Page 16 of Scent of Scotland

  "I apologize for scaring you. I. . .I could not control some of my actions," he told me.

  I stumbled over to his side and set a hand on his shoulder. My legs were not as firm as I wished, but they held me up. He turned to me, and I could see pain in his eyes. I managed a small smile.

  "If you had not done so then I would be their captive," I pointed out.

  Moray studied my face and pursed his lips. "But I see I have frightened you, and I would not have it so."

  I set my head against his shoulder and grasped his arm. "I. . .I wasn't frightened. You merely startled me."

  His chuckle rumbled through my body. "You are a terrible liar."

  I looked up at him and smiled. "Would you have me be a good one?"

  Moray shook his head. "No, but I would have you at a safe distance from here, and I see their filthy hands have ruined your clothes."

  I glanced down at myself and noticed the grimy hand prints on my cloak and dress. "It is not-ah!"

  Moray swept me into his arms and smiled at me. "Allow me the honor of carrying you, my lady."

  I leaned against his firm chest and reveled in his warmth. "Very well, but only this once."

  Moray carried me out of the dark alley and over the unconscious bodies of our foes to the filthy world beyond. A small crowd of the residents were gathered nearby and whispered among themselves as we strode up the hill. Our carriage awaited our coming, but our driver was startled by our appearances.

  "My laird? What has happened?" he asked us as he opened the door.

  Moray set me inside and shook his head. "It is nothing, Malcolm, but let us quick to the house."

  Malcolm bowed. "As you wish, my laird."


  Malcolm sped the horses along, and we soon reached Cael's home. We were met by our host at the rear doors that led into the house.

  "I declare you have a fear of the front of the house," Cael teased. His humor fled him when he noticed our disheveled appearances, and he hurried over to us as quickly as his limp would allow. "What has happened?"

  Moray helped me down, but I pushed away his hands when he offered to carry me. "I can manage," I told him.

  "Pray, tell me what has occurred! Are you both well?" Cael persisted.

  "We are well, but I would have your best whiskey," Moray requested.

  "Then let us to the parlor," Cael suggested.

  We followed Cael, and Moray assisted me inside to the front room. I gratefully took a seat on the couch and Moray sat beside me. Cael rang a bell, and a manservant stepped into the room.

  "Whiskey for three, and some biscuits, if you would," Cael requested. The man bowed his head and left. Cael turned his attention on us and moved to take a seat on the table before the couch. His legs nearly touched ours as he studied our persons. "Now please tell me what has happened."

  "Negligence on my part," Moray admitted. "We ventured into a rough domain where my good sense fled me."

  Cael frowned. "To what part did you traverse?"

  "Chambers Street," Moray replied.

  "Chambers? What the deuce could have taken you there?" Cael questioned him.

  "The most important of business, but that is enough on that subject," Moray insisted.

  Cael leaned back and pursed his lips. "Was this business of yours the source of so many hands on the persons of you and your own lady?"

  Moray scowled and turned his face away from his friend's prying eyes. "I did not foresee such bold kidnappers."

  Cael laughed. "Bold? Nothing is bold on Chambers Street save for honesty. I have heard more than one tale of late where the ruffians overcame a carriage and stripped the occupants of their last farthing."

  Moray helped me remove my cloak and stood with the cloth draped over his arm. "As I said before, it was severe negligence on my part. It will not happen again."

  "How severe was your negligence?" Cael questioned him as his eyes fell on Moray's tattered pants.

  Moray pursed his lips. "Not so severe that the men will be sure of what they witnessed."

  Cael stood and set a hand on his friend's shoulder. He looked Moray in the eyes and his gaze softened. "We have been friends for many years. I would not have us fall into mistrust and petty arguments." He looked past Moray and at me. "Especially not when your beautiful lady is in such distress."

  Moray turned to me and pursed his lips. "Aye. It would do us no good."

  Cael's servant returned with a tray upon which sat a bottle of whiskey, three glasses, and some biscuits to stifle the affects of the alcohol. The servant set the tray on the table and turned to Cael.

  "Will there be anything else, sir?" he asked.

  Cael shook his head. "Nothing at present, but please stoke the fires in the rooms upstairs." The servant bowed, and quit the room.

  Meanwhile, Moray had poured a glass and held it out to me. I shook my head.

  "I am fine," I insisted.

  "You are the color of the grave, and your hands show your anxiety," he argued.

  I balled my shaking hands into fists, but they would not stop their quivering. Moray held the glass closer to me, and I reluctantly accepted his offer and took a sip of the drink. He poured two more glasses and handed one to Cael while he took the other for himself.

  "What can you tell me of these men whom you met?" Cael asked us.

  Moray strode over to the hearth and shook his head. "Nothing but that they wreaked of blood and feces, and wished for me to take the money to a small farmhouse outside the city."

  Cael pursed his lips and nodded. "I see. Then it is the same story as others, but with a more fortunate ending."

  Moray looked to his friend and raised an eyebrow. "Have they tried this often?"

  Cael nodded. "Often enough and with a bold enough manner that even the king worries for his safety. He has sent troops into the Chambers, but the place is as a maze. There is no finding them among those countless hiding holes."

  "Is there no one else with enough influence to rid the city of these pests?" Moray wondered.

  Cael sighed and seated himself in a nearby chair. "I fear not. I myself have thought to venture into those streets, but judging by your clothes I am glad I didn't." He leaned forward and studied Moray's clothing. "How many came upon you?"

  "No great number," Moray replied.

  "No great number?" I spoke up as I set my glass on the table. "It was nearly half a dozen!"

  Cael chuckled. "For a werewolf a half dozen strong men are fewer than a child. Now if they had been armed with silver that would be different. That metal makes them more dangerous than even our own kind."

  "I witnessed Moray injured by silver, but he was well the following day," I pointed out.

  "It can be far worse if the blade runs deep enough," Cael told me as he tapped a finger against his lame leg. "The greatest wound I received was when my foe stabbed my leg through with a silver blade."

  Moray studied my face and stood. "I think perhaps we have stayed awake long enough. Sleep would do better for us."

  "Will you not have some food? I can rouse my cook and have some meat warmed for you and some cheese cut," Cael offered.

  Moray shook his head and helped me to my feet. "No. Rest would be better, and we have some inquiries to make tomorrow that would be well to be done early."

  Cael's humor returned when he grinned and bowed to us. "Then I will guarantee myself a glimpse of you during the meals, and in your flights to and from my house."

  The corners of Moray's lips curled up in a smile. "That will be acceptable. Now might we be shown to our rooms?"

  Cael raised an eyebrow. "Rooms? Do you sleep separately?"

  "More often than not," I spoke up.

  "I regret to inform you, but I only had one room prepared for your coming," Cael informed us. "I might have another readied, but the sheets would not be clean and a fire could not be started."

  I shook my head. "No, I wouldn't wish to be such a bother. We. . .we may share a room."

el swept his arm over his chest and bowed to me. "My high regard for my hospitality and my servants thank you. If you wish, we might have the room prepared tomorrow."

  "No, I'm sure we will both be comfortable in the room you have prepared for us," I assured him.

  A sly smile slipped onto Cael's face and his eyes flickered to Moray. "Indeed, I am sure you will be."

  Moray frowned back at him. "To what do you refer?"

  "Nothing. It is nothing to trouble yourself over," Cael assured him. He stepped up to the foot of the stairs and gestured to the flight. "If you would follow me I may show you your room."

  We followed Cael up the stairs to the second floor. The rooms were small and closely set together, but the size allowed for the chimneys to better warm them. Our room lay at the end of the hall and overlooked the road that led behind the house and the courtyard.

  "I thought perhaps with your secretive comings and goings you would want a view of your carriage," Cael teased as we stepped into the room.

  The space was small, but the white wallpaper was clean and a warm fire burned in the hearth. The four-post bed was large enough to comfortable fit both of us, and our things had been put away in a large dresser on the left. Beside the dresser was a vanity with a washbowl and a stack of towels. A large, oval mirror was attached to the back, and a short stool stood in front of the furniture. Thick rugs lay on the wood floor and a few landscape paintings graced the dark wood-paneled walls.

  "Charming, as always," Moray complimented him.

  Cael smiled and bowed to us. "If you need anything do not hesitate to pull the chord, and my servant or I will come running."

  "Goodnight, Cael," Moray replied.

  Cael grinned and stepped backwards into the doorway. He took a hold of the knob and his sly eyes glanced between us. "Goodnight." He stepped into the hall and closed the door.


  I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. Loose strands tickled my face and I felt my dirty hands leave smudges across my forehead.

  Moray grasped my shoulders and turned me to the vanity. "Let us get you washed and to bed," he suggested.

  "I can do the task myself," I insisted.

  "Then I shall be glad when you do the task yourself-but tomorrow," he added.

  Moray set me on the vanity stool while he fetched my nightgown. I looked in the mirror and winced. The face that looked back at me was pale and covered in stripes of mud. A quick clean of the cloth and water removed the mud, but not the evidence of terror deep in my eyes. Moray moved back to me and stood behind and to my left with my nightgown draped over one arm.

  "Are you well?" he asked me.

  I turned to him with a shaky smile. "Do I look well?"

  He pursed his lips and shook his head. "Not as well as I would wish. I-" He clenched his teeth and turned away. "I am sorry."

  I blinked at him. "For what?"

  "For my recklessness. I thought I could protect you from any danger, and for my arrogance I nearly lost you," he explained.

  I sighed and clasped one of his hands in one of mine. He started and turned back to me with wide eyes. I smiled back at him.

  "It's fine. I'm fine," I pointed out. I took my nightgown from him and stood on my shaky legs. "But I am very tired." Moray nodded and turned his back on me. I blinked at him and tilted my head to one side. "What are you doing?"

  "You no doubt wish for privacy," he reminded me.

  I grabbed one shoulder and turned him so he faced me. "I don't mind if you look, but please don't touch. At least not this night."

  A smile slipped onto his face. "Punishment for my arrogance?" he guessed.

  "No, I'm exhausted. The roads to Edinburgh are not kind," I reminded him as I swept past him.

  I clothed myself in my nightgown and turned to Moray. He stood in front of the dresser and was naked but for his pants. I had to admire his tall, finely chiseled body, and a small, deep part of me was very glad he was my lover. Or mate. Or whatever term I wished to use.

  Moray looked in my direction and smiled. "Are you pleased with what you see?" he teased.

  I shrugged and fell back onto the bed. "Perhaps," I returned.

  He strode over and seated himself at my side and just a little behind me. His strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me against his chest.

  "Hey! Release me!" I ordered him even as he scooted backwards so his back rested against the head of the bed.

  He leaned my back against his warm chest and pulled some of the covers over both of us. "Are you comfortable?" he asked me.

  I looked up at him and frowned. "What do you think?"

  "I think I am very comfortable," he quipped.

  I rolled my eyes and squirmed until my body was comfortably formed against his. His arms tightened around me and I felt a rumble from his chest reverberate through me.

  "Do not move like that again," he commanded.

  I tilted my head back and stared up at him. "Why-" My words caught in my throat when I noticed the yellow hue in his eyes, and there was a guttural growl in his words when he spoke.

  "Because your movements are very. . .suggestive," he told me.

  I cringed and felt a reddish hue warm my cheeks. "Should I remove myself?"

  He leaned down and nuzzled the small of my neck. "I would rather you didn't."

  I gasped and my heart quickened. One of his hands slid beneath the sheets and pressed against my hip. My clothes intruded on his seductive touches, however, and he growled in annoyance.

  "Why must you women wear so much?" he whispered. His warm breath brushed against the flesh of my neck and sent shivers through my body.

  "That can be remedied," I returned.

  "Then let us begin."

  His hands made quick work of the strings and knots behind my back. He flung off the covers and pulled me down so I lay on my back atop the sheets. My lover slid my clothes off my body, and his eyes took in my naked form. His heated gaze devoured me with desire as one of his hands teasingly caressed my hip opposite him.

  "Mine," he growled.

  His deep voice thrilled me. My hands clenched the sheets as my body was consumed by a hot, wet desire to be taken by this man, this monster. His yellow eyes burned me to my soul, and his sharpened fingers brushed against me in teasing little circles of danger and ecstasy. My breasts ached to be caressed and my womanhood begged for his stiff, swollen member to penetrate me again and again. I squirmed and rubbed my legs together, but my movements did nothing to quench the hunger I felt inside me.

  "Please," I moaned.

  A grin slid onto his lips. "Please what?" he wondered.

  "Please take me," I whispered. "Please make me yours."

  My words loosed the feral monster within him. He tore his clothing from his body and ravished me with his lips and hands. I was his captive, and never was there one so willing. His flesh pressed against mine and his hands touched and caressed my body. One hand slid down and stroked my sensitive womanhood. I gasped and clutched onto his thick, strong forearms. My lustful body ached for fulfillment. The heat inside me was unbearable. I squirmed and moaned atop the sheets.

  "Please," I begged. The fire was too much. I needed satisfaction. I needed him. "Please take me."

  He grunted and shifted so he lay on top of me. His thick, pulsing member slid smoothly into my wet, hot core. We both groaned at our joyous union, but the gentle motions were not long. His thrusts were long and hard. Every penetration stroked my womanhood and sent shivers up my back. We both panted for breath as our wild thrusts pushed us against each other.

  I never felt so alive as when he was inside me. His dominating presence fed my desire to be taken and owned. I was his possession, his love, his lust. He was my master and my lord. My tense, aching body reveled in the feel of him against me and inside me. I longed never to leave him, and for him never to be finished with me.

  "Yes, my love. Just like that," I whispered into his ear as he thrust hard into me. I grasped his head and nibbled on his
ear. "Never stop. Oh God, never stop."

  He growled and penetrated me faster. Our love-making turned into a wild rut as we each strained to reach the fulfillment we both craved. I pressed against him and embraced the hot, sensual emotions that washed over me. So hot was my lust that I felt consumed by fire.

  My orgasm was a slow ache that engulfed me in its deliciously warm embrace. I leaned back my head as I felt the sweet reverberations of pleasure sweep over me.

  "Yes! Oh God, yes! Take me! Take me faster!" I cried out. He obeyed my pleas and quickened his thrusts. My orgasm penetrated every bit of my flesh with its wonderful touch. A smile slid onto my lips as I succumbed to its whim. "Oh God! Oh God, yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!"

  The bliss lasted for a long moment. His came shortly after mine, and we soon both collapsed. He rolled over onto my side, and our sweat-soaked bodies panted as we tried to catch our breaths. After a few moments he pulled the sheets over our fastly-cooling bodies and wrapped his arms around me. I pressed my chest against his and sighed.

  "Never leave me, my mate," he whispered.

  I smiled and shook my head. "Never, my love."

  He pressed me closer, and we fell asleep.


  The next morning the sun rose very early, as did my lord. I felt the slightest tremble of the bed as he slipped from beneath the covers. My eyes creaked open and I beheld his dark form over by the dresser. He dressed himself and stoked the fire before he returned to the bed. Moray seated himself on the edge of my side and, by the light of the lit fire, I could see his dark eyes watching me.

  "Will you remain in bed all day watching me dress?" he teased.

  I sat up and glared at him. "I was merely waiting for you to light the fire. I haven't the same eyesight as you to dress myself."

  "I could assist," he offered.

  I snorted. "If you were to assist there would be no dressing."

  Moray sighed. "As pleased as that would make us both, I must insist you rise at once. We must leave."

  I furrowed my brow. "Where are we to go? Back to the castle?"

  He shook his head. "No. We will follow one of the leads given to us by McKenna."

  I pulled my legs up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. "And where does this lead take us exactly?"