Page 10 of The Devil''s Eyes

  “Come on, Kayla, I’m all yours.” Dizzy, I watch him close his eyes and moan, “Kayla … oh you feel so good.” With renewed energy, I slide down on him and ride him until I vibrate, until my body is so overwhelmed in pleasure that I am paralyzed by it. Nick follows, gripping me still, as he works his erection out inside me, moaning and groaning his enjoyment to the end. Taking comfort in his arms, I curl into him as my body begins to shiver. Nick sits up, pulling the covers over me, before he gets up. I watch him closely as he cleans up and turns off the lights before lying back down in bed next to me. I am unsure how to act. Do I move to the edge away from him? Say something? I look back at him and he rolls over against me, pulling my back to his chest. His arm wraps around me and I sink against him, listening to him breathe. The rhythm of the rise and fall of his chest against my bare back puts me right to sleep.

  He wakes me up twice during the night, whispering to me until I wake up, rubbing his hands over my body as he begs to be inside me again. I surrender to him every time, letting him paralyze me all over again and again.



  Waking up, I have to squint to see the time on the clock. “Twelve thirty? Fuck.” I whisper until I realize Nick is nowhere in sight. Sitting up, I have to move slowly as my body rejects the abuse I put it through the night before. Once I am able to focus, I notice a large box across the room. Curious, I get up to see what it is and realize it’s for me when I notice the note on top.


  These are yours. I have saved them for some time. I would have given them to you sooner, but I wasn’t sure how- without being accused of stealing them or trying to seduce you or whatever insane idea you would have come up with to paint my intentions horribly. I did the best I could to take care of them for you.

  Open it, they are yours - Nick

  Hesitating over the edges of the top, I take in a single deep breath and tear it open. My jaw drops and I gasp as I realize what is inside the box. My books! He saved them. I pick up each one of them, reading the notes Braylin left in them for me. When I get to the last, I have trouble recalling ever having this one. I pick it up, reading the French title and slowly open it to read the simple note left inside, I thought this one seemed like something you might like, Nick. Sitting back on my heels, I read the first few pages of the old French novel and cry with a smile.


  Nick is gone most of the day, and with me having to leave soon for work myself, I am becoming anxious to see him. Within an hour before I have to leave, I hear him coming through the door and I run at once to meet him. I come within a foot of him before I realize he is not alone. Coming to an abrupt stop, I bite my bottom lip as Nick, Luke, Dwayne and Dawson all stare at me with questioning expressions. “Hi,” I managed to say in the most awkward way.

  “You okay?” Nick asked, handing his paperwork to Luke and holding his hand out to me.

  Suddenly, I feel like the fifteen year old girl trying to get the star quarterback’s attention. “Ummm,” Oh crap. Nothing, I have absolutely nothing to say. Ummm, Nick, I … damn! They are all staring at me and so is he. A soft smile forms at the corners of his lips and I forget about everyone else. Taking a step towards him, I wrap my hand around the back of his head, stand tall on my toes, and pull him to my lips kissing him gently, “Thank you.” I said with a grateful smile before running off to get ready for work.

  “Well, that’s new,” Dwayne remarked.


  The club is busy as usual but none of the usual problems are bothering me tonight. “I assume since you are still alive that you did not kill Nick?” Exie asks as she plops herself on my desk. “And where’s my gun?”

  With a sorrowful expression, “Oh, I’m sorry but Nick took it.”

  “Kayla! Oh wonderful! I’m dead. My son is going to be an orphan. I knew I shouldn’t have given it to you. Oh God, please let him be merciful and kill me quickly.” She goes on and on about her long desire to be buried at sea, by a ship full of crying naval men, or some other crazy scenario. I tune Exie out until she slams her hand down in front of me. “Wait. If he knows you were trying to kill him, why are you still alive? Why are you here without his henchmen standing over you?”

  “Stupid Meagan! The dumbass blond tried to kill me instead.” I said with a groan.

  “That is a lesson for you, stay as far away from trouble as possible. I told you! I told you, but nooooo you didn’t want to listen to me.” She said shaking her head and fidgeting with her nails with a superior attitude.

  “Are you busy?” Nick asked, walking into my office, looking as good as ever.

  “No. We were talking about the club.” I said.

  “Nothing’s wrong, is it?” He asked staying focused on me.

  “No, everything is fine.” I smiled at him.

  “Hi, Nick, I am so glad to see you. You look so good tonight.” Exie smiles wide at him.

  “Dwayne has your gun. If you would like it back, you can have it but make sure not to give it to her again. She only gets herself into trouble with them.” He says eyeing her briefly before returning his concentration on me. I stand up and wait for him to make his way towards me.

  “You know, Nick, I had no idea she had taken that from me. If I had, I would have stopped her immediately. She gets excitable sometimes. She means well and I am sure she will never try anything like that again. I certainly will do everything I can to make sure she thinks things through before …” Exie steps back as Nick leans across my desk towards me. “Oh-kay, so I am going to go check on Kyler and I guess you two will … do whatever this is you are doing.” Exie exits quickly eyeing me for an explanation as I wave her on.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked.

  “I wanted to see you. Sorry, I didn’t get a chance to talk to you earlier, but I have a lot going on today.” Nick said looking me over with an easy smile.

  “It’s okay. I only wanted to thank you for my books. It was …”

  “You’re welcome. I would have given them to you sooner, but you did hate me and I was enjoying that.”

  “I can try to kill you again if that will make you happy.” I laugh.

  Nick leans in taking my lips, “You can try, Princess.” I give him a soft moan and he leaps across the desk startling me.

  His hands wander intensively over my body as he kisses me with soft whispers. “I should be working. My boss is very strict.”

  “I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if you took a break.”

  “I am afraid if I do, I won’t want to stop.” I try to hold him back and he reluctantly releases me.

  “May I drive you home at least? I can have Dwayne drive your car home for you.”

  “You may.” I smile kissing him again. “I have some questions for you anyway.” I said to his immediate eye roll. “I think I am owed a few answers.” I said with a determined tone.

  “Fine, a few answers … maybe.” He said holding me closer to him and obviously trying to change my focus with his wandering lips.

  “Kayla! We have a rowdy group out here and it is getting nasty.” Kyler interrupts.

  I jump towards the door and Nick grabs my wrist, asking “You want me to handle this?”

  “I can take care of it.” I said confidently. He nods but doesn’t seem to be convinced.

  Racing out to the scene, I notice two men in each other’s face with accompanying friends encouraging them on. I jump up on the table next to them and they instantly take notice.

  “Hi, Sweetheart.” One says looking up at me.

  “You boys having a problem?” I asked eyeing them both to see which one is the real problem.

  Both are intoxicated, but one, I believe, is beyond reasoning. He takes hold of my bare leg and becomes excited. “I think I am good now.” His friends laugh as does the man he was previously arguing with.

  I let him get so far and then free my leg from his grasp and stick my heel against his throat. “Get out of my club.” He struggles to swallow as I p
ress harder. “And if you come back, I will make sure this heel becomes a permanent accessory for you. As far as the rest of you, you can either sit and enjoy the show, like gentlemen, or you can leave too. Butts fall into their seats at once while my bouncer, Jake assists in removing the gasping gentleman from my heel. “Call him a taxi on the club.”

  “You got it.” Jake responds.

  I look down at Nick’s hand held out for me respectively, “Thank you.” I said taking it happily.

  “I enjoyed that very much.” He said letting go of my hand and walking to his table mouthing, “Very much.”


  When we get home, I hesitate at the bottom of the stairs, wondering which room I should walk to. Even though Nick encourages me during the car ride home, I don’t want to presume that I am to climb in his bed tonight. As I ponder the idea of being bold, “I decided something tonight,” Nick said taking my hand and escorting me to his room.

  “What’s that?” I smile.

  “I am going to make sure you have a whole house full of spiked heels.” He laughed before capturing my lips within his. Out of the corner of my eyes, I see the box that contains all my books and I remember that I have several questions, which need to be answered.

  Nick’s hands begin to get control of my body, but I push him back, to his immediate huffing and eye rolling. “None of that, until we talk.” I insist. Nick takes a step back, cursing under his breath. “I want to know about my books, Nick.” As I wait impatiently, his posture changes ever so slightly and he slowly looks back my way with his devilish smile. His eyes begin to gaze over me with a look that I have learned to overcome, but something about it this time makes areas of my body tingle with an excitement that I am not sure I can control. “Nick we …” I force out, before having to inhale deeply when I feel his heated breath linger down my neck, kissing me softly in all the right places. “Nick …”

  “You said that already, Princess.” He breathes, removing his clothes blatantly in front of me.

  “Talk … we need to talk.” I said pushing myself further away from him.

  “No talking right now, I just want you to come here …” He pulls me in tight and kisses my ear gently as he whispers, “Je veux avoir le sexe avec vous.” His French request, causes me to overlook his hands moving up my dress. With a wisp, my dress falls and my body leans backwards, enjoying his kisses down my stomach. Standing back and showing his naked body proudly to me, he picks me up in his arms and tells me again, what he wants to do with me, with an encouraging moan I accept my defeat. Holding onto him, I let him move inside me, let him feel my body and let him grip my ass fully in his hands, as he lifts me and brings me back down on him. I reach for the nearby wall to hold onto, “No. Hold onto me.” Nick smiles into my eyes. “I’ve got you.” Sliding my hands up, over his muscles in his arms, and then reaching down his back and tasting his lips with my tongue, finding my way to his.

  At the end, Nick lays me in his bed and runs his fingers down my cheek, “vous êtes si beau. So beautiful.”


  I wake up in the middle of the night angry and look over at him sleeping soundly, “Damn him!” I shake him and finally punch him until he wakes up just as angry.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you!” He yells.

  “You tricked me.” I said as he looks at me in bewilderment. “You were supposed to answer some questions and instead you … well, you know what you did.”

  Nick falls back into bed laughing at me, “Sorry, I will try not to do that ever again.” Frustrated, I move on top of him and look down at him with a fierce expression. “Princess, if you want me to fear you, you should try yelling at me with clothes on because this is only turning me on.” He said handling me with a moan. “Where are your shoes? Those might work.” He laughs.

  “Nicholas Jayzon, you are not getting anything from me until you answer my questions. Now stop touching me.”

  “You’re sitting on me!”

  “How did you get my books, Nick?”

  “I found them. Happy?” I cock my head, folding my arms in front of him with a determined huff. “Oh, fuck! Fine! I was there that night. I went looking for you after I found out about Braylin.” He explained.

  “What night?”

  “The night you started screaming and that disgusting fuck climbed on top of you. As soon as I heard you scream, I ran after you and …”

  “You were the drug addict that killed my stepfather?”

  “Well, I wasn’t a drug addict, but yes …” Nick glances around the room nervously avoiding the complete answer. “He started to run after you and I made sure he wouldn’t. I don’t care what you say, he deserved what he got.” Nick said eyeing me unapologetically. “Anyway, I called out to you but I guess you had run too far away or were afraid. You didn’t answer, so I gathered your books and put them in my car. I waited for you to come back, but you never did.”

  “And you kept them all this time? Why?” I asked softening towards him.

  “I don’t know. I forgot about them, I guess, at least until I saw you in the club. And like I said in the note, I was afraid to say something before because I know how overdramatic you can get.” Nick sits up and moves away from me.

  “Nick.” I said trying to keep him from leaving. When he looks back at me, I move towards him and hold onto him. “Why did you come looking for me?”

  “I don’t know, Kayla! Damn! Why do you have to know everything? Can’t you just accept it happened and maybe there is no real reason for it?”

  No, I can’t, but the look in his eyes means he isn’t going to tell me no matter what I do. “Okay, it happened and I’m glad it did. I’m glad you were there. I’m happy that he died the way he did.” I move closer and kiss his lips when he looks over at me. “I don’t need to know anymore to be grateful for what you did for me.” I said making use of my seductive skills to seduce him back into bed. Within seconds, I have control of him and feel good about making him come all on my own.


  “Kayla … Kaaaayla.” Nick repeats softly in my ear as he nudges me back awake. Barely able to open my eyes, I roll over and smile at him before curling under his arm. Nick laughs, kissing the side of my head, “I need to ask you something.”

  “Now? I am so tired, Nick.”

  “You’ve been working a lot lately, huh?” I nod with my eyes closed and he laughs again. “You want some time off?” I sigh barely interested in what he is saying to me. “How about going away with me?” The words jumble around in my head for a few minutes before they straighten out and make sense to me. I sit straight up wide-eyed, hoping that I wasn’t dreaming. “I was planning on taking a little trip to get away for a while and I was wondering if you would like to come with me?”

  “Okay!” I said without thinking.

  “Don’t you want to know where?” He laughed.

  “I don’t care. Anywhere. Somewhere other than here is better than anywhere I have been.”

  “Well then, Princess …” he pauses to kiss me, “Make sure everything is in order and get your passport rushed so we can go soon …”

  “My passport?” I yell with my mouth wide open. “Nick?” He nods enjoying my excitement. Biting my bottom lip, I jump on top of him and kiss him.



  We arrive in style, although I have no idea where I am. Nick has a helicopter waiting for us to fly somewhere else before getting into a car and driving another two hours. The whole thing is exhausting, but we arrive at a beautiful home that is settled next to the ocean, surrounded by trees and flowers, and home to brightly colored birds and curious monkeys. The place is like a scene from one of my books. Nick grabs our bags and we settle in for the night, but I wake up early the next morning eager to take advantage of the place. While the conscionable servants run around quietly trying to anticipate our needs, I lie back between the trees enjoying the warm breeze as it rocks my hammock. I could easily fall asleep if not for the sight of Nick swimming i
n the ocean. Extending my relaxed body over the edge, I sink my feet deep into the sand and make my way towards the water. Standing at the edge of the shore, I watch as the warm water floats up and around my feet, sinking me deeper into the soft sand. “Are you coming in?” Nick yells out to me.