Page 45 of The Fiery Cross

  There was silence outside the door, then a distinct "Hmp!" in Mrs. Chisholm's voice, and the noise of footsteps going away-one set up the stairs, another toward the kitchen, and a heavier tread into the surgery across the hall. A rush of small footsteps out the front door announced Tony and Toby making their escape.

  Jernmy ceased wailing when he saw her, and started sucking his thumb instead.

  "I hope Mrs. Chisholm doesn't know anything about herbs," she told him, whispering. "I'm sure Grandma keeps poisons in there." A good thing her mother had taken the box of saws and scalpels with her, at least.

  She stood still a moment, listening. No sounds of breaking glass. Perhaps Mrs. Chisholm had merely stepped into the surgery in order to avoid Mrs. Aberfeldy and Mrs. Bug. Brianna sank down in the straight chair by the small table her father used as a desk. Or maybe Mrs. Chisholm was lying in wait, hoping to snare Brianna to listen to her own grievances, as soon as the others were safely out of the way.

  Jemmy was now lying on his back with his feet in the air, happily mangling a bit of rusk he had found somewhere. Her journal had fallen to the floor. Hearing Mrs. Chisholm come out of the surgery, she hastily seized the quill, and snatched one of the ledger books from the stack on the desk with the other.

  The door opened an inch or two. There was a moment's silence, during which she bent her head, frowning in exaggerated concentration at the page before her, scratching with an empty quill. The door closed again.

  "Bitch," she said, under her breath. Jernmy made an interrogative noise, and she looked down at him. "You didn't hear that, all right?"

  Jernmy made an agreeable noise and crammed the soggy remnant of his toast into his left nostril. She made an instinctive movement to take it away from him, then stopped herself. She wasn't in the mood for any more conflict this morning. Or this afternoon, either.

  She tapped the black quill thoughtfully on the ledger page. She'd have to do something, and fast. Mrs. Chisholm might have found the deadly nightshade and she knew Mrs. Bug had a cleaver.

  Mrs. Chisholm had the advantage in weight, height, and reach, but Brianna personally would put her money on Mrs. Bug, in terms of guile and treachery. As for poor little Mrs. Aberfeldy, she'd be caught in the crossfire, riddled with verbal bullets. And little Ruthie would likely be bald as an egg before another week was out.

  Her father would have sorted them out in nothing flat by the joint exercise of charm and male authority She gave a small snort of amusement at the thought. Come, he sayeth to one, and she curleth up at his feet, purring like Adso the cat. Go, he sayeth to another, and she goeth promptly out into the kitchen and baketh him a plate of buttered muffins.

  Her mother would have seized the first excuse to escape the house-to tend

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  a distant patient or gather medicinal herbs-and left them to fight it out among themselves, returning only when a state of armed neutrality had been restored. Brianna hadn't missed the look of relief on her mother's face as she swung up into her mare's saddle-or the faintly apologetic glance she sent her daughter. Stiff, neither strategy was going to work for her-though the urge to seize Jemmy and run for the hills was pretty strong.

  For the hundredth time since the men had left, she wished passionately that she could have gone with them. She could imagine the bulk of a horse moving under her, the clean, cold air in her lungs, and Roger riding by her side, the sun glowing off his dark hair, and unseen adventure to be faced together, somewhere ahead.

  She missed him with a deep ache, like a bruise to the bone. How long might he be gone, if it really came to fighting? She pushed that thought aside, not wanting to look at the thought that came after it; the thought that if it came to fighting, there was a possibility-however faint-that he would come back ill or injured-or wouldn't come back at all.

  "It's not going to come to that," she said firmly, aloud. "They'll be back in a week or two."

  There was a rattling sound as a blast of icy rain struck the window. The weather was turning cold; it would be snowing by nightfall. She shivered, drawing the shawl around her shoulders, and glanced at Jern to see that he was warm enough. His smock was puddled up around his middle, his diaper was plainly damp, and one stocking had fallen off, leaving his small pink foot bare. He appeared not to notice, being absorbed in babbling a song to the bare toes idly flexing overhead.

  She looked dubiously at him, but he seemed happy enough-and the brazier in the comer was putting out some heat.

  "Okay," she said, and sighed. She had Jem, and that was that. That being that, the problem was to find some means of dealing with the Three Furies before they drove her crazy or assassinated each other with rolling pin or knitting needle.

  "Logic," she said to Jemmy, sitting up straight in the chair and pointing the quill at him. "There must be a logical way. It's like that problem where you have to get a cannibal, a missionary, and a goat across a river in a canoe. Let me think about this."

  Jem began trying to get his foot into his crumb-encrusted mouth, despite the clear illogic of the procedure.

  "You must take after Daddy," she told him, tolerantly. She put the quill back in its jar, and started to close the ledger, then stopped, attracted by the sprawling entries. The sight of Jamie's characteristically messy writing still gave her a faint thrill, remembering her first sight of it-on an ancient deed of sasine, its ink gone pale brown with age.

  This ink had been pale brown to start with, but had now darkened, the irongall mixture achieving its typical blue-black with exposure to air over a day or so.

  It was not so much a ledger, she saw, as a logbook, recording the daily activities of the farm.

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  16 July-Recd six weaned piglets of Pastor Gottfried, in trade for two bottles muscat wine and a goosewing axbead. Have put them in the stable 'til they begrown enough toforage conveniently.

  17july-One of the hives commenced to swarm in the afternoon, and came into the stable. My wife fortunately recaptured the swarm, which she housed in an empty churn. She says Ronnie Sinclair must make her a new one.

  18july-Letterfirom my aunt, asking advice re sawmill on Grinder's Creek. Replied, saying I will ride to inspect the situation within the month. Letter sent with R. Sinclair, who goes to Cross Creek with a load of 22 barrels, from which I am to receive ba6Cbis profit toward payment of debt on cobbler's tools. Have arranged to deduct cost of new churn ftom this amount.

  The flow of entries was soothing, as peaceful as the summer days they recorded. She felt the knot of tension between her shoulder blades beginning to relax, and her mind began to loosen and stretch, ready to seek a way out of her difficulties.

  20july-Barley in the lowcrficld as high as my stocking-tops. A healthy beifer ca4Cborn to red cow soon after midnight. All well. An excellent day.

  21 July-Rode to Muellers' *Exchanged one jar honeycomb for leather

  bridle in poor repair (but can be mended). Home well after dark, in consequencc of seeing a twilight batch rising upon the pond near Hollis's Gap. Stopped to fish, and caught a string of ten fine trout. Six eaten for supper; the rest will do for breakfast.

  22 Juy--My grandson has a rash, though my wife declares it of no moment. The white sow has broken through her pen again and escaped into the forest. I am in two minds whether I shall pursue her or only express sympatby for the unfortunate predator thatfirst encounters her. Her temper is similar to that of my daughter at the moment, the latter having slept little these past few nights ...

  Brianna leaned forward, frowning at the page.

  ... in consequence of the infant's screaming, which my wife says is the colic and will pass. I trust she is right. Meanwhile, I have settled Brianna and the child in the old cabin, which is some rclicf to us in the house, if not to my poor daughter nc white sow ate four of her last litter be/brc I could prevent her.

  "Why, you bloody bastard!" she said. She was familiar with the white sow in question, and not flattered by the comparison. Jem
my, alarmed by her tone, stopped crooning and dropped his toast, his mouth beginning to quiver.

  "No, no, it's all right, sweetie." She got up and scooped him into her arms, swaying gently to soothe him. "Shh, it's all right. Mummy is just talking to Grandpa, that's all. You didn't hear that word either, okay? Shh, shh."

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  Jemmy was reassured, but leaned out from her arms, reaching after his discarded meal with small grunts of anxiety. She stooped and picked it up, eyeing the half-dissolved object with distaste. The crust was not only stale and wet, but had acquired a light coating of what seemed to be cat hair.

  "Ick. You don't really want that, do you?"

  Evidently he did, and was persuaded only with difficulty to accept a large iron bull's ring-used for leading male animals by the nose, she noted with some ironyfrom the shelf in lieu of it. A brief nibble confirmed the desirability of the nose ring, though, and he settled down in her lap to single-minded gnawing, allowing her to reread the conclusion of the offensive entry.

  "Hmm." She leaned back, shifting Jemmy's weight more comfortably. He could sit up easily now, though it still seemed incredible that his noodle-neck could support the round dome of his head. She regarded the ledger broodingly.

  "It's a thought," she said to Jemmy. "If I shift the old bi-I mean, Mrs. Chisholm-to our cabin, it will get her and her horrible little monsters out of everyone's hair. Then ... hmm. Mrs. Aberfeldy and Ruthie could go in with Lizzie and her father, if we move the trundle from Mama and Da's room in there. The Bugs get their privacy back, and Mrs. Bug stops being an evilminded old ... er ... anyway, then I suppose you and I could sleep in Mama and Da's room, at least 'til they come back."

  She hated to think of moving from the cabin. It was her home, her private place, her family's place. She could go there and close the door, leaving the fiiror here behind. Her things were there; the half-built loom, the pewter plates, the pottery jug she had painted-all the small, homely objects with which she had made the space her own.

  Beyond the sense of possession and peace, she had an uncomfortable sense of something like superstition about leaving it. The cabin was the home Roger had shared with her; to leave it, however temporarily, seemed somehow an admission that he might not return to share it again.

  She tightened her grip on Jemmy, who ignored her in favor of concentration on his toy, his fat little fists shiny with drool where he grasped the ring.

  No, she didn't want to give up her cabin at all. But it was an answer, and a logical one. Would Mrs. Chisholm agree? The cabin was much more crudely built than the big house, and lacking its amenities.

  Still, she was pretty sure Mrs. Chisholm would accept the suggestion. If ever she'd seen someone whose motto was, "Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven . . ." Despite her trouble, she felt a small bubble of laughter rise beneath her stays.

  She reached out and flipped the ledger closed, then tried to replace it on the stack from which she'd taken it. One-handed, though, and encumbered by Jemmy, she couldn't quite reach, and the book slipped off, falling back onto the table.

  "Rats," she muttered, and scooted forward on her chair, reaching to pick it up again. Several loose sheets had fallen out, and she stuffed these back as tidily as she could with her free hand.

  One, plainly a letter, had the remnants of its wax seal still attached. Her eye caught the impression of a smiling half-moon, and she paused. That was Lord John Grey's seal. It must be the letter he had sent in September, in which he

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  described his adventures hunting deer in the Dismal Swamp; her father had read it to the family several times-Lord John was a humorous correspondent, and the deer hunt had been beset by the sort of misfortunes that were no doubt uncomfortable to five through, but which made picturesque recounting afterward.

  Smiling in memory, she flipped the letter open with her thumb, looking forward to seeing the story again, only to find that she was looking at something quite different.

  13 October, Anno Domini 1770

  Mr. James Fraser

  Fraser's Ridge, North Carolina

  My dearjamie,

  I woke this Morning to the sound of the Rain which has beat upon usfor the last Week, and to tbegentle clucking ofseveral Chickens, who bad come to roost upon my Bedstead. Rising under the Stare of numerous beady Eyes, I went to make Inquiry as to this Circumstance, and was informed that the River has risen so far under the Impetus of the recent Rain as to have undermined both the Necessary House and the Chicken Coop. Ybc contents of the latter were rescued by William (my Son, whom you will recall), and two of the Slaves, who swept the dispossessed Fowl out of the passing Floodwa tcrs with Brooms. I cannot say whose was the Notion to sequester the hapless feathered Flood Victims in my Sleeping Chamber, but I bold certain Suspicions in this regard.

  Resorting to use of my Chamber Pot (I could wish that the Chickens shared this Facility, they arc distressing incontinent Fowl), I dressed and vcnturedfortb to see what might be salvaged. Somefew Boards and the sbingled Roof of the Chicken Coop remain, but my Privy, alas, has become the Property of King Neptune--or whatever minor water Deity presides over so modest a Tributary as our River.

  I pray you w ill suffer no Co n ccrn for us, though; the Ho use is at so me distanccfrom the River, and saficly placed upon a Rise of Ground, such as to render us quite safefrom even the most incommodiousflooding. (The Neccssary bad been dug by the old homestead, and we bad not yet attempted a new structure more convenient; this minor disaster, by affording us the Necessary opportunityfor rebuilding, thus may prove a blessing in disguise.)

  Brianna rolled her eyes at the pun, but smiled nonetheless. Jemmy dropped

  his ring and began at once to whine for it. She stooped to pick it up, but stopped halfway down, riveted by the words at the beginning of the next paragraph-

  Your letter mentions Mr. Stephen Bonnet, and inquires whether I have news or knowledge of him. I have met with him, you will collect, but have unfortunately no Memory whatever of the Encounter, not even to Recalling

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  of his Appearance, though as you know, I carry a small Hole in my Head, as a singular Memento of the occasion. (You may inform your Lady Wife that I am healed well, with no further Symptoms ofDiscomfort than the occasional Headache. Beyond this, the Silver Plate with which the Opening is covered is subject to sudden chill when the Weather is cold, which tends to make my left Eye water, and to cause agreat Discharge of Snot, but this is of no consequence.)

  As I thus share your Interest in Mr. Bonnet and his Movements, I have long since bad Inquiries dispersed among such Acquaintance as I have near the Coast, since the Descriptions of his Machinations cause me to believe the man is most like to bcJound there (this is a comforting Notion, given the Great Distance between the Coast and your remote Eyrie). 7-he River being navigable to the Sea, however, I bad some Tbouybt that the River Captains and Water Scallywags who now and again grace my Dinner Table might at some Point bear me Word of the man.

  I am not pleased by the Obligation to report that Bonnet still resides among the Living, but both Duty and Friendship compel me to impart such Particulars of him as I have obtained. Ybese arc sparse; the Wretch appears sensible ofbis criminal Situation, so far as to render him subtle in his Movements until now.

  Jemmy was kicking and squawking. As though in a trance, she stooped, holding him, and picked up the ring, her eyes still fixed on the letter.

  I bad beard little of him, save a Report at one Point that be bad repaired to France-good News. However, two Weeks past I bad a Guest, one Captain Liston ("Captain" being no more than a title of courtesy; be claims service with the Royal Navy, but I will stake a Hogshead of my best Tobacco [a sample of which you willfind accompanying this Missivc-and if you do not, I would be obliged to bear of it, since I do not altogether trust the Slave by whom I send it] that be has never so much as smelled the Ink on a Commission, let alone the Reek of the Bilges) whogave me a more
recentand highly disagreeable-History of the man Bonnet.

  Finding bimse'at large in the Port of Charleston, Liston said that be ftll in with some Companions of low Aspect, who invited him to accompany them to a Cockfight, held in the Innyard of an Establishment called the Devil's Glass. Among the Rabble there was a Man notablefor thefineness of his Dress, and the Freedom with which be spent his Coin-Liston beard this man referred to as Bonnet, and was told by the Landlord that this Bonnet bad the name of a Smuggler upon the Outer Banks, being Popular with the Merchants of the coastal Towns in North Carolina, though much less so with the Authorities, who were Helpless to deal with the Man by reason of his Business and the dependence of the Towns of Wilmington, Edenton, and New Bern upon his Trade.

  Liston took littlefurther Note ofBonnct (be said) until an Altercation rose over a Wager upon the Fighting. Hot Words were exchanged, and notbing would do save Honor be satisfied by the drawing of Blood. Nothing loath, the Spectators at once began to wager upon the Outcome of the

  The Fiery Cross 325

  human Contest, in the same manner as that of tbcfigbting Fowl.

  one combatant was the man Bonnet, the other a Captain Marsden, a balf-pay Army Captain known to my Guest as a good Swordsman. This Marsden, feeling himself the injured Party, damned Bonnet's eyes, and invited the Smuggler to accommodate him upon the Spot, an Offer at once accepted. Wagers ran heavy upon Marsden, his Reputation being known, but it was soon clear that he bad met his Match and more in Bonnet. Within no more than a few moments, Bonnet succeeded in disarming his Opponent, and in Wounding him sogrievously in the Thigh that Marsden sank down upon his Knees and yielded to his Opponent-baving no Choice in the Matter at that Point, to be sure.

  Bonnet did not accept of this Surrender, though, but instead performed an Act ofsuch Cruelty as made the deepest Impression upon all who saw it. Remarking withgreat coolness that it was not his own Eyes that would be damned, be drew the Tip of his Weapon across Marsden's Eyes, twisting it in such Fashion as not only to blind the Captain, but to inflict such Mutilation as would make him an Object of thcgreatest Horror and Pity to all who might behold him.

  Leaving his Foe thus mangled andfainting upon the bloody Sand of the Innyard, Bonnet cleansed his Blade by wiping it upon Marsden's Sbirtfront, sheathed it, and left-thougb not before removing Marsden's Purse, which beclaimcdin ayment of his original Wager. None present bad any Stom-

  p ach to prevent him, having so cogent an Example ofbis Skill before them. I recount this History both to acquaint you with Bonnet's last known

  whereabouts, and as warning to his Nature and Abilities. I know you are already well acquainted with the Former, but I draw your Attention to the Latter, out of due Regardforyour Well-being. Not that I expect a word of my well-meant Advice willfind lodging in your Breast, so filled must it be with animadverse Sentiment toward the Man, but I would beg that you take Notice at least ofListon's Mention ofBonnet's Connexions.

  Upon the occasion of my own Meeting with the man, be was a Condemned Felon, and I cannot think be has since performed such Service toward the Crown as wouldgain him official Pardon. Ifbc is content to flaunt himself thus openly in Charleston-wbere scant Years ago be escaped the Hangman's Noose--it would seem be is in no great Fearsfor his Safety-and this can only mean that be now enjoys the Protection and Patronage of powerful Friends. You must discover and beware of these, if you seek to destroy Bonnet.

  I will continue my Inquiries in this regard, and notify you at once of anyfurther Particulars. In the meantime, keep you well, and spare a thought now and again to your drenched and shivering Acquaintance in Virginia. I remain, sir, with allgood Wishes toward your Wife, Daughter, and Family,

  Your obt. servant, John William Grey, Esq. MountJosiab Plantation Virginia

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  Postscriptum: I have been in search of an Astrolabe, per your Request, but so far have heard of nothing that would suit your Purpose. I am sending to London this monthfor assorted Furnishings, though, and will be pleased to order onefrom Halliburton's in Green Street, their Instruments are of the highest Quality.

  Very slowly, Brianna sat back down on the chair. She placed her hands gently but firmly over her son's ears, and said a very bad word.


  FELL ASLEEP, leaning against the bank, with Jamie's head on my lap. I dreamed luridly, as one does when cold and uncomfortable. I dreamed of trees; endless, monotonous forests of them, with each trunk and leaf and

  needle etched like scrimshaw on the inside of my eyelids, each one crystalsharp, all just alike. Yellow goat-eyes floated in the air between the tree trunks, and the wood of my mind rang with the screams of she-panthers and the crying of motherless children.

  I woke suddenly, with the echoes of their cries still ringing in my ears. I was lying in a tangle of cloaks and blankets, Jamie's limbs heavily entwined with my own, and a fine, cold snow was falling through the pines.

  Granules of ice crusted my brows and lashes, and my face was cold and wet with melted snow. Momentarily disoriented, I reached out by reflex to touch Jamie; he stirred and coughed thickly, his shoulder shaking under my hand. The sound of it brought back the events of the day before-Josiah and his twin, the Beardsley farm, Fanny's ghosts; the smell of ordure and gangrene and the cleaner reek of gunpowder and wet earth. The bleating of goats, still echoing from my dreams.

  A thin cry came through the whisper of snow, and I sat up abruptly, flinging back the blankets in a spray of icy powder. Not a goat. Not at all.

  Startled awake, Jamie jerked and rolled instinctively away from the mess of cloaks and blankets, coming up in a crouch, hair in a wild tangle and eyes darting round in search of threat.

  "What?" he whispered hoarsely. He reached for his knife, lying nearby in its sheath on the ground, but I lifted a hand to stop him moving.

  "I don't know. A noise. Listen!"

  He lifted his head, listening, and I saw his throat move painfillly as he swallowed. I could hear nothing but the chisping of the snow, and saw nothing but dripping pines. Jamie heard something, though-or saw it; his face changed suddenly.

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  "There," he said softly, nodding at something behind me. I scrambled round on my knees, to see what looked like a small heap of rags, lying some ten feet away, next to the ashes of the burned-out fire. The cry came again, unmistakable this time.

  "Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ." I was scarcely aware of having spoken, as I scrambled toward the bundle. I snatched it up and began to root through the layers of swaddling cloth. It was plainly alive-I had heard it cryand yet it lay inert, almost weightless in the curve of my arm -