“Okay,” Kayla draws out. She takes a deep breath. “I don’t know what my parents would approve of. They’ve never asked why I don’t date. You know, I always thought moms were like, what boys do you like, blah, blah, blah. My parents have never seemed interested in that at all. I’ve never had a boyfriend, and I’m a junior in high school.”

  “Kayla, it’s fine that you haven’t had a boyfriend. Don’t think less of yourself because of it.”

  With a heavy sigh, Kayla whispers, “You know, I get along with all the guys from school. You could even say I’m popular, but no one has ever held my attention. Tracy likes a new guy every few months, but not me. I study. It’s what I do.”

  “There isn’t anything wrong with that.”

  “Coming from the guy who’s probably been on more dates than I will ever have in my lifetime. I always say that I’ll meet someone in college, because that’s what I hope. You know, college guys are older and smarter. I figure they’ll be interested in me then. Guys in high school like me, but not in that way. Normally, I don't really think about it that much, but at this very moment…wow…I kind of suck. Maybe there’s something wrong with me.”

  Reaching over, Jackson grabs her hand. “There is nothing wrong with you. You’re beautiful, smart, funny, and you have a million things going for you. I promise when you meet the right guy, you’ll know.”

  For some reason, his words send off sparks in her head. Memories of her dream come pouring back into her mind, and she diverts her gaze out the window so she doesn’t have to look at him. “Thanks for saying that.”

  “It’s the truth. Now, are you hungry? I’m hungry and I take it that’s the diner.”

  “Yup,” Kayla says, pulling her hand away from his.

  When they enter the diner, they take a seat. “What’s good here?” Jackson asks.

  “Their pancakes, French toast…ummm…well…everything. This is one of my favorite places, so thanks.”

  “My pleasure. Thanks for getting up at the butt crack of dawn.” Jackson chuckles.

  “Yeah, I’m still going to need about a gallon of coffee.” Her phone rings, and she pulls it out of her pocket. “Hello?”

  Tracy says, “Hey, I just wanted to tell you I’m coming to school. I know it’s early, but I wanted to make sure you knew I was picking you up.”

  “Oh,” Kayla squeaks. “I don’t need a ride.” Jackson looks up at her.

  There is dead silence on the other end of the phone. “How are you getting to school?”

  “Ummm, Jackson.”

  “Who’s Jackson?” Tracy inquires. She pauses for a second and then exclaims, “The new guy!”

  Jackson smirks because Tracy's squeal is loud enough through the phone that the entire restaurant can hear her. Kayla says, “Yeah, the new guy.”

  “Dear Lord, what happened when I was sick?”

  Putting her hand over her face, Kayla says, “We’ll talk about it later.”

  “No, we’ll talk about it now!”

  “No,” Kayla whispers. “He’s sitting in front of me. It’s rude to talk about someone when they’re listening.”

  His grin turns into a big smile, and Jackson says, “No, by all means, talk away.”

  “He’s at your house?” Tracy asks, sounding totally confused.

  “No, we’re at Lenny’s by school. He’s buying me breakfast, and before you say anything, it’s not a date, not even close.”

  Putting his hand to his chest, Jackson says, “Ouch.”

  “You’re the one who made that pointedly clear.”


  Tracy stutters, “Girl, I am so confused.”

  “I’ll explain it later. I’ll see you when you get to school.”

  Jackson leans forward. “She can come join us.”

  “Oh…okay. Tracy, would you like to join us for breakfast?”

  “Umm, yeah, he’s so hot,” Tracy says.

  A deep chuckle comes from Jackson. Kayla groans. “He can hear you, Tracy. You’re being loud.”

  “Why in the world do I care? I’ll tell him to his face that he’s hot, because he is.”

  “Then come gush over him and boost his ego. He likes that,” Kayla replies, winking at Jackson. He just laughs more.

  “Okay, be there in fifteen.”

  “Do you want me to order you something?”

  “Spanish omelet with wheat toast.”

  “All right, see you in a bit.”

  Giggling, Tracy says, “This is going to be awesome. Bye!”

  Putting her face in her hands, Kayla mumbles, “This will be interesting.”

  “Oh no, I think I’m going to like her.” Jackson sighs, looking at his menu.

  They make small talk as they order their breakfast and wait for Tracy. Tracy finally walks through the door, and Kayla waves her down. With a huge smile, Tracy approaches them. She looks at Jackson and says, “Hi, I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced. I’m Tracy.” She sticks out her hand to him.

  He shakes it and replies, “Jackson, nice to meet you.”

  Tracy slides in next to Kayla. She smiles at her and says, “So, anything you want to tell me?”

  “No,” Kayla states. “We’re just out for breakfast. Don’t make any assumptions.”

  “Okay, you’ll have to tell me everything later,” Tracy whispers.

  Totally embarrassed, Kayla hisses, “There’s nothing to tell you.”

  “Oh, come on,” Jackson starts. “You aren’t going to tell her about what happened in your kitchen?”

  Glaring at him, Kayla spits out, “We weren’t going to tell anyone.”

  “What? You weren’t going to tell me something? How rude! We’re best friends!” Tracy yells. She turns to Jackson. “You tell me, what happened in her kitchen?”

  “We totally pounced on each other and got all heated. It was quite stimulating,” Jackson answers with a grin.

  Tracy smirks and looks at her friend. “And why were you not going to tell me that?”

  “Because it didn’t mean anything. We are totally not dating, not interested, not anything. We’ve made that clear.”

  “Well then,” Tracy exhales. “Sounds like wasted chemistry to me.”

  Kayla looks up at Jackson. He is looking back at her with a very thoughtful expression. “You know what? It is wasted chemistry. How sad. Too bad we clash so much.”

  “We don’t clash,” Kayla retorts. “You strive to be an ass.”

  “I do, don’t I? The thing is, I think you like that. I think you find me totally appealing and sexy.”

  With quite the attitude, Kayla responds with, “I think the problem is that you are attracted to me. I think you like me a lot, and for some reason you’re trying to force yourself not to, and I really wish I knew why.”

  “You’ll know why soon enough,” Jackson says.

  “I think you both need to get past yourselves and just do it already,” Tracy chirps looking at both of them.

  Kayla turns her glare to her friend. “I am not having sex with him.”

  “I didn’t mean it that way, but wouldn’t it be great if you had that much chemistry? I think it would be an experience all its own.”

  “I’m a virgin, and I plan to keep it that way, until I find someone worthy of being with.”

  Jackson leans forward. “I’m not worthy? Really? I’m extremely intelligent, which you are horrendously attracted to. I make you laugh, which was one of the traits you wanted. I have a drive to protect you, which girls always swoon at. I don’t see a problem.”

  “I want someone who is nice. You know, sweet and romantic. You’re an ass to me most of the time, and you made me feel totally rejected after we kissed. That isn’t something I want in a guy.”

  “I did not make you feel rejected,” Jackson groans.

  Leaning forward, Kayla emphasizes, “Yeah, you did.”

  Bending even closer to her, Jackson says, “Next time I kiss you, I promise I won’t bolt.”

  “Next time?” T
racy says. “Ooh la la.”

  Kayla turns to her friend. “There won’t be a next time.”

  “Yeah…sure,” Tracy whispers, looking away. “Oh,” she exclaims. “Breakfast!”

  When she turns her gaze back to Jackson, Kayla catches him staring at her. She raises an eyebrow. Jackson just shakes his head and starts to eat his food. Tracy does all the talking while they eat. Out of the corner of her eye, Kayla catches Jackson looking at her a lot. She chooses to ignore him.

  They finally finish eating, and the waitress brings the check. Jackson grabs it and says, “This is on me.”

  “Oh, if he’s buying breakfast, I’ll get up early every morning,” Tracy quips. “Good food, coffee, and hot entertainment; I’m game.”

  With an exasperated moan, Kayla palms her forehead. Jackson gently kicks her under the table. She looks up and he winks at her. Kayla rolls her eyes and laughs. Jackson happily says, “Whenever you girls want to do breakfast, I’ll be more than willing to buy.”

  “Awesome!” Tracy exclaims. “I think I’m going to like you. You can be my new best friend, since you tell me everything.”

  “He needs a best friend, so that will be good.” Kayla sighs as she grabs her stuff. “And you rock as a friend, Tracy, so he would be lucky.”

  Tracy leans against Kayla, “Awww, that’s sweet. No one can replace you. I love you too much.”

  “Love as in I’m going to paint your toes, or love as in I’m going to massage your naked body,” Jackson asks with an evil smirk. “Because if it’s the last one, I’m going to join your little group.”

  Kayla snorts. “You wish. We keep our sexcapades to ourselves. Right, darling?” She turns to Tracy.

  Leaning over to her, Tracy goes, “Rar, you know it.” She looks at Jackson. “If you prove yourself useful, we’ll let you film it.”

  Jackson’s jaw drops. “You’re joking, right?”

  “YES!” Tracy squeals. “I love her but not in that way. I would totally go lesbian for Angelina Jolie, though.”

  “Mmmm, not me,” Kayla replies. “I would have to go with Reese Witherspoon. She was so cute in Legally Blonde.”

  “You would go for the bubbly sorority girl?” Jackson asks. “I figured you would go for someone more badass.”

  As they walk out to their cars, Tracy asks Jackson, “So who would you go gay for?”

  “No one, dear Lord, no one,” Jackson replies. “I have no problem with homosexuals, but it ain’t my cup of tea. But watching you girls live your dreams would be fun for me.”

  “I promise if my lesbian wish comes true, you can join in,” Kayla says with a laugh.

  Jackson responds with a mischievous grin. “I’m game for that.”

  “I say you take out the third person and just tear each other apart yourselves,” Tracy quips.

  “One of these days, maybe,” Jackson says thoughtfully.

  Kayla’s jaw drops. “Excuse me?”

  “Like you haven’t thought about it. I know I have.”

  Kayla stops walking. “Jackson, stop it. You can’t say stuff like that, and then make it pointedly clear that I’m not allowed to like you.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  She grabs him and pulls him to the side of the sidewalk. “Listen,” she whispers. “I’ll be honest. As much as we clash, I do like you as a person, even though you make me want to scream half the time. But…please, don’t say stuff like that. It kind of stings. I know you don’t like me, but I have fantasies that you rip my clothes off.” She blushes hard as those words come out. “But you keep pushing me away, for whatever reason, and that's fine. Keep me at a distance. Make it easy on me.”

  “So you don’t even want to be friends?” Jackson asks in shock.

  “Is that what we are…friends?”

  Jackson nods. “In this weird sort of way, yes. We clash and pick on each other, but I would call you my friend.”

  “Well then, I suppose friend is acceptable. And the label helps keep the looming attraction under control.”

  “So you admit that you are attracted to me.”

  With a heavy sigh, Kayla says, “Yes.”

  “Well, if we’re going to be honest, I’m attracted to you too. And you were right with what you said earlier. I’m just not interested in a relationship…wait; I need to phrase that better. I can’t let anything happen between us. I’m sorry, but I can’t.”

  “Okay, well at least we’re on the same page now,” Kayla states strongly. “As long as we keep the fantasies in our heads, we’ll be fine.”

  Leaning in next to her, Jackson whispers, “Oh no, feel free to tell me about those.”

  “Shut up,” Kayla says, shoving him away.

  “How else are you going to boost my ego?” Jackson murmurs to her.

  Kayla gives him a cocky smile. “I already had a dream involving you. It was a good fantasy too, but...it shall remain my little secret.”

  Jackson growls and then kisses her. When he pulls away, he says, “I’m not going to keep my hands off of you until you tell me what the dream was about.”

  Kayla looks around for Tracy and sees that she is in her car. Turning back, she says “You, me, pressed up against a tree in the woods, your hands and lips exploring my body. You know, a good time.”

  “Okay, I need to walk away now.” Jackson coughs as he goes to his car. Kayla follows him and gets in. He looks at her and then shakes his head. They both laugh and Kayla rolls her eyes.

  When they get to school, Tracy says, “I have to go to my locker and then head to class early so I can talk to my teacher about missing a test.”

  “All right, see you at lunch,” Kayla says, waving at her friend.

  Jackson follows Kayla to her locker. He leans against the wall and looks at her. “So what kind of favor can I ask for when I win the bet?”

  Heat suddenly rises to Kayla’s face. “When I win the bet, you will have to answer that same question.”

  “Mmm,” Jackson hums. “I think it needs to be something risqué, like you need to wash my car in your bathing suit.”

  “Jackson,” Kayla hisses. “I thought we covered this. Stop it. Friends, remember? And no more random kissing.”

  He looks at her thoughtfully and replies, “You’re right. I’ll make it something disgusting then.”

  “Thanks.” Kayla laughs. “I have no idea what I’m going to have you do when I win.”

  “We’ll think of something.” He chuckles and looks at the floor. Jackson suddenly stiffens and stands up straight. “Heads up, buttercup.”

  “What?” Kayla asked, confused.

  “Kayla,” she hears from beside her. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

  She turns to see Jude standing next to her. With a disgusted look, Kayla snaps, “Hell, no.”

  “Come on, just give me a minute.”

  Nodding her head toward Jackson, Kayla declares, “He’s my liaison now. You can go talk to him.”

  “I’d be more than happy to have a conversation with you,” Jackson notes with a sinister grin.

  “I wanted to apologize for the other night,” Jude mumbles awkwardly under Jackson’s stare. “I didn’t mean to grab you.”

  With a snort, Kayla replies, “You knew exactly what you were doing. Your meager apology isn’t going to make things all right. You’ve tortured me for far too long.”

  With a single step, Jackson is behind her. “And the torturing stops today.”

  “I think she should fight her own battles,” Jude retorts harshly, staring at Jackson.

  Jackson leans over Kayla since he is so much taller than her. “Listen, her battles are my battles now. So you pick a fight with her and you’ll end up going toe-to-toe with me.”

  Kayla’s eyebrows shoot up, and she looks at Jackson. Jude just growls. “Whatever, so Kayla has a big, tough boyfriend now. Ooh, I’m so scared.”

  Jackson emits a deep throaty noise, and Kayla starts pushing him in the opposite direction dow
n the hall. “Jude,” she yells. “Go away or I’m going to let him loose.”

  Jude glares at them and then walks the other direction. Jackson looks down at Kayla. “You should just let me take care of him.”

  “Though it would be entertaining to see, violence doesn’t solve anything. Come on. I don’t want to be late for class.” When they get to their classroom, Jackson flops down in his chair and looks at Kayla. “What?” she whines.

  “He and I will encounter each other in a dark alley one of these days.”

  Her eyes nearly roll into the back of her head. “You aren’t my boyfriend, Jackson. You don’t have to be so protective. I’m not going to swoon over your need for chivalry.”

  A smirk crosses Jackson’s face. “A little swooning wouldn’t hurt.”

  “Will you catch me if I do?” Kayla asks, returning the smile.

  Looking off to the side, Jackson hums to himself and then says, “Probably not.”

  Kayla's jaw drops. “You would let me fall on the floor?”

  Jackson sighs. “Probably.”

  “Idiot,” Kayla mumbles, turning her back to him. She feels his finger tickle her back, so she lifts her hand up and gives him the finger.

  He gasps. “How rude! Now you won’t get breakfast in the morning. I’ll just take Tracy out.”

  “She’d probably love that,” Kayla replies, turning back around. “She thinks your hhhhooooot.”

  “So do yyyooouuu.”

  “That’s what yyyooouuu think.”

  Jackson is about to say something else but closes his mouth when the teacher starts talking. Kayla takes out her notebook and sighs.

  After class, Jackson steps beside Kayla and asks, “So do you want to come over tonight? You can see my massive house and be envious.”

  “You’re ridiculous,” Kayla groans.

  “I have an indoor pool,” Jackson murmurs in her ear.

  Kayla looks at him with a smirk. “You just want to see me in my bathing suit.”

  “Oh puleez, you’re the one having fantasies about my body.”

  “You were fully clothed, thank you very much. Anyway, I don’t daydream about you. I had one dream. That’s it…one. Don’t get a big head about it.”

  He chuckles and shakes his head. “Whatever, there will be more, trust me. Now, are you coming over tonight? We can work on our short story.”