When Anne came downstairs again, the Island, as well as all Canada, wasin the throes of a campaign preceding a general election. Gilbert, whowas an ardent Conservative, found himself caught in the vortex, beingmuch in demand for speech-making at the various county rallies. MissCornelia did not approve of his mixing up in politics and told Anne so.

  "Dr. Dave never did it. Dr. Blythe will find he is making a mistake,believe ME. Politics is something no decent man should meddle with."

  "Is the government of the country to be left solely to the roguesthen?" asked Anne.

  "Yes--so long as it's Conservative rogues," said Miss Cornelia,marching off with the honors of war. "Men and politicians are alltarred with the same brush. The Grits have it laid on thicker than theConservatives, that's all--CONSIDERABLY thicker. But Grit or Tory, myadvice to Dr. Blythe is to steer clear of politics. First thing youknow, he'll be running an election himself, and going off to Ottawa forhalf the year and leaving his practice to go to the dogs."

  "Ah, well, let's not borrow trouble," said Anne. "The rate of interestis too high. Instead, let's look at Little Jem. It should be spelledwith a G. Isn't he perfectly beautiful? Just see the dimples in hiselbows. We'll bring him up to be a good Conservative, you and I, MissCornelia."

  "Bring him up to be a good man," said Miss Cornelia. "They're scarceand valuable; though, mind you, I wouldn't like to see him a Grit. Asfor the election, you and I may be thankful we don't live over harbor.The air there is blue these days. Every Elliott and Crawford andMacAllister is on the warpath, loaded for bear. This side is peacefuland calm, seeing there's so few men. Captain Jim's a Grit, but it's myopinion he's ashamed of it, for he never talks politics. There isn'tany earthly doubt that the Conservatives will be returned with a bigmajority again."

  Miss Cornelia was mistaken. On the morning after the election CaptainJim dropped in at the little house to tell the news. So virulent isthe microbe of party politics, even in a peaceable old man, thatCaptain Jim's cheeks were flushed and his eyes were flashing with allhis old-time fire.

  "Mistress Blythe, the Liberals are in with a sweeping majority. Aftereighteen years of Tory mismanagement this down-trodden country is goingto have a chance at last."

  "I never heard you make such a bitter partisan speech before, CaptainJim. I didn't think you had so much political venom in you," laughedAnne, who was not much excited over the tidings. Little Jem had said"Wow-ga" that morning. What were principalities and powers, the riseand fall of dynasties, the overthrow of Grit or Tory, compared withthat miraculous occurrence?

  "It's been accumulating for a long while," said Captain Jim, with adeprecating smile. "I thought I was only a moderate Grit, but when thenews came that we were in I found out how Gritty I really was."

  "You know the doctor and I are Conservatives."

  "Ah, well, it's the only bad thing I know of either of you, MistressBlythe. Cornelia is a Tory, too. I called in on my way from the Glento tell her the news."

  "Didn't you know you took your life in your hands?"

  "Yes, but I couldn't resist the temptation."

  "How did she take it?"

  "Comparatively calm, Mistress Blythe, comparatively calm. She says,says she, 'Well, Providence sends seasons of humiliation to a country,same as to individuals. You Grits have been cold and hungry for many ayear. Make haste to get warmed and fed, for you won't be in long.''Well, now Cornelia,' I says, 'mebbe Providence thinks Canada needs areal long spell of humiliation.' Ah, Susan, have YOU heard the news?The Liberals are in."

  Susan had just come in from the kitchen, attended by the odor ofdelectable dishes which always seemed to hover around her.

  "Now, are they?" she said, with beautiful unconcern. "Well, I nevercould see but that my bread rose just as light when Grits were in aswhen they were not. And if any party, Mrs. Doctor, dear, will make itrain before the week is out, and save our kitchen garden from entireruination, that is the party Susan will vote for. In the meantime,will you just step out and give me your opinion on the meat for dinner?I am fearing that it is very tough, and I think that we had betterchange our butcher as well as our government."

  One evening, a week later, Anne walked down to the Point, to see if shecould get some fresh fish from Captain Jim, leaving Little Jem for thefirst time. It was quite a tragedy. Suppose he cried? Suppose Susandid not know just exactly what to do for him? Susan was calm andserene.

  "I have had as much experience with him as you, Mrs. Doctor, dear, haveI not?"

  "Yes, with him--but not with other babies. Why, I looked after threepairs of twins, when I was a child, Susan. When they cried, I gavethem peppermint or castor oil quite coolly. It's quite curious now torecall how lightly I took all those babies and their woes."

  "Oh, well, if Little Jem cries, I will just clap a hot water bag on hislittle stomach," said Susan.

  "Not too hot, you know," said Anne anxiously. Oh, was it really wiseto go?

  "Do not you fret, Mrs. Doctor, dear. Susan is not the woman to burn awee man. Bless him, he has no notion of crying."

  Anne tore herself away finally and enjoyed her walk to the Point afterall, through the long shadows of the sun-setting. Captain Jim was notin the living room of the lighthouse, but another man was--a handsome,middle-aged man, with a strong, clean-shaven chin, who was unknown toAnne. Nevertheless, when she sat down, he began to talk to her withall the assurance of an old acquaintance. There was nothing amiss inwhat he said or the way he said it, but Anne rather resented such acool taking-for-granted in a complete stranger. Her replies werefrosty, and as few as decency required. Nothing daunted, her companiontalked on for several minutes, then excused himself and went away.Anne could have sworn there was a twinkle in his eye and it annoyedher. Who was the creature? There was something vaguely familiar abouthim but she was certain she had never seen him before.

  "Captain Jim, who was that who just went out?" she asked, as CaptainJim came in.

  "Marshall Elliott," answered the captain.

  "Marshall Elliott!" cried Anne. "Oh, Captain Jim--it wasn't--yes, itWAS his voice--oh, Captain Jim, I didn't know him--and I was quiteinsulting to him! WHY didn't he tell me? He must have seen I didn'tknow him."

  "He wouldn't say a word about it--he'd just enjoy the joke. Don'tworry over snubbing him--he'll think it fun. Yes, Marshall's shavedoff his beard at last and cut his hair. His party is in, you know. Ididn't know him myself first time I saw him. He was up in CarterFlagg's store at the Glen the night after election day, along with acrowd of others, waiting for the news. About twelve the 'phone camethrough--the Liberals were in. Marshall just got up and walked out--hedidn't cheer or shout--he left the others to do that, and they nearlylifted the roof off Carter's store, I reckon. Of course, all theTories were over in Raymond Russell's store. Not much cheering THERE.Marshall went straight down the street to the side door of AugustusPalmer's barber shop. Augustus was in bed asleep, but Marhall hammeredon the door until he got up and come down, wanting to know what all theracket was about.

  "Come into your shop and do the best job you ever did in your life,Gus,' said Marshall. 'The Liberals are in and you're going to barber agood Grit before the sun rises.'

  "Gus was mad as hops--partly because he'd been dragged out of bed, butmore because he's a Tory. He vowed he wouldn't shave any man aftertwelve at night.

  "'You'll do what I want you to do, sonny,' said Marshall, 'or I'll jestturn you over my knee and give you one of those spankings your motherforgot.'

  "He'd have done it, too, and Gus knew it, for Marshall is as strong asan ox and Gus is only a midget of a man. So he gave in and towedMarshall in to the shop and went to work. 'Now,' says he, 'I'll barberyou up, but if you say one word to me about the Grits getting in whileI'm doing it I'll cut your throat with this razor,' says he. Youwouldn't have thought mild little Gus could be so bloodthirsty, wouldyou? Shows what party
politics will do for a man. Marshall kept quietand got his hair and beard disposed of and went home. When his oldhousekeeper heard him come upstairs she peeked out of her bedroom doorto see whether 'twas him or the hired boy. And when she saw a strangeman striding down the hall with a candle in his hand she screamed bluemurder and fainted dead away. They had to send for the doctor beforethey could bring her to, and it was several days before she could lookat Marshall without shaking all over."

  Captain Jim had no fish. He seldom went out in his boat that summer,and his long tramping expeditions were over. He spent a great deal ofhis time sitting by his seaward window, looking out over the gulf, withhis swiftly-whitening head leaning on his hand. He sat there tonightfor many silent minutes, keeping some tryst with the past which Annewould not disturb. Presently he pointed to the iris of the West:

  "That's beautiful, isn't, it, Mistress Blythe? But I wish you couldhave seen the sunrise this morning. It was a wonderfulthing--wonderful. I've seen all kinds of sunrises come over that gulf.I've been all over the world, Mistress Blythe, and take it all in all,I've never seen a finer sight than a summer sunrise over the gulf. Aman can't pick his time for dying, Mistress Blythe--jest got to go whenthe Great Captain gives His sailing orders. But if I could I'd go outwhen the morning comes across that water. I've watched it many a timeand thought what a thing it would be to pass out through that greatwhite glory to whatever was waiting beyant, on a sea that ain't mappedout on any airthly chart. I think, Mistress Blythe, that I'd find lostMargaret there."

  Captain Jim had often talked to Anne of lost Margaret since he had toldher the old story. His love for her trembled in every tone--that lovethat had never grown faint or forgetful.

  "Anyway, I hope when my time comes I'll go quick and easy. I don'tthink I'm a coward, Mistress Blythe--I've looked an ugly death in theface more than once without blenching. But the thought of a lingeringdeath does give me a queer, sick feeling of horror."

  "Don't talk about leaving us, dear, DEAR Captain, Jim," pleaded Anne,in a choked voice, patting the old brown hand, once so strong, but nowgrown very feeble. "What would we do without you?"

  Captain Jim smiled beautifully.

  "Oh, you'd get along nicely--nicely--but you wouldn't forget the oldman altogether, Mistress Blythe--no, I don't think you'll ever quiteforget him. The race of Joseph always remembers one another. Butit'll be a memory that won't hurt--I like to think that my memory won'thurt my friends--it'll always be kind of pleasant to them, I hope andbelieve. It won't be very long now before lost Margaret calls me, forthe last time. I'll be all ready to answer. I jest spoke of thisbecause there's a little favor I want to ask you. Here's this poor oldMatey of mine"--Captain Jim reached out a hand and poked the big, warm,velvety, golden ball on the sofa. The First Mate uncoiled himself likea spring with a nice, throaty, comfortable sound, half purr, half meow,stretched his paws in air, turned over and coiled himself up again."HE'll miss me when I start on the V'yage. I can't bear to think ofleaving the poor critter to starve, like he was left before. Ifanything happens to me will you give Matey a bite and a corner,Mistress Blythe?"

  "Indeed I will."

  "Then that is all I had on my mind. Your Little Jem is to have the fewcurious things I picked up--I've seen to that. And now I don't like tosee tears in those pretty eyes, Mistress Blythe. I'll mebbe hang onfor quite a spell yet. I heard you reading a piece of poetry one daylast winter--one of Tennyson's pieces. I'd sorter like to hear itagain, if you could recite it for me."

  Softly and clearly, while the seawind blew in on them, Anne repeatedthe beautiful lines of Tennyson's wonderful swan song--"Crossing theBar." The old captain kept time gently with his sinewy hand.

  "Yes, yes, Mistress Blythe," he said, when she had finished, "that'sit, that's it. He wasn't a sailor, you tell me--I dunno how he couldhave put an old sailor's feelings into words like that, if he wasn'tone. He didn't want any 'sadness o' farewells' and neither do I,Mistress Blythe--for all will be well with me and mine beyant the bar."