Lord, her lover was meeting her husband.

  It sounded like the plot of a tawdry soap opera, yet Chloe couldn’t bring herself to feel guilty about her involvement with Derek. Her marriage to Felix had ended a long time ago. They may have been living together as husband and wife, but there had been no love. No tenderness. Not even mutual respect. Married to Felix, she’d stopped feeling like a woman. Because to him, she hadn’t been a woman—she’d been his possession, his punching bag.

  With Derek, she’d never felt more feminine in her life.

  Yet at the same time, that scary truth she’d reached at the community center earlier today continued to haunt her. How could she have fallen for Derek? She’d known they’d have to say goodbye once she left to straighten out the mess her life had become, and she also knew that any feelings on her part were one-sided. Derek might enjoy her company, he might desire her, but love?

  No, she suspected what he felt for her was duty, a reality that sent prickles of anguish to her heart. She didn’t want Derek Colton’s protection. She wanted…well, she didn’t know what she wanted, but it wasn’t that.

  The sound of the front door opening had Sawyer shooting to his feet. “Derek’s back,” he said with a grin, tearing out the door.

  Chloe smiled ruefully. Lord, was there anyone who didn’t think Derek had hung the stars and moon?

  She heard the two Coltons chatting in the front hall, then Derek’s deep voice saying, “Back to the main house, Squirt. Julia says you didn’t finish your homework.” There was an annoyed groan, some more muffled words and then Sawyer shouted, “Bye, Amelia!” and the door opened and shut again.

  A moment later, Derek appeared in the doorway. His navy blue sweater stretched over his big shoulders, his defined pecs flexing as he crossed his arms over the wide expanse of his chest. “I spoke to Felix,” he said without preamble.

  Chloe slowly rose from her chair. “And?”

  “And I have no idea what to think. He didn’t give any overt signs that he knew who I was, but he did say a couple of things that made me question what he knew.”

  “Like what?”

  “At one point he referred to you in the present tense—”

  “What?” she interrupted as horror slammed into her.

  Derek bridged the distance between them and placed his hands on her waist to pull her closer. “It could’ve been a slipup. A lot of folks continue to talk about those they’ve lost using the present tense.”

  “Did he say anything else?”

  “He got a little intense and started grilling me about whether I was dating anyone.”

  Panic rippled through her. “Oh, God. See? He knows about us!”

  “I have no clue what he knows,” Derek said with a sigh.

  She blew out a frustrated breath. “We have to assume he knows everything. He’s punishing me, Derek. He probably decided to amuse himself by sending me the wedding stuff while he consulted on that case, and now that the surgery is over, he’s going to make his move.”

  Derek’s shoulders stiffened. “I won’t let that bastard within two feet of you, Chloe.”

  She sighed. “I have to face him sooner or later.”

  “No, you don’t.” He practically glared at her. “The divorce and restraining order can be handled through lawyers and cops. You’re not going near Felix ever again, sweetheart. I don’t care if I have to throw you over my shoulder and lock you in my bedroom—you’re not going near him.”

  She had to laugh. “Wow. I kind of like this caveman Derek. Are you going to thump on your chest a couple of times, too?”

  “No. But I wasn’t kidding about the throwing you over my shoulder part.”

  The next thing she knew, he scooped her into his arms and settled her in a fireman’s carry. As she alternated between laughing and protesting, he marched out of the kitchen and carried her into his bedroom, where he deposited her on the bed.

  She landed with a bounce, laughing harder when Derek actually thumped his chest, grinning widely at her. Then the humor in his eyes faded, replaced by a smoldering flash of seduction. “Do you realize I haven’t seen you naked all day?” he rasped.

  The giggle that slipped out of her mouth was so not suited for a woman her age. “I hadn’t noticed,” she said impishly.

  “I think we need to change that.” He got on the bed next to her, his warm hands traveling under the hem of her shirt to stroke her suddenly feverish skin.

  Before he could pull the shirt over her head, Chloe stilled his hand and met his eyes. “What are we doing here, Derek?”

  His long silence confirmed that he knew she was referring to more than this simple, playful exchange. “Enjoying each other’s company,” he finally said.

  She couldn’t help the rush of disappointment. That was it?

  With a sigh, she rose on one elbow and studied his handsome face. “How do you feel about me?”

  The unease in his expression cut her to the core. “I…” He trailed off.

  “Are we…are you…” Another breath left her mouth, followed by a string of questions she couldn’t rein in. “Why are you doing so much for me? Why did you see Felix today? What’s going on between us?”

  “I care about you,” he said gruffly.

  Okay. Well, that was a start.

  “And I’d do this for anyone,” he added.

  She felt as if someone had dumped a bucket of icy water over her head.

  Derek hurried on, completely oblivious to her state of distress. “You’re in trouble, and I want to help. Because I care.”

  Because he’s the ultimate protector, a bitter voice corrected.

  Chloe battled the hot sting of tears, blinking rapidly before he noticed how quickly she was unraveling beside him. Pasting on a smile, she disentangled herself from his embrace and slid off the bed.

  “Where you going?”

  “Bathroom,” she said in a light tone.

  From the corner of her eye, she saw his shoulders relax, but relaxed was the last thing she felt as she headed for the washroom.

  I’d do this for anyone.

  She shut the door behind her and approached the mirror, feeling like a total fool as she examined her weary reflection. Of course he’d do it for anyone. Derek Colton rescued people. He helped them, supported them, cared for them.

  And she was just another one of the people he took responsibility for. Like the downtrodden patients he’d found work for on the ranch. The Double C’s housekeeper, Margie, Jimmy the ranch hand, even his siblings’ nanny was someone who’d been down on her luck before Derek swooped in to save the day.

  It shouldn’t surprise her that she was no different, that Derek considered it his duty to save his new nurse from her abusive husband.

  But it still disappointed her. Big-time. Especially because her feelings for Derek had nothing to do with duty.

  Chloe twisted the faucet and bent down to splash water on her face. The water was cold, but it was the wake-up call she needed, a frigid reminder that her involvement with Derek had gotten too serious. The intimacy of the situation was too confusing, too misleading, which indicated that it was time to put the brakes on this romantic relationship with Derek before she completely lost her head.

  And her heart.


  The next morning, Derek found Chloe at the kitchen table, huddled in front of his laptop. A steaming mug of coffee sat next to her, along with a plate of gooey cinnamon buns that made his mouth water. Ever since she’d moved in, he’d been waking up to the aroma of freshly baked treats or delicious breakfasts, and damned if he couldn’t get used to that.

  The domesticity of the situation disturbed him, however, as did the head-scratching conversation they’d had last night. He knew he must be sending her mixed signals, mak
ing love to her every night yet unable to put a label on their relationship, but he had no idea how to deal with the emotions plaguing him. Familiar emotions. Unfamiliar ones. Having a woman’s presence in his home again reminded him so much of being married to Tess, but at the same time, Chloe was nothing like his late wife. Whereas Tess had brought desperation and chaos into his life, Chloe brought warmth. She soothed his soul—and that scared the hell out of him.

  “What are you doing?” he asked as he entered the kitchen, eyeing her curiously.

  “Checking for flights,” she replied without looking up.

  Every muscle in his body tensed. “Why?”

  “I want to book a flight to L.A., preferably for tonight or tomorrow.”

  His heart sank to the pit of his stomach, joining the knot of panic already forming there. “Why so soon?”

  “I figured I could meet with a lawyer while Felix is in Philly ‘consulting’ on his case. Then when he returns to the west coast in a few days, I’ll have some ammunition to use when I officially reveal I’m alive.”

  Derek clenched his teeth so hard his jaw throbbed. Chloe still hadn’t met his eyes, and he could tell from her rigid shoulders that she was upset. But why? What had changed from last night to this morning? Why was she rushing to go back to the west coast?

  “I know you said you’d come with me,” she went on, continuing to avert her eyes. “But I won’t hold you to that, Derek. In fact, I think it’s better if I handled this alone.”

  “I disagree,” he said coolly.

  With a sigh, she finally made eye contact. “Then you’re still planning on coming to California with me?”

  He met her weary gaze with a pointed look. “Yes.”

  After a beat, she sighed again. “All right. I guess I’ll book two flights, then.”

  Derek squared his shoulders. “Don’t book anything yet.”

  She wrinkled her forehead.

  “I want to look at our appointment calendar first and see what I’ll need to juggle around. In fact,” he said hastily, “maybe I’ll do that now.”

  As he edged toward the door, Chloe glanced at him in surprise. “Like right now?” she said, agape.

  He nodded fervently. “Yeah, right now sounds good. I’ll drive over to the clinic and take a quick look at the calendar.” He halted in the doorway. “Set the alarm once I leave, and don’t go anywhere. I’ll be back soon.”

  Without waiting for a reply, he darted out of the kitchen, knowing Chloe was probably confused as hell by his sudden departure. He didn’t blame her—he was feeling pretty confused himself as he donned his coat and boots and hurried out of the house.

  What are you doing, man?

  He ignored the internal inquiry and got into his car. The thought of Chloe getting on a plane—without him—had him clenching his fingers over the steering wheel. No way would he let her go to California alone.

  Scratch that—no way would he let her go to California at all. She’d already admitted that Eden Falls felt like home to her, and there was no reason for her to return to the west coast. She could file for divorce and get a restraining order here.

  Flicking on the window defroster, Derek didn’t wait for the car to warm up before starting the engine and speeding away from the ranch. He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel as he followed the road leading toward the interstate. He had no intention of going to the clinic to check a damn calendar. As far as he was concerned, Chloe wouldn’t be boarding any westbound planes in the near future. She wouldn’t have to—because Derek was going to make sure Felix Moreno didn’t bother Chloe ever again.

  Derek knew that Moreno was supposed to meet Burt Winters at nine to sign some papers, and Derek planned on intercepting the man before he left the hospital. If it came down to it, he was willing to use violence to get his point across. Moreno might be a world-famous plastic surgeon, but Derek had four years of college football on his side, not to mention that two-year stint on Penn State’s wrestling team.

  He had no qualms about knocking the bastard off his high horse and making it clear that Chloe was off-limits. Now that he’d concluded his consultation, Moreno didn’t have any reason to remain in town, and Derek was determined to send him packing.

  And if he doesn’t know she’s alive?

  The thought made him falter. If Moreno truly was in the dark about Chloe, then Derek would pretty much be announcing to the man that his wife wasn’t dead.

  Then again, that was something Chloe planned to do, anyway. Moreno would find out the truth the second Chloe filed for divorce, so at this point, what did it matter who Moreno heard that truth from?

  Thirty minutes later, Derek reached the hospital and pulled into the parking lot. Just as he was about to kill the engine, his peripheral vision snagged on a familiar figure.


  The surgeon was crossing the lot, a cell phone glued to his ear as he made his way toward a sleek silver Lexus.

  Derek immediately slid lower in his seat and ducked his head so Moreno wouldn’t spot him, but the precaution was unnecessary; the surgeon was focused on his phone call. Making an angry gesture, Moreno clicked the electronic remote in his hand and the Lexus honked in response. A second later, Moreno slid into the driver’s seat and an engine roared to life.

  Derek was in the process of debating whether or not to follow Chloe’s husband when the Lexus suddenly sped out of the lot in a squeal of tires. Huh. Where was Moreno going in such a hurry?

  Curiosity getting the best of him, Derek reached for the gearshift and stepped on the gas. On the main road, Moreno’s car slowed to a more reasonable speed, prompting Derek to stay a few cars back. He’d never tailed anyone before, but Moreno didn’t seem to notice he was being pursued. His car threaded through the streets of downtown Philly, making its way west.

  Derek felt more exposed once they entered an industrial area without much traffic, leaving him directly behind the Lexus. Beads of sweat popped on his forehead. He nearly pulled a

  U-turn, giving up on this foolish chase, but before he could, the Lexus’s taillights blinked red and Moreno slowed in front of a strip of warehouses that had seen better days.

  A frown puckered his lips. What the hell was Moreno doing here? The buildings on this stretch of road looked abandoned, most of them boasting chained-up doors, sagging roofs and graffiti-covered walls. When the Lexus made a right turn into a gravel parking lot, Derek continued going straight, but he kept his gaze glued to the rearview mirror.

  Moreno had parked the car in front of a one-story warehouse with a sloped roof and steel doors. Derek slowed down, watching in the mirror as Chloe’s husband hopped out of the car and darted toward the entrance of the building.

  The moment the man disappeared through the doors, Derek executed a U-turn. He didn’t use the lot where the Lexus sat but drove to the one across the street instead. He parked the car, then bounded out of the vehicle, adrenaline spiking in his blood as he made his way to the warehouse on the other side of the road.

  He approached the steel doors with caution, prepared for Moreno to burst out at any second and demand to know why Derek was following him. But when he neared the double doors, one of which was ajar, he heard Moreno’s muffled voice drifting out of the interior of the building. The surgeon was still on the phone.

  Sucking in a calming breath, Derek stepped closer and risked a peek through the open crack of the door. All he saw was darkness, but he heard footsteps, along with Moreno’s voice, which grew more and more agitated. Snippets of sentences met his ears, most of which made absolutely no sense.

  “As sterile as it’s going to be… Are you sure the medical staff you hired is competent?”

  Derek frowned. What the hell was the man talking about?

  Moreno’s angry voice boomed from the interior of the warehouse. “I’m putting my butt
on the line here!” A pause. “That’s exactly what I’m saying…Your men are reckless and stupid… I don’t care if the Amish bitch tried to escape…”

  A chill went through Derek’s body. What?

  “Your idiot goons need to control themselves! I’m not risking my butt and my career to fix your mistakes, you understand? This is a one-time deal only. Next time one of your men gets out of hand, call another surgeon.” Moreno let out a stream of muffled curses. “Bring her at six o’clock. The staff and I will prep this place…Yeah…won’t take more than a few hours, depending on the damage.”

  The call sounded like it was winding down. Releasing the stunned breath he’d been holding, Derek bolted away from the building and hurried back to his car. Shock and apprehension warred inside him, and the ice slithering through his veins refused to dissipate.

  I don’t care if the Amish bitch tried to escape.

  His fingers shook as he shoved the key in the ignition and started the car. Shooting one last look at the warehouse, he stepped on the gas and peeled out of the lot, reaching for the cell phone he’d left in the cup holder. He dialed Tate’s number, put the phone on speaker and waited for his brother to answer.

  “Colton,” came the brisk voice.

  “Tate, it’s me. Where are you?”

  “At my apartment. Why? What’s up?”

  Derek didn’t bother with explanations. “I’m on my way over.”

  Suspicion laced Tate’s voice. “What’s going on, Doc?”

  “Just stay put.” His jaw tensed. “I’ll explain everything when I get there.”

  * * *

  “Are you sure?” Tate demanded twenty minutes later, looking as stunned as Derek felt.

  The two Coltons stood in Tate’s living room in front of the large picture window overlooking downtown Philly. Derek had just relayed the conversation he’d overheard, still unable to fathom how any of this could possibly be true.

  Unless there was another explanation for what Derek had heard, Felix Moreno was somehow involved in the disappearance of those Amish girls.