“The whole bloodline thing again,” Kayla groans. She turns to her mom. “Do you have any idea what he’s talking about?”

  “Well, if you go back a few generations, our families had almost…arranged marriages,” her father starts.

  Kayla drops her fork. “You aren’t serious.”

  “Yes, actually I am,” he replies. “We, obviously, don’t do that anymore, but we try and keep the families together.”

  “Like inbreeding?”

  “No, no, no.” Damien laughs. “No relatives, and no arranged anything. We just casually meet others our age to see if maybe there’s a spark.”

  With a dumbfounded expression, Kayla says, “So…you’re here to see if there’s a spark…with me?”

  A quirky smile crosses Damien’s face. “If you want to put it that way, then yes. I am hoping there’s a spark.”

  “I should be totally creeped out by that,” Kayla whispers. “But in another way, it’s kind of cool. I feel kind of special.”

  “You are very special,” Damien murmurs back, looking into her eyes. Kayla feels uneasy but comforted at the same time.

  The rest of dinner is spent with polite conversation. Damien talks about himself a lot, with much urging from Kayla. She wants to know as much about him as she can. When they are finally finished eating, Kayla’s dad sets down his napkin. “That was wonderful, dear. What are you kids up to now?”

  “Ugh,” Kayla groans. “I have to do calculus.”

  “Really? You’re upset about homework, since when?” her mom asks, slightly amused.

  Kayla sighs. “It’s just these equations confuse me. I know that sounds crazy, but they do.”

  “I’ll be able to explain it to you easily. I promise,” Damien states. “Why don’t we go and get started?”

  “Oh,” Kayla chirps. “We usually do the dishes.”

  Her father stands up. “It’s quite all right for one night. Go, have fun, learn things.”

  Almost excited, Kayla grabs Damien’s hand and pulls him through the house. She snatches her backpack as they go up the steps. When they walk into her room, she says, “Sorry, I’m kind of a neat freak.”

  “Yes, but I love neatness,” Damien replies. “It makes you even more attractive. I also like that you have a queen-sized bed; it holds two so easily.”

  “Get your head out of the gutter. We’re going to do homework. What kind of girl do you take me for?”

  Damien smiles. “I have only the highest opinion of you. I was just stating a fact. Go grab your calculus book and show me what you got.”

  They spread everything out on her desk, and Damien gets to work on showing her what to do. He half leans over her as he explains the equations and how to solve them. His breath is hot on her neck, and it makes her nerves tingle. Kayla tries to pay attention to him, but she can only concentrate on his proximity. After a while, Damien laughs lightly. “Are you paying any attention?”

  “Yeah,” Kayla squeaks. “It’s just confusing.”

  “I don’t mean to sound smug or anything, but am I a distraction to you right now?”

  Covering her face in humility, Kayla whimpers, “Yes, please don’t laugh at me.”

  “I won’t, but I’ll make you a deal. Every time you stop paying attention, I’m going to take an item of clothing off.”

  “No! You are not!” Kayla exclaims.

  Nodding, Damien says, “Yes, I am. And even though it bruises my ego, I know you don’t want me to do that. So this will force you to do your homework.”

  “You better keep your clothes on!”

  “Then turn around and pay attention,” Damien instructs, pointing to her math book. Kayla concedes and they start again. This time, Kayla makes it through his explanations without getting distracted. Finally, Damien looks at her. “Do you think you have it?”

  Smiling broadly, Kayla says, “Yes, thank you very much.”

  “It’s been my pleasure. Now what?”

  “Now, I think it’s time for you to go home.”

  With a playful frown, Damien exhales. “Fine. I see how it is. Use me and then throw me away.”

  Kayla giggles. “That’s not it. I have to take a shower and then go to sleep. I’m really tired from getting up so early this morning.”

  “Okay,” Damien replies, sticking his hands in his pockets. “Will I see you again?”

  “Yeah, definitely. Tomorrow is Friday and I have school, but this weekend I’m open. If you’re bored, we can definitely do something.”

  “Excellent, then it’s a date.”

  Turning red, Kayla murmurs, “I don’t know if you would call it a date.”

  “Well, you can call it what you want and I’ll call it what I want.” Damien laughs. “So does this mean I can have your number?”

  Smiling, Kayla grabs her phone. “Yes, give me yours too.” They exchange numbers, and then Kayla says, “You should probably go.”

  “I’ll see myself out. I want to say good-bye to your parents.”

  “All right, thanks again for your help,” Kayla says happily, walking him to her door. Before he leaves, Damien turns to Kayla. She looks at him and gulps.

  He carefully looks at her and then bends down. Damien isn’t as tall as Jackson, but he is still a few inches taller Kayla. Kayla’s pulse races when he brings his lips lightly to hers. It’s quick but sweet. When he pulls away, he whispers, “I’ll see you soon,” and with that, he turns and leaves.

  Kayla stands in her doorway for a minute, totally stunned. Finally, she turns and nearly skips to her closet. She grabs her pajamas and a towel. When Kayla walks into the hallway, she hears hushed voices downstairs. Carefully and quietly, she creeps down the steps.

  “I do not agree with this,” Damien hisses almost at an inaudible tone.

  Straining, Kayla hears her dad murmur, “I’m sorry, but that is our decision.”

  “This is going to come back and bite you, and you’ll regret your decision. When it happens, I’ll be here. You can guarantee that. You can’t stop it forever.”

  “We can try,” her mom whispers.

  There is a growl and Damien says, “You are fools. I’m leaving for now, but I’ll be back later. I will protect your daughter.”

  “That is what we are trying to do,” her father replies.

  “That’s your opinion,” Damien retorts quietly. She hears him walk to the front door. Kayla darts back up the stairs. She goes into the bathroom and shuts the door.

  Breathing heavily, she says, “What in the world was that about?” She peers out the window. Damien looks up and she quickly jumps to the side. Kayla hears his car start and then pull away. She puts her hand on her chest. “This is so weird,” she murmurs to herself. Totally confused, she starts her shower.

  Chapter 6

  Kayla’s alarm wakes her up the next morning. She knocks it off her nightstand again and goes back to sleep. A little while later her phone starts to ring. She reaches across her side table and grabs it. “What,” she mumbles into the phone.

  “I’m coming to get you this morning,” Jackson declares.

  Groaning, Kayla replies, “What…who says? Tracy is coming to get me.”

  “I called her and told her I was. I want to talk to you.”

  “Too bad. I have no interest in discussing your insane rules. I’d rather listen to Tracy talk about her romantic conquests 24/7.”

  Jackson sighs. “Kayla, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you or make you angry.”

  “Are you sure?” she asks, throwing back her covers. “You seem to be really good at it.”

  “I want to be friends. I do. You’re incredible. We just can’t get romantically involved.”

  Rolling her eyes, Kayla snaps, “So you’ve stated…repeatedly. I’m not an idiot, Jackson. You can stop apologizing. It’s starting to lose its effect.”

  “It’s just that…it’s not like I’m not attracted to you, I am, but we just can't be...a couple,” Jackson mumbles.

ever, Jackson, you aren’t the only guy attracted to me now, so you can let yourself off the hook. It seems Damien is interested in me.”

  There is nothing but silence on the other end of the phone for almost a minute. “Are you interested in him?” Jackson finally asks.

  “I don’t know,” Kayla moans. “I just met him. He did kiss me and that was nice.”

  “He what!”

  Kayla sits up, surprised. “You kissed me the day after we met. Twice.”

  “True, but…nonetheless…ugh, this is stupid. If you’re interested in Damien, then knock your socks off.”

  Annoyed, Kayla spits out, “Then I will, happily. I don’t need your permission, Jackson.”

  “Yeah, I guess I agree with you. Can I still pick you up for school?”

  “I don’t know,” Kayla replies sarcastically. “I don’t know if I can keep my hands off of you.”

  “I didn’t say you couldn’t touch me. I mean really, you can touch me wherever you want.”

  Kayla laughs. “What is with your family? Does perversion run in your blood?”

  “Yes, yes it does. Though I think you bring it out in us.”

  “What a charming trait I have. What time are you picking me up?”

  With a cheerier tone, Jackson says, “I don’t know. Do you want coffee?”

  “Oh, you never tease a girl about coffee this early in the morning. Of course I want coffee!”

  “What do you want? I’ll bring you something.”

  “Large caramel latte. So bad for you, but soooo good at the same time.”

  A gentle laugh comes from Jackson. “All right, see you around seven fifteen.”

  “All right, see you then.” Kayla yawns one more time. “You need to stop calling me so early.”

  “Who else would you like to wake up to?”

  Kayla smirks. “Johnny Depp.”

  “Oh, spare me, I’m hanging up the phone now.”

  “No, no, no, Johnny Depp with a cup of coffee and a piece of chocolate cake…good morning to me.”

  “Hanging up now,” Jackson states. Kayla hears the phone go silent, and she grins to herself.

  At seven o’clock, Kayla sits down on the bottom step of the stairway and puts her shoes on. Her dad comes around the corner. “Off to school?”

  “Pretty soon,” Kayla says.

  “Tracy coming to get you?” he asks.

  Shaking her head, Kayla replies, “No, Jackson.”

  “Oh...good,” her dad says.

  She stops what she's doing and looks at her dad. “Why are you guys so happy about Jackson? I mean he’s a good guy, but he drives me nuts too.”

  “Your mom drives me nuts. It happens.”

  “I don’t plan on marrying someone who drives me crazy,” Kayla declares as she stands up.

  Her dad smiles. “It’s a good crazy, though. I love your mom.”

  “I know.” Kayla giggles. “No question there.”

  Her dad studies her for a minute before saying, “Give Jackson a chance.”

  “I am, just not a dating chance.”

  “Why not?”

  She looks at him. “Really? You’re asking me that? Since when are you interested in whom I date?”

  “I’m just curious.”

  Grabbing her backpack, Kayla murmurs, “Jackson has made it pointedly clear that he does not want to date me. We’re going to be friends.”

  “I see,” her dad whispers. “Well, just…I don’t know.”

  “Damien is interested in me, if you care. Not that I mind that at all.”

  Her dad hesitates. “Yes, I know Damien is interested in you.”

  Kayla looks at him. “What? You don’t approve?”

  “Of course I approve,” her dad replies quietly. He gives her a thoughtful look. “Damien would bring a lot to your life.”

  “He’s so smart, but so is Jackson. I think it’s cool that they're both really attractive and intelligent.”

  Her dad chuckles. “That is a good thing. We couldn’t be happier with your choices in friends. You know we are very fond of Tracy.”

  With a smile, Kayla replies, “Jackson likes her too, and she will probably die when she meets Damien.”

  “Probably,” her dad says with a sigh and a smile. “Well, you’d better get your jacket on. It’s getting cool outside.”

  “All right,” Kayla says happily. She grabs her coat off the rack and puts it on. Looking out the window, she sees Jackson’s car. “Okay, see you later. Love you. Bye, Mom!”

  “Bye, Kayla!” her mom hollers from the kitchen.

  Her dad waves at her as she bounds outside. It’s a bit cooler than usual, so she pulls her leather jacket tightly around her body. Kayla practically jumps into Jackson’s car and slams the door. “It’s cold outside.”

  “It is nowhere near cold. You’re a wimp. Here, drink your coffee. It’ll warm you up,” Jackson says, handing over her latte.

  Kayla eagerly takes it. “Mmm, warmth.”

  “Watch this,” Jackson says, pressing a button. “Heated seats.”

  “Perfection,” Kayla moans happily. She takes a sip of her coffee and sighs. “Oh, so good, thank you. Remind me to give you money.”

  “All right.”

  “Wow…no arguing about paying for it yourself?”

  He looks at her. “Would you be impressed if I bought coffee for you?”


  Jackson looks at her. “You are sort of a feminist, and I respect that. It wouldn’t make you happy for me to pay.”

  “Well…true,” Kayla whispers. She raises her head to look at him. “But isn’t that what guys are supposed to do?”

  “Yes. If we were dating, I would pay for your coffee and dinner and anything else you desired.”

  Nodding, Kayla says, “Good point. We’re not dating, so I’ll pay for my stuff.”

  “Sounds good. So how was my cousin? Charming, I’m sure.”

  “He’s very kind and very sweet. He also helped me do my calculus homework.”

  “I would have helped you,” Jackson offers.

  “I was going to ask for your help, but you decided to be rude instead. So Damien helped. He did a good job.”

  “And then he kissed you.”

  “Is it any of your business?”

  Jackson tightens his grip on the steering wheel. “No, I guess it’s not.”

  “It wasn’t a full make-out session or anything. It was very short and sweet, a gentle kiss good-bye.”

  “I see.”

  They remain silent all the way to school. Kayla fidgets with her coffee cup and stares out the window. She isn’t sure what to say to Jackson, so she decides to say nothing at all. Their silence continues as they walk to their first class together. When she can’t take it anymore, Kayla grabs his arm and pulls him to a stop. “Jackson, this is weird. We are weird now. I don’t want that.”

  With a little bit of a chuckle, he asks, “What’s so weird? That we haven’t said anything since the comment about the kiss? I was giving you time to savor it, because if I have anything to do with it, it will be your last.”

  “Oh really? Have you told Damien this?”

  “No, but I will.”

  Giving him a very sweet look, Kayla says, “If he isn’t allowed to kiss me, whom am I allowed to kiss?”

  Fighting a smile, Jackson says, “I don’t know. You’ll have to run it by me before you do anything. I have to approve of your boyfriend.”

  “Isn’t that my dad’s job?”

  “I know what to look for in a guy,” Jackson declares proudly. “I’ll watch you like a hawk.”

  Kayla bumps into him and asks, “Why do you care so much?”

  “You need someone strong to watch out for you.”

  “Oh, my own personal bodyguard, wait…no…knight in shining armor. He shall protect me from all the evil in the world.”

  Jackson nods. “Yup.”

  They start walking to class again and Kayla is much happier. The rest
of the school day goes by quickly. Jackson actually eats lunch with the girls and their friends. He is quiet most of the time, but Kayla keeps catching him staring at her. She sticks her tongue out at him, which makes him laugh.

  At the end of the day, Kayla and Jackson are walking to her locker when her friend Reana comes running up to her. “Oh my gosh, there’s the hottest guy on the planet waiting for you by your locker.”

  Jackson groans. “He is not the hottest guy on the planet.”

  “You’re a close second,” Reana remarks with a smile.

  Laughing, Kayla says, “Ouch, second place. I don’t think you’re second place, does that help?”

  “No,” Jackson replies, with a smirk. “Come on, let’s see what Damien wants.”

  When they get close to her locker, they see a crowd of girls. Most of them are whispering to one another. Kayla pushes through them to find Damien leaning against her locker, one foot up against it. She raises an eyebrow. He is wearing black suit pants and a purple button-up shirt. Kayla has to admit, he looks hot. She puts on a smile and walks over to him. “How in the world did you figure out where the school was and which locker was mine?”

  “It’s called GPS, and if you hand teenagers money, you would be surprised at what information you can get out of them. How was your day?” Damien asks.

  “Good,” Kayla replies. “Can I get to my locker?”

  Damien steps away and looks at his cousin. “Jackson, are we done brooding yet?”

  “Yes, though now that I see you, I have this overwhelming urge to kick something.”

  Stepping over to Kayla, Damien puts his arms around her. “Jackson, Jackson, Jackson, are we still on that? I think you made it clear where you stand, and I have made my intentions fairly obvious.”

  Kayla turns in his arms and looks up at him. “Do I get a say as to whether or not you put your hands on me?”

  “I’m sorry,” Damien replies, pulling away. “I didn’t mean to be forward.”

  “It’s all right,” Kayla says with a giggle. “I was just teasing you. As long as you aren’t feeling me up, I don’t mind being touched.” Damien winks at her and then laughs.

  A loud voice breaks them apart. “Who in the hell are you?”

  Everyone turns to see Jude standing behind them in the hall. Jackson steps forward, seething. “You don’t get a hint, do you?”