Page 26 of Cheater''s Regret

  Thatch was staring at the bundle on my chest with tears streaming down his face.

  “So beautiful,” Dr. Holloway said. “The way the body creates another precious human.” He held up something bluish and gross looking, and I about passed out.

  “Thank you,” Thatch whispered in my ear. “You did wonderfully.”

  “I don’t really hate you,” I said, suddenly exhausted.

  “I know, baby.”

  “And I don’t want you to jump off a cliff.”

  “I’m aware.”

  “And I really do want you to touch me again,” I whimpered. “Maybe just not tonight.”

  He smirked. “Austin?”


  “I love you.”

  “Love you too.” I kissed him on the mouth and felt full, so full, I thought I would explode.

  A family.

  Who would have thought that saying yes to a hot doctor at a bar would lead to this?

  Not me.

  It was the perfect ending.


  I still pinch myself. I love my job; it’s my passion. And I’m so blessed to be able to do it, and so thankful to God for allowing me to do it and putting me on the right path so that a dream could become a reality.

  To my amazing husband and son, who put up with my late nights and constant craziness over book deadlines—I love you guys. Nate, you are truly the best book boyfriend EVER, only you’re real . . . Wait, you are real, right?

  Melody, thank you for all your hard work with this manuscript. Courtney, thank you for always being so up for whatever crazy ideas I have and going, “Okay, yeah, let’s do it!” So honored to be a part of the Skyscape team!

  Erica. Best agent EVER! Thank you for pushing me, and always being such an amazing friend and agent. I love you!

  Jill—you literally make sure everything is perfect before publication. Thank you for keeping me sane and making sure that every t is crossed and every i dotted. I don’t know what I would do without you as family and as a friend!

  Liza, Kristin, Jessica, best beta readers ever! Thanks for loving this book as much as I did and for helping me when things got a bit sketchy!

  To Rachel’s New Rockin’ Readers, GAH! I love you guys, and I know I say this basically every single day on Facebook, but we really do have the best, most supportive group ever!

  Bloggers, Readers, I love you guys hard. And words will never be able to adequately express how thankful I am that you stick with me or that you even pick up one of my books. I’m fully aware I would not be where I am today without you guys!

  If you want to stay in contact, follow me on Instagram @RachVD or you can join my totally awesome group on Facebook, Rachel’s New Rockin’ Readers. To be kept up to date on future releases and all the stuff in between, just text MAFIA to 66866 to be added to my newsletter!



  About the Author

  Photo © 2014 Lauren Watson Perry, Perrywinkle Photography

  A master of lighthearted love stories, Rachel Van Dyken has seen her books appear on national bestseller lists, including the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and USA Today. A devoted lover of Starbucks, Swedish Fish, and The Bachelor, Rachel lives in Idaho with her husband, son, and two boxers. Follow her writing journey at



  Rachel Van Dyken, Cheater's Regret

  (Series: Curious Liaisons # 2)




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