Page 8 of Suspicion

  "Hi, everyone," I said, lifting my arm. "Sorry for the interruption. I just have a couple things I want to say."

  Sawyer leaned in toward my ear. "I hate you," he whispered.

  I just smiled at him.

  "As many of you know, this isn't just a New Year's Eve party. We're


  also here to celebrate a friend of mine, Sawyer Hathaway, a guy who just happened to save my life a few nights ago," I said.

  "Whoo! Go Sawyer!" Graham shouted.

  Everyone laughed and applauded. Sawyer blushed, turning his profile to the crowd. He started to fiddle with the woven bracelets he always wore around his wrist, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

  "I'm goingto make this brief, since he doesn't like the spotlight, but I just wanted everyone to hear me say. . . thank you, Sawyer." I turned to look at him. "If you hadn't jumped in the water at the exact moment you did, I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't be able to be with my friends, to experience this incredible parry, to do any of the things I've got planned for my future." I looked at Upton as I said this and a new thrill of excite -ment shot through my core. "And I swear, I'll never do anything like this to you again, but I just thought you deserved a little toast."

  I turned and lifted a champagne glass from a tray on the DJ's table. Kiran really had prepared for everything.

  "To Sawyer, my hero!"

  "To Sawyer!" the crowd shouted.

  There was a lot of cheering and whooping and clapping. Sawyer managed to raise his hands to acknowledge it, even though he seemed to be melting in embarrassment on the inside. Soon the DJ turned up the music again and everyone got back to their dancing. I handed the microphone back to him and then gave my champagne glass to Sawyer.

  "Here. Looks like you could use this," I said.


  Sawyer downed the whole thing in one gulp. "Thanks."

  "You don't actually hate me, do you?" I asked.

  He smiled. "No. But you really are done now, right? No more thank-yous, no more speeches?"

  "I swear," I said, crossing my heart for good measure.

  "Omigod! You guys are not going to believe this!" Kiran cried, bursting out of the crowd. "Come on!"

  She cut a weaving line through the dance floor--one that we attempted to follow as best we could without getting elbowed in the face. When we arrived on the other side we found that the rest of our crew was all lined up on the rocky ledge, staring out at the water. I squinted into the darkness, trying to see whatever it was that had caught their attention. Finally I zoned in on a lone boat, bobbing out on the waves a good distance offshore.

  "What's up?" I asked.

  "That's Daniel's boat," Noelle said, lifting a hand. "Those losers are out there spying onus!"

  I laughed. "You're kidding."

  "They are so pathetic," Taylor said.

  Noelle extricated her iPhone from her clutch and turned it on.

  "What're you doing?" Dash asked.

  "Just wait." Noelle held the phone to her ear and cleared her throat. "Voice mail. Figures." She waited a moment, then spoke. "Are you really that pathetic that you couldn't find anything better to do on New Year's Eve than spy onus? Oh, Paige, how the mighty have fallen. Have fun wallowing in your friendlessness."


  She dropped her phone back in her bag and turned to the rest of us. "Hot tub?"

  The girls cheered and the guys tore off their shirts. Sawyer shrugged and followed Graham, who was running toward the hot tub in nothing but his boxers.

  "Hope you've got a bra on under that dress," Tiffany said as she lifted her frock off over her head, revealing a matching--and very sexy--set of black lingerie.

  Luckily, I did, but still. . . did I really want all the guys seeing me in my underwear? Especially Upton, who was supposed to see it all later? And Dash, who had already seen some of it on one of the most shameful nights of my life?

  "It's sweet that you're so shy," Upton said in my ear, noting my hesitation. "Here."

  He produced a blue T-shirt from behind his back and handed it to me. "I got it from one of the dancers just in case."

  "Upton . .. thank you."

  He brought his forehead to mine and our noses touched. "Like I really want any of these gits to see my girl half naked. You are all mine."

  His words sent a shiver of delight across my shoulders, down my back, and all the way into my toes.

  "Yes, I am," I replied. I pulled the large T-shirt on, then shimmied out of my dress. "Now let's get in the tub."



  "Are you crazy? You can't go in the pool after the hot tub! The water will be freezing," Amberly complained, shivering in her pink underwear as we all made our way down the hill toward the pool a little while later. "You're supposed to do it the other way around."

  "I like to live on the edge," Kiran said flatly. "Go dry off if you don't want to come."

  "Actually, I think I'm going to take that advice. You lot go ahead," Upton said, pausing halfway down the hill near the dance floor. My heart skipped a beat as Tiffany and West veered around us and kept walking, their bare feet making wet prints on the wood floor. "I need to get back. Are you all right here?"

  I smiled, lifting my soggy hair over my shoulder. "I'm good. How long before I join you?" I asked, stepping forward so that our knees brushed.

  Upton checked his watch. "I told the guy to come round at eleven.


  You don't mind the idea of celebrating the New Year alone together, do you?"

  I thought of what Kiran said about how what you're wearing when the clock strikes twelve sets the tone for the whole year. Maybe if Upton and I were alone together, wearing nothing at all, it would be a good omen for our long-distance relationship. The very thought of it sent a shiver through me. He reached out to rub my arms with his palms.

  "I'm okay," I said. "Just thinking about later. And no, I don't mind celebrating alone together."

  Upton's smile warmed me from head to toe. He leaned in and gave me a long, lingering kiss. "I'll see you soon."

  Then he squeezed my hand once and headed down the hill in the opposite direction, toward the dock. I laced my fingers together under my chin as I watched him go, unable to believe how lucky I was. That incredibly gorgeous, sought-after, intelligent, worldly guy wanted to be with me. Just me. Tonight of all nights. New Year's Eve. He was goingto leave his lifelong friends at this kick- ass party just to be with me. It was all I could do to keep from laughing out loud. Instead I turned around and traipsed down the sandy walkway to join my friends at the pool. The guys were hanging out at a couple of high-top tables, munching on finger foods while the girls were in the pool, hanging out on the steps.

  "Reed, that boy is so in love with you they should write Hallmark cards about it," Kiran said as I joined them.

  I eased my way into the cold water next to Noelle, unable to wipe the grin off my face.


  "You so won the Upton game it's ridiculous," Tiffany added. Every year, the girls competed to see who Upton would hook up with first. It was a lovely little holiday tradition that I tried not to think about.

  I tilted my head. "Well, not officially. Not yet. "

  Noelle's eyebrows arched. "Not yet. Reed, you do realize that implies that you actually intend to seal the deal."

  I bit my lip and dunked my head under the water. Even so I could hear them all squealing and laughing. Then Tiffany grabbed my arm and pulled me up.

  "Wait, so you two are really going to do the deed?" she asked.

  I nodded, finding myself unable to speak past the bubble of giddy emotion that had welled up in my throat.

  "I knew it! I knew that was the special occasion Upton was planning," Noelle said, grinning in a self-satisfied way.

  "When?" Kiran demanded, splashing me in the face. "When is this happening?"

  I spit some water out of my mouth and blinked. "Okay, first, thanks for that," I said. "And tonight," I adde
d, looking down at my T-shirt, which was floating up in the water. "That's why he just left. He'sgoing back to his house to make sure everything's set."

  "Wow. Look at you," Noelle said, nudging me with her foot. "I honestly didn't think you had it in you."

  "What am I going to do, stay celibate forever?" I asked. "Thomas is gone and Josh and I are clearly over," I said, annoyed at the fact that my heart panged when I said Josh's name. "It's way past time to move on."

  "Good for you," Taylor said with a nod.


  "And who better to move on with than Upton Giles?" Kiran added.

  "He is so hot," Amberly put in.

  I shot her a look of death and she rolled her eyes.

  "I'm just saying."

  "Whatever. I just can't wait to get out of here and over there," I said, glancing in the direction of St. Barths. "No offense, Kiran. This party is fab, but--"

  "We get it. Believe me," Kiran replied, tipping her champagne glass to me, "your party, Miss Brennan, hasn't even started."



  I tried to ignore the lewd and immature hoots and hollers of my friends as I boarded the private boat Upton had chartered for me. It was much larger than the speedboats that had brought us out to the island, with a cabin below and steps up to the captain's perch above. The floor and all the white leather seats at the stern were completely blanketed in red and pink rose petals, and there was a folded note perched atop a white life vest.

  Be safe, the note read. I'll see you soon.

  I smiled to myself as I shrugged the vest on over my red dress, which I had changed back into after the pool, and secured the straps. It was so sweet that he'd thought of the vest, that he was taking care of me even though he wasn't there. I placed the balled-up wet T-shirt (which I'd decided to take home as a souvenir) on one of the side benches along with my purse and settled in, my heart pounding in anticipation. Soon I would be alone with Upton. I tried to imagine


  how it would all play out. Felt his hands on my skin and his lips over mine. I shuddered pleasantly. I couldn't wait to experience the real thing.

  "All set, miss?" the boat captain called down to me. He glanced over his shoulder slightly and I saw that he had a ruddy beard and wore thick glasses.

  "Yes. I'm ready," I replied.

  Let's just go, go, go!

  He nodded to a worker on the dock, who untied the boat from its tether. The engine sputtered to life and we pulled away lazily, making our way out to the open water. As soon as we were a few yards from the private island, the captain really opened her up, and we were flying across the open ocean, jumping waves at an alarming speed.

  My heart skipped a few frightened beats and I held on to the safety rail to my right, pressing my lips together to keep myself from shouting out. I didn't want to be a big baby, but I wouldn't have imagined that a boat this large could actually move so fast. Or that it should. But if Upton hired this guy, I was sure he knew what he was doing. Besides, the faster we traveled, the sooner I would get to Upton's house. The sooner I would be in Upton's arms.

  We jumped a large wave and the boat slammed back down into the water as if it were concrete. Every bone in my body was jarred and I closed my eyes for a second, trying to compose myself. If Noelle were here, she would definitely say something. Tell the guy to slow down. He was, after all, on Upton's payroll. Wouldn't he have to listen to Upton's guest?


  Just do it, Reed. Stick up for yourself.

  I opened my eyes and looked at St. Barths off the starboard side. My heart all but stopped. The island wasn't there. I glanced around, disoriented, and saw that the main island and all its sparkling lights were now behind us, the private island off in the distance to my right. We had completely turned around, headed in the darkness out to the wide-open water.

  My heart vaulted into my throat. If there was one place I didn't want to be, it was the open ocean. What was wrong with this guy? Was he drunk? Had he passed out at the wheel or something?

  I forced my terror to the back of my mind and pushed myself to my feet. Still clinging to the handrail, I took a shaky step forward, glad, at least, that I had worn low heels instead of the stilettos Kiran had wanted me to. The problem of course, was that the captain was standing up on a platform above me. The only way to get to him would be to climb one of the two steep sets of wet stairs on either side of the cabin. The very idea made my stomach turn like I'd just gotten off a badly constructed carnival ride.

  "Excuse me!" I shouted as loud as I could. The captain didn't flinch. Didn't move. Didn't acknowledge that he had heard me. He probably hadn't, what with the roaring of the engine and the slapping of the boat against the water. "Excuse me! Hey!" I reached out for the safety rail at the bottom of the stairs and placed my trembling foot on the bottom step. "We're going the wrong way! The island is over the--"

  My words were suddenly cut off as a bandana was flung over my


  head from behind and crammed into my mouth. I tried to scream, but the gag was already tied tightly. It shoved my tongue into my throat, and I started to choke. As I fought for breath, I was yanked backward off my feet and my butt slammed into the floor. Instinctively, I reached up to try to claw at my attacker, but my arms were quickly pinned behind my back and tied together with rough twine. I winced in pain as the rope cut my skin. My eyes rolled wildly around, begging the captain to look behind him, to see what was happening, to help me. But even as my feet pounded the floor, he didn't move. I tried to squirm forward using my feet and glutes, but the guy grabbed my hair and yanked me back. The pain was sudden and unexpected and excruciating. Then he placed his hand over my forehead and slammed the back of my skull into the floor, which was still covered in Upton's rose petals.

  "Don't bother, bitch," he spat, his voice gruff, his face turned away from me.

  I forced myself to breathe through my nose, but my panic was so great, I was barely able to take in any air. Pain radiated throughout my skull. Tears stung my eyes and coursed down my face, but I forced myself to stare at my attacker. Tried to commit any details I could to memory. He wore dark glasses that all but covered his face, and had a thick beard just like the captain, but this one was dark and wiry.

  It was the last thing I saw before my eyes were blindfolded, and I was truly powerless.



  About two seconds later, he threw me down the stairs like a sack of dirty laundry. My knees hit the ground first and I careened forward, slamming the side of my head against something sharp. I shouted out in pain and rolled over onto my back, my shoulder muscles straining as I pinned my already tethered arms underneath my weight. I struggled to sit up, the side of my head throbbing angrily, and felt blood trickling down behind my ear. The boat took a sudden turn and I slid across the floor, my entire body slamming into the wall.

  That was when I really started to cry. Tears soaked my blindfold and my nose quickly stuffed itself with mucus. Suddenly, I couldn't breathe to save my life. I gasped past the gag and my lungs constricted over and over and over again. I was going to die. I was going to cry myself to death.

  Get control, Reed. Calm down. Just. Calm. Down.

  Coughing a few times and sucking in a few more breaths, I


  managed to clear my nasal passages. Then I sat for what felt like an eternity, breathing in and out, in and out, until my heart rate calmed to a relatively normal state.

  Normal for someone who was suffering from multiple head traumas, who couldn't see and couldn't move, who was being kidnapped off the coast of a remote Caribbean island at a time when no one would notice she was missing for at least an hour.

  I was completely screwed.

  Overhead, I heard the pounding of footsteps and shouting voices. Obviously, my attacker and the captain of the boat were in on this together. So even if I'd gotten Red Beard's attention, he wouldn't have been any help to me. As I thought back t
o what little I'd seen of their faces, I started to realize that the beards were obviously fake. The glasses clearly a misdirect. So who the hell were these people? Was Daniel one of them? It made sense. Daniel hated Upton, and Paige hated me. Maybe the two of them had decided to kill two birds with one stone. Devastate Upton by getting rid of me. Maybe even send him crying into Paige's arms. Was that why they had been hovering out there in their boat, watching the party? Were they waiting for Upton to leave so that they could put their plan into action?

  My heart seized with a sudden realization. The guy who had been arrested for shoving me off the boat had been on the Ryan family's payroll. Had Daniel and Paige orchestrated that too? Had they paid him off? Promised to take care of his family if he didn't say anything to the police about them? It all made sense. The twins could have been behind every one of my near misses. I had been on their estate when


  the horse took off and almost rode me off a cliff. One of them could have hidden in the bushes and spooked her. I had been on Daniel's Jet Ski when it malfunctioned and almost killed me. He definitely could have rigged that. And I had been on their family's boat when someone in their family's employ had shoved me over the rail and left me for dead. Plus both Sawyer and Taylor had noticed the two of them taking off right around the time I'd gone over.

  It all made sense.

  But knowing this didn't make me feel any better. If anything, I was even more terrified. They had been trying to kill me for days. And now they had me out in the middle of nowhere with no one looking for me. If I was late to meet Upton, he'd probably think I wasn't done partying yet. And no one on the private island would realize I was missing until tomorrow morning.