Kayla closes her eyes and concentrates really hard. It takes a little longer, but she shifts back to herself again. “I did it!”

  “You did. Good job,” Jackson says.

  A wave of dizziness passes over her, and she stumbles backward. She falls, but a pair of arms catches her. She looks up at Jackson. “You were supposed to let me hit the floor, remember? If I faint, you weren’t going to catch me.”

  “I was joking.” Jackson groans. “Anyway, your first shifts are going to be the hardest. They’ll cause you to be really tired and a little bit dizzy.”

  “Good to know now.”

  Jackson rolls his eyes. “You’re the one who shifted before we could say anything. Besides, I have no idea how you managed to shift back up on your feet. It usually takes someone years to learn how to do that.”

  “I didn’t really think about it,” Kayla says, shrugging.

  “Okay, we will have you do it again and then meditate and then shift and then meditate,” Damien declares. “We’ll take a break in between shifts so that you can rest and eat. You’re going to need to eat more while you’re training.”

  “I don’t want to gain weight,” Kayla spits out.

  Damien is the one who rolls his eyes this time. “Kayla, your metabolism is going to shoot through the roof. If you don’t eat enough food, you’ll get sick.”


  “You’re beautiful and don’t need to think about that,” Damien states, coming over to her. He takes her hands in his. “Why do girls obsess over that stuff?”

  Shrugging, Kayla bows her head. “I don’t know.”

  “Well, you don’t need to worry about that, let’s get you to shift one more time and then we’ll meditate again.”

  By the time they finish the first round of training Kayla is starving. They order pizza and she eats way more than she could possibly imagine. The guys laugh at her. She glares at them. “Shut up. Not all of us can have perfect physiques like you two.”

  “You’re gorgeous, stop it,” Damien says, shaking his head.

  “Yeah, really Kayla,” Jackson groans. “How often do we need to fluff your ego, as you always say?” He grins at her.

  She gives him a look. “All the time; I’m a girl after all.”

  He rolls his eyes in return. After lunch they resume training. Damien is polite enough to not block out Jackson during their meditations. When they finish their last meditation, Kayla asks, “What happens if someone comes up to us while we’re there? Do we sense it?”

  “Yeah,” Jackson replies. “You can sense people come from a distance. You don’t need to worry.”

  “That’s good,” Kayla states, stifling a yawn. “Okay, I’m kind of tired now.”

  Damien nods. “We’re done for the day. Go get ready so we can go to Jackson’s. You need to tell me what you want to eat.”

  “What can you make?” Kayla inquires with a smile.

  He returns the expression. “What do you like, seafood, beef, pork, Italian, Mexican?”

  “I love seafood.”

  “All right, I’ll make you shrimp scampi then. I do make that very well,” Damien declares. He turns to Jackson. “Do you want to take her to your house while I go to the grocery store?”

  Jackson sighs. “Sure, that’s fine.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you guys in a bit.” He walks over and kisses Kayla gently on the lips. “Don’t get into trouble,” he whispers against her.

  “I’ll try not to,” she replies with a smirk.

  He turns and starts to walk out of the room. “Behave yourself, Jackson, and try not to hurt her feelings.” With that, Damien leaves through the front door.

  When it closes, Kayla sees Jackson clench his fists. “He’s so annoying,” Jackson snaps. He looks at Kayla. “And you’re attracted to that?”

  “Yeah, actually I am.”

  Jackson takes in a deep breath. “You should go get ready.”

  “Fine,” Kayla snaps. She stomps up the stairs to her room. “He infuriates me but at the same time, he is so…shut up, Kayla, you can’t think things like that. Damien. You need to get ready for Damien. He is who you want.”

  She goes to her closet and starts looking through her clothes. Her cell phone rings as she sifts through different items. Kayla runs across the room, hoping it’s her parents. When she sees that it’s Tracy, she hesitantly answers. “Hello?”

  “Do you ever answer your phone?” Tracy yells. “I know you have mono, but you can at least talk to me.”


  There’s a pause. “Yeah, Jackson called me last night to tell me that. I don’t get it though, those aren’t usual signs of mono, and you don’t sound sick either.”

  Kayla coughs and groans. “Oh no, I‘m sick, trust me. I’m going to be out for at least a week.”

  “That’s awful. You poor thing, where’d you get it from?”

  “I have no idea.”

  “Did you give it to Jackson or Damien? It is the kissing disease, and you have been kissing them both.”

  Slightly embarrassed, Kayla replies, “Oh my gosh, I’m like a kissing slut. What is wrong with me?”

  “There’s nothing wrong with you. It’s two boys, not fourteen. Anyways, did you get them sick?”

  “No, they’re fine. I’m sick, you know, fever, sore throat.”

  Tracy pauses again. “Are you sure you have mono, you sound fine?”

  “No,” Kayla groans, “I’m really sick. I should go back to bed. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Fine, I would ask if you need anything, but I can’t be around you. I totally do not want mono. I like kissing boys too much.”

  Kayla sighs. “Tracy, how is that you don't have chronic mono?”

  “I'm gifted. And speaking of hot boys, I should see what Jackson is doing.”

  “Yeah,” Kayla replies. “I don’t think he’s doing anything tonight.”

  Humming, Tracy inquires, “So you wouldn’t mind if I did something with him?”

  Kayla's chest tightens and she murmurs, “Nope, do what you want.”

  “All right, bonus for me. I won't hit on him, but he is sure pretty to look at.”

  “That he is,” Kayla replies. She rubs her forehead. “I have a headache. I want to go lie down now.”

  “Okay, talk to you soon.”

  With a nod, Kayla says, “Yup, bye.” She hangs up the phone and sighs, half-laughing. “Mono? Really, Jackson?”

  She goes back to her closet and starts to go through her stuff again. Kayla decides on a plaid skirt and button-up top. As she is getting dressed, her phone rings again. When she grabs the phone, she smiles as she answers, “Didn’t you just leave?”

  “Yes, well, I wanted to remind you to bring your bathing suit,” Damien replies.

  “Okay, I’m getting ready, so I’ll make sure to put on my bathing suit.”

  “Awesome. I’ll see you soon.”

  “Yup, it won’t take me long to get ready.”

  “Okay, beautiful, don’t let Jackson drive you nuts, and I’ll talk to you in a bit.”

  A light laugh comes from Kayla. “Okay, bye.”

  “Bye,” Damien says before he hangs up.

  After she is dressed, Kayla runs down the steps. She finds Jackson sitting in the living room. “Hey.”

  He looks up at her and raises his eyebrows. “Wow, Kayla, you look really pretty.”

  “Thank you,” she chirps. “I’m all set to go.”

  Jackson sighs. “All right, are you sure about this? I mean, Damien has his reasons.”

  “I know, he told me already.”

  With a surprised look, Jackson says, “He did?”

  “Yup, now if only you would tell me why you’re so repulsed by the idea of us dating, then everyone would be honest.”

  “You’ll probably figure it out soon.”

  Kayla shakes her head. “Whatever, Jackson, it doesn’t even matter. Let’s go.”

  They grab their jackets and head out the
door. The ride to his house is somewhat awkward because he doesn’t say anything. Kayla fiddles with her skirt. Finally, they pull up to Jackson’s house, and he parks. He sits in silence for a moment before turning to her. “I want you to be happy.”

  “Well, I’d say I’m happy right now, but this is all a little much.” Kayla laughs. “I’ll be fine, and I like Damien, I really do. Plus, he seems like a really nice guy, maybe a little promiscuous, but a good guy nonetheless.”

  “Yeah,” Jackson exhales.

  “Though from the sound of it, as much as you don’t want to admit it, you’re a lot like him.” Kayla sighs, looking out the window.

  Jackson pauses before responding. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, you make comments about him, but you’re pretty much the same. He’s a nice guy and you’re a nice guy. You’re both really smart, and you’re both a little crazy with the girls.”

  “When did I ever say that?” Jackson snaps.

  Kayla shrugs. “Just comments you’ve made. Why? Am I wrong?”

  “I’m not like Damien! He has been really…well, that’s beside the point, I guess.”

  “Do you think I have to worry about that? Answer me honestly.”

  Jackson shakes his head. “No, as far as I know, he’s never shown true interest in a girl. You’re the first person he’s taken seriously.”

  “Good to know,” Kayla exhales. “And it’s good to hear you aren’t all slutty.”

  “No.” Jackson chuckles. “I’m not like that.”

  Curious, Kayla inquires, “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Uh-oh, I’m always hesitant when you say that, but yeah you can ask.”

  “You aren’t a virgin, right?”

  With a twinkle in his eye, Jackson laughs. “No, I’m not.”

  “Well…I meant more…with our kind,” Kayla whispers as she looks away.

  “Oh…no in that aspect I am. I’m really hesitant about taking that step with another person of our race. My family has high expectations and everything.”

  Realization slams into her. “Is that why you don’t want me? I’m not good enough!”

  “No! Kayla, no. It’s the exact opposite.”

  “What? What does that mean?”

  Jackson opens his mouth and then closes it. “Nothing, it’s nothing, let’s go in.” He opens his door and jumps out of the car.

  Kayla scrambles after him. “No, tell me what that means.”

  He shoves his hands in his pockets. “It’s nothing, Kayla. Leave it be.”

  “Jackson, you’re going to make me scream. Tell me what that means,” she commands.

  Spinning around to her, he snaps, “My parents are trying to push me to date you. That is the reason why we moved here.”

  “Oh, so…you don’t want to be with me because of that? You want to rebel against your parents?”

  “It’s more than that.”

  Kayla blows out a breath of frustration. “I guess you don’t need to feel forced, because it’s never going to happen!” She turns and storms toward his front door.

  “Kayla, stop!”

  Ignoring him, she crosses her arms and keeps her back to him. When she gets to the front door, she hesitates. Turning around, she growls, “Can I go into your house?”

  “You never have to ask that,” Jackson returns, coming up to her. “You can walk into my house whenever you want. You are always welcome.”


  Jackson opens the door and holds it for Kayla. She brushes past him without a word. Knowing where the kitchen is, she walks down the hallway toward it. She turns the corner to find Damien at the counter. He looks up and smiles. “Hey, beautiful.”

  “Hi,” she replies, forcing a smile in return.

  “Uh-oh, what’s wrong?” Damien asks, setting down his chopping knife.

  Kayla sighs. “Nothing.”

  “Was Jackson a jerk again?”

  With a roll of her eyes, Kayla replies, “Not on purpose, just a little too honest.”

  “I’m sorry. Anything I can do to help get your mind off of it?”

  Kayla grins. “You can make this date really good.”

  “How am I supposed to do that?” Damien inquires, returning her smile.

  Kayla shrugs. “I don’t know. Work your magic.”

  “Sounds good,” Damien retorts. “Here, I made some bruschetta to start.”

  “Wow, you really can cook.”

  Damien nods his head. “Yes, I can.”

  Picking up a piece of it, she takes a bite. “Wow,” she moans. “That is so good. It tastes a little different.”

  “It has Kiej in it. You need to eat more of that right now.”

  “Well, it tastes good,” Kayla states, taking another bite. “So tell me something about yourself.”

  Going back to chopping, Damien hums. “What to tell you. My favorite movie growing up was The Neverending Story. I know it’s from the 80s, but I love it.”

  “Oh! Mine was The Lion King,” Kayla exhales. “And Grease! Have you ever noticed how inappropriate that movie is? I only realized that when I got older.”

  “I know, I can sing the whole movie. I usually don’t admit that, though.”

  Laughing, Kayla replies, “Now that just earned you some cool points.”

  “That’s good,” Damien says, throwing vegetables into a pan. “Tell me something about yourself.”

  “You’re my first real date. Jude was in the eighth grade and doesn’t really count.”

  With a smile, Damien says, “Well then, I have to make this a great night.”

  “I won’t lie, I’m nervous. You intimidate me a little bit.”

  Shock passes over Damien’s face. “What? Why?”

  “You’re super intelligent, which I find horribly attractive, and you’re much more experienced than me. I’m afraid I’m going to be an epic failure in that department.”

  Damien wipes off his hands and walks over to her. He puts his hands on her arms. “Kayla, relax, you’re going to be a great date. I have had so much fun with you already. This will be easy for us.”

  “Okay,” Kayla sighs with a small grin.

  He brings his own hand up and holds the side of her head. “You are extraordinary, don’t think otherwise.”

  “Thanks,” she replies, slightly relieved.

  Damien pauses and then bends down to kiss her. As soon as their lips meet, the electrical charge returns. Kayla can’t help herself. She pulls him close and presses herself against him. They stand there for a while kissing each other. When it starts to get intense, Kayla pushes away from him. Damien takes a step back. “Sorry, my fault.”

  “No,” Kayla exhales. “It’s like I can’t control myself.”

  “That's what I meant by my fault. I can manipulate our energy, thus exciting you.”

  Confused, Kayla says, “What?”

  “Give me your hand,” Damien instructs, sticking his hand out.

  Hesitantly, Kayla does as he asks. Damien takes her hand in his and looks into her eyes. A wave of pleasure passes through her. “What in the world,” she mutters, yanking her hand away.

  “It’s what happens when we come into any sort of sexual contact with each other.”

  Her jaw drops. “And how did you learn to do this?”

  “Oh, well…from the little bit of experience that I have had,” Damien mumbles.

  “Little bit,” Kayla retorts, crossing her arms.

  He puts his hands out. “Yes, little bit. I’ve only been with one of our people.”

  “Oh…really? I thought it was more than that.”

  “No, it was the one girlfriend that I had. Not the best experience of my life.”

  Curiosity gets the best of her. “Why was it bad?”

  “She was only interested in me because of who I was. We kind of used each other. That wasn’t the lowest thing I’ve ever done, but close. I know you’ll probably think less of me, but I plan to only be truthful with you.”

  “No, honesty is the best policy.”

  Damien turns around and returns to the stove. “Oops, don’t need to burn our dinner.” He stirs the stuff in the pan. “I’m glad you don’t think I’m a horrible person.”

  “I just want you to realize I don’t intend to have sex with you…at least not for a long while. I don’t want you to manipulate me either.”

  Damien replies, “That's understandable. Now, let’s get off this subject. Tell me more about your favorite things, like color, books, flowers, bands, songs.”

  Kayla smiles and proceeds to answer him. They talk all the way through preparing the meal and eating it. Kayla laughs a lot. When they’re done eating, Damien looks at her. “What now?”

  “I don’t know,” Kayla replies. “What do you want to do?”

  “Let me show you the pool. It’s awesome.”

  Laughing, Kayla replies, “Don’t we have to wait to go swimming?”

  “We might if we were human. Follow me.” Damien takes her hand and pulls her through the house. She can’t help but smile. They wind their way through the halls until they come to two doors. “This is the gym,” Damien states, pointing to the one door. “And this is the pool,” he says, opening the door on the opposite wall.

  The room is completely dark except for the light coming from the pool itself. Kayla grins. “That is an awesome indoor pool.”

  “That it is,” Damien says, shutting the door behind them.

  She walks across the large room, closer to the pool. Kayla kicks her ballet flats off and sticks her foot into the water. “It’s really warm.”

  “Yeah, that’s the nice part,” Damien says, walking up next to her. “Are you ready to go in?”

  “I don’t know,” Kayla murmurs. “Kind of nervous about being in my bathing suit on our first date.”

  A devilish smirk passes over Damien’s face. “All right, that’s fine.” With one movement, he grabs Kayla and tips them over into the pool. They hit the water and go under.

  When they come to the surface, Kayla exclaims, “You jack ass!”

  Damien laughs. “What? You aren’t in your bathing suit.”

  “No, I’m in my clothes!”

  “Then take them off,” Damien retorts, taking his shirt off. He throws it to the side. “You have a bathing suit on underneath.”

  Kayla glares at him. “Now I feel like a stripper.”