Page 10 of With A Twist

  “Hey, Maggie. Welcome back.” Rose gave her a hug.

  “Thanks, Rose!” Maggie bubbled. “I can’t believe I’m actually here. I mean, this is New York. Like, for real. I live here!”

  Rose smiled. “You sure are chipper this morning.”

  I shook my head at her. “It’s two.”

  She pulled open the door to let us in and narrowed her eyes at me. “Like I said, morning.”

  We rolled the suitcases full of bricks into the living room. “Where do you want these?” Cooper asked.

  “In Lily’s room is fine. We got you a bed and decked it out for you, Maggie, but we can take the bedding back if you don’t like it.”

  Maggie beamed. “Oh, I’m sure I’ll love it.”

  I followed Cooper and Patrick into Lily’s room and asked over my shoulder, “You hungry, Mags?”

  She touched her stomach. “Starving. Let me get cleaned up and we can go eat, yeah?”

  “We can go to Habits. Get Rosie some breakfast.”

  Rose made a face. “Ha, ha.”

  We lined up the suitcases along the wall, and I turned to see Maggie looking over her half of the room in wonder. Her bed was pushed against the far wall in the corner, decked out in fluffy, white bedding that was ruffly and girly while still looking somehow sophisticated. Lily’s was almost exactly the same, but in a soft pink.

  Rose leaned on the doorframe. “Your dresser is over there, and there’s room under the bed and in the bathroom. Just make yourself at home, Maggie.”

  Maggie bounded over to Rose and hugged her around the neck, eyes shining. “Thank you, Rose. Thank you so much for this.”

  Rose’s eyes widened from the surprise, but she smiled and hugged Maggie back. “We’re just glad we can help out.”

  Seeing Maggie happy was a huge weight off my shoulders and heart. I couldn’t help but smile. “Want to unpack first or eat?”

  “Eat, for sure.”

  “Give me five minutes.” Rose turned for the bathroom.

  Maggie pointed in her direction at the bathroom door. “Is she for real? Five minutes?”

  Patrick chuckled. “Oh, she’s for real. Rose requires very little maintenance.”

  Maggie shook her head. “Well, that makes me feel like a narcissist.”

  I laughed and hooked her neck, pulling her a little too hard to ruffle her hair.

  “Hey!” She batted me away. “I know it looks like a mess, but it actually takes a long time to tame.”

  We walked into the living room and stood near the door waiting for Rose. “So, you’re officially here. What do you want to do first?” I asked.

  “Hmm.” She looked up at the ceiling. “Well, we didn’t get to go to the Met last time I was here. And I want to see Lily perform, for sure.”

  I smiled. “Swan Lake starts in a couple of weeks. You should hold out for that.”

  Her eyes went wide with excitement. “I had no idea she was in Swan Lake. We have to see her.”

  “We already have tickets to opening night.”

  Cooper had been standing quietly behind me, unusual for him. He stuffed his hands in his pockets. “I’ve got a thing, so I’m going to head out.”

  “All right, man.”

  He glanced at Maggie. “Good to see you, Maggie.”

  Her face tightened. “You too, Cooper.”

  Cooper gave the slightest of smiles before ducking out of the apartment. I eyed Maggie. “What’s the deal with you two? He didn’t make a pass at you in the car, did he?”

  She sighed and waved me off. “No, bossy. It’s nothing. You know how Cooper can be. He just gets under my skin.” Rose walked out from the bathroom ready to go. “All right, now feed me before I turn into a monster.”

  I snorted. “More like an angry bunny rabbit.”


  I was right. My day had been a disaster, and I still hadn’t shaken my weird-ass dream.

  It didn’t help that Blane’s stupid hands were all over me through rehearsal that afternoon as we went through the Black Swan pas de deux again and again. Black Swan had always been harder for me than White — the pop and snap of her movements as she tricks Seigfried, the desperate, cold-hearted nature of her character … it just wasn’t me. Unsurprisingly, Nadia danced a stellar Black Swan.

  Today, I was channeling my inner Nadia.

  He rested on one knee at my feet, looking up at me with longing as he brought my hand to his lips. But I smiled wickedly down at him and snapped my hand back, pirouetting away from him so he couldn’t touch me.

  It was the only way I wanted to dance with Blane after last night.

  West had stayed until Rose came home, and once he was gone, I told her everything, including all the stuff I couldn’t bring myself to talk to West about. She had been surprisingly quiet, just listened without offering any advice past suggesting he wasn’t worth it.

  Part of me agreed. But today, as I was stone cold, Blane seemed confused — like he genuinely didn’t get why. He kept asking me if I was all right, not that I would give him a clue. I was still too pissed to have that conversation with him. He definitely earned points for trying. But I only smiled curtly and carried on, trying to ignore him as much as possible, which was difficult, given the fact that our bodies were touching for hours on end. I’d rather have been curled up in a vat of sardines or a hamper full of dirty jock straps.

  As soon as the music stopped at the end of rehearsal, I put distance between Blane and myself.

  Ward assessed me, impressed. “Well done, Lily. That was the best Black Swan I’ve seen you dance. Whatever you used to get you there, bottle it up and keep it on hand. Fantastic job.”

  I curtsied. “Thanks, Ward.”

  He nodded, and I turned to walk across the studio to my bag with Blane on my heels.

  “Hey, Lily. You sure you’re all right?”

  I didn’t even sit to take off my shoe, just untied the ribbon and pulled it off as quickly as possible, stuffing it in my bag.

  “Yup. Fine.”

  He leaned against the barre and crossed his arms. “You don’t seem fine.”

  Because you know me so well. I pulled off the other shoe and shoved it in my bag that I zipped with a rip. “No, really. I’m perfect, Blane.” I slipped my feet into my flats and grabbed my bag, whirling around. “Gotta run. Bye, Ward,” I called across the studio and blew out without looking back.

  The door closed behind me with a thump, and I glanced up to find Nadia leaning against the wall with her arms folded across her chest and a twisted smile on her face.

  “Ugh, not today, Nadia.” I stormed past, and she pushed off the wall and followed.

  “What’s the matter, precious? Bad day?”

  “I’m not kidding. You don’t want to fuck with me right now.” I reached the elevator and hit the call button. She put her back to the wall to face me, looking satisfied with herself.

  “I just want to make sure you’re okay, Thomas.” The words were saccharine.

  I glared at her. “I’m sure you do. Everyone seems to be really interested in how I’m doing today, even Blane.” I couldn’t help goading her — I was ready to fight after an already shitty day, with or without her in my face.

  Her eyes narrowed, shoulders squared. “Stay away from him.”

  “Or else what?” I spat. “You don’t own him, and he obviously doesn’t want you anymore.”

  “That’s not what he was saying last night.”

  Rage flashed through me. Had he gone over there after I left, or was she bluffing? I thought of the two of them together in the studio and wanted to scream. But I shook it all away. It didn’t even matter — I wasn’t even sure I wanted him anymore. “Nice try. Just keep telling yourself he’s still in love with you, if it helps you get off at night.”

  The elevator doors opened, and I stepped inside. She spun around and gave me a look that would have withered me on any other day, but I stood my ground, giving it right back to her.

  “Watch your
back, Thomas.” The doors closed, and as she disappeared behind them, I leaned against the rail and sighed, feeling a million years old.

  “Already on it, bitch.”



  A HALF-HOUR LATER, I threw open my apartment door and slammed it shut behind me. I’d showered at the studio to wash away my agitation, then blared my rage mix the whole way home, but it did little to help calm me down. I know it seems weird, but there’s something really comforting about music that makes you want to smash things with a baseball bat. But nothing could help me today.

  I dropped my bag next to the door with a thump, and Rose stuck her head out of her room.

  She looked me over. “Uhh¸ you okay?”

  “No, I am not okay.” I tossed my keys in the dish, wishing I had something else I could make noise with besides my mouth. Like maybe a chainsaw. “That was a fucking disastrous day.” I dropped into a chair at the table.

  But Rose didn’t ask questions, only made her way into the kitchen to get a glass, fill it with ice, and pour me a vodka tonic.

  I slumped into the chair and accepted the drink gratefully. “I really shouldn’t drink this.”

  “Just have one. Maybe two. You’ll sleep like a baby tonight.” Rose hopped on the counter and waited for me to explain.

  I took a long drink and set the glass down. “My day was a complete shitshow from the second I woke up until I walked out of the theater.”

  “What happened when you woke up?”

  I made a face. “I had a weird dream.”

  Rose raised an eyebrow. “About what?”

  I tried to think of a way to ask without giving anything away. “Have you ever had a dream about one of the guys? I mean, besides Tricky.”

  She laughed. “Oh, my God. Who did you dream about?”

  Epic fail. “Blane.”


  My cheeks were hot. “I’m not lying, Rose! He was in it.”

  She eyed me.

  “And then he turned into West.”

  She shook her head and burst out laughing.

  “Don’t mock me! It was very upsetting, and it might have ruined my whole day. I almost woke you up to tell you this morning.”

  “I wish you had.”

  “Now who’s the liar?”

  “You’re right. I probably would have sleep-punched you.”

  I sighed. “Anyway, I was in rehearsals all day with Blane — an entire day with his dumb paws all over me, looking at me like I was a box of contraband donuts at fat camp.”

  Rose snickered.

  “I just don’t understand. I mean he looks at me like he wants me, but when we’re together, I don’t get the feeling he’s all that interested. And last night was terrible, Rose. Terrible. I don’t want to do that again, not like that.”

  She crossed her dangling ankles. “Well, you could either break it off or try to make it work. Maybe he’s just bad in bed. Maybe he really does like you. Or maybe he’s using you.”

  It was true — it could have been any of that. My relationship status was about as clear as a serial killer’s cellar window. “I don’t get what this game is. I don’t know how to play it, Rose.” I dropped my head to my hands. “What the fuck am I doing?”

  “You’re confused, and with good reason. You expected him to be everything you imagined.”

  “He so wasn’t. Isn’t.” I shook my head. “I don’t know if I can keep seeing him. I felt so used last night.”

  Her face was soft.

  “I just wanted to believe that us hooking up was the first step to something more, but I’m starting to think that was one hundred percent unrealistic. He just gave me the hot beef and sent me on my way.” I took another long drink, nearly draining the glass.

  I glanced up when Maggie stuck her head out of our doorway with pink cheeks, looking sheepish. “Hey, Lily.”

  I gasped and hopped out of the chair, having totally forgotten with all the drama that Maggie was moving in today. “Oh, my god. Maggie! I’m so sorry.” Shame washed over me as I gave her a hug. “You made it okay? Get settled in?”

  She waved me off. “Oh, I’m fine. I was just unpackin’ and heard you come in, but I didn’t want to interrupt. And then I felt like a creep.” She chuckled awkwardly.

  “I’m glad you came out.” I hooked an arm in hers and we walked back to the table to sit. “I feel like I should ask you more questions, but I can’t think of a single one. I don’t know if I’m emotionally equipped to see outside of my shitstorm today.”

  “Really, I’m fine. Just excited to be here more than anything.” Maggie’s smile was soft and sweet. “So, who’s this Blane guy y’all are talking about?”

  Rose slipped off the counter and poured three drinks this time — one for each of us.

  I took my nearly empty one to the dome and grabbed the fresh one. “So Blane is the guy I’ve wanted ever since I was old enough to want one.”

  “But…” Maggie prompted.

  “But, he’s a raging jerkhole who apparently only wants me for my ladyhole.” I took another drink, wishing I could wash away the knowledge. “Be glad you weren’t here last night when I came home. Not okay.”

  Rose snorted. “When I came home from work, she was watching 10 Things I Hate About You, cuddled into West’s side like a sloth.”

  “What? It always makes me feel better. I’m not ashamed that teen comedies from the 90s do it for me.”

  Maggie laughed. “West loves that movie.”

  “Shh, that’s supposed to be a secret,” I snickered. “I was up way too late, and exhaustion is definitely not helping my mental state. One more of these pretty babies, and I’ll be out like disco.” I shook my glass. “So, Blane is also my partner a lot of the time, which was super awkward today. It’s so strange that a couple of days ago, I thought having his hands on my body was the sexiest thing ever. Now they’re like meathooks.” I sighed, shaking my head. “Ugh, how am I going to get through rehearsals every day with him?”

  Rose gave me a sympathetic look. “Well, you’re going to have to find a way to let it go and move on.”

  I eyed her like she’d sprouted an extra arm.

  She shrugged. “I didn’t say it would be easy.”

  I groaned and buried my face in the crooks my arms on the table.

  Someone knocked on the door, but I didn’t move. I was giving up. Problems? What problems. No comprénde, amigo.

  I heard Blane’s voice when Rose answered the door, and my head shot off the table like I’d been hit with a cattle prod. Pretty sure my eyes looked like golf balls as I glanced at Maggie, who seemed confused. Blane, I mouthed at her, and her face stretched in surprise, her lips in a little ‘o.’

  I smoothed my hair and hopped out of the chair, turning to the mirror hanging on the wall. At least I hadn’t cried. It could have been worse.

  I took a deep breath and walked around Rose and into the doorway.

  Blane stood in the hallway with a dejected look on his face, holding a bouquet of calla lilies, my least favorite of the entire lily family. But still. Dude brought me flowers, and his eyes were so sad. I kept my chin up, but I could almost hear myself agreeing to whatever it was he wanted. He’d been chasing me around all day trying to talk to me, but I never imagined he’d show up at my door looking like he’d dropped his ice cream cone in the dirt.

  I was too confused to be pissed at that point, but I could pretend with the best of them.

  “Thanks, Rose,” I said with a nod, and she gave him the hairy eyeball once more before turning back into the apartment. I heard her bedroom door close, then mine. “What do you want, Blane?”

  “Can I come in?”

  Ugh. “Sure.” I moved out of the way to let him pass and closed the door behind him. When I turned around, I folded my arms, hoping I looked like I’d take no shit. I was pretty sure I wouldn’t. Like, thirty percent positive.

  “I know you’re upset with me, and I think I know why.
You know, when you left last night, I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” He took a step closer. “I was off my game, you know? And I wanted to apologize today, but you wouldn’t talk to me. So I came here to say I’m sorry.” He extended the flowers.

  I stood there for a moment, playing through scenarios. Me taking them and beating him with them in an explosion of petals and leaves. Me accepting them before I jumped his bones in the kitchen. Both outcomes were equally satisfying, so I went ahead and took the flowers with a sigh.

  “Thank you, Blane. They’re beautiful.”

  He moved even closer and laid his hands on my arms, looking down into my eyes. “You deserve better than that.”

  “Damn right, I do.”

  Blane smiled, and my knees felt like jelly. How did he do that? That asshole. “Give me a do over. Let me make it up to you.”

  And that was it. My resolve dissipated like smoke, and I relaxed under his touch, smiling up at him. “All right.”

  My eyes were on his sultry lips as his smile stretched wider.

  “On one condition.”

  His lips froze before they reached the pinnacle. “Which is?”

  “I’m not having sex with you again until I know you’re for real.”

  The smile started up again, and maybe I was just being paranoid, but this time I didn’t fully buy it. “Of course. Anything you want.” He pulled me into a hug. “So we’re okay?”

  His chest was warm and solid under my cheek. “Yeah, we’re okay.”

  “Thanks for giving me another shot, Lilypad.”

  I cringed.

  He leaned back and tipped my chin with his fingers to place a soft kiss on my lips. “Listen, I’ve got to run, but I’m really glad we’re all right.”

  I hated to bring it up, but Nadia was still in my head, buzzing around like a hornet, and I couldn’t let him go without asking. “Before you leave, I wanted to ask you something.”