Page 10 of The Soldati Prince

  "Yeah?" Riley looked up at Khalon and the amusement evident in his sparkling green eyes.

  "You are thinking far too much. Close your eyes and give yourself to me." The low husky order sent a shiver up Riley's spine and he nodded, allowing himself to think of nothing but Khalon and the slow deep thrusts that had Riley gasping for breath.

  Riley's brow beaded with sweat, his skin was hot and flushed as Khalon's movements became a little quicker, his breath more ragged. It was clear he was trying his best to go slow. Riley wrapped his legs around Khalon's waist, his voice hushed in Khalon's ear.

  "Give yourself to me."

  Khalon smiled, a sexy crooked grin that went straight to Riley's painfully hard dick. He pulled out of Riley and got on his knees. He twirled his finger and Riley did as he was asked. He turned onto his stomach and got on his knees, his head on the pillow. Riley expected Khalon to plunge inside him. Instead Riley let out a surprised gasp when Khalon began making a meal out of him. He cursed under his breath and grabbed fistfuls of the bedsheet. Moving one hand to his dick, he stroked himself, his moans and cursing seeming to urge Khalon on. Khalon soon replaced his mouth with his thick, hard length and Riley groaned as Khalon pushed himself in deep.

  "Please." Riley wasn't above begging. He needed to feel Khalon's release. Needed to feel Khalon claim all of him.

  "Are you ready?" Khalon asked. Riley nodded. In order for the claim to be complete, they would have to fully give themselves to each other. Heart, body, and soul, united through Khalon's Soldati blood.

  Khalon gave Riley what he wanted, driving himself into Riley with deep, powerful thrusts that made the bed tremble beneath them. He dug his fingers into Riley's flesh and the sound of skin slapping against skin was glorious. Riley kept up with Khalon's pace, moving his hand faster as Khalon's thrusts began to lose their rhythm. The bands on Riley's arms spun furiously as the patterns of his markings danced and shifted.

  Khalon folded himself over Riley, changing his angle and biting down on the flesh between Riley's neck and shoulder. A blinding pain shot through Riley and he couldn't help the strangled cry that tore from him as Khalon's fangs pierced his skin, sinking into him, and transferring his blood into Riley. The searing heat caused by Khalon's blood seeping into him lasted mere seconds. Riley's orgasm exploded through him and the white light inside him flared out through his body, igniting the room like a lightning strike. He came hard, his limbs shaking from the force of his release and the knowledge he had been claimed. Khalon soon followed, his heat filling Riley as his fangs retreated, his cry drowned out by the roar of his inner light being released into the room, the thunderous sound fading only when Khalon collapsed onto the bed beside Riley. The white light in the room faded until only the warm glow of the wall sconces remained.

  Riley turned with a satiated smile, and snuggled up close to Khalon when he remembered the bite. Gingerly he placed his fingers to his shoulder, stunned to find the wound already healed. Khalon wrapped his strong arms around Riley, kissing his lips before they were both forced to come up for air. Riley smiled up at Khalon.

  "Wow. That was... impressive."

  Khalon chuckled. "It was rather exhilarating wasn't it?" He planted a kiss on the tip of Riley's nose. "My prince has quite a wicked streak."

  "Admit it, you like that about me." Riley nipped at Khalon's jaw, loving the low growl Khalon released.

  With a playful roar, Khalon grabbed hold of Riley and rolled him onto his back. He nipped at Riley's neck before moving his lips onto Riley's for a long, deep kiss. When he pulled back, he smiled warmly down at him.

  "There is much to like, my prince. You've been in my life for such a short time, yet you've changed it so much."

  "So what happens now?"

  "Now you search your heart. I have claimed my prince, and in return, you have laid claim to my heart. Close your eyes and listen."

  Riley did as he was asked. He wasn't sure what he was listening out for, but he listened. He could hear the water flowing in a nearby fountain somewhere outside the bedroom window in the garden below. Birds chirped and crickets came out to play now that nightfall had come. All of Riley's senses were heightened and he felt everything. From the gentle breeze against his skin as it drifted in past the curtains to Khalon's heart beating in his chest. He could feel the white light inside Khalon, his soul. They were connected. Whatever Khalon felt, Riley felt. Wait. Does that mean.... Riley's eyes flew open.

  "Can you feel me? I mean, if something happens to me, can you feel it?"

  Khalon placed Riley's hand to his lips for a kiss. "We are one." Khalon took Riley's finger and he watched, mesmerized, as Khalon put the tip to one of his now-elongated sharp fangs. Gently he pushed Riley's finger until he drew blood, causing Riley to suck in a sharp breath at the same moment Khalon winced. "We are connected. Your pain becomes my pain. My pain becomes yours."

  Riley worried his bottom lip. "What if I'm not strong enough? I don't want you to feel pain because I can't handle it."

  "Fear not, my prince. I shall train you, show you the ways of the Soldati." He brought his hand to Riley's heart. "Great strength lies in you. We've only to bring it to the surface."

  God, Riley hoped Khalon was right. A thought occurred to him and he scrambled out of bed.

  "Can you show me?"

  Khalon sat up and chuckled. "You would like to shift?"

  "Yes!" Riley was so excited he was practically bouncing.

  Khalon laughed as he got out of bed. He grabbed Riley's pants and tossed them at him. Quickly Riley pulled them on as Khalon stepped into his own black trousers. He held his hand out to Riley. "Come. Shifting is for outdoors."

  Riley took his hand and they sneaked out of what was now his and Khalon's bedchamber. They hurried down the stone corridor awash in the warm glow of wall sconces until they reached a heavy arched doorway that led to a winding stone staircase. On the other side of a set of heavy doors, they stepped into the night and a huge gorgeous garden. Khalon released his hand and took a few steps away.

  "Now shift."

  Riley arched an eyebrow at him. "If I knew how, I wouldn't be asking."

  "Riley, you are thinking as a human. Simply tell yourself you wish to change and you will."

  It couldn't be that easy, could it? "Okay." Riley thought it, and next thing he knew, he was flopping onto his side, willing his huge paws to cooperate.

  I'm a tiger!

  And a stunning one at that. Look at your golden fur. Khalon nuzzled his head against Riley's. You are the most beautiful creature I have ever laid eyes on. The kingdom will be enchanted with you. You are the only one of your kind.

  There are no golden tigers in the Soldati kingdom?

  Only you. You are indeed our prince.

  Riley had never felt more exhilarated in his life, or more unbalanced. Why wouldn't his paws do as they were asked? Damn furry things. Wrinkling his nose, he tried something else. He extended his claws and opened his mouth to express his pleasure at doing something right, except a happy chuff came out instead of words. Right. No outside voice. Turning his head, he eyed his butt and the long heavy tail attached to it. He noticed his coloring. He was more gold than orange.

  This is so weird.

  Khalon's soft laugh was clear in Riley's head. You'll grow accustomed to it.

  Strange didn't begin to cover it. But the more Riley did it, the easier it became. All he had to do was will it, and it happened. Of course changing was one thing; getting his new body to do what he wanted was something else altogether. It was like learning to walk for the first time.

  Khalon shifted back into his human form and Riley willed his body to shift his body mass and bones, morphing back into his human self. Khalon reached down and helped him to his feet, pulling a little harder than intended so Riley ended up against him. A wicked smile came onto Khalon's lips and Riley's stomach filled with butterflies. He leaned in and nipped at Riley's bare shoulder.

  "I look forward to claiming you each and ev
ery night, my prince. Every night, every day...." He placed a kiss to Riley's neck, sending a shiver through him. "In my study. In the gardens." He walked Riley toward the castle, caressing Riley's skin.

  "I look forward to being claimed," Riley murmured before he ran his tongue up Khalon's jaw, allowing himself to be led back inside and up the stairs.

  In the bedroom Khalon lifted him off his feet, making him laugh. He dropped Riley onto the bed and climbed over him, kissing him passionately.

  A huge glowing orb caught Riley's attention and he pulled his mouth from Khalon's. "Um, Khalon? There's a gold orb thing floating behind you."

  Khalon cursed under his breath and turned. That couldn't be good.

  "What is it?"

  "It's the Eye." Khalon released a heavy sigh. "It sees all. It also informs us of demons slipping into the human world."

  Riley stared at the strange orb. "So it's kind of like an alarm system?"

  "A little more complex than that, but yes. It informs us when humans are in danger and lets us know where the attack will take place. It's how we found you."

  "So what now?"

  "Now--" Khalon got up and stretched his long, muscular body much like the tiger dormant inside him. "I'm afraid I must leave you." He kissed Riley's lips before heading for the wardrobe.

  "Leave? Wait, you're going after those things?" Riley climbed out of bed and grabbed his shirt off the floor, quickly slipping into it.

  "That is what we do, Riley. We protect against the demons." Khalon opened his wardrobe and began removing clothes from it.

  "Then I'm coming with you."

  "No." Khalon tossed his clothes onto the chair and crossed the room to draw Riley into his arms. "You have yet to grow accustomed to your new Soldati body. Your limbs are still uncooperative and your focus undisciplined. Please, I cannot allow you to face this danger until you are ready. It could be perilous for the both of us. You know I speak the truth."

  Riley wrinkled his nose. Khalon was right. Didn't mean he had to like it, though. Was he supposed to just sit here while Khalon faced those foul things without him? They'd only just gotten each other back. He wanted desperately to help but he didn't want to put anyone in danger, which was what would happen if Khalon had to be worrying about his safety while trying to take down a bunch of demons.

  "Stay here," Khalon said softly, delivering a feathery kiss to Riley's temple. "Explore the castle, get to know the court. I will assign guards to accompany you."

  "Can Toka come with me?"

  Khalon looked surprised by the request. "If it would please you."

  "I like talking to him." He also had a feeling Toka knew what it felt like to watch someone he cared about walk off to battle.

  Khalon's smile reached his eyes. "Then all the more. Now dress. I would like for you to see me off."

  Riley nodded. He quickly got dressed in his princely garb, which was another thing that would take getting used to. It was a lot more leather than he usually--ever--wore. He finished lacing up his boots, then took Khalon's hand. He paused at the door long enough to take a deep steady breath.

  "They will love you. Simply be yourself." Khalon kissed his cheek and they left the room.

  As they walked hand in hand down the castle corridor, everyone bowed as they walked by. It was the strangest thing. Usually when Riley walked down the street it was like he was invisible. There were times when he'd had so many people bump into him he felt like a bumper car at the fair. Now everyone bowed and addressed him as His Highness. They looked at him like he was some kind of rare and mythical creature.

  Outside the front gate, Rayner, Adira, and Ezra waited along with what seemed like everyone on the castle grounds. Khalon's warriors all knelt the moment they saw Riley. With a proud smile, Khalon turned to Riley and pulled him close. He leaned in to whisper in his ear.

  "They care greatly for you, as do I." He wrapped an arm around Riley, a wicked smile on his face before he kissed Riley to the sounds of cheers and catcalls. When Riley was all but out of breath, Khalon pulled away. "A little something to keep me in your thoughts until I return."

  "Bastard," Riley said through a shaky laugh, the rest of the crowd joining him. He put his hand to Khalon's cheek, telling himself he'd be joining Khalon soon enough. "Be safe."

  Khalon turned his face to kiss Riley's palm. "I shall." With a wink he turned and motioned for his warriors to follow. With a wave of his hand, Khalon stepped forward and disappeared, the others swiftly following.

  Riley inhaled sharply at the sudden sense of loss. He put his hand to his heart and rubbed at his chest. He didn't like that feeling one bit. Toka stepped up beside him and Riley spoke so only Toka would hear him. "Does it ever stop feeling so horrible?"

  Toka shook his head sadly, his eyes on the spot where Rayner had disappeared. "He takes my heart with him every time he goes off to battle, leaving me hollow until his return."

  Maybe when Khalon returned, Riley would talk to him about Rayner and Toka. If Khalon was willing to accept being with a human, maybe he wouldn't be so against a Soldati being with a servant.

  As Riley stood there, the breeze sweeping through his hair and before him a magical realm he wouldn't have been able to conjure up even in the greatest depths of his imagination, he felt a warm, loving glow spread through him. His arm itched and he looked down at it, smiling when the bands and the patterns of his mark began to move.

  "He's thinking of you," Toka said with a warm smile.

  Riley's heart swelled and he hoped Khalon could feel Riley thinking about him as well. He turned to face his people, all of whom had waited centuries for his arrival. Riley had no intention of letting them or Khalon down. There was so much to do and get used to. There was his warrior training, his tiger training, and a coronation to prepare for, not to mention finding a way to tell his mom about his new boyfriend/mate without the whole moving to another realm to live as a tiger shifter prince part. That should prove interesting.

  His life as barista Riley Murrough might be over, but his life as Prince of the Soldati was just beginning. With a confident stride and a wide smile, Riley headed toward the castle's main doors and the beginning of his new life. It looked like he had finally found his calling. Who knew it would be as a warrior prince? For the first time in his life, he felt like he belonged. This was who he was meant to be, and he was going to rock it.

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