Page 7 of The Soldati Prince

  A foxling bark nearby had him moving swiftly, and he pushed through the curtain, mindful not to break any of the vines. He ran into something soft.

  "Hey," Riley hissed quietly. "This is my hiding spot."

  Khalon didn't budge. "This is the only place big enough where my scent will be masked."

  "Crap, I forgot. They can sniff us out. Wait, you said your scent will be masked. How?"

  Khalon pointed at the tiny white blossoms sprinkled about the ivy. "These flowers will mask our scent."

  Riley opened his mouth and Khalon threw an arm around him, bringing him up close against him, clamping his free hand down over Riley's lips as he shushed him. One of the foxlings was nearby. They stilled and Khalon listened, his sharp hearing catching the sound of the tiny foxling's paws hitting the grass as she pounced through the garden.

  Khalon was aware of more than the foxling's steps, like Riley's hand on his chest, the other covering Khalon's where he'd meant to remove it from his face. Khalon's thigh was between Riley's legs and Riley was all but riding him, their bodies pressed up against each other. Riley was unaware of their proximity until the foxling moved on and Khalon found himself staring down into gold-green eyes. He slowly moved his hand away from Riley's mouth, but not before his fingers brushed Riley's soft bottom lip as he pulled back.

  "Are they, um, gone?" Riley asked, sounding breathless. His pupils were dilated and Khalon could feel Riley's pulse quicken. His scent changed, his arousal evident in the hard bulge pressing into Khalon's thigh. As if realizing his response, Riley parted his plump lips, and Khalon could no longer resist.

  Khalon lay siege to Riley's mouth, slipping his tongue between those luscious lips. Heat flared through Khalon, threatening to set him ablaze. He wanted to devour Riley, to tear off his clothes, and have him submit. He wanted to sink his hard shaft deep inside the beautiful creature in his arms, to part his supple cheeks and bury himself to the hilt. Khalon groaned, kneading the tight globes of Riley's ass cheeks with his fingers. In his arms Riley whimpered and rutted against him, his body trembling with his desire. Khalon's fingers turned to claws and his canines elongated as he moved his mouth to Riley's neck. His heart begged him to do it, to claim the mate he'd waited so long for.

  "I found them!"

  Khalon spun on instinct, tucking Riley behind him and baring his fangs, his heart pounding fiercely. Thankfully the foxling child was busy squealing with excitement with the approaching children at having found them. Behind him Riley let his head fall against Khalon's back, his hand wrapped around Khalon's wrist.

  "I thought foxes were quiet."

  Khalon chuckled. The foxling children crowded the alcove entrance and Khalon tenderly shooed them. "All right, back to the square. Let's repose for a moment. Then we'll all go for a run in our feral forms."

  Riley cleared his throat and Khalon felt himself flush. "Oh, well, in Riley's case, perhaps he can run with us in his human form. Go on now."

  The foxlings cheered and took off. Once they were gone, Khalon stepped out. He held out his hand for Riley and helped him through the curtain.

  "Why did you send them away?" Riley asked. "I'm not tired."

  "No," Khalon agreed, stepping up to Riley, his voice husky as he spoke. "But you look deliciously disheveled, as if you'd been ravished by a lustful beast." Riley's cheeks flushed beet red, his mouth hanging open. Khalon couldn't help but chuckle. He kissed Riley's cheek. "You are adorable."

  Riley let out a huff and straightened his clothes before holding his head high and walking off. Khalon followed, enjoying the view very much. Hide and seek was quickly becoming his favorite sport.

  The rest of the day went swiftly, with Khalon and Riley playing with the foxlings until Riley was too tired to stay upright. Flora and Lasa decided to have dinner in the garden so Rayner, Adira, and Ezra could join in as well. Riley had eaten his weight in potatoes and currently sat snoring softly against Khalon's shoulder.

  "It would seem the foxlings have exhausted him," Flora said as she leaned into her mate with a sigh. The two were taken with Riley and enjoyed feeding him at every opportunity. Riley happily obliged, stating he didn't want to be rude by rejecting their succulent dinners. More like he couldn't get enough of all the food and attention. Riley seemed to thrive on both. That and coffee.

  Khalon glanced down at Riley, smiling warmly at his slumbering face. "I fear those foxlings would tire the most steadfast of Soldati." He wrapped an arm around Riley and lifted him to his feet as he stood. "Come, young Riley, it's time for bed."

  "Just one more chapter," Riley mumbled, his voice laced with sleep. He didn't even open his eyes.

  "Chapter?" Lasa asked, bemused.

  Rayner chuckled. "It appears our prince has a habit of falling asleep with a book in his hand, much like a certain king."

  Khalon let out a haughty sniff. "I don't know what you're talking about. I am nothing but the paragon of kingliness." They all laughed and Khalon dismissed them with a wave of his hand. "You all are spending far too much time around Rayner. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm taking Riley to bed with me."

  Flora and Lasa giggled and Rayner let out a bark of laughter while Adira and Ezra gaped at him.

  Khalon realized his faux pas. Honestly they were worse than foxling children. "I meant taking him to bed along with me. I'm going to bed. He'll be in his own bed. You know what, Rayner--"

  "Shut up? Yes, I know," Rayner said with a laugh.


  Khalon managed to rouse Riley enough to get him to walk, though his eyes remained closed and he leaned into Khalon, an arm wrapped around Khalon's waist. With a grunt Khalon tucked Riley under his arm as they walked. It wasn't far to Flora and Lasa's cottage. Tinia was staying two doors down with relatives while her mothers borrowed her bedroom after insisting Riley take theirs. Khalon had mostly kept watch, napping in intervals as he watched over Riley. He would have to sleep elsewhere tonight.

  "Today was nice," Riley said, his contented sigh making Khalon smile.

  "It was," Khalon admitted quietly. It was easy to forget the real reason behind their village retreat. If he wasn't careful, he could fool himself into believing he had whisked his prince away for a few days of recreation. How long had it been since he took time away from hunting demons? He couldn't even recall. His court was exceptional at taking care of his kingdom while he was on the hunt with his warriors, and with no prince to come home to, it was easy to stay away. Fighting made him forget the emptiness in his heart. It kept him from the reminder he was only half of a whole.

  With Riley pressed up warm against his side, it was the first time he felt reluctant to leave. As they reached the cottage and Khalon opened the door for them, he paused, his heart aching. This was only an illusion. He was yet incomplete, and Riley was not his prince.

  "You okay?"

  Khalon looked down at Riley, his eyes now appearing more gold than green. "How do your eyes do that? Appear as if they change color."

  Riley shrugged before letting out a yawn. "Lighting, I guess."

  "I guess."

  Khalon smiled softly then ushered Riley indoors. He didn't know why he followed Riley into the bedroom. As if he might get lost along the short walk through the cottage. He stopped inside the doorway of the cozy room peppered with floral patterns and gossamer curtains. It was light and romantic.

  "Well," Khalon began somewhat awkwardly, "good night." He pointed behind him. "I'll be in the sitting room, should you need me." Good heavens, what was the matter with him? He turned and quickly left the room before he did something he'd truly regret. Riley was going home and that was the end of that. Why was he bloody pacing? More importantly, why were his thoughts suddenly consumed by Riley? All Khalon could think about was the taste of Riley's soft lips, the feel of his supple body against Khalon's, his hands on Khalon. Blasted hell!

  Khalon marched toward the bedroom. He had to put an end to this once and for all. They were not meant to be. Riley was a reasonable man. He woul
d understand. What happened today in the alcove could not happen again.

  "Riley, I must--" Khalon came to an abrupt halt inside the doorway, his gaze transfixed on the curves of Riley's sinewy figure. Sweet merciful heaven! Riley was beautiful.

  Unlike the Soldati, who were all great in stature with thick, muscular frames befitting warriors, Riley was sleek, his muscles subtly defined and smooth as if he were carved from pristine marble. His shoulders tapered into a slim waist Khalon could easily wrap his large hands around, and his spine curved in the most delicious way before rounding in a pert backside. He stood in only his snug black trousers, his chest and feet bare. His golden-blond hair fell roguishly over one side of his brow. Khalon had never seen such a stunning creature.

  Riley darted his pink tongue out to lick his bottom lip and he bashfully rubbed a hand up his arm, as if the gesture might somehow shield his nakedness from Khalon.

  "I.... Forgive me." Khalon spun on his heels to leave when Riley caught his arm.

  "Wait! Please."

  Despite the warning in his head, he remained still. "I shouldn't be in here with you like this. It's not proper."

  "What did you come to tell me?"

  Khalon tried his best to avert his gaze but he could feel the heat coming off Riley. The pull to take him, claim him was growing fiercely. This was a perilous situation they found themselves in. If Khalon wasn't careful....


  Khalon made the grave error of meeting Riley's gaze. His pupils were dilated, the black almost taking over and leaving a sliver of green-gold because now they were more green than gold. They were stunning. Everything about Riley was exquisite. What had he come here to say? Riley's eyes widened slightly and he put his hand to Khalon's chest.

  "I can hear it."

  "What?" Khalon's voice was low and gruff. Riley's touch burned through his clothes to his skin.

  "Your heartbeat." Riley snapped his head up, his smile lighting up his face. "I can hear your heart. It's incredible."

  Khalon pushed Riley into the doorway with a feral growl. He crushed his lips over Riley's, groaning at the whimper he let out as he opened his mouth to Khalon. Their tongues tangled and Khalon pressed his thigh to Riley's erection, exploring Riley's skin with his hands. Fire burned through Khalon and he moved his lips to Riley's neck, where he sucked, licked, and nipped at his soft skin. He slipped his fingers into Riley's feathery locks, taking fistfuls of it. Riley moaned, arching his back up as he pressed himself into Khalon as much as he could.

  Riley's bare shoulder called to him and Khalon felt his canines elongate. He licked the skin when the tribal markings under Khalon's clothing shifted, the bands on his wrists spinning in anticipation. With a gasp Khalon tore away from Riley.

  "I'm sorry," Khalon said roughly. Riley looked puzzled. His lips were pink and swollen from Khalon's kisses, his chest rose and fell with rapid breaths, his skin flushed a wonderful shade of pink. He looked decadently ravished. Khalon stepped out of Riley's reach. "Forgive me, I came to say we shouldn't indulge in such acts, and here I go betraying my own judgment."

  "Oh." Riley's disappointment squeezed at Khalon's heart. "Because I'm leaving?"

  Khalon nodded.

  "I don't suppose you.... You could ask me to stay," Riley said hopefully. The words made Khalon foolishly happy and simultaneously wretched. Riley had given him the opportunity to save them both from further heartache, and Khalon would make use of it.

  "I won't be doing that," he replied gruffly. He straightened, his expression hard and his tone intentionally cold. "Do you know why I'm protecting you from the demons?"

  Riley swallowed hard. He shook his head.

  "To protect myself. If you were to be killed, I would be left weak and vulnerable. The demons would slaughter me next. That's why I protect you. Self-preservation. I cannot afford to keep you. You are weak, and my life would be in constant danger."

  Riley flinched as if he'd been struck. "I know you feel something more than that."

  "What I feel is the mark causing me to believe I care. No other reason. I am king of the Soldati. I could never be mated with such a frail and weak creature. You have nothing to offer, Riley Murrough. At most you are a pretty distraction."

  Riley nodded, his voice almost a whisper when he spoke. "Right. Got it. Thanks for clarifying."

  When he turned and walked off into the room, he took Khalon's heart with him. A considerable amount of effort was required on his part not to follow. He could sense Riley's heartache, the overwhelming despair and feeling of inadequacy. It was clear even in the human world, Riley struggled with confidence, and Khalon had callously used it to his advantage.

  Khalon walked into the sitting room and shifted into his tiger form, curling up in front of the fireplace. He concealed his face beneath his large paws in an attempt not to hear Riley's quiet sobs. He consoled himself with the knowledge that once the priestess removed his mark from Riley and sent him back to his world with no memory of Khalon, his heart would once again be mended.

  If only the same could be said of Khalon's own heart.

  Chapter Nine

  IT WAS kind of sad and pathetic, but Riley was happy.

  Despite Khalon's harsh words to him, Riley wasn't pissed off at Khalon. How could he be? Okay, maybe he was a little bit pissed, but Khalon had every right not to want to keep Riley around. Everything he said was true. Riley had nothing to offer Khalon but possible death. Who would want that? So Riley went to Khalon the next morning and told him he understood. Khalon was visibly surprised, even more so when Riley asked if they could be friends while he was around. To Riley's relief, Khalon accepted.

  It was almost two weeks since that night, and maybe it was selfish on his part, but he was secretly glad the captain and his warriors had needed more time to clear the way for them. In those two weeks, Riley spent almost every moment of every day, from early morning to late evening, with Khalon. As friends, of course. Setting that boundary helped ease the tension.

  The two of them helped around the village, where Riley learned how to plant seeds, harvest vegetables, and gut and clean fish, among other things. Rayner was teaching Riley how to fight with a sword despite Khalon's disapproval. He was afraid Riley might hurt himself, but actually Rayner said he was doing exceptionally well for a human. Apparently Soldati warriors learned swordplay by the time they were old enough to walk.

  When Riley wasn't sparring, he and Khalon spent time with the foxling children, playing and learning from them. Well, Riley was learning. He learned about all the different types of foxlings and how the Soldati kingdom was also home to lynx shifters, wolf shifters, ocelots, margay, and leopard cat shifters. Khalon and Riley ate together, went for walks, and Riley told him about growing up an only child to a single mom. How despite her busy work schedule, she always made time for him, how they'd had fun together, and her current adventures as she traveled the globe via cruise ship. He told Khalon about his brief career as a freelance artist. How designing corporate banners and brochures slowly ate away at his soul, so he stopped. No matter what he did, he just couldn't seem to find his calling.

  The morning was spent like any other, with Riley and Khalon helping the villagers with their tasks and chores. After lunch Riley and Khalon walked around the village with Rayner, Adira, and Ezra. Khalon stopped, lifting his handsome face to the sky.

  "I think we should chance spreading the ward and exploring the woods," he suggested.

  The others nodded and Riley stepped back as the four shifted into their tiger forms. He still wasn't used to that. It was impressive, the four of them looking even more regal. They let out fierce roars and a white light beamed up through their mouths into the sky. For the first time, Riley could see the ward. There was a subtle gleam to it, like glass that was so clean if you weren't careful, you'd run into it. The barrier expanded, inching outward slowly. It spread far into the woods. Shortly after Khalon shifted back to human form.

  "Adira, you and Ezra remain in your t
iger form. Rayner, you and I will explore in our human form."

  "What about me?" Riley asked, looking from Khalon to Rayner and back.

  "You stay here."

  Riley frowned. "Why? The space is warded, right?"

  "If there's any danger, I want you safely indoors."

  Riley narrowed his eyes. "But any demons that would have come in contact with the ward when you spread it would have disintegrated."

  Rayner turned his face away in a clear attempt to hide his smile.

  "Fine," Khalon grumbled. He spun on his heels and stormed off toward the woods. Adira and Ezra pranced off with happy chuffs, seeming delighted by the expanse of woods they had to run in. Soldati weren't fond of being confined to one area, no matter how spacious the village might be.

  Riley followed Rayner into the woods, keeping his distance from Khalon. As beautiful as the village was, being in the woods was refreshing. It was a warm, sunny day, and Riley tried his hardest not to stare at Khalon's bare arms beneath his short-sleeved tunic. Riley wasn't wearing his flouncy-sleeved shirt either, but his arms were hardly as impressive as Khalon's, even with the tattoos around his wrist and arm. For the next few hours, they explored the woods around the village and luckily found nothing more dangerous than nature itself.

  Up ahead a colossal fallen tree blocked their path. Khalon climbed the huge branches with incredible grace, leaping up to the top before disappearing over the other side. Adira and Ezra did the same, leaping from branch to branch until they were up and over.

  "Um...." How was he supposed to get up there? He could climb the branches, but the highest branch was way too far from the top of the trunk for Riley to jump.

  Rayner landed at the top, and for a moment Riley thought he'd be left behind. Instead Rayner turned and got onto his stomach. He reached down, a wide smile on his handsome face.

  "Use the branches to climb up, then take my hand. I'll pull you the rest of the way up."