Page 11 of Show Me

  It grew more difficult with each passing day to watch her stroll around the office looking drop-dead gorgeous. It wasn't just her looks

  either. Chastity now exuded a confidence that hadn't been there before, and he found it sexy as hell. He couldn't get a proper night's sleep from thoughts of her. He'd wake up in the middle of the night, body drenched with sweat after dreaming about burying himself between silky, chocolate thighs.

  Whenever she walked past him, he couldn't tear his eyes away from her slow, rhythmic movements that seemed to scream, "jump me". He'd already lost count of how many times his dick got hard with just the mere mention of her name. Sebastian wanted to run his hands over her body just to see if that rich, dark skin of hers was as soft as it looked.

  Once, he'd caught her nibbling on her bottom lip and he literally had to stop himself from grabbing her and tasting it for himself. Sebastian would sit at his desk for hours trying to concentrate on his work when all he could think about was stripping Chastity's clothes off, one article at a time--tasting every delectable inch of her.

  Tossing his pen aside, he stood up in frustration. It was already past twelve. He might as well grab something to eat since he wasn't getting any work done. On his way out of the office he knew he'd pass by Chastity's desk.

  His plan to keep walking without looking her way went down the tubes when he spied Jeremy leaning over her desk. Chastity gave his friend the big smile she used to give him. Her eyes twinkled with apparent amusement at whatever Jeremy was saying. The deep dimples in her cheeks gave her a look of sweet innocence.

  Since her makeover, Chastity had taken to wearing low cut tops and today was no exception. The sexy decolletage on display was enough to set his pulse racing. His fingers itched to trace the tops of those generous mounds. She wore her hair pulled back into a ponytail tied with a pink satin ribbon. Although he preferred her hair flowing around her shoulders, she looked lovely.

  An irrational burst of envy soared through his body, making him clench his fists. Unable to help himself, he walked over to them. "What are you two grinning about over here?" Sebastian cursed inwardly. He didn't mean for his voice to sound so harsh.

  They looked up at him, Jeremy eyeing him with mild curiosity and Chastity looking slightly resentful, as though he'd intruded on a private conversation. Jeremy straightened up, an easy smile splitting his face.

  "What's up, Seb?"

  "I was on my way to lunch actually."

  The blond frowned. "I thought you had a business lunch with one of your clients."

  "They had to reschedule," he lied. He wasn't about to admit that he canceled his appointment because his head was in his pants. "You didn't answer my question."

  Jeremy frowned. "What question?"

  Sebastian hated repeating himself, especially over something as trivial as this. "What were you two grinning about?"

  "Just small talk. Chastity and I were on our way to lunch as well."

  Sebastian's blood thundered. He wanted to knock Jeremy on his ass.

  He remembered his friend telling him of his interest in Chastity, but that didn't stop the green-eyed monster from rearing its head. A demon must have possessed him because he couldn't help saying, "Since we're all headed for lunch, let's all go together." His eyes never left Chastity's face.

  Her lips tightened slightly before she turned her head away. She didn't seem pleased.


  "We were only going to the Gallery Mall, nothing fancy," Jeremy said, almost as if to put him off.

  "I don't need anything fancy. You don't mind my tagging along, do you?" Sebastian knew very well that he was putting them in a position

  where they couldn't refuse without looking like a couple of jerks. The look on Jeremy's face spoke volumes. Chastity's face, however, was unreadable and he wondered what was going on in that beautiful head of hers. "Do you mind, Chastity?"

  She looked up at Jeremy with a smile, not bothering to answer Sebastian's question. "I'm going to the restroom before we go."

  Jeremy smiled back. "No problem. Take your time."

  Both men watched her retreating figure, her curvaceous bottom swaying from side to side with each step she took. God, he wanted her.

  When she was out of earshot, Jeremy turned on him, blue eyes blazing.

  "What the hell was that about?"

  "What do you mean? I thought you said you didn't mind my joining you two."

  "You know damn well I couldn't say otherwise."

  "Why couldn't you? I would have."

  "Don't play dumb with me, Romeo."

  Sebastian shrugged. "Who's playing dumb? Haven't we had lunch together on numerous occasions?"

  "Not with Chastity."

  "Okay, fine. What's wrong with a little friendly competition?"

  For a second, it looked like Jeremy wanted to deck him before his face relaxed into a smile. "You're a son of a bitch."

  Sebastian laughed. "And don't you forget it."

  "She's going to see right through this new interest you have in her.

  You never gave two flying fucks about her before this sudden change."

  "Neither did you."

  "Okay, so we're both bastards."

  Sebastian cocked an eyebrow and held out his hand. "May the better bastard win?" Even as they shook hands, Sebastian guaranteed himself the victory.

  The three of them decided to have a meal at a small tavern not too far from the office instead of trekking all the way downtown to the Gallery Mall. When shown to a booth, Jeremy slid in next to Chastity and Sebastian took the seat directly across from her. That was fine with him.

  This way, he could face her, and she'd have no choice but to look at him as well. He wouldn't allow her to ignore him, if he had any say in the matter.

  The look of agitation on her pretty face told him that he was getting to her as well. Good. He wanted her to be as aware of him as he was of her.

  "I think the Cobb salad looks good. Have you eaten here before, Jeremy?" she asked, turning to the blond. Sebastian knew exactly what Chastity was up to, but if she wanted to play games, she'd soon learn just how competitive he could be.

  Fixing his gaze on his prey, he said, "Chastity, why don't you try the Oysters Casino. A nice little aphrodisiac, don't you think?"

  She only spared him a brief glance before her eyes darted away again.

  She fluttered thick lashes at Jeremy as if he were some kind of rock star.

  "I'm not really in the mood for anything heavy. What do you think, Jeremy?"

  "Hmm, I think I'll have a hamburger and fries. Probably not the healthiest choice, but I'll just have to hit the gym a little harder tonight."

  "I think I'm going to stick to the salad. My ass is big enough as it is."

  She closed the menu with a sigh.

  Jeremy grinned at her wolfishly. "At the risk of sounding like a lecher, I think your ass is just fine."

  Chastity giggled, dimples popping out. Before Sebastian realized what was going on, his lunch mates fell into a deep conversation, completely excluding him. His fury grew with each passing second. By the time the waitress took their orders, he was ready to strangle them both. He knew

  what Jeremy was up to, but what was up with Chastity's cold shoulder act? No woman had ever treated him like this before and it was driving him bananas. He hated being ignored, especially when it was by someone he wanted so damn much.

  It was nothing personal, just a business arrangement.

  Nothing Personal

  (c) 2007 Jaci Burton

  Ryan McKay is a multi-millionaire with a problem. He needs a bride to fulfill the terms of his grandfather's will. Unfortunately, the one he chose just bailed on him and he's hours away from losing his company.

  Enter Faith Lewis--his demure, devoted assistant. Ryan convinces Faith to step in and marry him, assuring her their marriage is merely a business deal. Ryan is certain he can keep this strictly impersonal. After all, he's the product of a loveless marriage and for
years has sealed his own heart in an icy stone. Despite Faith's warmth, compassion and allure, he's convinced he's immune to her charms.

  Faith will do anything for her boss, but--marry him? The shy virgin sees herself as plain and unattractive, a product of a bitter mother who drummed into her head that she wasn't worthy of a man's love. But she agrees to help Ryan fulfill the terms of his grandfather's will, hoping she doesn't lose her heart to him in the process.

  But love rarely listens to logic, and what follows is anything but business.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Nothing Personal: She tried to stand patiently while Ryan slowly slipped each satin covered pearl button from its tiny loophole. But his touch did things to her sense of equilibrium. She shivered each time his warm knuckles brushed the bare skin of her back.

  "Are you cold?" Ryan's voice whispered softly against her ear.

  "Not really."

  "You're shivering."



  "I don't know." Liar.

  Ryan's hands stilled. "Does my touch bother you?"

  His touch most definitely bothered her. But not in the way he thought.

  "No, it's fine. Go ahead."

  She steeled herself against any more outward signs of his effect on her. It wouldn't do at all to fall into bed with him, no matter how much his skin on hers made her tingle. She'd made a bargain for two months and needed that time to get to know her new husband.

  These were new sensations, new feelings, and her senses were already on overload from the day's events. She couldn't handle much more without a complete meltdown.

  But then his hands moved lower as he freed the buttons near her bottom. The chills returned.

  "I think there's enough undone now that I can get out of this thing,"

  she stammered.

  "Just a few more," he said, ignoring her request. Obviously his touch on her skin didn't affect him at all. "Do you need me to help you take it off?"

  "No!" Faith cringed, not meaning for her denial to sound so forceful.

  She turned to Ryan. His gray eyes darkened like smoldering storm clouds. Maybe he wasn't so oblivious to the contact between them. "What I meant to say was, I can get this off by myself. But thank you, anyway."

  He threw her a crooked smile. Now that her dress was all but slipping off her body, why didn't he leave?

  "I'll just wait here while you change, in case you need me again. No need wandering the halls half-naked for help."

  Half-naked. Her cheeks flushed with heat. The dress was completely open in the back, and she had her hands firmly pressed against her chest to keep it from dropping to the floor. "It's almost falling off me right now, Ryan. I hardly think I'll need any more assistance. But thank you for your help. Goodnight."

  Hoping he'd grab a clue that she wanted to be alone to undress, she fled to the dressing area.

  The satin nightgown. She had no other choice. It was either that or eat her sandwich naked. Bet Ryan would like that. The way his eyes had gleamed when he saw her in her wedding gown led her to believe there might be a spark of interest.

  She pushed the thought aside. Ridiculous. Ryan McKay had never been interested in her. Why would he be? She was nothing like the women he escorted. Not even close.

  Attempting to redirect her thoughts to her hunger, she removed her underthings and slipped the gown over her head. Unable to resist, she ran her hands down the cool satin. A quick glance in the mirror shocked her. The gown molded to her body like a lover's hand, clearly showcasing every minimal asset she had.

  Why hadn't she heard the door close? Surely Ryan had left by now.

  Faith waited a few more seconds for the sound of the door closing, but didn't hear anything.



  He was still there but his voice was muffled.

  "What are you doing?"


  "Oh." She peered around the doorway into the bedroom. He sat at the table next to her bed, eating one of the sandwiches Leland had fixed for her.

  "You haven't eaten yet, Faith. Come out and have one of these sandwiches."

  "No, that's okay. I'm not that hungry, really." Right. She was surprised Ryan couldn't hear her stomach grumbling in the other room.

  "Don't be ridiculous. Come out here now and eat with me."

  Fortunately the gown had a matching satin wrap that she quickly donned. Hunger won out over modesty. She wanted to get some food before he ate it all. She tightened the belt on the robe and entered the bedroom.

  As she crossed in front of him, his eyes widened. Faith clutched the edges of the robe over her chest, feeling less than adequate in a gown that should have been worn by a goddess like Erica, not by her. She didn't do it justice.

  "Hungry?" he asked.

  Faith nodded. "Starving. I hadn't realized that I hadn't eaten until Leland mentioned something about food."

  Ryan smiled. "I know. When I saw the food on the table my stomach reminded me I hadn't eaten since breakfast. You don't mind, do you?"

  "Why would I mind?" She grabbed a sandwich and tried not to shove it in her mouth. With as much dignity as she could muster considering the depth of her hunger, she took a bite of the delicious turkey sandwich.

  He sipped a glass of tea and watched her eat. At first she was self-conscious, but then her appetite took over and she downed the sandwich in no time flat.

  Satisfied, Faith sat back and took a drink. And still he stared at her.

  "Is something wrong?" She knew he wanted to say something, but didn't. She chewed her lip in anticipation.

  Without a word he reached across the table and drew his thumb against the corner of her mouth, then slowly dragged it across her

  bottom lip. Faith watched in rapture as he brought his thumb to his mouth and licked it with agonizing slowness.

  "You had mayonnaise on the corner of your lip," he said, his voice low and oh-so-sexy.

  Was he deliberately trying to drive her crazy? She grabbed the napkin and swept it across her mouth. "Thank you."

  His dark eyes warmed her. "It was my pleasure."

  She couldn't tear her gaze away from him, despite knowing she should stop whatever was happening between them. She simply could not deal with any more today.

  Thankfully, Ryan stood. "I'm sure you're tired. I'll let you get some sleep."

  Faith rose from the table, nodding. "Thank you for your help with the dress."

  "You're welcome," he said and stepped toward her, taking her hands in his. He pulled her against his chest and slid his arms around her back.

  The crisp hairs of his chest rubbed her breasts. The thin silk of the gown and robe did little to keep the heat of his body from hers. Her nipples hardened against him, the rush of desire almost dropping her.

  Her limbs turned to gelatin and she felt weightless and lightheaded.

  "Two months, Faith," he said softly as his head dipped towards her.

  "That's a very long time. Are you sure?"

  This wasn't fair. No one had ever held her like this, made her feel such uncontrollable need. She wanted so much to experience these feelings, to step toward that desire and know what she hadn't known before. Blood pounded at her temples and liquid heat pooled deep within her. She was certain Ryan could sense her reaction because he tightened his hold on her, his hands softly kneading the muscles of her back, gradually sliding lower and lower.

  "' agreed to it." Pitiful excuse.

  "I know. How stupid of me."

  The smoke-filled depth of his eyes drew her in, hypnotizing her senses, rushing over her like a wildfire out of control.

  If his lips drew any closer they'd touch hers. Faith was sure she'd die if they did. She was already losing control, inhaling his scent with rapid breaths, his hands burning against the silk of her gown, drawing her ever nearer to the heat of his lips.

  Then just as suddenly as it started, the storming inferno was over.

  Ryan steppe
d back, his lips parted as the hint of a smile crossed his features.

  "Tomorrow, you move into my bedroom. Goodnight, Faith."

  He turned around and walked out, closing the door behind him.

  Faith stood in the middle of the room, wondering what had just happened. Her breathing still hadn't returned to normal. The rhythm of her heart continued to pound its staccato beat. She still felt him, smelled him, all but tasted him on her lips as the memory of his thumb against her mouth singed her skin.

  Despite her thoughts about needing to wait, wanting to wait, she had been ready to leap into her husband's arms.

  She thought she had more self-control than that. It was obvious her inexperience was no match for the powerful charm of Ryan McKay. She'd have to be extra careful over the next couple months and try to keep her distance from him. Too much of his overpowering sexuality and she'd self combust. Clearly, she was not ready at all for an intimate encounter with Ryan.

  Two months wasn't nearly long enough.

  And yet, two months was a very long time.

  Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  It's all about the story...









  Red Hots!


  Science Fiction


  Young Adult



  Jaci Burton, Show Me

  (Series: # )




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