Page 2 of Show Me

  He walked back to her and handed her the glass, his fingers brushing hers. She felt a zing of electricity.

  "You shine like a woman who has a secret."

  "I have no secrets."

  "Is that right. None at all?"


  Sneak Peek: Show Me

  "No." She sipped the rum, wishing she'd never come in here. Del made her uncomfortable. He was too probing, as if he knew something about her that she didn't. Which was ridiculous.

  "We all have secrets, Janine. Sometimes things even we aren't aware about ourselves."

  "I'm an open book. Read the society section in the newspaper. You'll find out anything you want to know about me."

  "That's surface. Public relations. That's not who you really are."

  She shook her head, fighting back a laugh. "Really. You've known me for ten minutes. Who am I?"

  He shrugged and moved away from her. "Not sure. Let's find out." He pressed a button next to the mirror and the lights went out.

  Janine startled, not sure what was happening. But then the mirror glowed. No, wait. A picture was forming. What the hell was that?

  It wasn't a picture. It was a two-way mirror. On the other side was a room, with a bed and a chair and nothing else.

  There was a man and a woman in the room, both young and extremely attractive. The man was tall, well built, with cover model good looks. He was naked from the waist up, wore no shoes, only a pair of jeans with the top button undone. The woman had long blonde hair loosely cascading down her back. She wore only a scarlet red bra that barely contained her copious breasts, and a matching thong. She looked like she worked out, her body in fine shape. She was on her knees in front of the man, dragging the zipper down his jeans.

  The blonde licked her lips, anticipation clearly showing on her face.

  Janine licked her lips, too, her throat gone dry. What was she looking at? It was an intimate, personal moment between two people. She should turn away, walk out of the room, but she couldn't move. Her feet seemed to have glued themselves to the floor. 15

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  And her body's response to what she saw was off the charts. Her nipples tightened, her breasts felt hot and swollen, and her clit quivered.

  She was turned on in a major way, and she sent up a thankful prayer for the darkness surrounding her. What would Del think of her?

  What kind of place was Sneak Peek?

  As if in answer to her unspoken question, Del moved behind her, his body seemingly surrounding her, crowding her personal space. She inhaled, picking up his scent, letting it fill her. His cock was rigid against her ass as he pressed against her, letting his hands rest on her hips.

  "Sneak Peek is a sex club, Janine. A club for voyeurs and exhibitionists. If you look across the room you'll see another window.

  There are over a dozen people watching."

  She tore her gaze away from the couple, finding the window Del mentioned. Men and women stood on the other side of a glass enclosure, some fully clothed, others in various states of undress. Some merely observed, while there were some couples fondling each other as they watched.

  "The couple you see in the other room are exhibitionists. They enjoy having sex knowing that others are watching. It heightens their pleasure.

  In this scenario, we're the voyeurs."

  Oh, God. She shouldn't be here. Not this kind of place. For so many different reasons. Her head spun in a million directions, the urge to run strong.

  But still, she couldn't tear her gaze away from the couple on the other side of the mirror, especially when the woman pulled the man's sizeable cock from his jeans and enveloped it between her full, painted lips. The look of ecstasy on the man's face made Janine's breath catch.

  The woman's gaze was glued to the man's as she sucked his cock in 16

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  deep. With one free hand, the woman tucked her fingers into her own pussy and began to pleasure herself.

  Janine's pussy quivered, as if she, too, could feel the sensation of finger fucking herself, could taste the man's thick cock between her lips, could feel the heated gazes of dozens of people watching them. She wanted to close her eyes and pretend she was anywhere but here.

  At the same time, she couldn't deny that she wanted to be the woman on the other side of the mirror. 17

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  Chapter Two

  Del never did the full court press on guests at the club, never insinuated his intentions, always let the women come to him. Frankly, a lot of women came to him. He didn't often have to search them out. He loved women, they knew it, and he could always find someone whose needs met his. That's what Sneak Peek was about--freedom to do whatever people wanted to do. If he and a woman found something in common, and there was mutual agreement, then a night of fun ensued.

  There were always signals, and he knew when a woman was coming on to him.

  Janine hadn't come on to him at all. So what the hell was he doing pursuing her? She was uncomfortable as hell and he'd known it from the minute she'd stepped through the front door.

  She'd also looked curious. When he'd spied the four ladies at the door, he'd done the host thing because his partner, Ali, had been otherwise engaged. They always liked to greet people whenever they could, make them feel comfortable and welcome, especially newcomers.

  The four women walking in had been knockouts, but his gaze had landed on Janine, because she seemed to stand out. She wasn't even the most beautiful of the group, but there was something about her eyes...

  She'd locked onto him right away, too, though he didn't know why.

  Not that it mattered. He'd read her signal as interest, and since her friends had so conveniently run off and left her with him, he'd grabbed her. And he hadn't yet been able to let go. Pretty damned unusual for 18

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  him. Typically he'd make the rounds, and it wasn't until later in the evening, if at all, that he'd hook up with a woman.

  Not tonight. He was a fairly good judge of a woman's interest. Janine might not have said it, but she was interested. Her green eyes spoke volumes, and what they said when he'd turned on the two-way mirror expressed more than mere interest. They screamed shock, but also curiosity, and then desire.

  Like now. He couldn't see her eyes because he stood behind her, but he picked up the unmistakable scent of aroused female, inhaled it like the sweetest perfume. Her breathing came in short, shallow bursts, as if she was trying her damnedest to mask how much the scene in front of her turned her on.

  It was a hot scene. Victoria and Jake were regulars, and really got into putting on a show. And Victoria could suck cock like she was born to it, taking Jake's shaft deep.

  Del envied Jake at the moment, understood the almost pained look of utter rapture on Jake's face as Victoria deep throated him. Del's cock was hard, pressing against his pants. As close as he was to Janine, she had to be aware of that, a fact he didn't try to hide.

  "You had no idea Sneak Peek was a sex club, did you?"

  It took her a moment to answer, and when she did, her tone had dropped, her answer spilling out in a low, whispered breath that rumbled in his balls.

  "No clue."

  "Why did your friends bring you here?"

  "I have no idea. A joke, I guess."

  She wasn't laughing. She was barely breathing as she watched the couple through the window. Her entire body was tense, but was it nervousness or excitement? He pressed his fingers into her hips, staying 19

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  close to her. She didn't pull away, a good sign. He liked the feel of her, the lush curve of her hips. She was built like a woman. She'd said her friends were the beautiful ones. He disagreed. They were all stick thin, and for the love of Ch
rist, they all needed to eat a cheeseburger before they wasted away. He liked women with some flesh on them.

  "They're doing this willingly?" she asked. "Having sex, knowing others are watching them."

  "Yes. That's how they get off, the excitement of being watched."

  He felt her shudder.

  "This is unbelievable. I didn't even know places like this existed."

  That's what he liked to hear. Sneak Peek was exclusive. He and Ali didn't have to advertise, their club was only for those who knew about it, recommended it to others who wanted a voyeuristic or exhibitionist adventure.

  "I shouldn't be here," she said, finally dragging her gaze away from the couple.

  "Why not?" Del didn't turn on the light.

  "What if someone sees me here? Someone I know, who could leak it to the press. Do you know what that could do to my reputation?"

  He laughed. "Your reputation is safe, as is the character of all our clients. Sneak Peek is discreet, has been since we opened. There are no cameras allowed here. No press is ever permitted inside or within the gates of our property. We have a very high class establishment, we cater to our clients and assure anonymity.

  "You're safe here, Janine."

  She wrapped her arms around her middle, half turning back to the window. "This isn't my kind of lifestyle. I don' this."


  Sneak Peek: Show Me

  He smiled, though he knew she couldn't see his face in the darkened room. "You aren't required to do anything here other than enjoy yourself.

  That's likely why your friends brought you."

  "I have no idea why they brought me here, what they were thinking.

  This is ridiculous. I need to go find them."

  He moved to the wall and flipped on the switch, darkening the mirror and bringing up the lights in the room. "As you wish."

  She blinked, then frowned. "I'm sorry. This has nothing to do with you. I mean no insult to you or to your club."

  This time he knew she could see his face, and the corners of his lips lifted. "None taken. Come on. Let's locate your friends."

  He led her out of the room and down the hall, back toward the lobby.

  "We'll start at the bar, since they headed that way when we first came in."

  She stopped and turned to him. "You don't need to stay with me. I can find them by myself."

  He arched a brow. "Are you trying to dump me?"

  Her eyes went wide. "Oh, no. Not at all. But I'm certain you have other things you need to do."

  "I was teasing you. And don't worry about me. I do whatever I want."

  And what he really wanted to do was Janine. She might act shocked and appalled, but her body's reaction had told another story. He wasn't finished with her yet. "I'd like to stay with you, make sure you're reunited safely with your friends. It's the least I can do. Besides, if they're not in the bar, you're not familiar with the club. You wouldn't know where to go to look for them. And I did promise you a tour."

  She tilted her head. "All right. Thank you."

  They entered the bar, which was actually a huge dance club. Music blared from the speakers, bodies were packed wall to wall. Del nodded to 21

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  the bouncer as they entered through the open doorway. Business was booming, a very good thing.

  Del laid his hand on the small of Janine's back, guiding her through the mob of people packed into the aisles. She looked for her friends, he followed along, trying to direct her through the walkways. Since he was taller, he had a better viewpoint for the seating areas.

  "I don't see them," she said as they reached the other end of the bar.

  "I didn't either." He searched the upper tiers where tables were situated, not seeing them there, either. "Come on." He took her hand and pulled her toward the dance floor.

  She stood firm. "I...I don't dance."

  "This is the best way to search for them on the dance floor. You can handle one dance, right?"

  She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth. His cock responded with a resounding twitch.

  "I suppose so."

  "Come on. I'll try not to step on your toes." He grinned and led her onto the dance floor. As soon as they made their way into the middle of the throng, the music changed to something slow and sexy.

  Perfect. He pulled Janine against him, wrapping one arm around her waist and gathering the fingers of one of her hands in his. Their gazes met. Hers was wide eyed and uncertain, and he found he liked her a little off-balance.

  Their hips met, and Del led her in the slow, rhythmic beat.

  She frowned. "You can dance."

  He turned her, then tilted her in a half dip. She followed every move without stumbling. "So can you."

  "I didn't say I couldn't. I just don't like to."

  "Why not?"


  Sneak Peek: Show Me

  She shrugged, but didn't answer. Instead, her gaze searched the dance floor, which gave him a chance to look at her, to enjoy feeling her body pressed up to his.

  They fit well, her full breasts pillowed against his chest, her hips nestled inside his, making him wonder how her naked skin would feel sliding against his, her legs wrapped around him, his cock tucked inside her enveloping heat.

  Not a good idea to be thinking about that. She'd made it clear she didn't belong here, that this wasn't her scene. Still, she was lying. To herself, maybe, as well as to him.

  And Del loved a challenge. He didn't mind taking it one step at a time. Right now, she wasn't even stiff and unyielding in his arms, but letting him lead her in the dance, flowing in his arms, her body melding with his.

  Why didn't she like to dance? She flowed into it, as if it were as natural to her as breathing.

  Yeah, he liked the feel of her. He drew her closer, his lips brushing her earlobe.

  "Do you see them?"

  "No. I don't think they're in here anymore."

  "Then I'll take you on that tour I promised, and we'll see if we can find them."

  He lingered at her neck and inhaled, realizing she wore no perfume.

  He preferred a woman who relied on her natural scent instead of choking perfume or cologne. Janine smelled like her shampoo, and her own sweet skin. He resisted the urge to lick the pulse beating along the column of her throat, as tantalizing as that was.

  She swallowed and tilted her head back to look up at him. "Shall we go, then?" 23

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  "Are you sure you can handle it, or would you rather wait here while I go search for your friends?"

  Her lips pursed as if he'd insulted her. Good.

  "I can handle it."

  "You might see some things similar to what you saw in my office."

  She lifted her chin. "I said I could handle it. I'm hardly a virgin."

  He smiled. "Good to know."

  "Are you baiting me, Del?"

  "Probably. I can't help myself. I don't think you're as offended by what you saw as you'd like me to believe." He tucked her hand in the crook of his arm and led her off the dance floor, weaving them through the thick crowd and out the doorway.

  "I never said I was offended," she said as soon as they cleared the noisy room. "I said it wasn't my cup of tea."

  "Uh huh."

  "Really. I'm sure whatever it is everyone does here is fine. It's just not for me."

  "So you say."

  She looked over at him. "You're very annoying."

  "Not the first time I've heard that."

  Despite her obvious irritation, the corners of her lips lifted.

  "And you find it very hard to resist my incredible charm."

  "I don't know about that. I find you all too resistible."

  "We'll see." He moved through a doorway and into the private playrooms. People passed them in the halls, some half-dressed, hair musse
d and a just-fucked smile on their faces. He nodded as they passed by, envying their satisfaction. His dick was twitching. Janine had affected him, and the smell of sex was strong here.

  He opened a door and they entered a darkened room.


  Sneak Peek: Show Me

  "What's this?" she asked, her voice lowering to a whisper.

  "A scene. We can check for your friends here. They might have stopped in to watch."

  He closed the door behind them, wondering how long it would take before Janine would want to bolt. This one was two men, one woman, and instead of a mirror to look through and watch, people crowded into the room with the threesome. Del led her to a spot against the wall, not more than ten feet from where the menage was taking place.

  Janine pressed her body back against his, as if by doing so she could get away from what she saw. But she didn't turn away or avert her gaze.

  Del stepped to her side and she backed against the wall.

  He wanted to look at her face.

  Her eyes were wide, but her expression wasn't one of disgust or horror.

  The woman on display kneeled on the bed, her mouth engulfing a thick cock, her legs spread and taking another dick in her pussy. Just as Del suspected, Janine was entranced by what she saw. She swallowed, her mouth open, her pink tongue flicking out to lick over her bottom lip.

  He watched her breasts rise and fall with her rapid breaths, her hands clench at her sides, then rub against her dress. She shifted on one foot, then the other, as if she couldn't quite stand still.

  Around them were the sounds of heavy breathing. Some of the guests touched themselves, or rubbed against their partner's genitals.

  Foreplay. And Janine had to hear and see what was going on around her. She wasn't unaffected.

  He knew all the signs. Despite her insistence that voyeurism wasn't her thing, he could tell she was turned on. He'd bet his ownership in Sneak Peek that her nipples were tight and her pussy was wet. If he slid his hand up under her dress and started rubbing her clit, would she let 25

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  him? Would she turn from voyeur to exhibitionist? His cock hardened at the thought.

  The moaning and sucking sounds grew louder as the frenzy intensified. The woman took the cock deep in her mouth, wrapping both hands around the thick shaft. When she withdrew, she stroked it and licked the wide purple head, then swirled her tongue over it, capturing the white pearly liquid escaping the tip. The man at her head grasped the back of the woman's neck and directed her mouth back over his cock, while the man behind her gave her a hard fucking, spreading her ass cheeks apart so he could show the woman's pussy and his dick sliding into it.