Page 19 of Hidden Wings

  “Mom!” I said, shaking her. “Mom!”

  Her eyes snapped up at me, at first with a look of shock, and then with a tiny glimmer of hope. A smile then formed on her lips. Thank God. That magical word actually snapped her out of her despair.

  Everyone stared with mouths gaping open. “We need a plan,” I said, pronouncing each word slowly.

  Alaine wiped her face, closed her eyes, and took in a long deep breath.

  “Yes,” she said, placing her palm on my cheek. “I’m sorry. My behavior was inappropriate and unprofessional. It-It’s just been so long. It’s like he’s back from the dead.”

  “Well he won’t be if we don’t rescue him,” I urged, pulling her up to her feet.

  “Emma’s right. We have to do something or they’ll die,” James added.

  “Lucien must know that we are here, and he’ll be ready,” she said.

  “Why is everyone afraid of Lucian?” I questioned.

  “Lucian is one of the oldest of the Fallen. He’s been around since the beginning. Since the fall. He was Lucifer’s right hand man and commander of his army; that is…until they had their own falling away. Lucian is one of the strongest, most cunning Angels alive, and it was he who issued the decree to kill all Nephilim.”

  “Which is why we need to get Alaine and Emma out of here,” Malachi urged.

  “I agree.” Kade stepped forward.

  “I hope you all know that this is a suicide mission,” Alexander blurted with a raised eyebrow.

  “Hey… Go big or go home, bro!” Dominic said with a little too much enthusiasm.

  “Wait!” I butted in. “I think I might have a plan. It’s risky but I’m willing to do it.” They all went silent and stared, which I took as an ‘okay’. So I shared my plan.

  “No way. There has to be another way.” Kade crossed his arms in front of his chest and shook his head.

  “I think it’s a damn great idea,” Dominic countered, winking at me. Kade shot him an evil look. “Hey, what else do we have? I think we’ll have a shot. If it doesn’t work… then we’ll all die together. I’m in.” Dominic stuck his hand out in the middle of everyone.

  Malachi and James slapped their hands on top of his, and then Alexander and I followed. Kade and Alaine hesitated. I knew it was because they were protective of me, and afraid for my safety. I looked at them both and nodded. I tried giving a look of confidence; a look that said I was all in, and that I believed in my plan. It worked. Man, I was good. Alaine slowly placed her hand on mine, squeezed gently, and wrapped her free hand around my shoulder.

  “It could work,” she said, turning to Kade.

  Kade shook his head. “I just want you all to know that I don’t agree with this. I’m only going along because I won’t turn my back on my friends,” he said, reluctantly placing his hand on top.

  It was done. The plan was sealed. We all huddled in a group hug, not knowing if we’d see each other again.

  I closed my eyes and pictured my parents smiling at me. Then I thought of Lia and Jeremy. I pictured them sleeping snuggly in their beds, nothing to worry about except chores and the new school year… Senior year. The things I took for granted. They had it easy.

  And here I was… risking my life to save a boy I didn’t even know, and my Angel father and his best friend (who I never knew existed until today), from supernatural beings who wanted me dead.

  I was in another world, living another life; a life most humans knew nothing about, a life that was told in mythical tales and legends. It was unfathomable, but it was real, and I was a part of it whether I wanted to be, or not.

  I sighed, taking in a deep breath, and then took my first step toward my destiny, and whatever fate had planned for me tonight.

  Chapter 16:

  I headed down the dark tunnel alone, while the others stayed behind, and prayed that my plan would work. It seemed like a great plan at the time, but as I began my quest alone, I started to second-guess myself.

  The best that could happen? We rescue Caleb, Danyel, my father - Samuel, and hopefully my rescuer. I wondered if Samuel and my rescuer were the same person. He did have the same dark-brown eyes I did, but his face was totally covered with an unkempt beard, so I couldn’t really tell what he looked like. But there was something deep inside of me, a tiny feeling which was telling me that he was my father. I smiled as I thought about it. My Rescuer = My Father? Maybe.

  I just hoped that if my plan didn’t work… I’d die quickly.

  I could tell I was getting close because the stench of the Darkling was almost unbearable. It was a stink I’d never get used to, that made me gag and my eyes water.

  Faint moans followed by cheers and laughter, echoed through the tunnel sending a chill down my spine. My pulse started to race, stomach twisted in the tightest of knots, and my legs started to feel weak and wobbly.

  “Come on Emma! Hold it together!” I whispered to myself.

  I couldn’t give up. I couldn’t go back. There was too much at stake. Peoples’ lives were at stake, and sadly entrusted in my feeble, un-transformed hands.

  Another torch, ten yards away, lit the tunnel off to the left.

  Footsteps, scuffling along the dirt ground headed in my direction.

  Holy crap… what do I do? What do I do?

  Then Dominic’s words rang through my head. Go big, or go home.

  I really, really wanted to go home, but I didn’t think knocking my mud covered converse shoes together three times was magical enough to send me there. But heck, this all seemed like some twisted fairytale anyway, so I decided to try it. I closed my eyes and quickly clicked my heels together. One…Two…Three…

  I opened my eyes.


  Whatever. It was worth a try. But, I wasn’t Dorothy, and instead of a witch and flying monkeys, I had a murderous Fallen Angel and Darkling. I’d take flying monkeys over the Darkling any day!

  I gathered myself, took in a deep breath, and trudged towards the oncoming evil that lurked around the corner. As soon as I took the turn a Darkling halted in its tracks, his black eyes locked onto mine; its white, creepy face loomed back and forth, sniffing the air, trying to figure out what it had just run into.

  “Take me to your leader,” I demanded, crossing my arms over my chest.

  He paused, stepping closer to me, continuing to sniff. His eyes suddenly narrowed, like he finally figured out who I was. An evil, horrifying laugh rumbled in his throat.

  I became terrified, but tried my best not to show it. There was one thing I was really good at when I was scared, and that was running my mouth. So I blurted out a snarky remark.

  “Damn, you stink and you’re freakin’ ugly. Poor God must have hurt his back trying to bend and scrape the bottom of the crap barrel to create you.”

  That must have really pissed him off, because he lunged forward and grabbed my arms tightly. I tried to fight him off, but he hurled me to the ground, knocking the wind out of me. He then grabbed my right arm and dragged me over the dirt and rocks. Pain throbbed where it was broken a few days ago. I held my breath, trying to keep my mind off of it.

  We were soon at a large wooden door. The Darkling kept a firm grip on me, while it pulled it open.

  As soon as the door swung open, I gasped. My rescuer was lying on the ground, face down. He looked unconscious, or dead, and it suddenly made my stomach turn.

  Was he my father?

  And then I saw Danyel, curled up, grasping his side, trying to raise himself from the floor. Both he and my hero’s shirts were torn off, and they were covered with lacerations, bruises and blood.

  My heart hammered. If they could do that kind of damage to them, what could they do to me? But I couldn’t think about that right now. I had to keep focused.

  I did a quick scan of the room, and what we were up against. There were seven Darkling standing against the right side of the room, and three others that looked like they could be the Fallen. I suddenly recognized two of them. They were the one
s that were with Danyel, the ones he sent out to find Alaine.

  The blonde one was standing over Danyel, beating him with a club that had some kind of spikes attached to it. The brown haired one was standing against the wall, next to an older man who was seated in a large wooden chair. He had to be Lucian.

  Caleb was in a chair at the far corner of the cave, bound and gagged. He was filthy, and his clothes shredded. He looked up at me; is wide blue eyes were filled with horror. I knew the feeling. I tried to squeeze out a smile, to offer him some kind of hope, but my own hope was barely hanging on by a thread.

  “Ahhhhhh. So, what has the demon dragged in?” the older gentleman asked, looking at me with a wicked grin.

  “A Nephilim,” the Darkling hissed.

  “So this is the child? The one that keeps getting away?” His words were soft, but sharp. He rose from his seat as the Darkling dragged me closer.

  Lucian didn’t look strong or God-like as the others had built him up to be. He was about as tall as the others, and didn’t seem muscular at all. His hair was white, clean-cut, and drawn back, which made him look regal and wise, and he didn’t have one single wrinkle on his face. He was actually sort of good looking… for a super old guy.

  He knelt in front of me, raised his hand, and softly rubbed his fingers against my face.

  “What is your name, child?”

  “Why do you care?” I said, pulling away from his touch.

  He laughed.

  “What would make you think that I wouldn’t?” he questioned, carefully watching me with a glint in his eye. He motioned for the Darkling to release me, and as soon as he did, I got up and ran over to Caleb.

  “Why’d you take him? He’s just a human boy,” I said, untying Caleb’s ropes. Inside I was trembling, fumbling with the knots.

  “So if he’s a human boy, then what are you?” He asked, toying with me. I didn’t care if he was the oldest, strongest, and wisest of all the Fallen Angels. He wanted me dead, and he killed my parents. I hated him. I hated him with every cell in my being.

  I finally freed Caleb but he remained glued to his seat. His hands twisted around the red marks left by the ropes.

  “I don’t know what I am. I thought I was human, until one of your demon pawns called me a Nephilim,” I barked. Lucian laughed and the rest of the room erupted, mimicking him. I started to burn with rage, but I needed to keep my cool. “I’ve heard that you’re one of the leaders of the Fallen. Is that true?”

  He grinned, and slowly answered, “Yes. That is true.”

  “Then I have a question for you.”

  “Speak child,” he said inquisitively.

  “How can you tell if someone is spawned of an Angel?”

  He gazed at me with a look of wonder, and a wide smile grew across his face. I think he was amused. Good. My plan was taking effect. My mother always said I could command a room. I was witty, sarcastic, and usually quick with my words, when I wanted to be.

  “I like this one,” he said, turning to the others. “I’ve never had such pleasure speaking to a Nephilim, in all my years.”

  “Well, that’s because you murder them before they even have a chance. And how do you even know that I am one of those things?” I asked. The more questions I asked, the more his attention would be on me, and away from anyone else in the room.

  He walked towards me, while the others in the room watched intently. I glanced at Danyel, and he slowly shook his head in disagreement. His eyes narrowed, and then I remembered what he said… Danyel said that Lucian didn’t know who I really was, and if he ever found out… oh crap!

  My heart began to pound as Lucian began to speak, inching closer and closer to me.

  “Well child, first of all, Angels have a distinct smell. A fragrance that is sweet, pleasant, and purely angelic.” He was now a few feet away, and took in a deep breath. “And you, child… have a particularly sweet smell.” He paused, and I held my breath. “Secondly, if you are a Nephilim, you will bear the mark of the Angel you were spawned from.”

  “Well, I don’t have any marks. Not even a birthmark, so you’re wrong about that,” I said with confidence. I knew I didn’t have a birthmark. I was sure of it.

  “The mark will be hidden, on the back of your neck,” he said, now inches from me. “If you were a pure blood, your mark would be on the back of your right ear.” He brushed the hair from my ear and it sent a shiver down my spine.

  “I do have a scar on my neck, but it’s from when I was a kid. I fell off of a wall and gashed it,” I said with confidence.

  “May I see your scar?”

  I glanced back at Danyel, who shut his eyes. It was too late. My mother told me the story about the scar, but I didn’t ever remember falling. What if it was a mark? Would he really be able to tell if I was something other than a Nephilim? I had a feeling that he wouldn’t take no for an answer, and I didn’t want to start a fight, so I pulled up my hair to let him look.

  There was complete silence as Lucian traced his finger along my scar.

  “This is no scar. This is your mark.”

  I dropped my hair and turned around. His eyes were fastened to the Fallen Angel near Danyel.

  “Bring him to me,” he said pointing to my motionless rescuer.

  The angel grabbed his leg and dragged him over to Lucian. He moaned, slightly moving his head.

  He was alive!

  Lucian kicked him over so he could view the back of his right ear. He lifted his thick brown hair and studied the mark. He made a quick motion with his head to the other angels, and turned to me, his eyes steeled on mine.

  “Come child,” he demanded. I stepped forward, my legs trembling. “Have you seen your mark?”

  “You mean my scar?” I reiterated.

  He looked at me with a look of exasperation.

  “Then tell me this. Why does he bear a mark, very similar to yours? Did he happen to fall off of the same wall?” I stepped closer and looked at the back of my hero’s neck. He did have a mark similar to mine, but I had another mark. A mark that was under the one that looked like his. This must have stumped Lucian, because he had a bewildered look in his eye, as he studied the mark behind my hero’s ear.

  The angel standing near him spoke. “Lucian, there is no doubt that she bears Samuel’s mark, but what is the other? It almost looks like -”

  “Quiet!” Lucian roared.

  Oh shit. What is it?

  All breathe seized in my throat, but the Angel had just confirmed my deepest question. My rescuer was Samuel, and Samuel was my father.

  Lucians head snapped up. He glared at the other Fallen, and his face suddenly became hard; brows tightened, teeth clenched. He turned to me and with a quick blink of his eyes… they changed, becoming black as night.

  I was now, officially terrified.

  Where the hell are they?

  No sooner than I thought those words, both angels on the sides of Lucian were skewered with Dominic’s swords. The one standing over Samuel, pulled the sword from his side, the other dropped motionless. He’d gotten his right through the heart.

  A deep, horrifying growl rumbled from Lucian’s throat. He slowly backed to the far corner of the room.

  I thought he was some great warrior?

  Dominic rushed through the door with Malachi, Kade, Alexander, and James right behind him. Dominic headed to the Angel on the ground, pulled the sword from his heart, and severed his head.

  Malachi attacked the second. He was injured, but still strong. I could tell he was a warrior, because he was quick, dodging Malachi’s attempts. Their clanging of swords echoed through the cave. Dominic jumped in to help him.

  I turned and witnessed Kade, Alex, and James taking out the Darkling one by one, quickly and with precision. My plan worked. I had turned the attention of the room to me so that the others could come in and catch the enemy off-guard. Thank God they came when they did. If they waited any longer, Lucian would have killed me himself.

  In the heat o
f the battle, I grabbed Caleb by the arm, and ran for the door. As soon as we stepped out, Alaine was there. She grabbed Caleb and hugged him tightly, then grabbed me and pulled me into their huddle.

  “You’re safe! Oh thank God, you’re safe.” Her words trembled as she spoke.

  “Dammit! That’s gonna leave a mark!” Dominic yelled. Blood spewed from a large open wound on his arm. Malachi came up from behind the blonde angel and… BAM! Shot him in the back of the head.

  Blood and brain matter splattered all over Dominic.

  “Holy freakin’ crap! Literally dude! Like, what the hell?!” Dominic griped, wiping the blood and grime off his face.

  Another deep, evil growl rumbled from Lucian.

  “I hope you all remember this night, because the next time you see me, you will all die.” He spread his arms out to his sides and magically, the most beautiful, silky black wings appeared from his back. Hidden wings? That was crazy!

  I was beside myself, gazing upon this wonder; a wonder I’d only read about, or seen in the movies. All this time I thought Angel’s wings were white. Maybe his were black because he was Fallen. Whatever it was…it was still beyond awesome.

  His wings spread, and they were enormous, around twenty-feet from tip to tip. One solitary flap sent a gust of wind swirling throughout the cavern. Lucian was now hovering weightlessly above the ground. The nice looking white-haired man now looked evil, powerful, and completely God-like.

  Dominic, Malachi and James immediately dove to the ground, and in a split-second, with another flap of his wings, Lucian shot out the door like a bullet.

  Alaine pushed me and Caleb to the ground, diving on top of us. I suddenly felt dizzy and everything around me became a blur. It was like I was enclosed in a water bubble, but didn’t dare move.

  Pieces of rock crumbled like sand, as Lucian’s wings skimmed the sides of the cavern walls above us. If we didn’t hit the ground, he would have easily taken off our heads.

  As soon as Lucian left, Dominic started his griping.

  “Are you telling me you had that gun the whole time?” Dominic snapped at Malachi. “Dude, you could have saved me a scar!”