Page 3 of Dark Challenge

Chapter Three


  Security was tight at the singing troupe's next sold-out concert. Policemen and security personnel were visible everywhere. No one was taking any chances this time, treating Desari as if she were a national treasure. Every entrance was heavily guarded and each person checked with a metal detector before being admitted. Dogs roamed the aisles with their handlers, and Darius oversaw it all. He was not about to allow assassins a second chance at his sister.

  The police had searched for the suspects in the attempted murders during the past week, but they could not find a trace of them. A good amount of blood had been discovered leading from the tavern, but no bodies. The police were certain that at least one suspect had died and his companions had removed the corpse, but Darius knew better. He had killed every one of the assailants and left them in plain sight for whoever had sent them to discover. Someone had interfered, and he suspected just who it was.

  Darius continually scanned the crowd, his black eyes moving unceasingly over the people pushing to enter the building. Besides the assassins he had to worry about, he knew the creature would come tonight. Desari hadn't said anything of the sort to him, but she was restless and emotional, completely unlike herself. Several times he had reached to touch her mind with his, only to find it closed to him. He could have pushed past the barrier with some effort, but he respected her right to privacy.

  Julian, dressed in faded blue jeans and a sleeveless black T-shirt, moved with the crowd toward the doors. He spotted Desari's security guard instantly and took a few minutes to study him. More than ever the man reminded him of Gregori. He was tall, as Carpathians tended to be, but he carried more muscle than most males of their race. Gregori was muscular also. The security guard's face was a chiseled mask of harsh beauty, very reminiscent of the healer, but his eyes were black ice, where Gregori's were silver.

  The guard's eyes glinted with menace and seemed to miss nothing as they moved over the crowd. Julian did not want to call attention to his own presence by using any kind of power. Already the security guard had spotted him, those soulless black eyes resting thoughtfully on him as the line he was in moved closer to the entrance. Julian made certain his brain patterns were the same as a mortal's. A grim smile of amusement touched his mouth. It was like a game of chess. The thoughts he presented to a mind probe were those of any human male about to see an impossibly beautiful, sexy singer performing in person.

  He felt the presence in his mind, the sharp thrusting, the quick scan, then the release. Julian nearly laughed aloud, but he kept his face a blank mask. Even the light, decisive touch was reminiscent of Gregori. Whoever this guard was, Julian was certain he was related to the healer, the one all Carpathians referred to as the Dark One. The guard had to be of the same bloodline. The puzzle intrigued him. The man's presence irritated him. He didn't want any Carpathian male near Desari until the ritual mating cycle was complete.

  The probe came again, a direct, powerful thrust into his mind. The attitude was so like the Dark One's, Julian was astonished. The guard was not swallowing his innocent act. Julian kept his mind in the human pattern, evincing only anticipation and harmless if somewhat erotic wishing. It was irritating to allow someone into his mind, but he reminded himself that the intruder was picking up only what he was deliberately broadcasting.

  Julian carefully avoided looking at the guard. The male was far too sharp. Even after two mind probes to assure himself, he sensed power. Julian was suspect, and the guard was intuitive enough to keep coming back to him. Julian felt the weight of those burning eyes. This man held real power. He had to be one of the ancients, with the blood and strength of centuries of learning. Julian wished he were in a position to probe the guard, but it was imperative to appear human until he knew more. He had once spent centuries searching, accepting his solitary existence even as he scanned the earth for remnants of their kind. Now, when he had nearly ended his life, he had found a band of his people. The mythical lost ones? They must be.

  But Desari belonged to him. And if the other male thought differently, he was in for a hard lesson. Julian moved into the building and away from those black, prying eyes. Only then did he realize he was excited. He liked challenges. He had always craved knowledge. And he could feel the power and strength he had accrued pursuing information and skills of every kind. A contest with this other powerful male could prove quite interesting.

  He moved easily, maneuvering through the crowd down toward the front. Instead of seating himself, he took up a position along the wall near an exit. Inhaling, he scented the presence of two jungle cats, the same two that had worked in conjunction with the huge black panther. Julian was now certain that the guard had shape-shifted into the form of the large predator. Although the guard showed no evidence of the wounds Julian knew he had inflicted, he was still certain the man had been the panther directing the others in their attack on him.

  Desari. He found himself smiling. Their brief mental exchange had been a revelation. She was Carpathian! How she had managed to run around the world undetected was still a mystery. There were remnants of their race, and he had found them! He had always wondered if some of the children had escaped the Turk invasion and scattered. On behalf of their race, at Gregori and Mikhail's urging, Julian had sought them, particularly the females, in hopes of finding a way to save his people.

  And he had found Desari, his own lifemate, when he had been seeking lifemates for others. And she had a temper, this woman. He found himself laughing aloud, remembering her "push" at his mind. She was much stronger than he had anticipated. He had gone from a stark, barren existence to one filled with excitement in the blink of an eye.

  The mood of the crowd was almost electric, the air thick with anticipation. Desari's performances were always sold out. It didn't matter where she played, whether a small tavern or a huge stadium. And with the publicity following the recent attempt on her life, she was even more of an celebrity. Reporters, too, were out in numbers.

  Julian listened to the conversations in the arena, sifting through them, looking for a whisper of conspiracy. He knew the fanatical nature of the human vampire-hunting society. Desari was a marked woman now. They would not stop with one attack. But Julian was fairly certain the society would need time to recover from the huge blow they had so recently received. He was more concerned now with the threat from vampires. The presence of a Carpathian woman nearby was sure to draw the creatures. And her safety was now of paramount personal importance to him.

  Without warning it struck. An intense need to leave the dome, to get out. The feeling, a dark, oppressive dread, beat at him, swamped him, and for a moment he could barely breathe. Furious that he had left himself open for such an assault from the guard, he allowed himself to slump against the wall, the heel of one palm pressed to his forehead in a manner of distress while he carefully sought out the position of the guard.

  Only then did it hit him. The touch was feminine, not masculine. Desari. He countered the compulsion to leave with a search of his own. He gathered his strength and waited. She was in a dressing room, seated on a stool. Julian inhaled her scent, taking it into his body. She was nervous. Not about her performance, but because she knew he was there. She was afraid of what he might do.

  Julian smiled, his white teeth gleaming like a predator's. He fed her fear a bit. Not sharply, but with a simple, gentle flow of information. He was there. He was strong. Invincible. Nothing, no one could stop him. She could not possibly send him away.

  Desari's right hand went to her slim throat in a gesture of protection. She knew the stranger was close by. Waiting. Watching. She could feel the weight of his presence. She could feel Darius's uneasiness. She was afraid. What was the stranger going to do? She couldn't bear it if Darius and he got into another fight. Someone would die. The stranger was so strong, he might kill Darius.

  Her head jerked up, fury washing through her. No one could defeat Darius! That cad. He was amplifying her fears
, her agitation.

  Stop it, you!

  That irritating, mocking, male laughter echoed in her mind.

  You started it. If you want to play games, cara mia, I am more than willing. I do not want you here. Yes, you do, Julian countered calmly.

  I am in you. I feel your excitement at my presence. The same excitement is in me. You feel my agitation. I have a job to do. Your presence is unsettling. Only because you are afraid of your future. You know it lies with me. A major change in life can be frightening. But I can do nothing other than to make you happy.

  Desari pounced on that.

  It would make me happy if you left this place. I do not want you and Darius to fight. The first is a lie, cara.

  You seem to be able to tell untruths easily. But I will respect the second. I will avoid a confrontation with your guard if it is at all possible. You do not understand.

  Desari was beginning to feel desperate. She had to find a way to make him leave. She didn't dare risk his presence, even if what he said was true, that she secretly wanted him there. She had never felt so alive. Every cell in her body was like her music, wild, free, soaring. She didn't understand it, but it was exhilarating. And he knew it.

  I understand, piccola. His voice was tender, almost caressing. It slipped under her skin, producing an unexpected curl of heat in her bloodstream.

  Trust me.

  Desari was battling unfamiliar emotions. In all the centuries of her existence, she had never felt such a sizzling chemistry. She had actually feared that nothing would ever make her feel the erotic longings she had heard and read of for so many centuries. Her body had been cold and unresponsive until now. She had never laid eyes on this stranger, yet he easily evoked this reaction.

  I do not know you. How can I trust you? You know me.

  He said it in that same soft, arrogant voice. A statement of fact. Simple. Easy.

  A loud knock on the door of her dressing room set her nerves jangling. She should have known someone was right outside. She had never before failed to be aware of the presence of the others. She rose and smoothed the silken sheath that fit her every curve. The slit up one side was nearly to her hip. The fabric was white with a garden of red roses. Her hair fell in a cascade of ebony silk past her hips and moved with a life of its own. For the first time in her life, it mattered that she looked good.

  "Desari! Get a move on!" Barack rapped his fist against her door a second time. "The crowd is beginning to get restless. "

  Taking a deep breath, she stepped out into the hall. Barack's arm instantly swept around her shoulders. "What were you doing in there?" He glanced around, then lowered his head toward hers. "You are not afraid, are you? We are all on alert this time, even the cats. Those assassins will not have a second chance at you. "

  "I know. " Desari's voice came out low and husky. "I will be fine, Barack. Please do not say anything to Darius. He is already jumpy enough. "

  "Do not mistake Darius. He does not fear a return of the assassins. He thinks the other creature will return for you this night. " Barack matched his longer strides to hers as they moved through the hall toward the entrance to the stage.

  Dayan fell into step on her other side. "Darius will destroy this creature. "

  Desari's dove-soft eyes darkened to black opal. "Why do all of you insist on referring to him as the creature? Have you become as intolerant as the mortals now? I thought we were one with all of nature, with the universe itself. Because he is something we do not know, must we hate him? Reject him? He saved my life. That should count for something. Or would you prefer that I had died?"

  Dayan caught her arm. "Little sister, you need not defend this creature. "

  Instantly she heard a soft growl of warming in her mind. The stranger was not happy with another male touching her. Now they were all annoying her!

  Desari pulled her arm free, gave Dayan a look of pure disdain, and swept out onto the stage. The roar of the crowd was so tremendous, it filled the dome and burst into the sky. She smiled, her gaze wandering over the mass of people rising out of their seats to pay homage to her voice, to her music. But she was looking for one man. Only one.

  Unerringly she found him, her gaze locking with his, and her heart stood still. For a moment she couldn't breathe as her dark eyes met molten gold. He was standing against a wall, in the shadows, but his face was a carved creation of sensual beauty. His gaze was hot, burning with possession. Desari's mouth went dry, and her body seemed to go up in flames.

  Do not look at me that way!

  The words formed in her mind on their private mental path before she could censor them.

  I cannot help how I look at my lifemate,

  he responded.

  You are so beautiful, you take my breath away.

  The way he said it, the way his voice brushed at her insides, tugged at her heart and brought sudden tears to her eyes. He was so intense, his voice truthful and hungry. Her entire being responded to him. She almost missed her cue as Dayan and Barack played the notes to her opening song. But then she sang for him. To him. Each note a haunting blend of mystery and magic.

  Each note sank into Julian's pores, seeped into his soul. Desari was incredible. She captivated the entire audience. The arena was so silent, not even the shuffling of feet interrupted her song. The crowd could feel each separate note, see it shimmering like a flame dancing in the air. They smelled the sea she sang of, felt the rise and fall of the waves. She brought tears to their eyes, peace to their hearts. Julian couldn't take his eyes off her. He was mesmerized by her, enthralled completely. He found himself painfully aroused and surprisingly proud.

  Darius's black gaze strayed often to the man leaning with deceptive laziness against the far wall. He was tall and handsome. Power oozed from him, radiated around him. At the moment his strange, molten-gold eyes were fixed on Desari, his attention seemingly consumed by her performance. But Darius was not deceived. This was a predator. Not necessarily evil, but he had come here hunting. And his prey was Desari. There was a hard edge to his mouth, a stark possessiveness reflected in the depths of those burning eyes. Darius knew this man was a dangerous adversary.

  Julian's eyes never once wavered from Desari's face. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. On stage, in the midst of the rising theatrical fog and floodlights, she looked ethereal, mystical. A woman of erotic dreams, of fantasies. His body was completely still, nearly a part of the wall behind him, as if she had somehow absorbed every bit of his energy.

  Darius moved closer, cloaking his presence as he did so. He stalked with the silent advance of the leopard, counting on the stranger's being caught up in the spell Desari wove around her audience. He was within four rows of his destination when a soft warning growl stopped him in his tracks. He knew no one else had heard that low rumble. It was directed solely at him. The stranger hadn't changed position, hadn't taken his eyes off the stage, away from Desari, but Darius suddenly knew the stranger's complete attention was centered on him.

  On stage, Desari faltered, missing two lines of her song. Her heart was beating in her throat.

  Oh, God, please do not do this.

  Terror was in her voice, concern for him, for both of them.

  Julian deliberately turned his head toward Darius and smiled, a show of gleaming white teeth. He straightened, his body fluid and supple. Two fingers touched his forehead in a mock salute directed at Darius. Muscles rippled suggestively beneath the thin T-shirt. He sauntered unhurriedly to the exit, arrogance in every step. His amber eyes glinted with menace until he swung his gaze back to Desari. Then his eyes burned possessively, intently, a molten gold that turned her to liquid heat.

  For you, cara mia. His voice moved through her body with the same inflammatory heat of his gaze.

  Desari wanted to run after him. She stood on the stage and sang to a crowd of several thousand, but her mind and her heart and soul were somewhere else. Dayan and Bar
ack were watching her closely, puzzled, worried by her strange behavior. Desari had never faltered, never missed a beat in all their long centuries of singing on stage.

  Darius followed the stranger out of the dome. The man was gone, dissolved into mist in the night air. Darius sensed him, felt the power in the air, but dared not leave his sister to pursue her pursuer. Something about the man gave him pause. He looked at Desari with more than lust in his gaze. More than possession. He looked at her protectively. Darius was nearly certain the stranger was not out to harm her. He was also certain the man had not left out of fear. Nothing would scare him. He walked with the confidence born of many battles, much hardship, and enormous knowledge.

  Darius looked up into the night. Whoever the stranger was, he had left out of deference to Desari's wishes, not because he feared a battle with Darius. Darius sighed and turned back to the dome. He did not need this worry at this time. The assassins stalking Desari required his full attention. It bothered him that his intruder had arrived on the very day someone had tried to kill her. And to make matters worse, Darius had been convinced for some time that the most evil of all enemies stalked his beloved sister - the undead.

  Desari saw her brother return. Anxiously she studied his face. It was the same mask of harsh sensual beauty he always wore. He had no visible wounds. She was certain she would have felt the disturbance if the two men had fought. Her singing had always flowed from her, a beautiful creation as mysterious and wonderful to her as it was to everyone else. Now it was difficult to create, with her mind in chaos, her throat closing off, being so near to tears.

  Where was he? Was he alive? Was he all right? She wanted to scream, to run off the stage, away from the thousands of prying eyes, away from her family who watched her so closely. She was uncertain for a moment if she could continue the concert.

  Sing for me, cara mia.

  I love the sound o f your voice. It is a miracle. You bring me peace and joy when you sing. You make my body burn as it never has be fore. Sing for me.

  The voice was low and husky, brushing away her inner chaos as if it had never been. Just like that her voice soared free, rising to fill the dome, to burst out into the night to find him. The feelings in her body, the pent-up passion, the wild hunger, the need of centuries poured into her voice. She was a living flame, moving across the stage like flowing water. Nothing could touch her; she was not of the earth.

  Somewhere her lover waited. His eyes were on her. Watching. He was burning, too. She could feel the heat of his skin, the hungry eyes never leaving her face. He had left the dome, but he had returned because he needed to see her. Nothing else mattered at that moment. Not the danger to him, not her family, only that he see her perform. She sang for him, to him, the strength and intensity of her need in each note. The burning flame heating her blood took her music to new heights. Wildly erotic heights, whispering of silken sheets and candlelight.

  Julian could not take his eyes from her. She was so beautiful, he could barely find it in him to breathe. This was the one? His lifemate? No one, least of all him, deserved such a woman. She reached into his dark soul and touched something good in him, something he hadn't known existed.

  In all the world, no one sang like she did. Her voice was mesmerizing, enthralling; it wrapped one up in a silken web of passion and held him there. Julian's body reacted in a savage, primitive manner. He wanted her as he had never wanted anything else in his existence. He wanted the concert over, yet he wanted it to go on for all time.

  The walls of the dome seemed to have fallen away as she created the illusion of a dark, mystical forest, of cascading waterfalls, deep pools, and hungry fire with her voice alone. The images would never leave his mind, the erotic picture of her swimming to him, her arms eagerly outstretched to greet him.

  The audience rose to their feet, their applause thunderous. Julian knew the reviews would be raving. He was proud of her, but at the same time he objected to her performance. Such publicity went against his every instinct. It would only serve to draw more unwanted attention to her. He knew what reporters would write. That she was an enchantress, weaving a spell over the audience.

  Desari returned for one encore, tired but exhilarated. This time it wasn't simply because she knew she had performed well, had shared her extraordinary gift with others. It was because, somewhere in the darkness, a man waited for her. A stranger already familiar to her. It was terrifying yet exciting. She took her bows, her body humming with life. She wanted to run off the stage, to join him.

  She wanted to see those eyes. Those beautiful, unusual, oh, so hungry eyes watching her. Staring at her. Those eyes that saw only her. Desari waved to the crowd and hurried off stage, moving down the hall to her dressing room. Barack and Dayan paced at her side, uneasy because of her strange behavior. Both had felt the presence of power in the dome. Who could not? But they had complete confidence in Darius. They would follow his lead, and so far, he was not hunting down the creature.

  She didn't look at either of them as she firmly closed the door to her dressing room. Sinking into a chair, she slipped off her sandals. She could feel him. Somewhere close. Desari rinsed off her stage makeup and waited, her heart beating, her lungs barely breathing. She knew he was near. Darius must know it, too.

  A fine mist streamed under the door, collecting in a spiral close to her. She held her breath. Instantly the handsome, ruthless stranger shimmered into a solid mass beside her. Her heart slammed. Up close he was frightening. Enormously strong. His finely chiseled features were sensual, hard. His countless victories in battle over the centuries were in the set of his broad shoulders, in the grim composure of his face. He was strikingly handsome yet immeasurably intimidating at the same time.

  Desari's tongue touched her suddenly dry lips. "You should not be here. It is too dangerous. "

  His body clenched at the sound of her voice. It was so soft, it seemed to seep through his skin to wrap around his heart. "I could do nothing other than see you tonight. I think you know that. "

  "Darius would destroy you if he found you here. " She believed it, and her fear showed in her soft, charcoal eyes.

  His hard mouth softened, his golden eyes warming at her needless concern. "I am not so easily destroyed. Do not worry, piccola, I have made a promise to you this night, and I fully intend to honor it. " His voice dropped another octave, his eyes consuming her as he spoke. "Come with me. "

  She felt her heart jump again. Every cell in her body cried out to go. His gaze was a smoldering heat she could not resist. There was so much hunger in him, such dark intensity, burning for her. The devil tempting her. Resolutely she shook her head. "Darius would - "

  Julian stopped her words by simply enveloping her smaller hand with his. His touch sent darts of fire racing up her arm and through her torso, taking the very breath from her lungs. "I grow weary of hearing of this Darius. You should be more concerned with what I will do if he attempts to stop me from taking you with me. "

  Temper flared in her eyes. "No one can take me anywhere I do not wish to go. You have as much arrogance in you as my brother does. I happen to know he has earned the right to it. Have you?"

  A small, satisfied smile curved his mouth. "So this Darius is your brother. I find that something of a relief. As you hold him in some esteem, I did not want to have to destroy your illusions of his greatness. "

  She glared at him, furious, until she caught the glint of humor in his golden eyes. He was teasing her. Desari found herself laughing with him.

  "Come with me tonight," he said. "We will go for a walk. Dance somewhere. It does not matter, cara, and we will be hurting no one. " His voice was black velvet. A sorcerer's whisper of temptation. "Is this so much to ask of you? He does not allow you to choose your own friends? Do as you wish?"

  Julian had looked into her mind, seen her need for independence, her constant chafing at the restraints put on her. Still, no self-respecting Carpathian male would ever allo
w a woman to wander around unprotected. He did not blame Darius; it was his duty to protect Desari. In his place, he would do the same. There were many unanswered questions to ask Desari, but right now, the only thing that mattered to him was her answer to the one he had posed.

  She was silent, long lashes concealing her warring emotions. More than anything she wanted to go with him, have just one night of freedom to do as she liked. But she knew Darius. He would never allow such a thing. There was nowhere they could go that he would not find them. And that only served to make her want to go all the more. Her mysterious stranger had struck a nerve. She hated being constantly told what to do or not do. She wanted this one night just for herself.

  Desari looked up at him. "I do not even know your name. "

  He bowed with Old World elegance. "I am Julian Savage. Perhaps you have met or heard of my brother, Aidan Savage. He and his lifemate reside in San Francisco. " His white teeth gleamed. His golden eyes burned her.

  Something in that intense, possessive, hungry gaze made her knees go weak. Desari pressed backward until she was against a solid wall to help hold her up. "Savage. Somehow it suits you. "

  He acknowledged her words as if they were a great compliment, bowing once more at the waist in his courtly manner. "Only to my enemies, piccola, never to those under my protection. "

  "Is that supposed to put me at ease?" she asked.

  "You have nothing to fear from me, Desari. "

  His hand brushed her face in the lightest of caresses; she felt a jolt of electricity right down to her toes. He was too intense, too hungry for her, his eyes burning with need. Desari lowered her lashes, trying to shut him out, trying to prevent him from trapping her with his power and need. This was so dangerous. Could she risk his life? Risk Darius for a momentary pleasure? Could she possibly be that selfish?

  "I scare you to death. " He said it with certainty, his voice soft and hypnotic, beautiful and soothing. "More than your fear for your brother or for me, you fear what will happen if you part from me. "

  She took a deep breath, found her hands were trembling, and put them behind her back. "Perhaps you are right. Why risk so much for so short a time?"

  His hand framed one side of her face, his thumb feathering over her soft skin, absorbing the perfection of it before finding a resting place over the frantically beating pulse in her neck.

  Desari's heart nearly stopped. Her words came out strangled. "You cannot touch me like this. "

  His thumb moved back and forth in a hypnotic rhythm over her pulse. "I can do no other than touch you, Desari. I am, after all, a Carpathian male. You cannot see yourself, in that dress you wear, with your hair tumbling around you. You are so beautiful, it hurts to look at you. "

  "Julian, please do not say such things to me," she whispered into his palm. "It is only the truth, cara, nothing for you to fear. Come with me. "

  His voice was such temptation. She had never wanted anything more in her life. The pull between them was electric. She swore she could hear it sizzle and arc. She stood there in silence, his hand against her skin sending waves of heat rushing through her blood. In all her centuries she had never experienced such a thing.

  "Desari, you know it is right. You feel it. I promise to return you to your family safe and sound this rising. " Julian was aware of the men gathering outside her door. Three of them. One was her formidable brother, the other two members of the band. "We do not have much time, piccola.

  The others are about to break through the door. " He waved a hand in a peculiar pattern, then held his palm out toward the door.

  "I cannot. "

  "Then I must stay here and convince you," he said unhurriedly, calmly. As if his death weren't imminent at the hands of her protective family.

  She clutched his arm. "You must go before this thing escalates into violence. Please, Julian. "

  He could hear her heart beating wildly. He bent his head to hers, his mouth curving into a genuine smile. "Come to me. Promise you will meet me at the small tavern three blocks from here. "

  There was a loud popping sound from the other side of the door, and someone - it sounded like Barack - swore aloud. They could both hear Darius reprimand him softly, "I told you not to touch the door. Have some respect. " His voice was low and hypnotic. "Desari?" He didn't raise his voice but rather dropped it to a whisper. "Open the door for us. "

  "Go out the window," Desari insisted, pushing at the wall of Julian's chest. It was a mistake to touch him; he instantly responded by covering her hand with his, trapping her palm against his heavy muscles.

  "I came through the door, cara, and I intend to leave the same way. Do you meet me later, or shall we stay together here?"

  She could feel the beat of his heart beneath her palm. Steady. Solid. Not in the least affected by the fact that he was hunted by three powerful predators just a door's width away. His thumb was feathering back and forth across the back of her hand, feeding the flames already leaping in her body. Desperately Desari attempted to shake him off. He was a rock, unmoving. "What am I going to do with you?" she demanded.

  "Say you will meet me. Do not allow your brother to rule your life. " He could smell the leopards now, knew they had joined the three men and were pacing restlessly in the hall.

  Desari knew it, too. "All right. I promise," she capitulated. "Just go before something terrible happens. "

  He bent his head and brushed her soft, trembling mouth with his. It was the lightest of kisses, but a gentle lingering, yet she felt it touch her heart, her soul. He smiled at her, his golden eyes burning with molten heat. With need. "So, piccola, open the door. "

  Desari's fingers curled in his cotton T-shirt. "No, you do not understand. You cannot go out there. "

  "Remember your promise to me, Desari. Come to me. " Julian bent his head one last time to her because he had to. She smelled fresh and clean, a breath of air from the highest mountains he loved so. Her skin was softer than rose petals. His body was making harsh urgent, relentless demands. Julian controlled them, but he needed to touch her, to feel her response, to feel the burning flames in her matching the firestorm in him. For he was on fire.

  His mouth found hers. Hot. Demanding. Dominating. His hand went to the nape of her neck, holding her perfectly still so he could explore her sweetness. He was lost instantly, feeding on her, his posture aggressive. His arms swept her into the shelter of his body, so close it was impossible to tell where one started and the other left off.

  A rumbling growl from outside the door had Desari struggling, pushing at him, her eyes wide with fear for him. "He will kill you. Please, please go while you can. "

  She looked so beautiful, for a moment he couldn't breathe, couldn't think. Slowly a smile took the edge of hunger from his mouth. "Come to me, cara. I will keep you to your promise. " His hand slid slowly, reluctantly from the nape of her neck, and he stepped away.

  "Desari. " It was Darius's soft, compelling voice. "He has safeguarded the door against us. Only you are safe from its harm. You must open the door for us. Once you touch it, you will break his spell, and we will be allowed entry. Do as I bid. "

  Desari watched as Julian's solid form shimmered, then dissolved into nothing. She looked around quickly. He had to be something. Somewhere. Her frantic gaze searched her dressing room. There was no mist. Nothing. She walked to the door, her hand hovering over the knob. Where could he have gone? He had not left by way of the window. It was still closed tightly, the blinds drawn.

  Very slowly she opened the door. Her brother's shoulders filled the door frame. His features were dark and merciless, his black eyes icy cold. "Where is he?"

  Barack and Dayan were solidly behind him, cutting off any escape route, and what was worse, the two leopards prowled behind them, back and forth, a low warning fumbling in their throats.

  Desari's chin lifted. "I want him left alone. He saved my life. "

  "This man is more dangerous than you thin
k," Darius informed her softly. "You do not know anything about him. " He walked into her dressing room, his probing eyes searching restlessly, missing nothing. "He is here, in your room. I can feel his presence, his power. " Darius abruptly caught Desari's arm and pulled her close to him, inhaling sharply. "Did he take your blood?" He gave her a little shake.

  Desari shook her head as she struggled, trying to jerk away. Darius unexpectedly released her, cursed softly, and put his hand to his mouth. His palm was singed. The black eyes continued scanning the room.

  Barack and Dayan crowded in, gaping at the damage done to Darius. "He is here. I feel him," Dayan echoed, a bite to his voice.

  How could you do such a thing? You hurt Darius,

  Desari accused Julian, near tears. She had never been so emotional in all the centuries of her existence. It was like being on a roller coaster. Disloyalty and guilt were now pushing in hard and fast.

  He is already healing his palm. He should know better than to grab you like that. It is unacceptable to me.

  Julian's voice was lazy and confident. He sounded complacent, as if he found it all amusing while she was afraid.

  I should tell him where you are, Desari snapped, exasperated at his tone, his arrogance. Men were so irritating sometimes.

  You do not know where I am. But if you wish it, by all means, tell your brother what you think. I give you my permission.

  Desari's teeth clenched, but a hiss of complete annoyance escaped. It was a good thing he had dissolved; otherwise, she would be tempted to strangle him with her bare hands.

  Darius flicked his cold gaze over her. "He speaks to you. What does he say?"

  "Enough to make me want to slap him," Desari snapped. "Come, let us leave this place. "

  Barack yelped triumphantly. "He is the dust in the room. Look at the way it falls in an unnatural pattern around the floor and along the windowsill. " Secretly he was proud of himself for spotting it before Darius or Dayan. "Perhaps we should do some cleaning up in here. " He had his own burned palm from touching the door.

  Desari paled visibly. "No. I told you, I want him left alone. "

  Barack deliberately stepped on a pile of dust particles and, ground them into the floor. "He cannot walk in here and think to have you. He has beguiled you in some way, Desari. It is our duty to protect you from one such as this. "

  Darius dropped an arm around his sister's shoulders. "Do not fear for this one, Dara. He is far too cunning to be caught in the dust on the floor. It is too obvious a ploy. He set it there to deceive us. Come, let us go. He is even smaller than what you see on the floor. Probably only tiny molecules in the air, and impossible, at this moment, to destroy. " He looked around the room and up toward the ceiling. "I have used just such a method to escape detection myself on a few occasions. We will leave this place. I trust you have said your good-byes. "

  Desari went with her brother, confident he would not lie to her. Dayan and Barack, just to make sure, swept up the dust and ran it under water until it dissolved down the drain. Satisfied they had rid themselves of the "creature," the two of them left to hunt for sustenance, leaving Darius to deal with his wayward sister.