“Always.” She linked hers around mine.

  We both sang and did the yellow-brick-road dance from the Wizard of Oz, as we headed out the door. “We’re off to see…”

  “Yes, you’re both off, but couldn’t you try to be normal for one day?” Jeremy interrupted.

  “Normal is lame and boring, especially when we are supah-stahs!” Lia dropped down on one knee and flew both of her arms up into the air with jazz hands.

  I started cracking up, and Jeremy had obviously had all he could take.

  “Oh my God. You’re embarrassing me,” he huffed.

  “Jeremy, you sound just like my mother, and there are many reasons why I didn’t invite her on this trip. So please, give me my moment of freedom and let me live out loud,” she said with a serious face, waving her finger at him.

  “Whatever, weirdo.”

  “Oh, I love that song!” Lia exasperated.

  “What?” Jeremy twisted back to her.

  “Never mind,” she grinned and winked at me.

  “We love you, Jeremy,” I called after him.

  “Yeah right,” he muttered.

  Chapter 15

  Alaine must have given the gang all the details because they were packed and ready to go. Malachi was in long jeans shorts, and had a black tank-top on. His tanned muscles bulged and were shining like he’d rubbed oil over himself. He had his signature dark Oakley sunglasses on, making him look even more sinister than usual.

  Dominic had on board shorts, and a white t-shirt that made his green eyes glow. Kade walked out from around the corner and also had on swim shorts on with a white tank-top. The chiseled definition of his arms and shoulders was drool-worthy. His chocolate-brown hair was drawn back and his hazel eyes beamed as they landed on me. He threw me a private air kiss.

  “Oh heck, Emma. You are so lucky. Can I come live with you?” Lia whispered.

  I smiled. If she only knew what living her entailed, she probably wouldn’t have even come to visit.

  “Let’s load up,” Alaine said cheerfully.

  “Your aunt is beautiful, and you seriously look a lot like her,” Lia admitted.

  She had on a sleek, one piece bathing suit, with a long, colorful sarong wrapped around her waist. Her hair was pulled back into a long ponytail and she wore a large brimmed hat and sunglasses. She did look like royalty.

  We loaded into one Hummer. The other was off to the side, and the side door was open.

  I wondered how Ethon was going to get there, or if he even agreed. Actually, I knew he would, especially if it involved my safety. Now that I thought about it, he would most likely be flying there.

  When we arrived at the lake, it was even more beautiful than I expected. In my mind, I pictured a large muddy hole, filled with water and fish trying to suck the life out of me. But the lake was bigger than I imagined, and actually looked like a real lake. There was sand placed around the edges, making it look beach-like. Manicured grass butted up to the sand, and beyond that, were beautiful spruce and birch trees.

  I was a gorgeous setting. Two small row boats were set on the beach, and in another corner was a volleyball net. On the far side of the bank, I noticed a large birch tree with a fat rope tied to one of its branches.

  “Wow. This place is amazing,” Lia said as she stepped out of the vehicle.

  Our party consisted of Alaine, Dominic, Malachi, Kade, Courtney, Caleb, Jeremy, Lia and me.

  I knew our extra backup wasn’t too far behind.

  Warmth and tingling pricks shot across my skin, causing me to pause. Ethon was here. I glanced around and saw nothing. But I knew he was out there, hidden in the shadows of the trees.

  I hoped today would be Lucian free, but I always expected the worse. Prepare for the worst, and hope for the best. That was my new motto. These days, when we least expected it, it usually happened. That had become the story of my life. But at least we were prepared.

  Alaine laid out a large blanket on the grass and set up a chair with an umbrella. She looked like she’d done this a few times before and was completely prepared.

  As soon as Dominic jumped out of the car he ripped his shirt off.

  Lia grabbed my arm and squeezed as she watched him run to the rope swing. He was perfection…but they all were.

  Lia and Courtney stripped down to their bathing suits and headed for the water.

  Jeremy also took his shirt off and followed after Dominic. His lean, non-muscular body looked awkward as he hobbled over the heated sand toward the rope swing. Caleb kept his shirt and shorts on, sitting in the sand, watching Lia and Courtney.

  “Come in, Caleb,” Lia called. He paused, then slowly got up, took his shirt off, and jumped - splashing water all over them. The girls screamed and a water fight began.

  I laughed, happy to see them having fun.

  Malachi carried his chair to a nice shady spot on the lake and set himself up. He had a small cooler with drinks and snacks. He looked pretty cool with his dark shades on. Maybe, if everything went well, he could get a nap in like he’d wanted to.

  It was just me and Kade left.

  “Would you like to take a boat out onto the lake with me?” I asked.

  “Sure,” he smiled.

  He pulled his shirt off, and headed for the boat.

  Lia did a double take as she noticed him walk by. Her head snapped over to me with wide eyes.

  I smiled and laughed inside. Yep. He was perfect, and he was mine. But then I noticed something I never saw before. His back was covered with scars from the burns, and I suddenly had a horrible flashback.

  It all seemed like an unbelievable nightmare, but the sight of his scars brought it all back, making it real. My eyes misted over. His scars. The pain he endured. They were an outward sign of his love for me, and a realization of what he did. He risked his life to save mine. He protected me, and for that, his scars had become his most beautiful feature. A perfect reminder of everything he was to me.

  He pulled the boat into the water and jumped in, glancing up at me. “Coming?” he asked holding his hand out. I nodded and smiled, discreetly wiping away the tear which escaped my eye.

  “Take it off, Emma!” Lia hollered. I glared at her, and shook my head. “Girl, if you don’t take it off, I’ll come up there and rip it off.” Her eyes were locked and narrowed, and I knew she would do just as she said. She never made idle threats. Lia always followed through.

  I sighed and reluctantly pulled off my top and then slowly slipped off my shorts.

  Every eye darted to the bright pink.

  Dammit. I suddenly felt naked.

  There was a loud whistle from across the lake. Dominic.

  “Looking hot, Emma!” he yelled. He was standing on one of the branches of the big tree.

  I shook my head, my face flushed with the heat of embarrassment. I quickly made my way toward the boat, and hopped inside. A crooked grin formed on Kade’s lips as he carefully appraised me.

  “Beautiful,” he breathed.

  “Thank you. But it’s not mine.”

  “I wasn’t talking about the suit.”

  I blushed, if I could blush any more than I already had. Taking my seat opposite of Kade, he grabbed the oars and began to row us out into the middle of the lake. I was hoping we could spend some time alone out there.

  “Hey! If you guys want to see something totally awesome, I suggest you look this way,” Dominic announced on the largest, highest branch of the tree. With the rope in hand, he jumped, dropping down and flying outward, traveling at a crazy speed. As he reached his highest point, he let go and tucked his legs, spinning...one, two, three, four, five times before hitting the water with a splash.

  “Holy shit!” Jeremy cursed.

  Everyone started clapping, except Malachi, whose head was tilted forward. He was probably asleep.

  Jeremy was freaking out, clapping and cheering. I watched as he started to climb the tree, and highly doubted he could do one, let alone half a flip.

all watched as Jeremy climbed to the largest limb, and grabbed hold of the rope.

  “Don’t hurt yourself,” Lia yelled. She had to. She was a mother-hen.

  Jeremy hesitated.

  “Are you chickening out?” Lia laughed.

  He glanced down toward her. “Never,” he yelled, and pushed off the branch. He swung awkwardly out over the lake, and a high pitched scream loudly followed after him. I found myself laughing, but as soon as he reached the highest point, he didn’t let go.

  His eyes were shut.

  “Jeremy, let go!” I bellowed, standing up, my heart pounding. But he didn’t listen, and hugged tighter to the rope.

  “Let go you idiot!” Lia yelled, trying to run in the water toward him. Everyone started to scream at him to let go, but he had become one with the rope.

  Dominic started to swim toward him, and Malachi jumped from his chair and started running. Even Alaine was headed his way.

  “He’s gonna hit the tree!” I screamed, slapping my hands over my mouth. My heart sunk as I helplessly watched him flying backward towards the tree, at a speed which could knock him out, or possibly injure him badly. My breath seized.

  An instant wave of electricity buzzed around me, and the leaves begin to rustle. Then, with a sudden strong gust of wind, and a blink of an eye later, Jeremy was magically off the rope, and safely on the ground.

  He stood there, eyes still closed…screaming. That is, until he realized he was safe. When his eyes opened, they were wide, dazed and confused.

  Lia pointed to him. “How did—? What the—? Did anyone see that?” She stuttered.

  “I think he let go,” Courtney answered, also confused.

  “That was some crazy crap right there. How the hell did he get on the ground? He should have smacked that tree,” Lia exhaled, her hands grasping the sides of her head.

  I knew exactly what happened. Ethon saved him. He was the only one who could fly that fast.

  I shook my head and smiled, exhaling a sigh of relief. Thank goodness he was safe.

  “Jeremy, step away from the rope and get your geeky butt back over here where it’s safe,” Lia scolded.

  Jeremy didn’t even give a retort; he just stumbled away from the tree. Alaine finally reached him, and wrapped her arm around his shoulder, assisting him back to the bank.

  I slumped back into the boat.

  “He was pretty lucky,” Kade said.

  “Yeah,” I breathed.

  “I take it your friend hasn’t swung from a rope before.”

  “Nope, and I don’t think he ever will again,” I sighed.

  Dominic suddenly popped up and grabbed hold of the side of the boat, scaring the crap out of me.

  “Dom, you can’t do that,” I exasperated, reaching out and lightly smacking the top of his head.

  “Emma, our orders were to guard and protect from any Fallen or Darkling. Protecting your friends from themselves wasn’t part of the deal. I’m just letting you know, that’ll be extra.”

  “Well, you’d better start a tab…but if we happen to encounter any Hellhounds in the near future, I’ll be sure to save your ass, and we can call it even,” I winked.

  “Burn! She got you good man,” Kade laughed.

  “Touché,” Dominic nodded, with a huge smile on his face. “You’re pretty witty, Emma. I think I might be rubbing off on you.”

  “Yeah, and that’s not necessarily a good thing,” Kade said, pushing him away.

  “Don’t be jealous, dude. Green’s not your color,” Dominic teased, as he sunk under the water and disappeared.

  “I wonder if we’ll ever get a moment of peace today,” I said. I could still feel the heavy beating of my heart.

  “That’s highly doubtful. It was only what…five minutes before we encountered our first mishap? I think we all need to be on full alert today,” Kade answered.

  “I think you’re right,” I admitted.

  Turning around, I watched Lia laugh as she talked with Courtney and Caleb. Jeremy soon joined them, and before long, they started a game of shoulder wrestling. Lia jumped onto Caleb’s shoulders, and Courtney was on Jeremy’s. They wrestled, laughed, and screamed. In no time, Jeremy and Courtney were in the water.

  Caleb and Lia cheered, rubbing it in. Lia might have had a small frame, but she was freakishly strong for her size.

  “Don’t you want to be with your friends?” Kade asked.

  “By the looks of it, I’d be the odd girl out. Unless you’d like to join me?” I glanced at him.

  “For you, yes. But no physical contact games…unless they’re with you.”

  “That could be arranged,” I teased.

  He turned the boat around and as he rowed toward the others, Thomas and Alexander showed up. They must have parked down the road to avoid the same-car-confusion.

  This was still going to be hard to explain.

  I knew Jeremy and Lia would, sooner or later, know something was up. How could they not when there were perfect guys, with perfect bodies, and gorgeous faces, who seemed to pop up all around us.

  Jeremy would definitely question it, but Lia…she would cancel her flight and live with me. I glanced over and watched her mouth gape as she noticed them. Alexander looked our age. He had short, raven hair, and dark eyes. Thomas had blond hair and baby blue eyes. The Guardians were strikingly masculine, with angular, angelic features and magnetic personalities.

  “Oh my God. I think I’ve died and gone to heaven” Lia said, doe-eyed, fanning herself.

  “Well, you’re close,” Courtney giggled. Caleb gave her a shooting glance, which she shrugged off.

  I laughed and turned to Kade who even cracked a smile.

  “I think she’s a bit overwhelmed, and I have a feeling she’ll be begging me to stay.”

  “You can always assure her there will be future visits.”

  “That’s true. But the one I’m really worried about is Jeremy. I know him. He’s probably speculating and forming a hypothesis. I just hope it concludes with an indecisive answer.”

  I turned to Jeremy and watched his eyes sweep over each of the Guardians, studying and scrutinizing. Samuel and James never showed, and I was glad. I knew they were out there, just choosing to remain hidden with Ethon and the goons.

  “Hey friends,” Thomas called, waving to us.

  “Hello!” Dominic chided. “You are welcome to come and swim in our lake, but to enter you must use the rope.”

  “I assume you have?” Alexander yelled.

  “Yes. Five spins,” he answered.

  Both Thomas and Alexander smiled widely. The everlasting competition continued, and looks of determination and impending victory were embedded on each face. Dropping their things on the grass, they sprinted toward the tree.

  Thomas climbed up first. His surfer-boy, beach-body flexed as he grabbed the rope. He started from the middle of the branch, ran, and jumped. His body shot out like a rocket, the rope thrusting him out and up. He let go, spreading his arms like a bird, and then as he started to drop, he tucked in and spun. He moved so fast, I couldn’t keep track.

  Dominic cursed, and as soon as Thomas hit the water, everyone was silent.

  “O.M.G. Are these guys for real?” Lia exhaled loudly.

  “They must be divers,” Caleb said. Jeremy looked at him, with his eyes narrowed.

  “Yeah, freaking world-class Olympic divers,” Lia added.

  “Seven,” Thomas yelled, as his head broke the water.

  “Seven? That’s it?” Alexander teased.

  “Mortals over here!” I shouted, glaring up at him. I had to remind them that there were humans present.

  “What was that, Emma?” Lia asked.

  “Sorry. I was just reminding them that we are but mere mortals over here, so they should stop showing off,” I babbled.

  “You’re so strange,” she laughed.

  “I’m sure you can do a bunch of flips, but let’s keep it safe. I don’t want to be liable for injuries,” Alaine a

  “Fine,” Alexander sighed. He grabbed the rope and jumped, swinging out over the lake and did a one flip and then bombed Thomas and Dominic.

  “Do you know them?” Jeremy asked.

  “Neighbors,” Alaine answered. “I’ve given them permission to use the lake as long as they are safe and keep it in good condition.

  “That’s nice of you,” Jeremy noted.

  “I try and keep good relations with all of my neighbors. When you are so far from civilization, you have to rely on those around you for help. Everyone is willing to give a hand when needed. You learn to become very resourceful out here.”

  “That’s a wise concept to have,” Jeremy added.

  “It is. We have wonderful friends and neighbors surrounding us.”

  “That’s a good thing,” Lia added.

  “That’s a very good thing,” Alaine smiled.

  “I really like it here,” Lia said. “Emma is really lucky to have you. I’m glad I won’t have to worry about her so much anymore.”

  “Well, we have been blessed to have her here. She’s been a missing link for so long, and having her here has made my life complete,” Alaine said, placing her glasses back over her eyes. “And we are very happy that you came to visit her. She will definitely need your support tomorrow.”

  “What’s tomorrow?” Courtney asked.

  “The funeral,” Caleb whispered.

  “Oh,” she whispered back.

  I hadn’t realized I froze, until Kade grabbed my hand.

  “Hey. You okay?”

  “Yeah,” I blew a slow breath out. “I still can’t believe their gone.” I knew the day would come, but I wasn’t prepared for it.

  “I’m here for you,” he said.

  “I know.”

  Chapter 16

  “Emma, get your bright-pink booty over here. We’re going to play beach volleyball.”

  “Oh, I don’t know if you can handle our team,” I laughed.

  “Alright, how about you and Kade against the rest of us?” she asked.

  “That’s not fair,” Kade said, jumping out of the boat. He offered his hand to help me out, then pushed it to the shore. I went and grabbed the volleyball.