Page 6 of Deadly Lies

  “Family issue. That’s all.” Max pulled away from her. He hurried into the hall and scooped up her shirt, then he tossed it back to her. “Playtime’s over.”

  Her eyes narrowed at that, and he knew he was being a bastard, but he had to get away from her. Can’t let this touch her. “The next time you’re looking for a fast fuck, baby, give me a call, but—”

  “Stop it!” Red stained her cheeks. “I heard you. You know I did!” She took a step toward him, a furrow between her brows. Her voice lowered as she asked, “Someone has your brother? Someone has kidnapped Quinlan?”

  He just stared back at her.

  “What do they want?” Whispered now. Afraid.

  That same fear was in his heart, twisting and turning along with a fury that flamed too hot. “I don’t know yet.” His mouth had gone bone dry.

  Samantha pulled the shirt over her head. Her soft curls tangled around her face. “They’ll call you again, right? If we stay here, they’ll call…” She hurriedly finished dressing.

  He shook his head. Wasting time. “I have to get to my stepfather’s.” He swung away from her. “The asshole on the phone said there’d be a message….” But when would it come? And just what would he want?

  Money, obviously, but how much? Frank Malone was worth so damn much money. Malone’s first wife had been one of those rich, old-money types, and when she died all of her fortune had gone straight to Frank.

  No matter how much the bastard wanted, Max would make sure that Frank paid. Max wasn’t going to let his brother wind up like Briar. “I think it’s the same ones,” he muttered, not looking back. “Like that guy in the paper.”

  “You don’t know that for certain,” her voice came with a fast, hard snap, and he stopped in surprise.

  Samantha circled him, forcing him to stare at her. “You don’t know anything about these people. This could just be a hoax, a trick, somebody who saw the story in the papers and who wants to screw with you.”

  If only. “The guy on the phone—he saw us at The Core.”

  Her lips parted in surprise.

  “He was there, baby. He saw you, he saw me, and he took my brother while I was so distracted by you I could hardly breathe.” He stared into her deep eyes, eyes so wide and open, and for a second, a dark suspicion twisted in his soul.

  They’d met so suddenly. She’d come on so strong.

  Then she’d just appeared at the D.C. party. With me and Quinlan.

  And she’d been at The Core, with me and Quinlan.

  Samantha had been there last night, and tonight…

  Frank Malone would pay nothing if Max disappeared. Max wasn’t real flesh and blood, so the old man wouldn’t give a shit about him. The money—the family money—was all tied to Quinlan.

  “The guy said he’d been following you?” Real surprise flashed over her delicate features.

  He grabbed his keys. “Go home. I don’t have time for—”

  “I’m coming with you!” Fast, tumbling words. “Wherever you’re going, whatever you’re doing, I’m coming.”

  He glanced up in time to see Samantha snatch up her shoes. “I’m not letting you do this alone,” she told him.

  Max shook his head. “You don’t know what—”

  Her finge