“Wow,” Chantal says. “He’s a babe!”

  We all scowl at her. She holds up her hands and says hastily, “Just looking.”

  “Autumn.” I give her a nudge. “Is he your type?”

  “He looks more likely to vote Conservative than Green Party,” she says, lips pursed in thought. “Does he look like a man who’d wash out his cans to recycle them?”

  “No,” we tell her in unison.

  “Then I’ll stick with Addison,” she says with a contented smile. “He’s not so obviously Alpha.”

  “You’d better,” I say. “There’s not many that could meet your exacting criteria.”

  He smiles over at us again, then gives us a cheery wave before he leaves. We all wave back and then collapse into giggles.

  Clive bustles over. “Looks like you have an admirer, ladies.” Our dealer is bearing a plate of his finest chocolates. “He sent these over for you.”

  Clive hands the plate to me. “For me?” I ask. “Or for all of us?”

  “For all of you. But he did ask who you were, Lucy.”

  “Me, specifically?”

  “If you’d like it verbatim, he said, ‘Who’s the pretty blonde with the plaster cast?’”

  “Yes,” I say, “but did he ask because he felt sorry for me because I’m a poor old cripple, or did he fancy me?”

  “I don’t know.” Clive does his best exasperated “I’m a guy and I’m gay; you figure it out” look.

  He marches away, leaving us with our booty. We all look at the heaped plate of chocs in amazement. “Mmm,” I say. “Whoever he is, he has great taste.”

  I hand round the chocolates, and we all pick out our favorite. Nadia takes the Spicy Ginger one, infused with fresh grated ginger. A great chocolate for winter mornings with a strong cup of coffee. Autumn’s next and she takes her time as she chooses the English Rose: a delicate classic flavor which Clive makes to perfection, filled with a ganache infused with distilled rose petals— bliss. Chantal selects the Earl Grey Tea with its distinctive bergamot flavor which releases in delicious waves, leaving a long, slow aftertaste, making it feel like two chocolates for the price of one. Now it’s my turn. What shall I go for? As always, I’m spoiled for choice. My hand hovers over them—every single one loved and desired. Lemon and Thyme? Szechuan Pepper? I settle on one of the specialities of the house—Sea-Salted Caramel.

  Snuggling back down into Clive’s cushions, I pause for a moment and enjoy the buzz of anticipation. Then I pop the chocolate into my mouth, savoring the soft, chewy texture of the caramel and the creaminess of the milk chocolate, until Clive’s perfect twist kicks in and the taste of the unrefined sea salt from Brittany cuts through. The caramel melts deliciously in my mouth. Now, I truly am in Chocolate Heaven and I sigh with pleasure.

  Forget diamonds. Chocolate, I think you’ll find, is a girl’s best friend.



  Carole Matthews, The Chocolate Lovers' Club



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