The music was blaring so loud it reverberated right through, me throwing off the rhythm of my heart.

  Everyone cheered.

  When I turned to my friends, Lia was jumping up and down, clapping with the biggest smile on her face. Jeremy also wore a smile, but was a bit more reserved.

  The four of them ran out to the dance floor.

  “I think you owe me a dance,” Dominic said, startling me.

  I turned and he was bent over in a half-bow, with his hand held out to me. I smiled and took his hand. He tugged me out toward the others. Lia glared at me, with jealous eyes. I shrugged, and then she smiled and kept dancing.

  We danced more than one song, but Lia and Courtney kept me there. Kade was sitting on the side, talking with the others. The DJ went to a slow song and Courtney and Lia wrapped their arms around Jeremy and Caleb.

  Dominic leaned in, “I am going to get something to drink, but thanks for the dance. We’re even now.”

  “No problem,” I laughed.

  As we left the dance floor, I felt a warmth and electricity rush through me. I turned to see two crimson eyes stepping out of the dark. Within a few strides, Ethon stood in front of me.

  “Good evening, Emma,” he said. He was dressed in a black tuxedo with crimson bow-tie and cummerbund. “Your beauty is breathtaking.”

  “Thank you,” I said. “You look very dashing.”

  He smiled.

  “I don’t dance, but I am fairly good at swaying. Will you sway with me?” he asked.

  I looked back to where Kade was sitting.

  “Do you need his permission?” His voice sounded a bit irritated.


  “Do you not want to dance with me?”

  “Yes, I want to,” I said.

  I followed him out to the dance floor. As soon as Lia saw me with him, her jaw almost hit the floor. Jeremy also shot me a scrutinizing look.

  Ethon turned to face me and gave me his hand. I took it and he pulled me in, the zap almost knocked me to my knees.

  Lia and Jeremy’s eyes never left me, and little did they know, I was dancing with the son of the Devil. I wondered what everyone else must have been thinking, seeing Ethon’s arms wrapped around me so tightly.

  But the bond was also wrapping around me, like a magnet drawing us closer. Our touch connected us even more than before. I could feel it. His crimson eyes burned bright. I tried to fight the pull, but it was so overwhelmingly strong. I tried to keep levelheaded, but all it did was make it ache.

  “You’re contacts glow in the dark?” Jeremy asked Ethon.

  Ethon turned to him. “Yes. They are limited edition,” he answered.

  “Whoa, that is so awesome.” Jeremy was captured by Ethon. At least I wasn’t the only one.

  He grabbed my right hand, lifted my arm, and swirled me around. Then led me around the ballroom.

  My mind was in a haze and I was quickly becoming bewitched by him. My feet felt as if they were floating off the floor, and the world around us began to melt away. Ethon’s seductive eyes narrowed onto mine and a grin crept up on his lips.

  Bending down, my dark prince whispered, “You don’t know how much I want to take you away from here.” His warm breath stimulated my neck, increasing my pulse.

  “Where would we go?” I asked.

  “Anywhere you want.” Ethon pulled back to make eye contact.

  My body instinctively tilted after him as he moved back. “How would we get there?”

  “I’d fly, of course. I don’t drive,” he smiled coyly.

  “I like flying,” I answered.

  He leaned forward, closing the gap. The buzz of the bond swirled around us, making me dizzy. “I know you do,” he whispered between light kisses to my forehead and nose.

  “Could I cut in?” A deep voice interrupted. Ethon’s head snapped up and his fiery eyes burned, looking as if they would burn a hole right through Malachi.

  “We’re not finished,” Ethon said.

  “Well, this is my favorite song,” Malachi answered.

  Ethon glanced at me with distress painted in his fiery eyes, but he unwillingly handed me over. As soon as we disconnected, my body relaxed, and I fell into Malachi’s arms. Ethon went off to the side and melded into the black background.

  “Thank you,” I whispered.

  “No problem. I didn’t want Kade to come and make a scene, so I figured I’d cut in.”

  “Ah, so you’re the friend coming to the rescue. I thought you really wanted to dance with me,” I teased.

  “I don’t dance,” he answered flatly.

  “Well you can sway, can’t you?” I giggled.

  “Maybe,” he said. His brow had a constant furrow.

  “Then will you sway with me for the remainder of this song? You did say it was your favorite.” I grinned because I knew it wasn’t. It was hilarious hearing this big, brawny guy say a romantic slow song was his favorite.

  He shook his head. Malachi was wearing black slacks and a dark blue dress shirt. It looked like it had to be tailored because his shoulders were so broad. I placed my hands on his shoulders, and he placed his hands on my waist. He was stiff as a board.

  “Just relax, and rock back and forth. Like this.”

  His face was hard with concentration.

  “You’ve got it,” I praised. Having fun yet?”

  “No,” he snarled. I could tell he felt awkward, and his eyes never left our feet.

  “Well, the song is almost over.”


  As soon as the song ended, Malachi disconnected from me. Upbeat dance music started blaring and I could tell that was where he drew the line.

  “Thanks,” Malachi mumbled and walked off. As he exited, Alexander entered.

  “Hey, Emma. Want to dance?” He asked with a wide smile on his face.


  We headed out to the floor and everyone was already jumping around and clapping. Who better to dance it with, than Alexander?

  He was so full of energy, and this Guardian could actually dance. He twisted and turned, and dropped in a half split and then easily slid back up. In between all of that, he performed some crazy foot movements. He must have done this before because I just stood in awe and clapped.

  Courtney and Lia screamed and threw their arms in the air whenever he did something extra exciting. Even Caleb and Jeremy were smiling and clapping along. As the song reached the end, I saw Thomas slowly making his way out.

  I guess I would be dancing with all of them. But that was more than fine with me. They were like my brothers. Besides, there was no one else they could dance with. Courtney and Lia were just having fun with Jeremy and Caleb, in their own little world.

  “Thank you, Emma,” Alexander said with a slight bow before exiting. It was like he hadn’t even broken a sweat.

  “That was all you, Alex,” I laughed. “Thank you. You were awesome.” He gave me a small salute and then jogged off.

  Thomas was wearing black slacks and a white undershirt. He must have ditched the dress-shirt. His bleach blonde hair was a bit disheveled and his blue eyes were sparkling like the chandelier crystals.

  “Let’s dance,” I said.

  “I thought you’d never ask,” he grinned.

  He grabbed my hand and swirled me. He wasn’t the greatest dancer, but he was jumping around like he thought he was, and it made me giggle. Courtney and Lia were laughing too. He actually didn’t need me. Thomas was dancing in his own little world.

  The song finally ended, and the DJ came back on. “Let’s slow it down a bit and give everyone a chance to breathe.”

  “Thank you, Emma,” Thomas said. He was breathing a little harder than Alexander, but he was also over a century older.

  “So who put you all up to the dancing?” I questioned.

  “Well, Kade suggested we all dance with you now because he’s calling dibs on the last dance.”

  “Oh did he?” I chimed.

  That was so
sweet. I tried to find Kade, but everything beyond the dance floor, was pitch black. The laser lights made it even harder to see.

  All four of my friends looked at each other and shook their heads. “We’re gonna get something to drink,” Lia said. “Are you coming?”

  “Yes,” I answered. As Thomas and I walked off the dance floor, Samuel and Alaine walked on, hand in hand, their eyes were fixed on each other. Lucky in love.

  Tony Bennett’s, The Way You Look Tonight started playing.

  When they took center stage, Samuel clasped Alaine’s left hand in his right, and then placed his other on her shoulder. She stood with perfect posture, and then they started to move. Slowly and gracefully, he led her in a slow waltz around the ballroom. It was one of the most breathtaking things I had ever witnessed. They were floating effortlessly across the floor. Their gazes were steeled on each other, and filled with so much passion and emotion, it instantly warmed me.

  They were everything I wanted and hoped for my future to be. The thought sent a sudden rush of emotion through me, making my eyes water.

  When they were done, everyone clapped and the DJ resumed his songs. The fantastic four found their way back out onto the dance floor. Thomas, Alexander, and Dominic made their way out to the floor as well, and had fun showing each other up, doing back flips and handsprings across the dance floor. They looked like they were having a blast, and I found myself with a large smile plastered to my face as I watched them.

  I walked off to find Kade and spotted his silhouette standing against the back wall. He’d taken his jacket off, unbuttoned a few top buttons of his shirt, and rolled up his sleeves midway on his forearm. My heart tumbled inside as I made my way over.

  “You don’t want to dance?” Kade asked as I drew close.

  “Maybe later. My feet hurt. I’m going to give them a rest.”

  “Why don’t you take your heels off?” he asked.

  “Because this beautiful dress will drag all over the floor and get dirty. I’m fine. It’s a common girl problem. I’ll just rest a bit.”

  He suddenly grabbed me and pulled me up into his arms, cradling me.

  I gasped at his suddenness. “What are you doing?”

  “Sweeping you off of your feet,” he chimed.

  “You certainly have…you’re becoming quite good at it.”

  A wave of déjà vu hit. I closed my eyes and remembered back in the cave, when my life was threatened by hypothermia. It was Kade’s touch which brought me back to life. And then, he carried me in his protective arms, until I was strong enough to walk on my own.

  “Practice makes perfect.” He leaned down and gently pressed his lips to my forehead. I closed my eyes and basked in his tenderness.

  He was just so handsome. So magnetic. So completely perfect.

  After a few songs played, he finally let me down. I glanced to my left and saw crimson eyes glowing in the darkness, and a wave of distressed emotion shot through my being.

  Another slow song started playing.

  “Would you like to dance?” Kade asked.

  “Of course,” I smiled. He led me to the dance floor with my hand in his.

  I closed my eyes, shutting out the rest of the world - especially those red eyes haunting me from the darkness. I knew he was waiting for the right time to come to me. He wanted to hold me in his arms again, and I knew this because I could feel it.

  Chapter 21

  I hated this tug of war between hearts. I hated the bond - it thickened the air around me, suffocating me. When left on my own, I knew what I wanted. But the bond was merciless. It clouded all reason. I didn’t need it. And I certainly didn’t want it. I wanted to be in charge, even if I made the wrong decision.

  I held tight to Kade. This was our moment in time together, and I wanted it to last. We swayed in each other’s arms, and it felt perfect.

  After the song was finished, I knew Ethon was closing in. I could feel him. I opened my eyes and he was standing right beside us.

  Kade stepped in front of me. “What do you want?”

  “You know exactly what I want. The bond cannot be controlled. I feel her emotions and I know exactly what she wants. Right now…it’s not you,” he sneered.

  I stepped forward. “Stop it, Ethon,” I rebuked.

  “If you choose to be with him, you’ll die,” Ethon warned.

  Kade stepped forward and faced off with him. “I would die for her.”

  “Yeah, much too easily,” he scoffed.

  “Are you threatening me?”

  Ethon laughed in his face. “I don’t threaten,” his eyes went wicked.

  The rest of the Guardians immediately surrounded us.

  “You have no idea who you’re up against, mortal. I could take you all out in one swipe…and therein lies the problem. If you loved her as much as you say you do, then you agree she’s safer with me. It’s just that simple. I can protect her. You cannot,” Ethon taunted.

  “You better put out that flame before it explodes,” Dominic said, stepping up next to Kade.

  “There will be no fighting here,” Samuel said, coming in between them.

  Ethon put his hands up and stepped back. “I only came to dance with Emma, like everyone else here has had the chance to do. Nothing more. They are the ones creating the monster.”

  “You keep your hands off of her, demon boy,” Kade said.

  “You know that’s impossible,” he grinned, teasing.

  Kade suddenly sucker punched Ethon in the face. Ethon grabbed him by the neck and lifted him off the ground.

  “Ethon, stop!” I screamed.

  Dominic and Samuel rushed forward.

  “Step back, or I’ll crush him,” Ethon threatened.

  “Try it,” Dominic matched his threat. “You harm him and they’ll be wiping up pieces of you for the next decade.”

  “Ethon, don’t,” Samuel said in a calm voice. Ethon’s eyes softened as he looked to Samuel. I could tell he respected him, but when Malachi stepped forward, his eyes went back to wicked.

  I took a step closer to him. “Ethon. Leave him alone. Please.” I begged. I knew the only way to calm his fire was to touch him. The bond had a way of quenching his fire. It worked before, hopefully it would work again.

  I lifted my hand and placed it on the side of his face. Electricity buzzed through me and his eyes immediately shifted. I had captured them.

  “Please,” I whispered.

  He dropped Kade and then turned to me. Dominic helped him to his feet.

  “You have so much potential, Emma.” Ethon said, sadly. “I only want what’s best for you. Since we were bonded, that’s all I’ve ever wanted.”

  I closed my eyes and shook my head, completely disconcerted.

  “Just tell me. Right now, what do you want?” Ethon asked.

  As much as it killed me inside, I fought and pushed the words out. “I need you to leave for now.” As soon as I spoke the words my heart felt as if it had been pierced. I had a glimpse of what Ethon was feeling, and it made me sick inside. But I also knew that if he stayed, someone could get hurt. Someone could die.

  “I’ll leave, for you. Although, I know it’s not truly what you want,” he stated.

  “I’ll go with you,” Samuel said. He nodded to Alaine, and her face saddened.

  “Please tell your friends it was a pleasure meeting them,” Ethon said.

  Samuel glanced at me. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  I nodded.

  Samuel laid his hand on Ethon’s shoulder and led him out. Alaine followed after them.

  Lia finally ran up to us.

  She grabbed hold of my arm. “Did we miss something?”

  “No. Ethon and Samuel had to leave. They were saying goodbye. Ethon said to tell you guys that it was a pleasure.”

  “Oh, bummer. I forgot to ask him where he ordered his contacts.”

  “I’ll try and find out for you,” I said.

  Caleb came up next to Lia and she grabbed his
hand. I looked at her and she wiggled her eyebrows. I smiled.

  “The two of you hook up the night before you leave?” I rolled my eyes.

  “Hey, better late than never. Plus, it seals the deal that I’m bringing my butt back here. Or, you can come to LA and spend some quality time with me.”

  “Definitely,” I said, knowing full well that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon.

  Another fast song started pounding through the speakers.

  “Want to dance?” Caleb asked her.

  A wide smile crossed her face, and she glanced at me.

  “Wanna come?”

  “No thanks. Cinderella is about to lose her heels,” I said. “Where’s Jeremy?”

  “Having some lengthy conversation with Courtney at one of the tables. Boring. She seemed interested, but I’ve learned to just walk away.” She smiled and winked. “Later gator.”

  “Later,” I laughed.

  “Damn it. I was about to kick some ass,” Dominic exhaled.

  “Settle down,” Malachi urged. “Go get some punch and a cookie.”

  They walked away, leaving me and Kade alone.

  “I’m sorry, Emma,” Kade said softly. “I shouldn’t have hit him. It was pure instinct. I just couldn’t help myself. This mortal body is so different. I have less control over my emotions, and it’s so damn fragile.”

  “Don’t be sorry. It was bound to happen,” I said. “Are you alright?” I touched his neck.

  “I’m fine. The downfall to being mortal is that I can’t compete with his strength, and that freaking sucks.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said sadly.

  He shook his head. “What bothers me most is, he was right. Being mortal means I won’t be able to protect you from the Fallen as I should. If you get hurt, it would crush me.”

  “You’re mortal now, and I’m safe and sound,” I stated.

  His brow furrowed in anguish. “Yeah, thanks to Ethon…three times now.”

  I couldn’t let this go on.

  “Sometimes we let the worries of life overwhelm us so much that we forget to live. Let’s just make each moment together the best we could ever imagine.”