Page 39 of Lost Boy

  My eyes shifted to the knife within reach.

  And I moved in autopilot.

  Grabbing ahold of it for dear life, I didn’t think twice about it. Brutally stabbing him over and over again…

  Until his body jerked forward, making me realize he was dead.

  I. Killed. Him.

  Finally taking control of my life.


  The Daily News

  News hit yesterday that well-known agent/producer Keith Keyes committed suicide at legendary Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel in Los Angeles, California. More on this story as it develops.

  NY Times

  It’s been one month since Keith Keyes took his own life in such a tragic way. Celebrities from all over the world have been mourning the loss of this agent/producer ever since learning of his untimely death. Reports have surfaced that Mr. Keyes led a double life, and did indeed have demons he hid well. Several sources have confirmed that he struggled with Bipolar Disorder and manic episodes which leads us to believe why he would end his life so brutally.

  USA Today

  It’s been six months since Oscar-winning actress, Skyler Bell, has last been seen. She was reported to have attended the funeral of her former agent/manager and longtime friend and confidant, Keith Keyes. Where she appeared to be struggling with the loss of the man she has described as a father figure in several interviews. We assume the three-time platinum winning singer and songwriter is taking time for herself to grieve the loss of such an important man in her life.


  It’s been over a year since renowned actress, Skyler Bell, has been seen. Several news stations have started to report the actress as MISSING in action. She is not only missed by her fans, but the industry as well. Police have had several reports from people who have claimed to have seen her, but they were all dead ends.

  Skyler Bell, if you read this, we all miss you.

  Huffington Post

  Not only did news hit the media today about Skyler Bell’s return, a year and a half since she was last seen at her long-time agent/manager Keith Keyes funeral. But the legendary actress has entered the spotlight with a vengeance. Claiming to have written a tell-all book about growing up in Hollywood and the secrets that will be revealed.

  LA Times

  Skyler Bell is back in the news, hitting the number one spot on the New York Times bestselling list with her debut memoir, titled, Lost Girl. Where she has shed light and removed skeletons from Hollywood’s elite doors. Exposing several film directors and executives on using their power and authority to molest and rape her as long as she’s been in the industry. Causing a media uproar with the help of District Attorney Damien Montero, justice was finally served to these so-called powerhouses and landed them in prison. Giving many other actresses the courage to come forward and share their story as well.

  Skyler Bell became the voice for women all over the world.

  Washington Post

  With Skyler Bell’s New York Times Bestselling Memoir, Lost Girl, hitting the list at the number one spot for the last ten weeks in a row, it has shed a possible new understanding on why Keith Keyes could have taken his own life so brutally. Perhaps knowing that the young actress was going to expose the decades of manipulation and abuse brought on by his hands. Deciding to end his own life, rather than her ending it for him.

  The irony is not lost on us.

  NBC News

  Finally, we have some happy and exciting news to report! After two and a half years of Skyler Bell’s journey since her brainwashing, manipulating agent/manager took his own life. The voice of women all over the world has reported getting married over six months ago on a private island in the Dominican Republican, with long time soulmate, as she described, Noah Jameson in her memoir. They were last seen cruising the Caribbean on their yacht named Lost Boy. Some media sources say she is pregnant with their first child. Although, neither story has been confirmed from her team, us here at NBC News believe it’s true and couldn’t be happier for the girl who has endured decades of hurt. Skyler has changed several things in the industry for the better, because she had the courage to show her demons. She has taken a step back from the constant limelight and is extremely private about her life. Which is completely understandable for how far she’s come. We respect her privacy and wish her all the best.




  So much had happened in our lives in the last two and a half years. Years that I sometimes thought I wouldn’t survive. Till this day I still remember the expression on Noah’s face when he rushed into the penthouse suite and threw Keith’s lifeless body off me.

  “Oh fuck,” he breathed out, making me shudder out of my skin as I backed into the wall. Scooting as close as possible, seeing so much red. Blood everywhere…

  On my hands, my body, my soul.

  Wanting to cover my ears and close my eyes, find my happy place in tomorrow.

  “Baby, baby, baby,” Noah coaxed with nothing but agony and distress in his tone, pulling me into his arms. “You’re okay, Skyler, you’re okay… I’m here now. I gotcha, Cutie, and I ain’t ever lettin’ you go.”

  “Noah… what did I do? What the fuck did I do?”

  “You did the right fuckin’ thing. You hear me?” He pulled away, gripping onto the sides of my face. Looking me dead in the eyes, speaking with conviction, “And now I’m gonna take it over from here.”


  He started touching my neck, my arms, feeling around my limbs. His eyes shifting with the movement of his hands. “You alright? Did that motherfucker touch you?”

  “I’m okay… please… just hold me. I just need you to hold me.”

  He didn’t have to be told twice, he held me until I thought I was alright, although, it couldn’t have been further from the truth.

  Even though Noah hadn’t shown up until mere minutes after I took Keith’s life that night, in a way, it had been a blessing in disguise. Unexpected circumstances caused him to be late, but he made connections and a lifelong gratitude with a certain District Attorney who ended up saving my life.

  Noah’s corrupt lifestyle also ended up becoming a blessing in disguise. Vlad “handled” Keith Keyes. Washing my bloody hands of it all. He contacted a man who went by the name, Bossman.

  I didn’t ask any questions, all I knew was my slate was wiped clean when I woke up the next morning to media chaos of Keith brutally committing suicide at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel.

  And the rest was history…

  I spent my entire life being Skyler Bell, always working under some sort of life-changing pressure, so to fall back into the role and pretend to be the grieving client for his funeral, was definitely one of the hardest roles I had ever played, but I performed it nonetheless.

  After the funeral, Noah and I spent months and months in hiding, mainly to escape the public eye. Completely going off the grid. Abandoning my dad, my career, my life, only leaving me with the man I loved most in this cruel world. Thankful that I finally had him by my side.

  In every sense of the word.

  The first months were the hardest, at least for my mental state of mind. I woke up in a fit of nightmares, remembering my mom’s death, Keith’s, all those producer’s hands on me.

  The list was endless of all the shit I was reliving.

  Noah would just hold me, whisper how much he loved me, how everything was going to be okay…

  The prior months were a whirlwind. Cutting ourselves off from society to travel around the world on Noah’s yacht.

  The one he finally made us a home.

  Other than a few brief phone calls to my dad now and again, to tell him I was alright. And the same with Noah, keeping in touch with his mom and brother. We were technology free.

  And after the first year, things did start settling down.

  The nightmares were less and less.

  The memories fell somewhere in the back of my mind.
  And even though I was content and happy, living somewhat of a stress-free life, I couldn’t get away from the guilt, the remorse, the shame I felt for something that was never my fault to begin with. I hated that more than anything…

  Until one morning I awoke and decided to truly take control of my life. You see, killing Keith didn’t do anything but permanently remove his existence, from actually seeing him day to day. It didn’t exorcise him from my mind, he was still there…



  Fucking smiling.

  So, I simply grabbed a piece of paper and pencil, and began purging all my demons onto a manuscript. Spending an unhealthy amount of time, day and night, writing everything that had happen to me. While Noah worked on restoring boats in the Caribbean.

  Coming to the realization I couldn’t hide anymore. Knowing I wouldn’t be able to live with myself, if I knew young girls were getting molested every day in the industry. Someone’s daughter, granddaughter, niece.





  Was being used only to gain fame for someone else. It was never about me becoming a shining star, it was always about Keith becoming one as well.

  If there were more girls, women, in this business being brainwashed by men like Keith, thinking it was a normal thing that came with wanting to be in the spotlight. By pedophiles whispering in their ears that the bigger they wanted to get, the more sexual acts they had to perform.

  Then it was my duty to myself and these girls to have our voices fucking heard.

  Once and for all.

  No matter the consequences.

  It couldn’t be worse than what we’d already gone through.

  After a year and a half, my entire story was written on paper. Through blood, sweat, and tears. Ready to be shown. Exposing what really happens behind closed doors in the city of dreams.


  The seedy bullshit that young girls and women endured all for the price of fame. All for price of selling their souls without even knowing it. Making me sick to my fucking stomach every time I even thought about it.

  With the support and love of a lost boy named Noah Jameson, we returned to Miami with my manuscript in hand, meeting Bossman at the docks. Going to see the only man who could get my story out and raise awareness for these young girls all over the world. While convicting the sons of bitches that preyed on the innocent.

  No one other than…

  District Attorney Damien Montero.

  He restored me back to life.

  Finally, truly allowing me to be free.

  By the time we went to see him, the press was eating me alive with headline reports of Skyler Bell missing. Making my disappearance sound like I was kidnapped, and not just stepping away from the Hollywood spotlight. So I wasn’t surprised in the least when pictures of me filled the TV screen with more headlines that read, MISSING, when I went to explain to Mr. Montero, at his newborn son’s party, all that had happened to me.

  When in reality, I was just lost.

  Damien, as he insisted I call him, was more than eager to take my case. Vowing that we were going to take the motherfuckers down…

  Suspect after suspect were exposed, stripped of their careers and thrown to a life behind bars. Names like Jackson Ellis and Christopher Anderson, just to name a few.

  My book was then published six months later, hitting the New York Times number one bestselling list several months in a row. Pushing me back into the spotlight, but this time it was for the greater good.

  I gave up acting and singing to raise awareness full-time. Traveling city to city for lectures, book tours, and retreats. Starting my own charity that focused on providing young girls therapy. Where I sat in a few times, needing treatment as well.

  For the first in my life, everything was right in my world.

  Because Skyler Bell died the night Keith did.


  Skyler Morgan, me, she would live on…





  “Beep, beep, beep… Very hungry pregnant woman comin’ through, clear the hell outta the way people,” I laughed, walking in front of Skyler, signaling my hands like the airport workers do, bringing in a jumbo jet.

  Making everyone laugh, including Skyler.

  “You won’t like her when she’s fuckin’ hangry.”

  Earning me a slap on the back of the head for that one. “You hush your mouth, there are children everywhere,” she reprimanded, grabbing herself a plate and silverware at the MC barbeque.

  We had just gotten back to Southport a few nights ago, after spending six months down in the Dominican Republic. Where Skyler and I got married in a private ceremony on the beach. Away from prying fucking eyes and the occasional paparazzi that still lingered after Skyler’s Hollywood scandal came to light.

  I technically asked her to marry me…

  I’d just finished once again eating her for breakfast, she’d always been my favorite goddamn meal.

  Murmuring against her lips. “Now, I need ya to go slip on a pretty white dress for me. I’m takin’ my girl somewhere.”

  “We’re not going to finish?” she giggled in between kissing me.

  “You did.” I grinned. “On my fuckin’ face.” Kissing her one last time to prove my point before I made my way off the bed.

  As soon as we walked down to the secluded beach, holding hands, there was a minister, and an older couple, we met at the marina we kept the yacht at as our witnesses. Ysabelle owned a bar, and her husband, Sebastian owned his own charter business. Both giving us VIP treatment, showing us all the best spots to fish, eat, and party. The best of the fucking best that only the locals knew about.

  “Hey!” She jerked me back. “You didn’t even ask me! That’s quite cocky… even for you!”

  “Didn’t have to. You yellin’ ‘Yes, yes, yes’ while my face was in between your legs this mornin’ answered. Not my fault you missed the question.”

  “You asked me while I was in mid-orgasm? How does that even count?”

  “Cuz your squirtin’ pussy answered for you.”

  She laughed the rest of the way toward the minister, fucking beaming.

  “Do you, Skyler Morgan, take Noah Jameson to be your husband? To have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish. From this day forward until death do us part,” the minister declared, and I could already see from the expression on Skyler’s face, the response from her pouty little mouth was going to be sassy.

  “Hmm…” She cocked her head to the side, testing my patience. “Let’s see...”

  “Skyler,” I warned in a familiar tone. Ready to say it for her if I had to.

  “What was the question again?”


  “I mean I don’t really remember it? So, I’m just kind of confused on what the Minister is even talking about?”

  Grinning from ear to ear, I got down on one knee with the ring in my hand. Saying, “Marry me?”

  She smiled, big and wide, lighting up her entire face. “We do.”

  Literally knocking me on my fucking ass.

  I didn’t waste any fucking time, trying to get her pregnant once her book hit the shelves six months ago. Wanting to end that chapter of our lives and start a new one with her. Adamant that I was putting a baby in her, making love to her over and over again.

  The day we exchanged our vows, was the same day we finally gave each other what we always wanted.

  A family.


  Living our best life on our boat Lost Boy became our priority. Doing nothing but finally breathing and enjoying one another’s company without any goddamn drama or bullshit between us.

  Ma wasn’t too happy with me when we called to tell her we’d gotten hitched. Spewing some shit about, “Robbing her of see
ing her baby boy and new daughter-in-law getting married and we at least better have a few photos for her to cry over.” Although, she did say she couldn’t have been happier for us, finally finding our way back to one another.

  Skyler’s old man was more laid back and less fucking dramatic about it than my ma. He was just happy and grateful that I called him up one night to ask for his blessing. Knowing it would mean the world to him and Skyler. Things were good between them, better than they had been in a while. Her father was sober, working his steps, attending meetings. Him and Ma were even friends. Supporting each other when needed.

  Two and a half years flew by since she laid one of her biggest demons to rest. By putting him to ground her damn self. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t wish I would’ve done it for her, but it worked itself out. It gave Skyler the strength to finally take control of life for the first time and I couldn’t have been more fucking proud of her.

  My girl turned into my hero.

  Creating a huge difference in the world with not only her singing, but the voice of women to be heard.

  Making every damn person in our families beyond fucking proud.

  Now, she was six months pregnant and glowing, so goddamn beautiful. Constantly taking my breath away. Her pregnancy was good to her, and in turn, Skyler was good to me, her hormones made my already horny girl incessantly crave my cock.

  My mouth.

  My tongue.

  My fingers.

  Everything about my touch, begging me to make her come.

  And who was I to deny her the pleasure of sitting on my fucking face. Squirting all over the damn place. To the point where we needed several sets of back up bed sheets.

  The sacrifices I made for happy wife, happy life, were endless.