“Shocked. She canceled her insurance policy.”

  “Good. Do you think he came in by seaplane or paddled in from Ely?”

  “Not sure. If he came by plane, he had to have come with one of the other seaplane services or you would have recognized him, don’t you think?” Gavin loved the feel of Amelia’s warm body wrapped in his arms. The way her butt was pressed against his cock was making him ramrod stiff. He swore touching her always made it happen.

  “I’d say that was more likely. He probably came earlier so he could witness the plane crash. He must have been shaken up to learn Mindy wasn’t even on the flight. By the way, my mother told me that if you rescued me from an ice floe, we’d be mated wolves for certain.”

  “No ice floes around here.”

  “I think coming to each other’s aid in a plane crash counts too.” She turned her face up to smile at him.

  He kissed her mouth tenderly, enjoying this time with her out here under the stars, but he wanted something more to relieve the sexual tension she had aroused in him. “How does your brother feel about us?” Gavin had been close to his parents and had never had any siblings, so his partners had been like his brothers. He wanted to have good relations with Amelia’s parents and her brother, just as much as he knew she’d want the same.

  “My brother is happy for me. And he’s eager to meet you. I have to tell you, both my dad and my brother wanted to be the one to paddle back with you.”

  Gavin smiled at her. “It would be nice to get to know them, but I’d much rather share a tent with you.” And so much more.

  Chapter 16

  Later that night, Amelia ran her hand over Gavin’s muscular thigh. “It’s late and I’m tired. Are you ready to retire to bed?” Amelia didn’t really have sleeping in mind, especially not when Gavin’s rigid cock was pressed against her backside. Between that and the musky smell of him, she was getting horny.

  Gavin rose to his feet and banked the fire. “I am.” He hauled the bags into the tent while she turned on a lantern inside.

  Worried about the food, Amelia left the tent and looked in the direction of their campfire. “All the food is put away, right?” She didn’t want to have to fight with a bear over their food packs again.

  “Yeah. Come on.” He led her back inside the tent. His gaze was so hotly intense on her that she felt the heat sizzle between them, and he wasn’t even touching her.

  And then it was like a race to the finish line, both of them feeling the need to get naked and have sex. At least as far as they could go without mating. They yanked off their boots and socks. Shirts and jeans went flying. Neither of them had bothered with underwear, and now they were naked together, standing, kissing, touching.

  She ran her hands up his muscled chest, and he drew in a sharp, ragged breath. Then she began to kiss him hard on the mouth. His hands moved to her hips, and he settled her against his crotch. His arousal poked her in the belly, and she was certain he wanted a deeper connection between them like she did.

  The air was already thick with their musky, sexy scents, mixing, mingling, preparing them to move forward.

  She pulled him tighter and began kissing him again, their bodies snug, their hearts pounding. “You feel so good,” she said against his mouth.

  “You feel even better.”

  He lifted her up and settled her on the sleeping bag. He spread her legs with his hand, caressing her inner thigh all the way to her mound, his darkened gaze shifting from her face to his actions. His fingers combed gently through her curly hairs. She barely breathed. The need to feel him touching her, coaxing her into climax, was overwhelming.

  But then he swept his hand over her belly, his warming caress heating her. Liquid heat pooled between her legs, preparing her for his penetration, even though they couldn’t unless they were going for a mating.

  He traced her inner thigh again, drawing closer to the center of her, teasing her. Then he began to stroke her, his mouth kissing a trail up her belly to her breast. His tongue licked a nipple, and she groaned out loud. His fingers were steady, determined, coaxing her bud. She was caught up in the mesmerizing feel of his touches, the way his tongue circled her nipple, wet and warm and gentle, the way his hot mouth sucked.

  She was primed for him, eager to agree to anything, spreading her legs further, her pheromones telling him in no uncertain terms that she’d picked him. Of any wolf she could have, he was the one she wanted.

  But then the thought occurred to her: Could she deal with the issue of being mated to a more newly turned wolf?

  She had to think of her offspring too. They would have the disadvantage of having mostly human genetics, and her children wouldn’t be royals like her. They’d have trouble like he did with not having complete control over shifting during the various phases of the moon.

  If she didn’t have to think practically about this, about what kind of a life she would be setting up for her children, she wouldn’t have cared that he was newly turned.

  Then he was kissing her on the mouth again, moving his hard cock against her thigh, riding her, and the whole business of children and newly turned wolf problems melted away, her every sense tuned to him, to his scent, his touch, and his taste. He was such a gorgeous specimen of a man, and a wolf as well.

  Her body thrummed with delicious need. His fingers worked harder to bring her to the top, his mouth claiming hers and their tongues intertwining in a lover’s dance. Every stroke brought her higher.

  He kissed her throat, and she felt the climax coming. She gripped the sleeping bag in her fists and free-fell, as if she’d jumped from her plane without a parachute, the sheer joy washing over her in a heady rush.

  She wanted to pull him into her, to seat his cock deep inside her, to feel his hot seed explode into her. Instead, she took hold of him and began to stroke. He lay back on the sleeping bag while she worked her magic on him.

  * * *

  The water lapped at the beach nearby, the bugs singing in chorus, but Gavin’s concentration was on the siren stroking him to completion. Her blond hair hung about her shoulders, her beautiful breasts swinging as she stroked him. Her nipples were dark and peaked, her lips parted as she licked them. She was wet and ready for him, and he wanted to finish this thing between them, to mate her, but he knew she was wise to hold back. It was killing him to do so though. Even if he knew it was best to know this was what they really wanted—for all time.

  Her fingers were firm on his cock, sliding up and down to the base, her thumb sliding across the wet tip and then stroking him again. He reached his hands to her legs and pulled her so she was straddling him, open to him, as if she was going to ride him next. The image of her splayed above him and her heated strokes brought him quickly to the top, and he climaxed. He groaned and pulled her down to kiss her deeply, her body spread-eagled across his. He swept his hands down her body, cupping her ass.

  “You are beautiful.”

  “You are so hot. Why don’t we go skinny-dipping to clean off under the stars?”

  “You’re so the wolf for me,” he said as she climbed off him.

  She laughed.

  Before she could walk barefooted across the stone-covered beach, he scooped her up and headed out to the water.

  And then when he’d carried her out far enough, he let her go, and they splashed around, laughing and enjoying the nighttime swim. “Hope we aren’t within hearing distance of any poor souls who are trying to sleep.”

  “Maybe we’ll give them ideas.”

  * * *

  After breakfast the next morning, Amelia and Gavin headed out on the next day of their journey to Ely.

  “Since we never saw any sign of Asher or Heaton, Lee and her party all arrived home safe and sound, and the aircraft investigators are still checking into the downed plane, I want to go to Seattle to check into Conrad and Orwell’s situations. Both wanted
to hire me,” Gavin said.

  “Do you need a flying companion?” Amelia asked, not surprised he’d take the jobs.

  “I’d love it.”

  “What about Conrad’s wife?”

  “I haven’t called her yet. I was giving Conrad time to return home. Because he’s cut his canoe trip short by several days, if he doesn’t tell Eleanor, he might get a surprise himself when he arrives home.”

  “You mean that she could be seeing someone.”

  “Correct. In which case he might not need my services.”

  “Except to document it.”

  “True. He could hire someone there, less expense for him.”

  “Did you tell him you were working for his wife?”

  “No. That’s confidential, but I suspect he knows that’s why I was there. I’m not finished with Conrad either. What if he’s not having an affair with anyone at work, but he is with someone away from work? Unless Eleanor lied about what she found to be suspicious concerning her husband’s actions, it’s worth looking into.”

  “A wolf and his bone.”

  “I’m always as thorough as I can be.”

  They spent two days paddling, fishing, running and swimming as wolves, and had another day to go before they reached Ely. They had made love again last night, to the extent they could without a mating, but Amelia didn’t know how long either of them would last at it. They’d both had to put on the brakes, but she didn’t think it would be long before they took the plunge.

  When they camped that night, Gavin called ahead to let Faith know they were getting close to Ely.

  “David came in, so he’s picking you up when you arrive. Just let him know an hour out, and he’ll be there. You know him… He wants to meet the lady wolf,” Faith said. “I’m staying here to watch the kids and man the agency phones.”

  “Did you tell him about her when he was still out in the field?” Gavin asked.

  Faith laughed. “Yes. Sorry. Should I have kept it a secret?”

  Gavin said to Amelia, “Okay, so David Davis is the other bachelor male in the pack. And apparently he’s finagled his way into picking us up.”

  “Faith is working scheduling and has the triplets to care for. I don’t blame her. I assume this worked out better for her. And for David.”

  Gavin said, “Yeah, I wasn’t going to mention that part.”

  “You didn’t have to. New Arctic female wolf shows up in your territory; she’s single, he’s single. Stands to reason.” Amelia put her arms around Gavin’s waist. “You don’t seem worried.”

  “Oh, he’ll be interested, and he’ll hope he has a chance with you. I hope he doesn’t.”

  “He doesn’t,” Amelia assured him.

  He smiled at her, then spoke again to Faith. “I think he’s too late if he thought to make a connection with Amelia.”

  “Oh my. Well, it sounds like we might have some celebrating to do.”

  “There’s something else I meant to mention. We’re taking a puppy Saint Bernard into the pack. The kids will love him, but while I’m off on missions, can you look after him?”

  “Absolutely. And I’m sure Owen’s mate will love to have the company while she’s writing her next novel. Is…that some of the reason why you got the girl?”

  He laughed. “He was part of our adventure, and he missed going home to a family. He needs some training as far as not running off, but he’s a great dog. Big. Much bigger than us when we’re wolves. Good-natured.”

  “The kids will be delighted. They won’t be able to wait until he’s here.”

  “Hold on.” Gavin said to Amelia, “Do you think your brother could deliver Winston to Faith and Cameron’s house?”

  “Sure. When you get off the phone, I’ll call Slade.”

  “Amelia will ask her brother when he can bring him.” Gavin heard the kids shouting with excitement in the background.

  “Hope it’s sooner than later!”

  “I’ve got a couple of jobs in Seattle that might relate to this case,” Gavin said. “I’ve already called ahead for a flight for the day after we arrive. That means you’ll have to take care of Winston for a while.”

  “Seattle?” Faith sounded like she didn’t care for the idea.

  “I’ve got a couple of jobs there,” he reiterated.

  “And if the gray pack sees you there?”

  “Their tough luck. They’re not going to stop us if we have business in the area.”

  “Maybe David should go with you.”

  “I believe if it’s only me—”

  “And me,” Amelia said.

  “And Amelia.” Gavin looked down into her luminous green eyes and saw the eagerness there. “We’ll be fine.”


  Gavin knew Faith was figuring that the changes in his life suddenly had something to do with the she-wolf. Which was true. “We’ll be fine.”

  “I’ll let everyone know. And, Gavin, you only have about five days before the moon starts messing with your shifting.”

  “That’s why we’re flying out as soon as we can.”

  “Tell Faith that if you have trouble with shifting, we’ll just drive back. I can control the shifting at all times.”

  “I heard,” Faith said. “And tell her I thank her.”

  “I’m mating her.” Gavin didn’t see any reason not to state how he felt about Amelia, though he supposed he should have asked her if she wanted it too. The way they’d been so close to throwing caution to the wind and mating last night, he was certain it would be soon, one way or another.

  Amelia laughed.

  “I guess I should ask her first.” Gavin smiled down at her, his fingers combing through her satiny blond hair.

  “Gavin, you and your partners.” Faith sighed. “Talk to her, and when you can, let me know.”

  “I’ll talk to you soon. She needs to call her brother about the dog too.”

  When they ended the call, Gavin handed the sat phone to Amelia. She was smiling at him, waiting for him to say something before she called her brother.

  He pulled her into his arms, and she set the sat phone down on the grass.

  “I love you, Amelia. I thought there must be something wrong with me when I was so glad to see you again. Like I was seeing an old friend, despite the fact that you tased me the last time we met. When I smelled you were a wolf, that made all the difference in the world to me. All the instincts I have as a human, and the deeper ones that are part of our wolf nature, instantly kicked in. Now I know why Owen didn’t want the rest of us to meet Candice until they were mated wolves. And why Cameron was so possessive and protective of Faith. Though with both wolf couples, it goes both ways.”

  “As it should if the wolves are suited to each other,” Amelia said, holding him close. She could already feel his cock stirring against her, loved feeling his hard body pressed against her, his arms wrapped securely around her. She knew she should wait and see how he dealt with the issue of not having control over his shifting. She’d never known a wolf who had been turned. She didn’t care. If he needed her, she would be there for him every step of the way. As far as kids were concerned, well, they’d all deal with the shifting issues.

  Gavin kissed her forehead. “I admire you for being able to fly—without fear, and in extraordinary circumstances, landing so that we survived. Every night you were gone, I breathed in your sexy scent on the sleeping bags and wished we were sharing them again. Every day, I wished you were paddling with me, sharing meals, enjoying the wilderness together. All I could think of was how much I wanted to court you and win you over and, well, hell… Will you mate me?”

  She laughed. “I didn’t think you’d ever ask. Any man who would put up with me tasing him, then still be good-natured while we were attempting to make it to shore with Winston and all your gear is remarkable. Then you
offered to help us learn the truth about the plane, decided to take Winston, and offered your pack’s help with anything we might need.

  “I hated having to leave you behind when my brother needed me to fly for him, and I hoped you would still need me so I could return here and paddle with you further.”

  “Are you kidding? I thought of nothing else.”

  She smiled. “When I went home to an empty bed, I felt like I’d lost my packmate. That’s how much I already felt the strong connection between us. And truly, last night, we were well on our way to being mated wolves, so it’s happening. Sooner’s much better for me.”

  She pulled him down for a kiss and planted her lips softly against his. “I love you right back, Gavin.” Something in the sky caught her attention, and she looked up to see a pale ribbon of green and pink lights that turned into brilliant bands across the night sky. A wolf howled off in the distance, and several more followed suit and sang for several minutes: the gathering of the pack, hauntingly beautiful. The perfect night for mated love between two Arctic wolves.

  She pulled away from Gavin, and he started to follow her to the tent, but she said, “We’ll do this outside, under the beautiful night sky. With the aurora borealis dancing above us, nothing would make it more special.”

  He smiled. “It sure will be special.”

  They brought out the sleeping bag and laid it out under the stars as they both hurried to strip. No one could tell how long the beams of lights would last, maybe up to a half hour, possibly repeating again later. She wanted to do this now. To make this mating even more special than it would already be. Forever, they would remember it this way.

  “You’re beautiful, you know?” Gavin said, smiling down at her before he pulled her over to the sleeping bag and they climbed into it.

  “You are too.” Amelia kissed him as they settled into the bag.

  For several minutes, she lay wrapped in his arms in the sleeping bag, both of them watching the aurora borealis display overhead, the beauty of the lights reflecting off the glassy water. “Dawn of the north,” she said.

  Yet no matter how spectacular the lights were, she couldn’t stop thinking of Gavin’s hot, naked body wrapped around her. The feel of his hard muscles beneath her. The spicy, male wolfish scent that she couldn’t help breathing in, filling her with heady delight.