Warn them. Changes. Somebody tampering with reality. Altering it. He had been right. The white-clad men … their equipment … going through the building.

  “Hello!” Ed shouted hoarsely. There was no answer. No hum. Nothing. Ed peered frantically out the door.

  And he sagged, defeated. Slowly he hung up the telephone receiver.

  He was no longer on the second floor. The phone booth was rising, leaving the second floor behind, carrying him up, faster and faster. It rose floor by floor, moving silently, swiftly.

  The phone booth passed through the ceiling of the building and out into the bright sunlight. It gained speed. The ground fell away below.Buildings and streets were getting smaller each moment. Tiny specks hurried along, far below, cars and people, dwindling rapidly.

  Clouds drifted between him and the earth. Ed shut his eyes, dizzy with fright. He held on desperately to the door handles of the phone booth.

  Faster and faster the phone booth climbed. The earth was rapidly being left behind, far below.

  Ed peered up wildly. Where? Where was he going? Where was it taking him?

  He stood gripping the door handles, waiting.

  The Clerk nodded curtly. “That's him, all right. The element in question.”

  Ed Fletcher looked around him. He was in a huge chamber. The edges fell away into indistinct shadows. In front of him stood a man with notes and ledgers under his arm, peering at him through steel-rimmed glasses. He was a nervous little man, sharp-eyed, with celluloid collar, blue-serge suit, vest, watch chain. He wore black shiny shoes.

  And beyond him—

  An old man sat quietly, in an immense modern chair. He watched Fletcher calmly, his blue eyes mild and tired. A strange thrill shot through Fletcher. It was not fear. Rather it was a vibration, rattling his bones—a deep sense of awe, tinged with fascination.

  “Where—what is this place?” he asked faintly. He was still dazed from his quick ascent.

  “Don't ask questions!” the nervous little man snapped angrily, tapping his pencil against his ledgers. “You're here to answer, not ask.”

  The Old Man moved a little. He raised his hand.“I will speak to the element alone,” he murmured. His voice was low. It vibrated and rumbled through the chamber. Again the waver of fascinated awe swept Ed.

  “Alone?” The little fellow backed away, gathering his books and papers in his arms. “Of course.” He glanced hostilely at Ed Fletcher. “I'm glad he's finally in custody. All the work and trouble just for—”

  He disappeared through a door. The door closed softly behind him. Ed and the Old Man were alone.

  “Please sit down,” the Old Man said.

  Ed found a seat. He sat down awkwardly, nervously. He got out his cigarettes and then put them away again.

  “What's wrong?” the Old Man asked.

  “I'm just beginning to understand.”

  “Understand what?”

  “That I'm dead.”

  The Old Man smiled briefly. “Dead? No, you're not dead. You're … visiting. An unusual event, but necessitated by circumstances.” He leaned toward Ed. “Mr. Fletcher, you have got yourself involved with something.”

  “Yeah,” Ed agreed. “I wish I knew what it was. Or how it happened.”

  “It was not your fault. You were a victim of a clerical error. A mistake was made—not by you. But involving you.”

  “What mistake?” Ed rubbed his forehead wearily.“I—I got in on something. I saw through. I saw something I wasn't supposed to see.”

  The Old Man nodded. “That's right. You saw something you were not supposed to see—something few elements have been aware of, let alone witnessed.”


  “An official term. Let it pass. A mistake was made, but we hope to rectify it. It is my hope that—”

  “Those people,” Ed interrupted. “Heaps of dry ash. And gray. Like they were dead. Only it was everything: the stairs and walls and floor. No color or life.”

  “That Sector had been temporarily de-energized. So the adjustment team could enter and effect changes.”

  “Changes.” Ed nodded. “That's right. When I went back later, everything was alive again. But not the same. It was all different.”

  “The adjustment was complete by noon. The team finished its work and re-energized the Sector.”

  “I see,” Ed muttered.

  “You were supposed to have been in the Sector when the adjustment began. Because of an error you were not. You came into the Sector late— during the adjustment itself. You fled, and when you returned it was over. You saw, and you should not have seen. Instead of a witness you should have been part of the adjustment. Like the others, you should have undergone changes.”

  Sweat came out on Ed Fletcher's head. He wiped it away. His stomach turned over. Weakly, he cleared his throat. “I get the picture.” His voice was almost inaudible. A chilling premonition moved through him. “I was supposed to be changed like the others. But I guess something went wrong.”

  “Something went wrong. An error occurred. And now a serious problem exists. You have seen these things. You know a great deal. And you are not coordinated with the new configuration.”

  “Gosh,” Ed muttered. “Well, I won't tell anybody.” Cold sweat poured off him. “You can count on that. I'm as good as changed.”

  “You have already told someone,” the Old Man said coldly.

  “Me?” Ed blinked. “Who?”

  “Your wife.”

  Ed trembled. The color drained from his face, leaving it sickly white. “That's right. I did.”

  “Your wife knows.” The Old Man's face twisted angrily. “A woman. Of all the things to tell—”

  “I didn't know.” Ed retreated, panic leaping through him. “But I know now. You can count on me. Consider me changed.”

  The ancient blue eyes bored keenly into him, peering far into his depths. “And you were going to call the police. You wanted to inform the authorities.”

  “But I didn't know who was doing the changing.”

  “Now you know. The natural process must be supplemented—adjusted here and there. Corrections must be made. We are fully licensed to make such corrections. Our adjustment teams perform vital work.”

  Ed plucked up a measure of courage.“This particular adjustment. Douglas. The office. What was it for? I'm sure it was some worthwhile purpose.”

  The Old Man waved his hand. Behind him in the shadows an immense map glowed into existence. Ed caught his breath. The edges of the map faded off in obscurity. He saw an infinite web of detailed sections, a network of squares and ruled lines. Each square was marked. Some glowed with a blue light. The lights altered constantly.

  “The Sector Board,” the Old Man said. He sighed wearily. “A staggering job. Sometimes we wonder how we can go on another period. But it must be done. For the good of all. For your good.”

  “The change. In our—our Sector.”

  “Your office deals in real estate. The old Douglas was a shrewd man, but rapidly becoming infirm. His physical health was waning. In a few days Douglas will be offered a chance to purchase a large unimproved forest area in western Canada. It will require most of his assets. The older, less virile Douglas would have hesitated. It is imperative he not hesitate. He must purchase the area and clear the land at once. Only a younger man—a younger Douglas—would undertake this.

  “When the land is cleared, certain anthropological remains will be discovered. They have already been placed there. Douglas will lease his land to the Canadian Government for scientific study. The remains found there will cause international excitement in learned circles.

  “A chain of events will be set in motion. Men from numerous countries will come to Canada to examine the remains. Soviet, Polish, and Czech scientists will make the journey.

  “The chain of events will draw these scientists together for the first time in years. National research will be temporarily forgotten in the excitement of these nonnational disco
veries. One of the leading Soviet scientists will make friends with a Belgian scientist. Before they depart they will agree to correspond—without the knowledge of their governments, of course.

  “The circle will widen. Other scientists on both sides will be drawn in. A society will be founded. More and more educated men will transfer an increasing amount of time to this international society. Purely national research will suffer a slight but extremely critical eclipse. The war tension will somewhat wane.

  “This alteration is vital. And it is dependent on the purchase and clearing of the section of wilderness in Canada. The old Douglas would not have dared take the risk. But the altered Douglas, and his altered, more youthful staff, will pursue this work with wholehearted enthusiasm. And from this, the vital chain of widening events will come about. The benefici-aries will be you. Our methods may seem strange and indirect. Even incomprehensible. But I assure you we know what we're doing.”

  “I know that now,” Ed said.

  “So you do. You know a great deal. Much too much. No element should possess such knowledge. I should perhaps call an adjustment team in here.…”

  A picture formed in Ed's mind: swirling gray clouds, gray men and women. He shuddered. “Look,” he croaked. “I'll do anything. Anything at all. Only don't de-energize me.” Sweat ran down his face. “OK?”

  The Old Man pondered. “Perhaps some alternative could be found. There is another possibility.…”

  “What?” Ed asked eagerly. “What is it?”

  The Old Man spoke slowly, thoughtfully. “If I allow you to return, you will swear never to speak of the matter? Will you swear not to reveal to anyone the things you saw? The things you know?”

  “Sure!” Ed gasped eagerly, blinding relief flooding over him. “I swear!”

  “Your wife. She must know nothing more. She must think it was only a passing psychological fit—retreat from reality.”

  “She thinks that already.”

  “She must continue to.”

  Ed set his jaw firmly.“I'll see that she continues to think it was a mental aberration. She'll never know what really happened.”

  “You are certain you can keep the truth from her?”

  “Sure,” Ed said confidently. “I know I can.”

  “All right.” The Old Man nodded slowly. “I will send you back. But you must tell no one.” He swelled visibly. “Remember: you will eventually come back to me—everyone does, in the end—and your fate will not be enviable.”

  “I won't tell her,” Ed said, sweating. “I promise. You have my word on that. I can handle Ruth. Don't give it a second thought.”

  Ed arrived home at sunset.

  He blinked, dazed from the rapid descent. For a moment he stood on the pavement, regaining his balance and catching his breath. Then he walked quickly up the path.

  He pushed the door open and entered the little green stucco house.

  “Ed!” Ruth came flying, face distorted with tears. She threw her arms around him, hugging him tight. “Where the hell have you been?”

  “Been?” Ed murmured. “At the office, of course.”

  Ruth pulled back abruptly. “No, you haven't.”

  Vague tendrils of alarm plucked at Ed.“Of course I have. Where else—?”

  “I called Douglas about three. He said you left. You walked out, practically as soon as I turned my back. Eddie—”

  Ed patted her nervously. “Take it easy, honey.” He began unbuttoning his coat. “Everything's OK. Understand? Things are perfectly all right.”

  Ruth sat down on the arm of the couch. She blew her nose, dabbing at her eyes. “If you knew how much I've worried.” She put her handkerchief away and folded her arms. “I want to know where you were.”

  Uneasily, Ed hung his coat in the closet. He came over and kissed her. Her lips were ice cold. “I'll tell you all about it. But what do you say we have something to eat? I'm starved.”

  Ruth studied him intently. She got down from the arm of the couch. “I'll change and fix dinner.”

  She hurried into the bedroom and slipped off her shoes and nylons. Ed followed her. “I didn't mean to worry you,” he said carefully. “After you left me today I realized you were right.”

  “Oh?” Ruth unfastened her blouse and skirt, arranging them over a hanger. “Right about what?”

  “About me.” He manufactured a grin and made it glow across his face. “About… what happened.”

  Ruth hung her slip over the hanger. She studied her husband intently as she struggled into her tight-fitting jeans. “Go on.”

  The moment had come. It was now or never. Ed Fletcher braced himself and chose his words carefully. “I realized,” he stated, “that the whole darn thing was in my mind. You were right, Ruth. Completely right. And I even realize what caused it.”

  Ruth rolled her cotton T-shirt down and tucked it in her jeans. “What was the cause?”



  “I need a vacation. I haven't had a vacation in years. My mind isn't on the job. I've been daydreaming.” He said it firmly, but his heart was in his mouth. “I need to get away. To the mountains. Bass fishing. Or—” He searched his mind frantically. “Or—”

  Ruth came toward him ominously.“Ed!” she said sharply.“Look at me!” “What's the matter?” Panic shot through him. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “Where were you this afternoon?”

  Ed's grin faded. “I told you. I went for a walk. Didn't I tell you? A walk. To think things over.”

  “Don't lie to me, Eddie Fletcher! I can tell when you're lying!” Fresh tears welled up in Ruth's eyes. Her breasts rose and fell excitedly under her cotton shirt. “Admit it! You didn't go for a walk!”

  Ed stammered weakly. Sweat poured off him. He sagged helplessly against the door. “What do you mean?”

  Ruth's black eyes flashed with anger. “Come on! I want to know where you were! Tell me! I have a right to know. What really happened?”

  Ed retreated in terror, his resolve melting like wax. It was going all wrong. “Honest. I went out for a—”

  “Tell me!” Ruth's sharp fingernails dug into his arm. “I want to know where you were—and who you were with!”

  Ed opened his mouth. He tried to grin, but his face failed to respond.“I don't know what you mean.”

  “You know what I mean. Who were you with? Where did you go? Tell me! I'll find out sooner or later.”

  There was no way out. He was licked—and he knew it. He couldn't keep it from her. Desperately he stalled, praying for time. If he could only distract her, get her mind on something else. If she would only let up, even for a second. He could invent something—a better story. Time—he needed more time. “Ruth, you've got to—”

  Suddenly there was a sound: the bark of a dog, echoing through the dark house.

  Ruth let go, cocking her head alertly. “That was Dobbie. I think some-body's coming.”

  The doorbell rang.

  “You stay here. I'll be right back.” Ruth ran out of the room, to the front door. “Darn it.” She pulled the front door open.

  “Good evening!” The young man stepped quickly inside, loaded down with objects, grinning broadly at Ruth. “I'm from the Sweep-Rite Vacuum Cleaner Company.”

  Ruth scowled impatiently.“Really, we're about to sit down at the table.”

  “Oh, this will only take a moment.” The young man set down the vacuum cleaner and its attachments with a metallic crash. Rapidly, he unrolled a long illustrated banner, showing the vacuum cleaner in action. “Now, if you'll just hold this while I plug in the cleaner—”

  He bustled happily about, unplugging the TV set, plugging in the cleaner, pushing the chairs out of his way.

  “I'll show you the drape scraper first.” He attached a hose and nozzle to the big gleaming tank. “Now, if you'll just sit down I'll demonstrate each of these easy-to-use attachments.” His happy voice rose over the roar of the cleaner. “You'll notice??

  Ed Fletcher sat down on the bed. He groped in his pocket until he found his cigarettes. Shakily he lit one and leaned back against the wall, weak with relief.

  He gazed up, a look of gratitude on his face. “Thanks,” he said softly. “I think we'll make it—after all. Thanks a lot.”


  School was agony, as always. Only today it was worse. Mike Foster finished weaving his two watertight baskets and sat rigid, while all around him the other children worked. Outside the concrete-and-steel building the late-afternoon sun shone cool. The hills sparkled green and brown in the crisp autumn air. In the overhead sky a few NATS circled lazily above the town.

  The vast, ominous shape of Mrs. Cummings, the teacher, silently approached his desk. “Foster, are you finished?”

  “Yes, ma'am,” he answered eagerly. He pushed the baskets up. “Can I leave now?”

  Mrs. Cummings examined his baskets critically. “What about your trap-making?” she demanded.

  He fumbled in his desk and brought out his intricate small-animal trap. “All finished, Mrs. Cummings. And my knife, it's done, too.” He showed her the razor-edged blade of his knife, glittering metal he had shaped from a discarded gasoline drum. She picked up the knife and ran her expert finger doubtfully along the blade.

  “Not strong enough,” she stated. “You've oversharpened it. It'll lose its edge the first time you use it. Go down to the main weapons-lab and examine the knives they've got there. Then hone it back some and get a thicker blade.”

  “Mrs. Cummings,” Mike Foster pleaded,“could I fix it tomorrow? Could I leave right now, please?”

  Everybody in the classroom was watching with interest. Mike Foster flushed; he hated to be singled out and made conspicuous, but he had to get away. He couldn't stay in school one minute more.

  Inexorable, Mrs. Cummings rumbled, “Tomorrow is digging day. You won't have time to work on your knife.”

  “I will,” he assured her quickly. “After the digging.”

  “No, you're not too good at digging.” The old woman was measuring the boy's spindly arms and legs. “I think you better get your knife finished today. And spend all day tomorrow down at the field.”