Hermans, Hans, 371–373
Hermitage Fund, 1, 76, 363, 375
anchor investors in, 77–88, 93, 94, 100–102
beginnings of, 76, 77–86, 88, 95–103
Browder banned from Russia and, 11–13, 169, 170–89, 193
Gazprom theft and investigation, 154–62, 192–93
investigation into stolen companies, 201–35, 252–53, 271–72
lawyers as targets, 237–53, 254–68, 360
MNPZ and, 98–100
money removed from Russia, 183–85, 196, 212, 215
Moscow offices, 96–103, 121, 196–200
1998 financial crisis and aftermath, 131–46
operating procedures manual, 88, 94
police raids on, 196–200, 203, 208–10, 216, 228, 230
recovery, 166–67
redemption orders, 185–86, 190
run on the fund, 190
Russian criminal cases against, 189, 190–200, 201–35, 236–53, 270–72, 323, 343–45, 360, 364–70
Russian raider attack, 213–27
Sidanco and, 104–30, 134–35
success of, 102–3, 131, 162, 166
tax evasion charges, 201–4, 210, 225–27
tax-rebate fraud and, 231–37, 252–53, 257, 264, 271–72, 288, 301, 316–26, 328
YouTube video, 264–65, 271–72
Hermitage Global, 191–92, 196, 216
launch of, 196, 216
“Hermitage Reveals Russian Police Fraud” (video), 271–72
Hersh, Ken, 22–23 and n
Hezbollah, 187
Holland, 371
Holtzman, Marc, 88–93, 95, 96, 192
Hong Kong, 211
Horwitz, Tony, 48
“The Bouncing Czech,” 48–49
House of Committee on Investigations, 290
House of Representatives, US, 13, 290, 302, 305, 346–50
House Un-American Activities Committee, 13
HSBC, 138, 170, 185, 187, 209
Republic National Bank taken over by, 138–39, 142
human rights abuses, 261, 271, 301, 303, 328, 350, 366–67, 373, 376
Cardin List and, 298–309
documentation of, 286, 294, 301, 331
global legislation, 330, 346, 353, 378–79
Katyn massacre, 279–80
Magnitsky Act and, 305–9, 313, 327–29, 340–50
Magnitsky case, see Magnitsky case
sanctions used against, 291–94, 299–309, 327–29, 368, 373, 377
in Vietnam, 306
Human Rights Watch, 292, 303
Hungary, 53
Incheon Airport, 210
Independent, 182, 352
Indonesia, 131, 210
infrastructure, 111, 112
ING, 209
Intercommerz Bank, 233–34
Interior Ministry, 196–200, 220, 237, 249, 250, 254, 262, 270, 271, 283, 296, 327
cases against Hermitage, 189, 190–200, 201–35, 236–553, 270–72, 323, 343–45, 360, 364–70
Hermitage lawyers as targets of, 237–53, 254–68, 360
Internal Affairs Department, 220, 224, 314, 315
Magnitsky arrest and imprisonment, 254–78, 280–88
raids on Hermitage Fund, 196–200, 203, 208–10, 216, 228, 230
wealth of officials in, 311–26, 343
International Bar Association, 262
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 133, 365
Russian bond market bailout, 133–34
International Protection Centre, 303
Interpol Red Notices, 202, 270, 367–70
for Browder, 367–70, 374
Ireland, George, 44–51
Israel, 5, 71, 102, 187–88
Istanbul, 162, 242
Italy, 135, 240, 243, 245, 312
IVS1, 260
Jackson-Vanik amendment, 334–39
Jagger, Bianca, 350
Japan, 28–29, 55
Jews, 14, 135, 175
Nazi persecution of, 14, 369
Soviet, 334
Jordan, Boris, 117–19, 123–26, 128, 219
Jordan, Nick, 117
JP Morgan, 21–23, 117, 183
Justice for Sergei (documentary), 371–73
Kaban, Elif, 181–82
Kalmykia, 225–26, 228
Kameya, 198
police raid on, 198–99, 203
taxes, 202, 210
Karoubi, Jean, 77–78, 191, 192, 374, 375
Karpov, Pavel, 203, 209, 216–19, 224–27, 233, 296, 301, 310–15, 319, 327
libel suit against Browder, 344–45, 374
wealth of, 312–15, 343
YouTube video on, 313, 314–15, 322–23, 343
Kasparov, Garry, 329
Katyn massacre, 279–80
Katz, Eugene, 45
Kazakhstan, 7
Kazan, 214, 229, 230, 234, 238–43, 248
Kerry, John, 331
Magnitsky Act and, 331–39, 340
KGB, 106, 175, 279n
Khabarovsk, 247–50
Kharitonov, Dmitri, 256, 277, 281–82
Khayretdinov, Eduard, 209–27, 229–35, 237–53, 255, 259, 282, 367
as a fugitive, 241–42, 246–48
leaves Russia, 251–53
Khimki, 232, 233
Khlebnikov, Vyacheslav, 325
Khodorkovsky, Mikhail, 145, 167–69, 183
arrest and trial of, 167–69
Kiev, 258
Kirov, 311
Koifman, Sandy, 83–84, 88, 93, 142
Kommersant, 182
Korean Air, 213
Krasnoyarsk, 102
Krivoruchko, Aleksey, 267
Kuwait, 159, 191
Kuznetsov, Artem, 195–97, 209, 216, 217, 224–27, 230, 232–33, 259, 262, 296, 301, 310–15, 319
wealth of, 311–15, 343
YouTube video on, 313–15, 322–23, 343
Kuznetsov, Vyacheslav, 159
Lake Como, 135–37
La Leopolda, 74, 78
Latvia, 119
Lavrov, Sergei, 358, 360
Lebanon, 187–88
Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, Sabine, 261–62, 264
Levada polling agency, 101 and n
Liar’s Poker, 52
Lieberman, Joe, 327, 334–36
Lindquist, John, 25–30, 37, 40
literature, Russian, 96, 298
Litvinenko, Alexander, 317, 351
Logunov, Oleg, 313
Loiko, Sergei, 360
London, 1, 9, 10, 25–27, 33, 38, 41, 78–79, 83–86, 95, 126, 170–82, 183, 201, 206–7, 216, 225, 237, 250, 251, 269, 322, 344, 364, 369
Boston Consulting Group in, 25, 26–27
courts, 374
human rights community, 350
Maxwell Communications Corporation in, 41–51
Metropolitan Police, 237–38
Russians in, 317, 347–53, 377
Salomon Brothers in, 52–63, 64–70
theater, 347, 350
Lopatinski, Yuri, 99, 104–5
Los Angeles, 28, 70, 80–82
Los Angeles Times, 360
LOT Airlines, 30
Ludwig, Bobby, 61–63, 66–71
Lukoil, 69, 105, 108, 111, 112
Lyne, Sir Roderic, 170, 186–87
Maat, Martin, 372, 373
Mafia, Russian, 150, 241, 289
Magnitsky, Natalia, 280–85, 331, 355, 376
Magnitsky, Natasha, 254–55, 285, 377, 378, 379
Magnitsky, Nikita, 254–55, 374, 377, 378, 379
Magnitsky, Stanislav, 254–55
Magnitsky, Sergei, 202, 209–15, 230–35, 252–53, 372
arrest of, 254–68
in court, 274–76
death of, 276–78, 280–88, 327, 343, 360, 366, 371–73, 376
deteriorating health of, 265–68, 269, 277
funeral of, 285
imprisonment and torture of, 258–68, 269–78, 280–88, 296, 304, 308, 331
legacy of, 355, 371–8
prison diary and documentation, 278, 282, 286, 301, 331
refusal to leave Russia, 252–53
tax-rebate fraud and, 231–35, 237, 252–53, 257, 272, 288, 314, 328
trial on tax evasion in abstentia, 364–70
See also Magnitsky Act; Magnitsky case
Magnitsky Act, 305–9, 313, 327–29, 340–50, 358, 366
Congress and, 305–9, 327–29, 340–55
early drafts, 305–6, 308
global, 330, 346, 353, 378–79
Malkin delegation and, 340–44
Putin’s response to, 356–62
vote and passage of, 343, 347–50, 354–55, 364
Magnitsky case, 255–380
arrest of Magnitsky, 254–68
autopsy reports, 284, 331
Cardin List and, 298–99
Congress and, 305–9, 327–29, 340–55
death of Magnitsky, 276–78, 280–88, 327, 343, 360, 366, 371–73, 376
documented human rights abuses, 286, 301, 331
imprisonment and torture, 258–68, 269–78, 280–88, 296, 304, 308, 331
legacy of, 371–80
legislation, 305–9, 327–39, 340–50
media on, 263–64, 270–72, 283, 288, 301, 313–14, 330, 337, 343, 352, 359–60, 369
MPOC report on, 287
Perepilichnyy and, 318–26, 347–53
Putin and, 302, 328, 344, 356–62, 363–70, 373–74
state “investigation,” 285–88
state-sponsored cover-up and lying, 286–88, 292
Swiss bank accounts, 316–26
visa sanctions and asset freezes, 291, 293–94, 297, 298, 299–309, 327–39, 368, 373, 377
YouTube videos, 264–65, 271–72, 310–15, 321–26, 327, 343
Mahaon, 234, 235
Malaysia, 131
Malev, 53–54
Malkin, Vitaly, 340–44
Malkin delegation, 340–44
Markelov, Viktor, 214, 248–49, 310
Marseille, 208
mathematics, 13, 14, 15
Matrosskaya Tishina, 260–61, 265, 281, 285, 331
Maxwell, Kevin, 44, 51
Maxwell, Robert, 40–51, 52
corporate fraud, 50–51
death of, 46–47
Maxwell Central and East European Partnership, 42
Maxwell Communications Corporation (MCC), 41–51, 52
bonuses, 47–48
Browder at, 41–51
Eastern European operations, 45–46
share price, 46–47
Maxwell House, 41, 43, 50
McCain, John, 306–9
Magnitsky Act and, 306–9, 327, 332, 335 and n, 341, 355
McCarthy, Joseph, 13
McGovern, Jim, 302–5, 308, 332, 341, 355
McKinsey, 19
media, 91, 137, 165
on Browder’s banishment from Russia, 171–72, 180–82, 185, 187, 194
on Hermitage tax-rebate fraud, 236, 252, 271–72
on Magnitsky case, 263–64, 270–72, 283, 288, 301, 313–14, 330, 337, 343, 352, 359–60, 369
on oligarch corruption, 124–30, 160–61, 165
on Perepilichnyy’s death, 352
persecuted journalists in Russia, 303
Russian, 91, 182, 214, 236, 252, 264, 288, 301, 359, 365
on Russian adoption ban, 359–61
on Sidanco’s dilutive share issue, 124–30
Medvedev, Dmitri, 193–95, 263, 364n
Browder and, 193–95, 363–64
Magnitsky case and, 262, 286–87
Mergers & Acquisitions Europe, 40, 41
Mikheeva, Ekaterina, 310–11
Mikheeva, Fyodor, 310–11
Milan, 243, 245
Miller, Alexey, 162
MIT, 13, 15
MNPZ, 98–100
Molokova, Elena. See Browder, Elena
Morgan Stanley, 19
Moscow, 1–11, 12, 59, 66–70, 84, 95–103, 104, 143, 163–65, 247, 254, 311
anti-Putin demonstrations, 361
bureaucracy, 158
Hermitage offices, 96–103, 121, 196–200
Interior Ministry, see Interior Ministry
Kremlin, 107, 141, 165
1998 financial crisis and aftermath, 131–46
Pushkin Square, 157–58
real estate, 311–15, 321, 324–26
Red Square, 59, 67
taxis, 96
voucher privatization, 67–70, 105
Moscow Detention Center No. 5, 258
Moscow Oil Refinery. See MNPZ
Moscow Public Oversight Commission (MPOC) report, 287
Moscow Registration Chamber, 158
Moscow State University, 147, 258
Moscow Times, 126, 188
Moscow Traffic Police, 4, 101, 312
Mossad, 5, 74
Murmansk, 55–59
Murmansk Trawler Fleet, 55–59
Musacchio, Aldo, 354
National Medal of Science, 14
National Security Council, 180, 182, 341
natural gas. See oil and gas
Natural Gas Partners, 23n
Navalny, Alexei, 329
Nazism, 14, 135, 280, 369
Nekhoteevka, 242
nepotism, 45
New Diorama Theatre, London, 350
New Times magazine, 313–14
New Year’s, 117, 175, 361
New York, 62, 70, 77–78, 129, 269
New York Times, The, 131, 160, 182, 194, 236
Nice, 73, 74
Nizhny Novgorod, 247
NKVD, 279 and n
Norten, Richard, 237–38
Northern Distribution Network, blockade of, 356–57
Norway, 367–68
Novaya Gazeta, 288
Novocherkassk, 232
Novosibirsk, 287
NTV, 365
Nuremberg trials, 280
Nuskhinov, Dmitry, 226–27
Obama, Barack, 263, 293, 295, 301, 329, 330, 334, 356, 358
Oborne, Peter, 369
Occidental Petroleum, 156
oil and gas, 60, 104, 144, 191
barrels of oil (BOE), 156 and n
Gazprom theft and investigation, 154–62, 192–93
MNPZ, 98–100
oligarch corruption, 115–30, 154–62, 167–79
Russian, 60, 69, 98–101, 104–30, 143–44, 167–69
Sidanco, 104–30
See also specific companies
Ojuland, Kristiina, 379
oligarchs, Russian, 3–5, 87, 91, 104, 113–30, 134, 177, 221
Browder’s anti-corruption campaigns against, 115–30, 144–48, 154–69, 181, 192–93
corporate-governance abuse, 144–48, 165–69
corruption and theft, 115–30, 144–48, 154–69, 181, 192–93
1996 presidential elections and, 91–94, 101–3
1998 financial crisis and, 134–38, 144–46
Potanin, 104, 113, 115–30, 134–35
Putin and, 165–69, 183
Wall Street and, 144
See also specific oligarchs
Olswang, 344–45
One Hour Eighteen Minutes (play), 347, 350
Oslo Airport, 367
Oslo Freedom Forum, 366–67
Ostrovsky, Arkady, 181
Oz (TV show), 256, 260
Pakistan, 356–57
Pan, Philip, 263–64
Parfenion, 229, 234, 235
Paris, 70, 151–53, 199
Park, Kevin, 211, 213
Parker, Kyle, 263, 295–97
Magnitsky case and, 295–306, 327–39, 341–46, 353, 355
Pastukhov, Vladimir, 179, 216, 237–40, 273–74, 282, 286, 320–21, 349, 355, 367
flees Russia, 242–45
Patrushev, Nikolai, 175
Pavel Karpov v. William Browder, 344–45, 374
Pechegin, Andrei, 267
Perepilichnyy, Alexander, 318–26, 347–50
death of, 347–53
physics, 15
poisoning, 317–18, 351
Pluton, 214
poker, 47, 48, 143
Poland, 27–39, 59, 60
Autosan buses, 30–39
BCG operations in, 27–39
economy, 36
fall of communism, 30, 36
food, 32–33, 34–36
Katyn massacre, 279–80
privatizations, 36–39, 41, 54
Polanski, Roman, 299
Politkovskaya, Anna, 303
Potanin, Vladimir, 104, 113, 115–30, 134–35
Sidanco dilutive share issue, 115–30
preferred shares, 98–101
Preobrazhensky Cemetery, Moscow, 285
press. See media; specific publications
PricewaterhouseCoopers, 161
Prikhodko, Sergei, 171, 178
Princeton University, 13
Institute for Advanced Study, 13
privatizations, 36–37
in Eastern Europe, 36–37, 41, 53–54
in Poland, 36–39, 41, 54
in Russia, 54–63, 64–76, 87, 91–93, 98–101
voucher, 59–60, 67–70, 105
Proclamation 7750, 291, 293–94, 297, 298, 299–309, 327–39
Prutkov, Yuri, 57–58
Pulkovo Airport, 56
Pussy Riot, 365
Putin, Vladimir, 162, 165–69, 175, 183, 193, 280, 356–70
adoption ban law, 357–62
becomes president, 165
Browder and, 166–69, 175–77, 183–89, 236, 363–70, 375
inner circle, 175–76
leadership style, 359–62
Magnitsky case and, 302, 328, 344, 356–62, 363–70, 373–74
oligarchs and, 165–69, 183
response to Magnitsky Act, 356–62
radio, 236
Rassokhov, Rostislav, 224
Reagan, Ronald, 301
recessions, 131
1998 Asian crisis, 131–32
Reid, Harry, 353
Renaissance Capital, 117–20, 219, 220, 222
Republic National Bank, 72, 138
HSBC takeover of, 138–39, 142
Rettman, Andrew, 375–76
Reuters, 46, 115, 116, 126, 128, 181–82, 185
Rilend, 213, 214, 234, 235
Riyadh, 220
Robertson, Geoffrey, 378–79
Robertson, Julian, 70 and n
Romney, Mitt, 346
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 14
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 12, 14
Rostelecom, 69
Rozhetskin, Leonid, 118–20, 124
Russia (post-Soviet), 1–11, 156–57
adoption ban law, 357–62
Audit Chamber, 161
bond market, 132–38
Border Service, 194, 195, 242, 312
Browder banned from, 11–13, 169, 170–89, 193
Browder’s trial in abstentia, 364–70
bureaucracy, 158, 232
business culture, 125
conspiracy theories, 166
corporate-governance abuse, 144–49, 165–69
dachas, 104, 156, 249
economy, 60, 87
fall of communism, 2–3, 59–60, 112, 158, 291