29 make ... hours intrude upon my important matters as though they were free to anyone 30 sport play

  32 aspect disposition (plays on the sense of "planetary position") 33 fashion suit, adapt

  33 demeanour attitude, behavior

  34 sconce head (Dromio plays on the sense of "fortress") 35 So if

  36 battering beating/attacking with a battering ram 36 An if

  36 blows long puns on "longbow"

  37 sconce protection/helmet

  37 ensconce shelter

  38 seek ... shoulders i.e. as my brains will have been beaten into my shoulders 43 wherefore for what reason

  46 urging repeating

  47 out of season unjustly

  51 Marry by the Virgin Mary

  51 something ... nothing i.e. beating which I did nothing to deserve 53 to give by giving

  55 wants that lacks that which

  56 In good time indeed

  57 Basting moistening/beating

  61 choleric angry (choler was the hot humor worsened by a dry diet) 62 dry severe

  63 in good time appropriately

  65 durst have denied would have dared deny

  67 By what rule on what grounds

  69 Father Time traditionally depicted as an elderly man, bald but for a forelock of hair 73 fine and recovery legal terms for the process of transferring ownership or inheritance of property 74 fine fee

  74 periwig wig

  75 hair puns on "heir"

  76 such a niggard so begrudging

  77 excrement outgrowth

  79 scanted limited

  83 hath ... hair is clever enough to lose his hair (ironic, since baldness was a symptom of syphilis; wit may play on sense of "penis") 86 plain dealers straightforward, frank

  87 plainer dealer greater womanizer (playing on "to deal"--i.e. "to have sex") 88 jollity sexual pleasure

  90 two plays on the notion of testicles

  90 sound valid (Antipholus plays on the sense of "healthy") 92 Sure certain (Antipholus plays on the sense of "trustworthy") 93 thing falsing deceptive situation/unfaithful vagina 94 Certain reliable

  97 tiring dressing his hair

  97 they his hairs

  98 porridge soup

  103 substantial substantiated

  105 mend amend

  107 bald inane

  108 wafts beckons

  109 strange without recognition, distant

  110 aspects looks

  112 unurged unprompted

  117 carved sliced the meat (plays on slang sense of "had sex with") 119 estranged from thyself so unlike yourself/so distant toward me, your other half 121 incorporate united in one body

  122 better part soul/higher qualities

  124 fall let fall

  125 breaking gulf sea

  128 As ... too as take yourself from me without taking myself away from me 129 dearly grievously

  129 quick most tender spot

  131 consecrate sanctified, dedicated

  133 spurn strike

  135 stained overly made-up, like a whore/figuratively tarnished by impure deeds/branded as a punishment for harlotry 136 false unfaithful

  138 see ... it make sure that you do

  139 possessed with seized by

  139 adulterate blot the stain of adultery

  140 blood is mingled blood was thought to mingle during sex 143 strumpeted made a whore

  144 Keep ... league if you remain faithful

  145 distained unstained

  149 Who and I

  149 scanned analyzed

  150 Wants ... understand am unable to comprehend a single word 151 brother brother-in-law

  152 wont accustomed

  156 return report

  157 buffet beat

  158 for to be

  160 course and drift purpose and meaning

  160 compact agreement

  166 inspiration divine or magical revelation

  167 ill agrees it badly it suits

  167 gravity dignity

  168 counterfeit dissemble

  168 grossly blatantly

  169 Abetting encouraging/enabling

  169 thwart ... mood cross me in my anger

  170 Be ... exempt even if it is my fault that you have distanced yourself from me 171 wrong ... contempt do not increase that injury by treating me with further disdain 174 stronger state superior condition

  175 communicate share

  176 possess takes, draws

  176 dross rubbish

  177 brier a wild and thorny rose that grows rapidly 177 idle worthless

  178 with intrusion invasively

  179 confusion destruction

  180 moves ... theme appeals to me as her subject matter 183 error misapprehension

  184 sure uncertainty undoubted mystery

  185 entertain accept, play along with

  185 offered fallacy delusion I am presented with

  186 spread lay the table

  187 for as

  187 beads rosary

  187 cross me make the sign of the Christian cross 189 owls sometimes associated with witchcraft and evil 189 sprites spirits

  192 prat'st thou do you babble

  193 sot fool

  194 transformed metamorphosed (by magic)

  198 ape fool/merely an imitator of humanity

  199 aught anything

  200 rides controls

  200 grass open pasture (i.e. freedom)

  204 put ... weep i.e. cry like a child

  205 laugh ... scorn mock my grief

  206 keep guard

  207 above i.e. in private/literally, upon the upper level of the stage, hence potentially unable to see those below 208 shrive absolve

  210 forth away from home

  213 well-advised in my right mind

  215 persever carry on

  216 at ... go take on all new experiences

  Act 3 Scene 1

  2 shrewish bad-tempered

  2 keep not hours am late

  4 carcanet jeweled necklace

  6 face me down impudently contradict me that

  8 charged entrusted/accused him of possessing

  12 hand handiwork, mark of your hand (plays on sense of "handwriting") 18 at that pass in that predicament

  20 sad solemn

  20 cheer fare, hospitality

  21 answer live up to

  22 I ... dear I value your warm welcome more highly than the delicacies at your table 23 either ... dish even the warmest welcome is not tantamount to one good dish 23 flesh meat

  25 churl peasant

  27 small cheer little/humble food

  28 sparing moderate

  29 cates delicacies/provisions

  29 mean frugal/humble

  29 part spirit

  31 soft wait a moment

  32 Ginn probably a form of Jenny

  33 Mome idiot

  33 malt-horse oaf (large horse used by breweries)

  33 capon eunuch (literally, castrated cockerel)

  33 coxcomb fool

  33 patch clown, rogue

  34 hatch lower part of a door (puns on "set a hatch before the door"--i.e. "keep quiet") 35 conjure for wenches pimp for prostitutes/summon women by spells 35 store large quantity

  36 one ... many even one woman is more than enough

  37 stays waits

  38 from back to

  39 Ho an expression to call attention

  43 owe own

  45 office position

  46 mickle great

  47 If ... ass i.e. if you had gone through what I have today you would have wished you weren't me 49 coil disturbance

  53 Have at let me attack

  53 set ... staff? make myself at home (with phallic connotations) 54 When ... tell? i.e. never

  56 minion servant/hussy

  60 blow verbal blow/knock at the door

  61 baggage good-for-nothing woman, harlot

  64 knock may play on sense of "have sex"

  66 What ... town? What do
I care for your threats when you can be punished for them?

  66 stocks public instrument of punishment in which the arms or legs were confined 67 keeps keeps up, continues

  68 boys fellows

  71 If ... sore i.e. you and the knave are the same person 72 fain gladly

  73 part depart

  75 in the wind afoot, strange going on

  76 thin i.e. and you felt the cold wind

  77 cake plays on sense of "woman"

  77 stand plays on sense of "have an erection"

  78 buck male deer/cuckold

  78 bought and sold betrayed and exploited

  79 ope open

  80 Break any breaking if you break anything

  81 break a word speak

  82 break ... behind does not fart

  83 want'st breaking need a beating

  83 hind peasant/female deer

  85 fowls ... fin i.e. never

  86 crow crowbar

  89 sirrah addressed to Dromio of Syracuse

  89 pluck a crow "clear up the matter" (proverbial) 92 Herein in this matter

  93 compass of suspect scope of suspicion

  95 Once this in short

  97 Plead ... unknown suggest there is a valid reason for her odd behavior 98 excuse explain

  99 made shut

  101 the Tiger an inn

  102 about round about

  104 strong hand physical force

  104 offer try

  105 stirring passage busy activity

  106 vulgar comment public conjecture

  106 of on

  107 supposed presumed to be true

  107 rout rabble

  108 ungalled unharmed

  108 estimation reputation

  111 upon succession for generations

  112 housed dwelling

  112 gets possession is believed/gets a foothold

  114 despite of mirth in spite of the lack of joy

  114 merry cheerful

  116 wild wanton/frivolous/lively

  116 gentle kind/yielding

  118 protest declare

  118 without desert undeservedly

  119 withal with, about

  121 this this time

  122 Porpentine Porcupine, the name of a house

  123 there's the house that is her house/where she lives 126 doors plays on slang sense of "vagina"

  126 entertain receive (sexually)

  127 knock plays on sense of "have sex"

  Act 3 Scene 2

  3 love-springs shoots of love

  4 building its construction

  7 like elsewhere love someone else

  8 Muffle conceal/blindfold

  8 false unfaithful

  8 blindness disguise, concealment

  10 orator spokesman

  11 become disloyalty give a pleasing appearance to your infidelity 12 Apparel ... harbinger clothe vice as though it heralds virtue 13 fair honorable, attractive

  14 carriage demeanor

  15 secret-false secretly disloyal

  16 What ... attaint? What foolish thief would brag of his own corruption?

  18 board table, mealtimes

  19 bastard fame illegitimate honor (if it is)

  22 compact of credit made of trust

  23 others ... sleeve lovers are embraced and given love, the wife is left merely with the threads, or edges of affection 24 motion orbit

  24 move affect/influence

  27 vain deceptive

  29 what ... else what other name you have

  30 wonder marvel

  30 of on

  31 Less ... wonder you seem no less wise and gracious than the wonder of the world (here, sometimes interpreted as Queen Elizabeth I) 32 earth human, mortal flesh

  34 earthy-gross conceit flawed human understanding

  36 folded hidden

  39 new anew

  43 homage duty

  44 decline incline

  45 train seduce, entice

  45 sweet ... note in Greek mythology, the beautiful song of mermaids lured sailors to their death 47 dote idolize, become infatuated with

  50 supposition i.e. belief that her hair is a bed 51 that who

  51 die plays on the sense of "orgasm"

  52 Let ... sink if love is frivolous or fickle and cannot sustain itself then let it die 54 mated bewildered by love (plays on sense of "matched") 56 beams sunrays/invisible beams thought to be emitted by the eyes 58 wink close one's eyes

  66 My ... claim my heaven on earth and my only hope of heaven 68 Call ... thee i.e. call yourself sister for I am attached to you as you would have me be to her 73 good will approval

  80 besides myself myself also/out of my senses

  86 have possess sexually

  89 a beast may pun on "abased" (i.e. in a sexually servile position) 93 reverent worthy, commanding

  94 'sir-reverence' "save your reverence," an apology for having said or done something offensive; also a euphemism for "dung"

  95 lean slender

  98 wench servant

  99 grease puns on "grace"

  101 tallow animal fat used for candles and soap

  101 Poland winter i.e. a long time

  102 week may pun on "wick"

  104 complexion physical appearance

  105 Swart swarthy, dark-complexioned

  106 sweats sweats so much that

  106 go over polish/be up to his

  109 in grain ingrained

  113 ell forty-five inches

  117 find out discover/locate

  121 bogs marshes/anus

  123 barrenness ... hand i.e. her palms are dry, callused, and hard 126 armed and reverted probably alludes to syphilitic sores and hair loss 129 chalky cliffs white cliffs of Dover/teeth

  131 salt rheum English Channel/watery discharge from the eyes or nose 133 hot ... breath as if she had been eating garlic or spicy food 137 rubies, carbuncles, sapphires precious stones/sores and pimples 137 declining ... aspect looking down (possibly implying a large or hooked nose) 138 armadoes ... ballast fleets of large ships to be loaded 140 Belgia Belgium

  140 Netherlands also known as the Low Countries, so alludes here to nether regions, genitalia 142 drudge servant

  142 diviner witch

  143 assured betrothed

  143 privy private

  144 of on

  147 curtal dog dog with a docked tail

  148 turn i'th'wheel tread a wheel to turn a spit

  149 hie hasten

  149 presently immediately

  149 post hasten

  149 road harbor

  150 An if if

  150 from shore out to sea

  151 harbour remain

  152 bark put forth ship set sail

  155 trudge leave

  158 witches a term applied to both sexes

  160 my my very

  162 sovereign excellent

  165 to of

  169 lo look

  170 ta'en you caught up with you

  171 stay delay

  173 What please whatever pleases

  174 bespoke ordered

  183 vain foolish

  185 shifts stratagems

  187 stay wait

  Act 4 Scene 1

  1 Pentecost Whitsunday, seven weeks (or fifty days) after Easter Sunday 3 had would

  5 present satisfaction immediate payment

  6 attach arrest

  7 Even just exactly

  8 growing owed

  12 Pleaseth if it please

  13 discharge settle

  16 rope's end i.e. for flogging

  21 I ... rope slightly ambiguous; perhaps "pound" plays on "beatings," or Dromio simply drawls that he would as gladly buy a rope as he would receive a thousand pounds 22 holp up helped

  25 Belike perhaps

  25 love friendship

  25 too long longer

  27 Saving with respect to

  28 utmost final

  29 chargeful fashion excellent workmanship

  30 ducat
s gold coins

  31 debted indebted

  33 stays but waits only

  34 present ready

  38 Disburse pay out

  39 Perchance perhaps

  41 I ... enough I do not come in time

  48 dalliance idle talk

  49 to to go to

  50 chid rebuked

  51 shrew scolding woman/mischievous man

  52 dispatch hurry up

  56 by some token with some evidence (that I come on your authority) 57 humour ... breath exhaust the joke

  59 brook tolerate

  60 whe'er whether

  60 answer pay

  68 stands upon affects

  68 credit reputation/financial standing

  69 suit request

  71 touches injures

  74 that for that which

  76 fee public officers were entitled to a private fee for their actions 78 apparently openly

  81 you ... dear this jest will cost you as much

  82 answer amount to

  83 law my legal rights

  84 notorious shame public humiliation

  87 fraughtage cargo

  89 balsamum aromatic resin

  89 aqua-vitae alcoholic spirit

  90 in her trim in fine condition

  93 peevish prattling, bleating

  93 sheep fool (plays on ship in the following line) 95 hire waftage buy our passage

  98 rope's end flogging

  101 list listen to

  101 heed attention

  102 straight immediately

  110 Dowsabel generic term for a sweetheart, from French douce et belle ("gentle and beautiful"); here ironically applied to Nell 111 compass embrace/circumnavigate

  113 minds wishes

  Act 4 Scene 2

  2 austerely seriously, sincerely

  4 or either

  5 observation plays on sense of "astronomical measurement"

  6 meteors ... face emotional conflict discernible in his appearance 6 tilting in contest

  7 no any

  8 spite sorrow/humiliation

  10 true ... were he spoke the truth (for he is behaving like a stranger) and yet he lied (as he is my husband) 15 honest genuine/noble

  17 speak him fair encourage him

  19 hold me still remain silent/patient

  20 his its

  21 sere withered

  22 shapeless unshapely, ugly

  24 Stigmatical in making physically deformed

  26 wailed grieved for

  28 would ... worse wish others saw him as less desirable 29 Far ... away to divert attention from the young in her nest, the lapwing calls from elsewhere 35 Tartar limbo hellish prison/pagan hell

  36 everlasting fabric from which police uniform was made/eternal 37 buttoned ... steel probably alludes to steel buttons of a police uniform 38 fairy supernatural spirit

  38 rough cruel

  39 fellow ... buff sergeant or other official in a uniform made of durable ox-hide leather 40 back-friend false friend

  40 shoulder-clapper arresting officer

  40 countermands prohibits

  64 stealing creeping/robbing

  65 in stands in

  65 theft a thief

  66 turn ... hour turn back time so that he can run away 69 pressed down burdened/depressed

  69 conceit imaginings

  70 comfort ... injury i.e. because she can try to imagine all is well yet fears it is not Act 4 Scene 3

  1 salute greet

  4 tender offer

  10 wiles delusions

  11 Lapland was notorious for witches

  13 have ... new-apparelled i.e. have you managed to rid yourself of the sergeant (the old, or biblical Adam dressed himself for the first time after the Fall) 16 Adam ... Paradise conceivably a topical joke referring to an Adam who ran an inn called Paradise 17 calf's ... Prodigal in the Bible, the skin of the fatted calf that was killed for the return of the prodigal son; here, the leather of the sergeant's uniform 21 plain case law case/clothing