Page 6 of Show Me

  "Don't worry about it."

  "Easy for you to say. You don't care about being caught in a compromising position." She pushed away from him and started to crawl out of the back of the SUV.

  "You really have a hangup about this, don't you?"

  Janine was already back in the passenger seat, grabbing for her dress. "I told you. I have a lot at risk here. God, I can't believe I didn't check our surroundings first. You make me lose my mind."

  He slid off the tailgate and moved to the driver's seat, flinging his clothes into the back. "Lose your mind, huh? I'll take that as a compliment."

  She slanted a glance in his direction. "You're going to drive naked?"

  He turned the ignition, pressed a button on the center console and put the car in reverse. Janine looked over her shoulder as the garage door on the house behind them lifted.


  Sneak Peek: Show Me

  Her eyes widened in panic. "Oh, shit! Someone's opening the door."

  He flung his arm over the headrest and blew out a sigh. "Would you relax? I'm the one opening the garage door. The house is mine." 61

  Jaci Burton

  Chapter Five

  Del made her feel like a dimwit. He could have told her the house was his before she'd launched herself into a full blown panic attack. Instead, he'd backed right into the garage with that smug smile of his plastered to his face.


  He'd pulled into the garage and they went inside to clean up a bit. His house was amazing. Two levels, though she'd only seen the downstairs.

  For some reason she expected modern, with chrome and leather everywhere. Instead, it was very warm and inviting, with cushiony sofas in the living room, fully stocked bookshelves and a huge picture window that overlooked the bluff where they'd made love. A fireplace stood off to the side of the room, and scattered everywhere were thick rugs that tickled her toes.

  "Nice place," she said when she stepped out of the downstairs bathroom.


  She grabbed her dress and stepped into it. Del, who seemed quite comfortable wandering around naked, crossed his arms and arched a brow.

  "What are you doing?"

  "Getting dressed. It's time for me to go home. I have an early appointment tomorrow with some of the foundation members."

  "Running, are you?"

  "Of course not. I had a great time."


  Sneak Peek: Show Me


  She pulled the dress up over her bare breasts, grateful to be covered again. She felt...vulnerable when she was naked, especially since Del hadn't bothered to close the drapes on the living room window. "And what?"

  He walked over to her and zipped up her dress. His fingers brushed her skin, the contact electric. The man was damaging to her senses. Not good. Not good at all. Being around him made her mind turn to mush, affected her judgment. "I'm not sure what you want from me, Del."

  "What do you want, Janine?"

  That was a loaded question. She'd like to pretend tonight hadn't happened, that she hadn't taken leave of her common sense and had an orgasm in a room filled with hundreds of people, that she hadn't had sex outside where anyone could have heard them, seen them. They might have even been followed.

  "I just need to get home."

  His fingers slipped away from her skin. "I'll get dressed and drive you back to the hotel."

  She shivered at the loss of contact, then waited for him while he went upstairs and changed. When he came back down a few minutes later, he had on a pair of jeans and a cashmere sweater. Once again, he looked devastating. He was sexy no matter what he wore.

  They drove back to the hotel in virtual silence. Janine suspected that Del had wanted her to stay the night, but she couldn't. This just wasn't going to work out. Being with Del made her uncomfortable, but not in the way she expected. She was out of her element--she was scared.

  Afraid, because she might enjoy this a little too much, like she could get used to this kind of fun. And this wasn't the kind of lifestyle she could lead. She knew she had to explain this to him. 63

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  "I had a wonderful time tonight, but the wild woman you're looking for isn't me."

  "You underestimate yourself," he said, watching the road, not her.

  "I can't afford to take risks like that. I have too much at stake."

  This time he did glance at her. "You need to trust me. I'd never put your reputation in danger. Don't forget, I have as much to lose as you do.

  I run a legitimate business, yet I also manage to own a club that caters to sexual adventures. If I can pull it off without discovery, I think I can take care of your anonymity."

  He made it sound so easy. Was it?

  He pulled into the hotel parking garage and Janine directed him to her car. He parked next to hers and turned off the ignition, then half-turned in his seat to face her.

  "It's up to you. I won't pressure or force you into doing anything you don't want to do."

  She'd been staring down at her lap, at her hands that were so tightly clasped together her knuckles were white.

  God, Janine. Relax. That had always been her problem. She never let go. Maybe it was time she did.

  "I'm tempted."

  "I like you tempted." He reached for a curling end of her hair and let it slide through her fingers. She met his probing gaze, mesmerized by his dark eyes.

  "I enjoyed tonight. I would like to see you again, but if the press found out about what we were doing, if I was ever caught in the act, the foundation would suffer greatly."

  "It won't happen."

  "You don't know that for certain. You can't guarantee it."

  He shrugged. "True enough. You'll just have to trust me."


  Sneak Peek: Show Me

  That word again. How could she trust someone she barely knew? Of course she'd had no problem fucking him, and that required an element of trust, didn't it?

  And she was tired of her staid, boring, safe life. Being with Del made her feel alive. She wanted this.


  He cupped her cheek in the palm of his hand. "Okay, what?"

  "We'll try this."

  His half smile made her belly quiver. He leaned across the seat and brushed his lips across hers. Even that made her wet.

  He got out of the SUV and moved around to her side, opened the door and helped her out, then slid his arms around her waist. She looked up at him, mesmerized by the dark promise in his eyes.

  "Good. Now go get in your car, go home and get some rest, and do your work thing. I'll call you tomorrow."

  She sighed. "Good night, Del."

  He released her and waited until she had backed out of her parking space and pulled away. She watched him out of her rearview mirror, leaning against his vehicle, his arms crossed, a satisfied smile on his face.

  She hoped she'd made the right decision. Somehow she felt like she'd just placed her future in Del's hands.


  They were dating. Honest to God dating. In public. It hadn't occurred to Janine that she could actually go out with Del in the normal sense, but of course she could. They didn't have to meet in clandestine fashion.

  Philippe Delacroix of Delacroix Motors was a great catch. The society 65

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  page splashed pictures of them all over the place. Going out to dinner, attending theater and charity events together, any place where there was an event and she and Del went, they ended up having their picture taken.

  And it was all on the up and up. Nothing sordid at all.

  Del knew exactly how to manipulate the press. In fact, he was a master at it. Soon enough, she and Del being seen together was old news. Janine was in awe over the way
he worked the media. And the great thing about it was the only thing the press saw was them as a couple. Dancing together, heads bent whispering, maybe holding hands, but other than that, everything was aboveboard and proper. Absolutely perfect.

  But he'd been driving her crazy for the past two weeks, because that's all he'd been doing with her--escorting her to these public events, then taking her home. Dropping her off at her front doorstep, and giving her a chaste kiss goodnight.

  What the hell was up with that? What about wild public sex? He hadn't even taken her back to Sneak Peek.

  Had his interest in her waned after they'd had sex?

  She was beginning to grow irritated. What kind of game was he playing? She wasn't the type of woman to throw herself at a man, so she hadn't asked him what was up or tried to make any moves on him.

  Besides, she really had enjoyed just going out with him. He was a wonderful date, they ran in many of the same circles and the press loved him. He was their golden boy--rich, successful, gorgeous and gave a lot of his money to charitable causes. In their eyes, he was above reproach.

  Ha! If only they knew what he did in his private time. Though lately she'd wondered who he'd been doing in his private time, because it certainly hadn't been her. Then she'd mentally slap herself, because he'd 66

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  been spending all his private time with her. And if she wasn't getting any, then he wasn't either. Or at least that's what she assumed.

  Ugh. No wonder she didn't date much. So complicated.

  Janine stared down at the paperwork on her desk, not at all interested in muddling through it. Her mind was occupied with all things Del. Honestly, she wasn't a teenager and shouldn't be spending her valuable work hours thinking about a man. Especially a man who was obviously becoming less and less interested in her--sexually, anyway.

  What an enigma he was.

  "Janine, you have a call on line two. It's Del."

  Her secretary sounded excited. Janine rolled her eyes. Everyone at the office was thrilled about her dating Del. He'd made a few appearances at the office and had the ladies charmed and drooling. Of course.

  "Thanks, Fiona." She looked at the phone, deciding to make him wait for a few seconds, wondering what event he'd ask her to this time.

  Finally, she pressed the button and picked up. "Hi Del."

  "Hey, gorgeous. What are you up to today?"


  "Sounds boring. How about dinner tonight?"

  She really should tell him no--play hard to get. Then again, she hadn't seen him in a few days and she was tired of being holed up in her house. "Sure. What did you have in mind?"

  "There's a great new restaurant in Beverly Hills. La Belle Eau."

  Brows raised, she said, "I've heard of it. Very exclusive."

  "Yeah. It's been packed solid every night since it opened. I got us reservations at eight. Wear something sexy."

  "Yes, master."

  He laughed. "I have a surprise for you, too."

  She arched a brow. "What kind of surprise?" 67

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  "You'll see. I'll be at your place at seven. See you then."

  She hung up, then stared at the phone. A surprise. Good God, what could he possibly have in mind? Trepidation warred with excitement.

  Though she'd thoroughly enjoyed going out with him, she was ready for more, and was hoping his surprise tonight had something to do with the

  'more' she was looking for.

  With renewed enthusiasm, she tackled the paperwork on her desk.

  She wanted to leave work early today and prepare for tonight.

  True to his word, Del arrived at seven with a gift bag in his hand.

  "You look gorgeous," he said as he swept through her front door, pulled her into his arms and kissed her. Her breath caught at the feel of his lips pressed up against hers. Her body went into immediate overdrive--heating, pulsing, remembering what it felt like to be touched by him.

  When he pulled away and she managed to catch her breath, she accepted the bag he held out.

  "Thank you."

  "Don't thank me yet," he said, his lips pulling into a wicked smile.

  "Uh oh. Is it a ticking time bomb?"

  "Maybe." He slid onto her couch. Dressed in black pants that looked impeccably tailored, a white shirt that hugged his well toned chest, finishing the look off with a dark jacket, he was once again utterly edible.

  She wished they were staying in tonight and having sex instead of going out.

  Single-minded much, Janine?

  She sat next to him and laid the gift bag on her lap, looked at it, then back at him.

  "Go ahead. Open it. I promise nothing in there will bite you."


  Sneak Peek: Show Me

  "Good to know." She reached in and pulled out the tissue paper, then looked in the bag. It was a pair of panties. Black panties. Satin, with lacy strings. Pretty. She pulled them out, but there was something different about them. The crotch was different. It was thicker, though there wasn't much to the crotch to begin with.

  "What are these?"

  She found out in a hurry when the panties moved in her hand. Or, rather, vibrated.

  "Oh, my. How did that happen?"

  Del pulled a tiny remote from his jacket pocket. "I did it."

  "Are you serious? Remote control vibrating underwear?"

  "Yes. Put them on."


  "Of course. You're going to wear them to dinner."

  To dinner. A new restaurant in Beverly Hills. One that no doubt would be solidly packed. It was Friday night after all. When Del had mentioned the restaurant, she'd known right off which one he was talking about. Trendy, upscale, everyone had been talking about it for the two months it had been open. Janine figured she'd eat there after the buzz died down.

  And speaking of buzz...

  "You want me to wear these in public?" The thought of Del holding the remote to these panties in a public place was enough to make her face warm.

  "Stand up, Janine."

  Intrigued, she did.

  "Spread your legs."

  Del kneeled on the floor at her feet, tilting his head back to look at her. Her body flushed with heat when he skimmed his hands up her 69

  Jaci Burton

  thighs and under her dress. He stopped at her hips and pulled her panties down. She shivered at the sensation of the material scraping her legs, of baring her pussy for him. She stepped out of the panties, then into the ones Del had bought for her.

  "I can't believe I'm doing this."

  "You're going to enjoy it." He took his time pulling the new panties over her hips, but didn't linger where she really wanted him to. In fact, he didn't even lift her dress up, just put the panties in place, smoothed her dress, then stood. "That should do it. Comfortable?"

  She was, actually. Whatever battery was in there was covered by the padding within the panty. She nodded. "It's fine."

  "Are you excited?"


  He snorted. "Trust me."

  "Famous last words."

  They drove to the restaurant and Janine kept waiting for him to push the remote controlling the tiny vibrator in the panties. He didn't, which only ratcheted up her anticipation as they pulled in front of the place.

  Del handed the keys to the valet so he could park the car, then held out his arm for her and they strolled inside.

  There was a line outside, but Del bypassed it and walked straight to the desk and gave his name. They were seated right away, in a booth in the corner near the window.

  La Belle Eau was gorgeous on the inside. Dark and romantic, with black and white place settings and crisp white tablecloths. And, as Del had mentioned, utterly packed. Waiters scurried from table to table seeing to the patrons' needs. She and Del had no more
settled into their booth than their waiter arrived to take their drink order and present 70

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  them with menus, citing the specials of the day. He brought their drinks right away and left them to linger over the menus.

  "I can't believe you got us in here," she said, then took a sip of her cocktail.

  He eyed her over his wine glass. "I know the owner. We went to school together in France."

  "Ah, no wonder. It's a nice place and he seems to be doing well with it. I've heard people raving about it."

  "He stayed in France after I left for the States. He went to the cooking school there. Graduated top of the class. His family were all chefs, too, so he comes from a good background. I think he'll make a go of it."

  Their waiter came by and asked for their selection. Del brushed him off, said they wanted to enjoy their drinks for a while first. Janine couldn't help but squirm in her seat as she felt the pressure of her panties, wondering if Del had just been teasing her about using the remote in his pocket tonight.

  Surely he wouldn't do that here, in this trendy, crowded restaurant.

  He hadn't yet, so maybe he was just teasing her. Just knowing she wore the panties and he held the remote was enough to moisten her and make her nipples hard.

  "You're fidgeting."

  Her gaze shot to Del. "I am not."

  "Yeah, you are. Relax."

  "I can't."

  "Why not?"

  "You know why not." She cast a look at his coat pocket.

  "My jacket makes you nervous?"

  She rolled her eyes. "You know what I'm talking about." 71

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  He tipped his glass and took a swallow of wine, but didn't answer her, which made her even more anxious.

  He wasn't going to do anything. He'd just made her wear the panties to drive up her anticipation for later. Then, when they were riding in the car or stopped someplace and alone, he'd hit the remote and make her crazy. She finally let go of her anxiety and they talked about their week at work. The waiter came by and they ordered their meal and more drinks, and Del told her about a new delivery of cars that had come in earlier in the week.

  She was listening until she felt a tiny buzz between her legs. It was so faint she was certain her mind had conjured it up, so she dismissed it while Del continued talking.

  But there it was again, a pleasant tingle right in the vicinity of her clit. This time, the sensation lasted a few seconds longer. And she was certain she hadn't imagined it. She waited for it to stop, and when it did, she cast a questioning glance at Del, who smiled at her.