I haven’t given her any indication of wanting to go against the law in a long time.

  Giving my word to end that part of my life is like saying goodbye to most of who I am. Obviously I will do it if that is what it takes to start a family with her, yet giving my word makes it final.

  “You have my word.”

  She gasps and it feels like a lifetime until she breathes again.

  “We’re actually going to do this? We’re going to try for a baby?”

  Why is she so surprised? It’s what she asked for, sometimes her pureness makes me laugh.

  “I will eliminate all dangers first and when we get home, we’ll start trying,” I grin, thinking of all the different positions we can do in order to get pregnant.

  “Thank you,” she smiles back.

  We quicken our pace till we are through the front door, the same as all the other times we visit. We’re both surprised to find Marg perched up on the sofa instead of being in bed. She is smiling but from looking at her you wouldn’t know unless you know her, thanks to Tommy smashing her jaw to bits.

  Cammie goes to her and lightly kisses her on her good side and begins clearing up around us. Marg begins scribbling on her notepad and I sit next to her to see what she needs.

  ‘Have you found him?’

  She writes.

  “Not yet, but I will,” I assure her.

  “How are you feeling today? You seem a little perkier this morning,” I ask, to get her mind off of Tommy.

  ‘As long as I take the painkillers, it’s not too bad. I look horrid though, had to miss my hair appointment. William is going to know I’m not a real red head,’

  I burst out laughing at her insecurity.

  “I think he already knows. Do you want to know a secret?”

  ‘Of course.’

  “Cam and I are going to start trying for a baby after all this shit is dealt with.” I beam.

  The only indication she is shocked and happy is her chest heaving and her squeezing the crap out of my hand.

  She releases me and quickly begins writing again.

  ‘You will make a good daddy, your mum would be so proud of you. I wish I could see her face when she became a Grandma.’

  So do I, my mum would have loved Cammie too.

  ‘No more living on the edge, keep to yourself and be the man your mother wanted you to be,’ she carries on writing.

  ‘Be the father you never had.’

  I intend to be.

  Cammie comes through with drinks and a sullen William behind her.

  “I’m going to make some soup while we’re here, William’s going to get the ingredients, is there anything you need me to do while I wait for him to get back?” she asks Marg.

  She settles on the arm of the sofa and waits patiently for Marg to jot down her reply.


  “I can do that,” Cammie smiles, “Where do you keep your varnishes?”

  ‘On the vanity table in my bedroom.’

  William comes over when Cammie leaves the room and grabs his wallet and keys from the coffee table.

  “I won’t be long,” he mutters, before making his escape.

  ‘I love him to bits but he is driving me crazy. He is pissed because I hate it when he helps me.’

  She explains when I give her a look after he leaves.

  She was on her own for many years before he came along, she is strong willed and independent, I suppose it is hard for her to let him help this much. Being laid up is what her real problem is, she has never been one for sitting around. She has always had to be doing something.

  Cammie comes down laden with an arm full of nail crap and settles down on the floor beside Marg.

  I rapidly lose interest in what they’re doing and flick through the channels to find something to occupy me. I rarely watch television so nothing appeals to me, the music stations come round and I leave them on.

  After she has filed and moisturised, Cammie opens a bottle of red varnish and the scent fills my nostrils.

  “How does that shit not give you a headache?”

  She shrugs her shoulders, used to it and carries on. Relaxing enough to close my eyes, I don’t notice the time passing until William’s voice sounding strained and fake floats through.

  “Let me make sure she is decent, she’ll do herself damage trying to kick my arse if I let you in and she isn’t dressed. She already feels hideous enough thanks to her injuries.”

  The front door closes and I’m on my feet. Cammie too.

  “Who is it?” I demand, when he enters the doorway carrying bags of groceries.

  “The police, they want to see if she remembers anything. Quick, get upstairs.”

  Thank fuck Marg hasn’t opened her curtains this morning in the hall, we can make it upstairs without being seen through little window in the door.

  In our haste, I nearly forget to grab our coats from the pegs. Quickly backtracking, I grab them and sprint up the stairs. The front door opens and I listen to William show them through to the living room. Cammie finds my hand and strangles it in hers. Her breath coming hard and fast, that feeling takes me back. The rush of being too close to capture, waiting to see if you’re going to get caught.

  “What if they come up here?” Cammie whispers urgently.

  I can’t help but grin at her.

  “Babe, they have no reason to come up here. Marg
is the victim, they’re working for her, not against her.” I whisper back.

  She goes to argue and the best way to shut her up is to smash my lips against hers.

  She fights me until I keep a tight hold on her and squeeze her arse. Instantly, she melts against me and kisses me back with as much gust as I’m giving. Her tongue darts across mine and she groans into my mouth. The combination of her touch and the pigs downstairs while I hide above their heads has me rock hard.

  I promised I’d give up all criminal activity, but my life will always be on the run. The anticipation of being apprehended and the fear of being parted will always be between us. It won’t be as bad when get to go home, as long as I stay out of trouble.

  The front door closing downstairs breaks the moment and I move to the door to listen to what’s happening now.

  A slap on my back makes me turn back to Cammie.

  “What the fuck was that for?”

  “Don’t think I don’t know why you did that, I wasn’t going to make a noise,” she huffs.

  I grin and open the door a jar. It all sounds quiet. I can’t take the chance that one of them stayed behind. William calls the all clear up the stairs and I grab Cammie’s hand.

  When we make it downstairs, William sitting beside Marg and her notepad is covered in scribbles.


  ‘I don’t remember.’

  ‘That’s what I said.’





  ‘I’d tell you if I knew anything.’

  I look up to find William scowling at me.

  “If you have something to say, say it,” I growl.

  I already know this is my fault, he doesn’t need to make me feel worse than I already do.

  “You know people on the inside, right?” he begins.


  “Why don’t you let her tell the police who it is and you can get him when he goes down. He hasn’t shown his face in weeks, that was a close call just now. You need to get away from here and the sooner the better.”

  “Are you having a fucking laugh? If I can’t find him, how do you think the police are? You think they’re actually going to do what they’re paid for. No, I’ll find him and I’ll end him. I want the pleasure of watching his blood seep from his body when I cut him open six ways from Sunday. Your job is to look after her, mine is to get her retribution and I swear to you William, he will fucking pay for this.”